U Ã;rcjã @sÚdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdddgZGdd„deƒZddd „Z dd d „Z dd d „Z ddd„Z dd„Z zddlZejejfWnBeefk rÐz ddlZWnek rÆe ZYnXe ZYnXe ZdS)a‡Utilities to get a password and/or the current user name. getpass(prompt[, stream]) - Prompt for a password, with echo turned off. getuser() - Get the user name from the environment or password database. GetPassWarning - This UserWarning is issued when getpass() cannot prevent echoing of the password contents while reading. On Windows, the msvcrt module will be used. éNÚgetpassÚgetuserÚGetPassWarningc@s eZdZdS)rN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__©rrú/usr/lib/python3.8/getpass.pyrsú Password: c CsÀd}t ¡¨}zJt dtjtjB¡}t |d¡}| |¡t  |¡}| |¡|sX|}Wnpt k rÊ}zR|  ¡zt j  ¡}Wn&ttfk r¨d}t||ƒ}YnXt j }|sºt j}W5d}~XYnX|dk rœz„t |¡}|dd…} | dtjM<tj} ttdƒr| tjO} z t || | ¡t|||d}W5t || |¡| ¡XWn@tjk rš|dk rz‚||k rŒ|  ¡t||ƒ}YnX| d¡|W5QR£SQRXdS)aPrompt for a password, with echo turned off. Args: prompt: Written on stream to ask for the input. Default: 'Password: ' stream: A writable file object to display the prompt. Defaults to the tty. If no tty is available defaults to sys.stderr. Returns: The seKr3t input. Raises: EOFError: If our input tty or stdin was closed. GetPassWarning: When we were unable to turn echo off on the input. Always restores terminal settings before returning. Nz/dev/ttyzw+éÚTCSASOFT)ÚinputÚ )Ú contextlibÚ ExitStackÚosÚopenÚO_RDWRÚO_NOCTTYÚioÚFileIOÚ enter_contextÚ TextIOWrapperÚOSErrorÚcloseÚsysÚstdinÚfilenoÚAttributeErrorÚ ValueErrorÚfallback_getpassÚstderrÚtermiosÚ tcgetattrZECHOZ TCSAFLUSHÚhasattrr Ú tcsetattrÚflushÚ _raw_inputÚerrorÚwrite) ÚpromptÚstreamZpasswdÚstackÚfdZttyr ÚeÚoldÚnewZtcsetattr_flagsrrr Ú unix_getpasssR             r1cCsŒtjtjk rt||ƒS|D]}t |¡qd}t ¡}|dkst|dkrHqt|dkrTt‚|dkrj|dd…}q.||}q.t d¡t d¡|S)z9Prompt for password with echo off, using Windows getch().Úú rúúNéÿÿÿÿ)rrÚ __stdin__r ÚmsvcrtZputwchZgetwchÚKeyboardInterrupt)r*r+ÚcZpwrrr Ú win_getpassas       r;cCs0tjdtdd|stj}td|dt||ƒS)Nz%Can not control echo on the terminal.é)Ú stacklevelz&Warning: Password input may be echoed.)Úfile)ÚwarningsÚwarnrrr!Úprintr')r*r+rrr r xsÿ r r2cCsœ|s tj}|stj}t|ƒ}|rpz| |¡Wn8tk rf| |jd¡}| |j¡}| |¡YnX|  ¡|  ¡}|s€t ‚|ddkr˜|dd…}|S)NÚreplacer6r) rr!rÚstrr)ÚUnicodeEncodeErrorÚencodeÚencodingÚdecoder&ÚreadlineÚEOFError)r*r+r Úlinerrr r's&   r'cCs<dD]}tj |¡}|r|Sqddl}| t ¡¡dS)zÂGet the username from the environment or password database. First try various environment variables, then the password database. This works on Windows as long as USERNAME is set. )ZLOGNAMEZUSERZLNAMEZUSERNAMErN)rÚenvironÚgetÚpwdÚgetpwuidÚgetuid)ÚnameÚuserrMrrr ršs   )r N)r N)r N)r2NN)Ú__doc__rrrrr?Ú__all__Ú UserWarningrr1r;r r'rr"r#r%Ú ImportErrorrr8rrrrr Ús,  D