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This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Could not locate '%s'. System error message: %s Input file '%s' is not readable %s: Failed to read file's magic number %s: Not an i386 nor x86-64 ELF file %s: Failed to read ELF header %s: Failed to seek to ELF header %s: Unsupported EI_VERSION: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched input EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched output EI_CLASS: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_machine: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched e_type: %d is not %d %s: Unmatched EI_OSABI: %d is not %d %s: Failed to update ELF header: %s %s: failed to seek to first archive header %s: failed to read archive header %s: long name table is too small, (size = %ld) %s: long name table is too big, (size = 0x%lx) Out of memory reading long symbol names in archive %s: failed to read long symbol name string table %s: invalid archive header size: %ld %s: failed to skip archive symbol table %s: failed to read archive header following archive index Archive member uses long names, but no longname table found Found long name index (%ld) beyond end of long name table Invalid Thin archive member name %s: failed to seek to next file name %s: did not find a valid archive header Usage: %s elffile(s) Update the ELF header of ELF files --input-mach Set input machine type to --output-mach Set output machine type to --input-type Set input file type to --output-type Set output file type to --input-osabi Set input OSABI to --output-osabi Set output OSABI to --enable-x86-feature Enable x86 feature --disable-x86-feature Disable x86 feature -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the version number of %s %s%sout of memory allocating %lu bytes after a total of %lu bytes Abnormal length of thin archive member name: %lx %s: failed to seek to next archive header %s: failed to seek to archive member @QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQmZ;ndZO|||#lpyG?7/LLL!CBBBBQ00000000000000000000000000000000;D'@бh 1,\l  4 88FHHNo  l[o 0j tBhh~ y """"/tRtR `` ppD(r(rx||| }PX`` ( YY