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BibTeX support for Rubber
This module is a special one: it is triggered by the macros \bibliography and
\bibliographystyle and not as a package, so the main system knows about it.
The module provides the following commands:
= adds to the search path for databases
stylepath = adds to the search path for styles
iÿÿÿÿ( t
generatorsN( t *( t _t msg( t TexModules \\bibdata{(?P.*)}s \\citation{(?P.*)}s4 LaTeX Warning: Citation `(?P.*)' .*undefined.*s= ---(line (?P[0-9]+) of|while reading) file (?P.*)t BibTexc B s¡ e Z d Z d d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z
d „ Z d „ Z d
„ Z
d „ Z d „ Z d
„ Z d „ Z d „ Z d „ Z RS( sÀ
This class is the module that handles BibTeX in Rubber. It provides the
funcionality required when compiling documents as well as material to
parse blg files for diagnostics.
c C s¼ | | _ | j | _ | s* | j | _ n | | _ | j d | _ | j d | _ | j d | _ g | _ g | _ d | _
d | _ d | _ | j
d ƒ i | _ d | _ d | _ d S( sî
Initialize the state of the module and register appropriate functions
in the main process. The extra arugment 'base' can be used to specify
the base name of the aux file, it defaults to the document name.
s .bbls .blgs .auxt plaini i N( t doct envt src_baset baset bblfilet blgfilet auxfilet bib_patht bst_patht Nonet undef_citest
used_citest stylet set_stylet dbt sortedt
run_needed( t selfR t dictR
( ( sB /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbtexmf/dblatex/grubber/bibtex.pyt __init__- s"
c C s | j j | j j | ƒ ƒ d S( N( R t appendR t abspath( R t path( ( sB /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbtexmf/dblatex/grubber/bibtex.pyt do_pathU s c C s | j j | j j | ƒ ƒ d S( N( R R R R ( R R ( ( sB /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbtexmf/dblatex/grubber/bibtex.pyt do_stylepathX s c C s | d k | _ d S( Nt truet yest 1( R R! R" ( R ( R t mode( ( sB /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbtexmf/dblatex/grubber/bibtex.pyt do_sorted[ s c C sw xp | j D]e } t | | d ƒ } t | ƒ r
| | j |