// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Number_types/include/CGAL/CORE_BigInt.h $ // $Id: CORE_BigInt.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Hemmer #ifndef CGAL_CORE_BIGINT_H #define CGAL_CORE_BIGINT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { // // Algebraic structure traits // template <> class Algebraic_structure_traits< CORE::BigInt > : public Algebraic_structure_traits_base< CORE::BigInt, Euclidean_ring_tag > { public: typedef Tag_true Is_exact; typedef Tag_false Is_numerical_sensitive; typedef INTERN_AST::Is_square_per_sqrt< Type > Is_square; typedef INTERN_AST::Div_per_operator< Type > Div; typedef INTERN_AST::Mod_per_operator< Type > Mod; class Sqrt : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, Type > { public: //! computes the largest NT not larger than the square root of \a a. Type operator()( const Type& x) const { Type result; mpz_sqrt(result.get_mp(), x.get_mp()); return result; } }; class Gcd : public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function< Type, Type, Type > { public: Type operator()( const Type& x, const Type& y) const { if ( x == Type(0) && y == Type(0) ) return Type(0); Type result; mpz_gcd(result.get_mp(), x.get_mp(), y.get_mp()); return result; } }; }; // // Real embeddable traits // template <> class Real_embeddable_traits< CORE::BigInt > : public INTERN_RET::Real_embeddable_traits_base< CORE::BigInt , CGAL::Tag_true > { public: class Abs : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, Type > { public: Type operator()( const Type& x ) const { return CORE::abs( x ); } }; class Sgn : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, ::CGAL::Sign > { public: ::CGAL::Sign operator()( const Type& x ) const { return (::CGAL::Sign) CORE::sign( x ); } }; class Compare : public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function< Type, Type, Comparison_result > { public: Comparison_result operator()( const Type& x, const Type& y ) const { return CGAL::sign(::CORE::cmp(x,y)); } }; class To_double : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, double > { public: double operator()( const Type& x ) const { // this call is required to get reasonable values for the double // approximation return x.doubleValue(); } }; class To_interval : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function< Type, std::pair< double, double > > { public: std::pair operator()( const Type& x_ ) const { CORE::Expr x(x_); std::pair result; x.doubleInterval(result.first, result.second); CGAL_expensive_assertion(result.first <= x); CGAL_expensive_assertion(result.second >= x); return result; } }; }; /*! \ingroup NiX_Modular_traits_spec * \brief a model of concept ModularTraits, * specialization of NiX::Modular_traits. */ template<> class Modular_traits< ::CORE::BigInt > { typedef Residue RES; public: typedef ::CORE::BigInt NT; typedef CGAL::Tag_true Is_modularizable; typedef Residue Residue_type; struct Modular_image{ Residue_type operator()(const NT& a){ NT tmp = a % NT(RES::get_current_prime()); // TODO: reactivate this assertion // it fails with core_v1.6x_20040329 // NiX_assert(tmp.isInt()); int mi(tmp.longValue()); if (mi < 0) mi += RES::get_current_prime(); return Residue_type(mi); } }; struct Modular_image_representative{ NT operator()(const Residue_type& x){ return NT(x.get_value()); } }; }; template<> struct Needs_parens_as_product{ bool operator()(const CORE::BigInt& x){ return CGAL_NTS is_negative(x); } }; // Benchmark_rep specialization template<> class Benchmark_rep< CORE::BigInt > { const CORE::BigInt& t; public: //! initialize with a const reference to \a t. Benchmark_rep( const CORE::BigInt& tt) : t(tt) {} //! perform the output, calls \c operator\<\< by default. std::ostream& operator()( std::ostream& out) const { out << t; return out; } static std::string get_benchmark_name() { return "Integer"; } }; } //namespace CGAL //since types are included by CORE_coercion_traits.h: #include #include #include #include #include namespace Eigen { template struct NumTraits; template<> struct NumTraits { typedef CORE::BigInt Real; typedef CORE::BigRat NonInteger; typedef CORE::BigInt Nested; typedef CORE::BigInt Literal; static inline Real epsilon() { return 0; } static inline Real dummy_precision() { return 0; } enum { IsInteger = 1, IsSigned = 1, IsComplex = 0, RequireInitialization = 1, ReadCost = 6, AddCost = 30, MulCost = 50 }; }; } #include #endif // CGAL_CORE_BIGINT_H