// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 CNRS and LIRIS' Establishments (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Combinatorial_map/include/CGAL/Combinatorial_map_operations.h $ // $Id: Combinatorial_map_operations.h 52164b1 2019-10-19T15:34:59+02:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Guillaume Damiand // #ifndef CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_OPERATIONS_H #define CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_OPERATIONS_H 1 #include #include #include #define CGAL_BETAINV(i) (i>1?i:(i==1?0:1)) namespace CGAL { /** @file Combinatorial_map_operations.h * Some operations to modify a combinatorial map. */ /** Test if an i-cell can be removed. * An i-cell can be removed if i==CMap::dimension or i==CMap::dimension-1, * or if there are at most two (i+1)-cell incident to it. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell. * @return true iff the i-cell can be removed. */ template struct Is_removable_functor { static bool run(const CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart) { // TODO? Optimisation for dim-2, and to not test all the darts of the cell? bool res = true; for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell it(amap, adart); res && it.cont(); ++it ) { if ( amap.template beta(it)!= amap.template beta(it) ) res = false; } return res; } }; // Specialization for i=CMap::dimension template struct Is_removable_functor { static bool run(const CMap&, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle) { return true; } }; // Specialization for i=CMap::dimension-1 template struct Is_removable_functor { static bool run(const CMap&, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle) { return true; } }; /** Test if an i-cell can be removed. * An i-cell can be removed if i==CMap::dimension or i==CMap::dimension-1, * or if there are at most two (i+1)-cell incident to it. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell. * @return true iff the i-cell can be removed. */ #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class CMap, unsigned int i > CGAL_DEPRECATED bool is_removable(const CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart) { return CGAL::Is_removable_functor::run(amap,adart); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /** Remove an i-cell, 0 struct Remove_cell_functor { static size_t run(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { CGAL_static_assertion ( 1<=i && i(adart)) ); size_t res = 0; typename CMap::Dart_handle d1, d2; typename CMap::Dart_handle dg1=amap.null_handle, dg2=amap.null_handle; typename CMap::size_type mark = amap.get_new_mark(); typename CMap::size_type mark_modified_darts = amap.get_new_mark(); std::deque to_erase; const int iinv = CGAL_BETAINV(i); // First we store and mark all the darts of the i-cell to remove. for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell it(amap,adart,mark); it.cont(); ++it ) { to_erase.push_back(it); if ( !amap.template is_free(it) && dg1==amap.null_handle ) { dg1=it; dg2=amap.template beta(it); } amap.mark(it, mark); ++res; } if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { // We group the two (i+1)-cells incident if they exist. if ( dg1!=amap.null_handle ) CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor_run:: run(amap, dg1, dg2); } // During the operation, we store in modified_darts the darts modified // to test after the loop the non void attributes that are split. std::deque modified_darts; // If i==1, we modify beta1, thus in modified_darts we store all // the darts having beta0 modified, and in modified_darts2 all the // darts having beta1 modified. For i>1 all the modified darts are // stored in modified_darts. std::deque modified_darts2; std::deque &first_modified_darts= (i==1?modified_darts2:modified_darts); // For each dart of the i-cell, we modify i-links of neighbors. typename std::deque::iterator it = to_erase.begin(); for ( ; it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { if (i!=1 || amap.template beta<1>(*it)!=*it) // for 1-removal of a dart loop, nothing to do { d1=amap.template beta(*it); while (d1!=amap.null_dart_handle && amap.is_marked(d1, mark)) { d1=amap.template beta(d1); if (d1==amap. template beta(*it)) { d1=amap.null_dart_handle; } } d2=amap.template beta(*it); while ( d2!=amap.null_dart_handle && amap.is_marked(d2, mark) ) { d2=amap.template beta(d2); if ( d2==amap.template beta(*it) ) { d2=amap.null_dart_handle; } } if ( d1!=amap.null_dart_handle ) { if ( d2!=amap.null_dart_handle && d1!=d2 ) { amap.template basic_link_beta(d1, d2); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); amap.mark(d2, mark_modified_darts); first_modified_darts.push_back(d1); modified_darts.push_back(d2); } else { if (d1==d2) { amap.template basic_link_beta(d1, d1); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); first_modified_darts.push_back(d1); } else if ( !amap.template is_free(d1) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d1); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); first_modified_darts.push_back(d1); } } } else if ( d2!=amap.null_dart_handle ) { if ( !amap.template is_free(d2) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d2); amap.mark(d2, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d2); } } } if ( amap.template is_free(*it) && !amap.template is_free(*it) ) { d1 = amap.template beta(*it); if ( !amap.template is_free(d1) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d1); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d1); } } } if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { // We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non // void attributes. if ( i==1 ) CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , i>:: run(amap, modified_darts, modified_darts2, mark_modified_darts); else CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , i>:: run(amap, modified_darts, mark_modified_darts); } // We remove all the darts of the i-cell. for ( it=to_erase.begin(); it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { amap.erase_dart(*it); } CGAL_assertion( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) ); amap.free_mark(mark); // If no attribute is enabled (or if only i-attributes are enabled), // the darts are not unmark by Foreach_enabled_attributes_except. // Thus we unmark them now. if ( !amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark_modified_darts) ) { for ( typename std::deque:: iterator it=modified_darts.begin(); it!=modified_darts.end(); ++it ) amap.unmark(*it, mark_modified_darts); if ( i==1 ) { for ( typename std::deque:: iterator it=modified_darts2.begin(); it!=modified_darts2.end(); ++it ) amap.unmark(*it, mark_modified_darts); } } CGAL_assertion ( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark_modified_darts) ); amap.free_mark(mark_modified_darts); #ifdef CGAL_CMAP_TEST_VALID_REMOVALS CGAL_assertion( amap.is_valid() ); #endif return res; } }; /** Remove a d-cell, in a d-map (special case). * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the d-cell to remove. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return the number of deleted darts. */ template struct Remove_cell_functor { static size_t run(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { typename CMap::size_type mark = amap.get_new_mark(); std::deque to_erase; size_t res = 0; std::deque modified_darts; // We mark all the darts of the d-cell. for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell it(amap,adart,mark); it.cont(); ++it ) { to_erase.push_back(it); amap.mark(it,mark); ++res; } // We unlink all the darts of the d-cell for beta-d. typename std::deque::iterator it = to_erase.begin(); for ( it = to_erase.begin(); it != to_erase.end(); ++it ) { if ( !amap.template is_free(*it) && !amap.is_marked(amap.template beta(*it), mark) ) { if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { modified_darts.push_back(amap.template beta(*it)); } amap.template unlink_beta_for_involution(*it); } } if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { // We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non // void attributes. CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , CMap::dimension>::run(amap, modified_darts); } // We remove all the darts of the d-cell. for ( it = to_erase.begin(); it != to_erase.end(); ++it ) { amap.erase_dart(*it); } CGAL_assertion( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) ); amap.free_mark(mark); #ifdef CGAL_CMAP_TEST_VALID_REMOVALS CGAL_assertion( amap.is_valid() ); #endif return res; } }; /** Remove a vertex, and merge eventually both incident edges. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the vertex to remove. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed()) * @return the number of deleted darts. */ template struct Remove_cell_functor { static size_t run(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { CGAL_assertion( (amap.template is_removable<0>(adart)) ); size_t res = 0; typename CMap::Dart_handle d1, d2; typename CMap::Dart_handle dg1=amap.null_handle, dg2=amap.null_handle; typename CMap::size_type mark = amap.get_new_mark(); // First we store and mark all the darts of the 0-cell to remove. std::deque to_erase; for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell it(amap,adart,mark); it.cont(); ++it ) { to_erase.push_back(it); if ( !amap.template is_free<0>(it) && dg1==amap.null_handle ) { dg1=it; dg2=amap.template beta<0>(it); } amap.mark(it, mark); ++res; } if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { // We group the two edges incident if they exist. if ( dg1!=amap.null_handle ) CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor_run:: run(amap, dg1, dg2); } // During the operation, we store in modified_darts the darts modified // by beta0 to test after the loop non void attributes that are split. std::deque modified_darts; // And we store in modified_darts2 all the darts having beta1 modified. std::deque modified_darts2; // For each dart of the vertex, we modify 0 and 1-links of neighbors. typename std::deque::iterator it = to_erase.begin(); for ( ; it != to_erase.end(); ++it) { if ( !amap.template is_free<0>(*it) ) { if ( !amap.template is_free<1>(*it) && amap.template beta<0>(*it)!=(*it) ) { amap.basic_link_beta_1(amap.template beta<0>(*it), amap.template beta<1>(*it)); if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { modified_darts.push_back(amap.template beta<0>(*it)); modified_darts2.push_back(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); // TODO push only one out of two dart ? } } else { amap.template dart_unlink_beta<1>(amap.template beta<0>(*it)); if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { modified_darts.push_back(amap.template beta<0>(*it)); } } for ( unsigned int j=2; j<=CMap::dimension; ++j ) { if ( !amap.is_free(*it,j) ) { amap.basic_link_beta(amap.template beta<0>(*it), amap.beta(*it,j), j); //((*it)->beta(0))->basic_link_beta((*it)->beta(j),j); } } } else { if ( !amap.template is_free<1>(*it) ) { amap.template dart_unlink_beta<0>(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { modified_darts2.push_back(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); } } for ( unsigned int j=2; j<=CMap::dimension; ++j ) { if ( !amap.is_free(*it,j) ) { amap.unlink_beta(*it, j); } } } } if (amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes) { // We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non // void attributes. CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , 1>:: run(amap, modified_darts, modified_darts2); } // We remove all the darts of the 0-cell. for ( it=to_erase.begin(); it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { amap.erase_dart(*it); } CGAL_assertion( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) ); amap.free_mark(mark); #ifdef CGAL_CMAP_TEST_VALID_REMOVALS CGAL_assertion( amap.is_valid() ); #endif return res; } }; /** Remove an i-cell, 0<=i<=dimension. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell to remove. * @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes * @return the number of deleted darts. */ #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class CMap, unsigned int i > CGAL_DEPRECATED size_t remove_cell(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes = true) { return CGAL::Remove_cell_functor:: run(amap,adart,update_attributes); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /** Test if an i-cell can be contracted. * An i-cell can be contracted if i==1 * or if there are at most two (i-1)-cell incident to it. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell. * @return true iff the i-cell can be contracted. */ template struct Is_contractible_functor { static bool run(const CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart) { // TODO ? Optimisation possible to not test all the darts of the cell ? bool res = true; for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell it(amap, adart); res && it.cont(); ++it ) { if ( amap.template beta(it)!= amap.template beta(it) ) res = false; } return res; } }; // Specialization for i=0 template struct Is_contractible_functor { static bool run(const CMap&, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle) { return false; } }; // Specialization for i=1 template struct Is_contractible_functor { static bool run(const CMap&, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle) { return true; } }; /** Test if an i-cell can be contracted. * An i-cell can be contracted if i==1 * or if there are at most two (i-1)-cell incident to it. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell. * @return true iff the i-cell can be contracted. */ #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class CMap, unsigned int i > CGAL_DEPRECATED bool is_contractible(const CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_const_handle adart) { return CGAL::Is_contractible_functor::run(amap,adart); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /** Contract an i-cell, 1 struct Contract_cell_functor { static size_t run(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { CGAL_static_assertion ( 2<=i && i<=CMap::dimension ); CGAL_assertion( (amap.template is_contractible(adart)) ); size_t res = 0; typename CMap::Dart_handle d1, d2; typename CMap::Dart_handle dg1=amap.null_handle, dg2=amap.null_handle; typename CMap::size_type mark = amap.get_new_mark(); typename CMap::size_type mark_modified_darts = amap.get_new_mark(); const int imuinv = CGAL_BETAINV(i-1); // First we store and mark all the darts of the i-cell to contract. std::deque to_erase; for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell it(amap,adart,mark); it.cont(); ++it ) { to_erase.push_back(it); if ( !amap.template is_free(it) && dg1==amap.null_handle ) { dg1=it; dg2=amap.template beta(it); } amap.mark(it, mark); ++res; } if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { // We group the two (i-1)-cells incident if they exist. if ( dg1!=amap.null_handle ) CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor_run:: run(amap, dg1, dg2); } // During the operation, we store in modified_darts the darts modified // to test after the loop the non void attributes that are split. std::deque modified_darts; // For each dart of the i-cell, we modify i-links of neighbors. typename std::deque::iterator it = to_erase.begin(); for ( ; it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { d1 = amap.template beta(*it); while ( d1!=amap.null_dart_handle && amap.is_marked(d1, mark) ) { d1 = amap.template beta(d1); if (d1 == amap.template beta(*it)) d1 = amap.null_dart_handle; } if ( !amap.is_marked(d1, mark_modified_darts) ) { d2 = amap.template beta(*it); while ( d2!=amap.null_dart_handle && amap.is_marked(d2, mark) ) { d2 = amap.template beta(d2); if ( d2==amap.template beta(*it) ) d2=amap.null_dart_handle; } if ( !amap.is_marked(d2, mark_modified_darts) ) { if (d1 != amap.null_dart_handle) { if (d2 != amap.null_dart_handle && d1!=d2 ) { amap.template basic_link_beta_for_involution(d1, d2); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); amap.mark(d2, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d1); modified_darts.push_back(d2); // TODO push only one out of two dart ? } else { if ( !amap.template is_free(d1) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d1); CGAL_assertion( !amap.is_marked(d1, mark_modified_darts) ); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d1); } } } else if (d2 != amap.null_dart_handle) { if ( !amap.is_free(d2,i) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d2); CGAL_assertion( !amap.is_marked(d2, mark_modified_darts) ); amap.mark(d2, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d2); } } } } if (amap.is_free(*it,i-1) && !amap.is_free(*it,i)) { d1 = amap.beta(*it,i); if ( !amap.is_free(d1,i) ) { amap.template unlink_beta(d1); CGAL_assertion( !amap.is_marked(d1, mark_modified_darts) ); amap.mark(d1, mark_modified_darts); modified_darts.push_back(d1); } } } if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { // We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non // void attributes. CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , i>:: run(amap, modified_darts, mark_modified_darts); } // We remove all the darts of the i-cell. for ( it=to_erase.begin(); it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { amap.erase_dart(*it); } CGAL_assertion( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) ); amap.free_mark(mark); // If no attribute is enabled (or if only i-attributes are enabled), // the darts are not unmark by Foreach_enabled_attributes_except. // Thus we unmark them now. if ( !amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark_modified_darts) ) { for ( typename std::deque:: iterator it=modified_darts.begin(); it!=modified_darts.end(); ++it ) amap.unmark(*it, mark_modified_darts); } CGAL_assertion ( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(mark_modified_darts) ); amap.free_mark(mark_modified_darts); #ifdef CGAL_CMAP_TEST_VALID_CONTRACTIONS CGAL_assertion( amap.is_valid() ); #endif return res; } }; /** Contract an edge, and merge eventually both incident vertices. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the edge to contract. * @return the number of deleted darts. */ template struct Contract_cell_functor { static size_t run(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { CGAL_assertion( (amap.template is_contractible<1>(adart)) ); size_t res = 0; typename CMap::Dart_handle d1, d2; typename CMap::Dart_handle dg1=amap.null_handle, dg2=amap.null_handle; typename CMap::size_type amark = amap.get_new_mark(); // First we store and mark all the darts of the 1-cell to contract. std::deque to_erase; for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell it(amap,adart,amark); it.cont(); ++it ) { to_erase.push_back(it); if ( dg1==amap.null_handle && !amap.template is_free<0>(it) && !amap.template is_free<1>(it) ) { dg1=amap.template beta<0>(it); dg2=amap.template beta<1>(it); } amap.mark(it, amark); ++res; } if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { // We group the two vertices incident if they exist. if ( dg1!=amap.null_handle ) CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor_run:: run(amap, dg1, dg2); } // During the operation, we store in modified_darts the darts modified // by beta0 to test after the loop non void attributes that are split. std::deque modified_darts; // And we store in modified_darts2 all the darts having beta1 modified. std::deque modified_darts2; // For each dart of the cell, we modify link of neighbors. typename std::deque::iterator it = to_erase.begin(); for ( ; it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { if ( !amap.template is_free<0>(*it) ) { if ( !amap.template is_free<1>(*it) ) { if ( amap.template beta<1>(*it)!=*it ) { /*modified_darts2.push_back((*it)->template beta<0>()); if ( (*it)->beta(0)!=(*it)->beta(1) )*/ if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { if (!amap.is_marked(amap.template beta<1>(*it), amark)) { modified_darts.push_back(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); } } amap.basic_link_beta_1(amap.template beta<0>(*it), amap.template beta<1>(*it)); } } else { if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { if (!amap.is_marked(amap.template beta<0>(*it), amark)) { modified_darts2.push_back(amap.template beta<0>(*it)); } } amap.template dart_unlink_beta<1>(amap.template beta<0>(*it)); } } else { if ( !amap.template is_free<1>(*it) ) { if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { if (!amap.is_marked(amap.template beta<1>(*it), amark)) { modified_darts.push_back(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); } } amap.template dart_unlink_beta<0>(amap.template beta<1>(*it)); } } } // We remove all the darts of the cell. for ( it=to_erase.begin(); it!=to_erase.end(); ++it ) { amap.erase_dart(*it); } CGAL_assertion( amap.is_whole_map_unmarked(amark) ); amap.free_mark(amark); if ( amap.are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes ) { // We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non // void attributes. CMap::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except , 1>:: run(amap, modified_darts, modified_darts2); } #ifdef CGAL_CMAP_TEST_VALID_CONTRACTIONS CGAL_assertion( amap.is_valid() ); #endif return res; } }; /** Contract an i-cell, 1<=i<=dimension. * @param amap the used combinatorial map. * @param adart a dart of the i-cell to remove. * @return the number of deleted darts. */ #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE template < class CMap, unsigned int i > CGAL_DEPRECATED size_t contract_cell(CMap& amap, typename CMap::Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes) { return CGAL::Contract_cell_functor::run(amap,adart, update_attributes); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_COMBINATORIAL_MAP_OPERATIONS_H // // EOF //