/**************************************************************************** * Core Library Version 1.7, August 2004 * Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Exact Computation Project * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). * * File: BigRat.h * Synopsis: * a wrapper class for mpq from GMP * * Written by * Chee Yap * Chen Li * Zilin Du * * WWW URL: http://cs.nyu.edu/exact/ * Email: exact@cs.nyu.edu * * $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/CGAL_Core/include/CGAL/CORE/BigRat.h $ * $Id: BigRat.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CORE_BIGRAT_H_ #define _CORE_BIGRAT_H_ #include namespace CORE { class BigRatRep : public RCRepImpl { public: BigRatRep() { mpq_init(mp); } // Note : should the copy-ctor be alloed at all ? [Sylvain Pion] BigRatRep(const BigRatRep& z) : RCRepImpl() { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set(mp, z.mp); } BigRatRep(signed char c) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_si(mp, c, 1); } BigRatRep(unsigned char c) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_ui(mp, c, 1); } BigRatRep(signed int i) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_si(mp, i, 1); } BigRatRep(unsigned int i) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_ui(mp, i, 1); } BigRatRep(signed short int s) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_si(mp, s, 1); } BigRatRep(unsigned short int s) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_ui(mp, s, 1); } BigRatRep(signed long int l) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_si(mp, l, 1); } BigRatRep(unsigned long int l) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_ui(mp, l, 1); } BigRatRep(float f) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_d(mp, f); } BigRatRep(double d) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_d(mp, d); } BigRatRep(const char* s) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_str(mp, s, 0); } BigRatRep(const std::string& s) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_str(mp, s.c_str(), 0); } explicit BigRatRep(mpq_srcptr q) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set(mp, q); } BigRatRep(mpz_srcptr z) { mpq_init(mp); mpq_set_z(mp, z); } BigRatRep(mpz_srcptr n, mpz_srcptr d) { mpq_init(mp); mpz_set(mpq_numref(mp), n); mpz_set(mpq_denref(mp), d); mpq_canonicalize(mp); } ~BigRatRep() { mpq_clear(mp); } CGAL_CORE_EXPORT CORE_NEW(BigRatRep) CGAL_CORE_EXPORT CORE_DELETE(BigRatRep) mpq_srcptr get_mp() const { return mp; } mpq_ptr get_mp() { return mp; } private: mpq_t mp; }; //BigRatRep class BigFloat; typedef RCImpl RCBigRat; class BigRat : public RCBigRat { public: /// \name Constructors //@{ /// default constructor BigRat() : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep()) {} /// constructor for signed char BigRat(signed char x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for unsigned char BigRat(unsigned char x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for signed short int BigRat(signed short int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for unsigned short int BigRat(unsigned short int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for signed int BigRat(signed int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for unsigned int BigRat(unsigned int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for signed long int BigRat(signed long int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for unsigned long int BigRat(unsigned long int x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for float BigRat(float x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for double BigRat(double x) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(x)) {} /// constructor for const char* with base BigRat(const char* s) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(s)) {} /// constructor for std::string with base BigRat(const std::string& s) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(s)) {} /// constructor for mpq_srcptr explicit BigRat(mpq_srcptr z) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(z)) {} /// constructor for BigInt BigRat(const BigInt& z) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(z.get_mp())) {} /// constructor for two BigInts BigRat(const BigInt& n, const BigInt& d) : RCBigRat(new BigRatRep(n.get_mp(), d.get_mp())) {} /// constructor for BigFloat BigRat(const BigFloat&); //@} /// \name Copy-Assignment-Destructor //@{ /// copy constructor BigRat(const BigRat& rhs) : RCBigRat(rhs) { rep->incRef(); } /// assignment operator BigRat& operator=(const BigRat& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { rep->decRef(); rep = rhs.rep; rep->incRef(); } return *this; } /// destructor ~BigRat() { rep->decRef(); } //@} /// \name Overloaded operators //@{ BigRat& operator +=(const BigRat& rhs) { makeCopy(); mpq_add(get_mp(), get_mp(), rhs.get_mp()); return *this; } BigRat& operator -=(const BigRat& rhs) { makeCopy(); mpq_sub(get_mp(), get_mp(), rhs.get_mp()); return *this; } BigRat& operator *=(const BigRat& rhs) { makeCopy(); mpq_mul(get_mp(), get_mp(), rhs.get_mp()); return *this; } BigRat& operator /=(const BigRat& rhs) { makeCopy(); mpq_div(get_mp(), get_mp(), rhs.get_mp()); return *this; } BigRat& operator <<=(unsigned long ul) { makeCopy(); mpq_mul_2exp(get_mp(), get_mp(), ul); return *this; } BigRat& operator >>=(unsigned long ul) { makeCopy(); mpq_div_2exp(get_mp(), get_mp(), ul); return *this; } //@} /// \name div2, unary, increment, decrement operators //@{ /// exact division by 2 (this method is provided for compatibility) BigRat div2() const { BigRat r; BigRat t(2); // probably not most efficient way mpq_div(r.get_mp(), get_mp(), t.get_mp()); return r; } BigRat operator+() const { return BigRat(*this); } BigRat operator-() const { BigRat r; mpq_neg(r.get_mp(), get_mp()); return r; } BigRat& operator++() { makeCopy(); mpz_add(get_num_mp(),get_num_mp(),get_den_mp()); return *this; } BigRat& operator--() { makeCopy(); mpz_sub(get_num_mp(),get_num_mp(),get_den_mp()); return *this; } BigRat operator++(int) { BigRat r(*this); ++(*this); return r; } BigRat operator--(int) { BigRat r(*this); --(*this); return r; } //@} /// \name Helper Functions //@{ /// Canonicalize void canonicalize() { makeCopy(); mpq_canonicalize(get_mp()); } /// Has Exact Division static bool hasExactDivision() { return true; } /// return mpz pointer of numerator (const) mpz_srcptr get_num_mp() const { return mpq_numref(get_mp()); } /// return mpz pointer of numerator mpz_ptr get_num_mp() { return mpq_numref(get_mp()); } /// return mpz pointer of denominator mpz_srcptr get_den_mp() const { return mpq_denref(get_mp()); } /// return mpz pointer of denominator mpz_ptr get_den_mp() { return mpq_denref(get_mp()); } /// get mpq pointer (const) mpq_srcptr get_mp() const { return rep->get_mp(); } /// get mpq pointer mpq_ptr get_mp() { return rep->get_mp(); } //@} /// \name String Conversion Functions //@{ /// set value from const char* int set_str(const char* s, int base = 0) { makeCopy(); return mpq_set_str(get_mp(), s, base); } /// convert to std::string std::string get_str(int base = 10) const { int n = mpz_sizeinbase(mpq_numref(get_mp()), base) + mpz_sizeinbase(mpq_denref(get_mp()), base)+ 3; char *buffer = new char[n]; mpq_get_str(buffer, base, get_mp()); std::string result(buffer); delete [] buffer; return result; } //@} /// \name Conversion Functions //@{ /// intValue int intValue() const { return static_cast(doubleValue()); } /// longValue long longValue() const { return static_cast(doubleValue()); } /// doubleValue double doubleValue() const { return mpq_get_d(get_mp()); } /// BigIntValue BigInt BigIntValue() const { BigInt r; mpz_tdiv_q(r.get_mp(), get_num_mp(), get_den_mp()); return r; } //@} }; //BigRat class inline BigRat operator+(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { BigRat r; mpq_add(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), b.get_mp()); return r; } inline BigRat operator-(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { BigRat r; mpq_sub(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), b.get_mp()); return r; } inline BigRat operator*(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { BigRat r; mpq_mul(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), b.get_mp()); return r; } inline BigRat operator/(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { BigRat r; mpq_div(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), b.get_mp()); return r; } // Chee (3/19/2004): // The following definitions of div_exact(x,y) and gcd(x,y) // ensures that in Polynomial /// divisible(x,y) = "x | y" inline BigRat div_exact(const BigRat& x, const BigRat& y) { BigRat z; mpq_div(z.get_mp(), x.get_mp(), y.get_mp()); return z; } /// numerator inline BigInt numerator(const BigRat& a) { return BigInt(a.get_num_mp()); } /// denominator inline BigInt denominator(const BigRat& a) { return BigInt(a.get_den_mp()); } inline BigRat gcd(const BigRat& x, const BigRat& y) { // return BigRat(1); // Remark: we may want replace this by // the definition of gcd of a quotient field // of a UFD [Yap's book, Chap.3] //Here is one possible definition: gcd of x and y is just the //gcd of the numerators of x and y divided by the gcd of the //denominators of x and y. BigInt n = gcd(numerator(x), numerator(y)); BigInt d = gcd(denominator(x), denominator(y)); return BigRat(n,d); } // Chee: 8/8/2004: need isDivisible to compile Polynomial // A trivial implementation is to return true always. But this // caused tPolyRat to fail. // So we follow the definition of // Expr::isDivisible(e1, e2) which checks if e1/e2 is an integer. inline bool isInteger(const BigRat& x) { return BigInt(x.get_den_mp()) == 1; } inline bool isDivisible(const BigRat& x, const BigRat& y) { BigRat r; mpq_div(r.get_mp(), x.get_mp(), y.get_mp()); return isInteger(r); } inline BigRat operator<<(const BigRat& a, unsigned long ul) { BigRat r; mpq_mul_2exp(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), ul); return r; } inline BigRat operator>>(const BigRat& a, unsigned long ul) { BigRat r; mpq_div_2exp(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp(), ul); return r; } inline int cmp(const BigRat& x, const BigRat& y) { return mpq_cmp(x.get_mp(), y.get_mp()); } inline bool operator==(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) == 0; } inline bool operator!=(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) != 0; } inline bool operator>=(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) >= 0; } inline bool operator>(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) > 0; } inline bool operator<=(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) <= 0; } inline bool operator<(const BigRat& a, const BigRat& b) { return cmp(a, b) < 0; } inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const BigRat& x) { //return CORE::operator<<(o, x.get_mp()); return CORE::io_write(o, x.get_mp()); } inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& i, BigRat& x) { x.makeCopy(); //return CORE::operator>>(i, x.get_mp()); return CORE::io_read(i, x.get_mp()); } /// sign inline int sign(const BigRat& a) { return mpq_sgn(a.get_mp()); } /// abs inline BigRat abs(const BigRat& a) { BigRat r; mpq_abs(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp()); return r; } /// neg inline BigRat neg(const BigRat& a) { BigRat r; mpq_neg(r.get_mp(), a.get_mp()); return r; } /// div2 inline BigRat div2(const BigRat& a) { BigRat r(a); return r.div2(); } /// longValue inline long longValue(const BigRat& a) { return a.longValue(); } /// doubleValue inline double doubleValue(const BigRat& a) { return a.doubleValue(); } /// return BigInt value inline BigInt BigIntValue(const BigRat& a) { return a.BigIntValue(); } } //namespace CORE #endif // _CORE_BIGRAT_H_