// Copyright (c) 2000,2001 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Homogeneous_kernel/include/CGAL/Homogeneous/ConicHPA2.h $ // $Id: ConicHPA2.h 29b2957 2020-04-06T21:46:00+02:00 Mael Rouxel-Labbé // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Bernd Gaertner, Sven Schoenherr #ifndef CGAL_CONICHPA2_H #define CGAL_CONICHPA2_H // includes #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class PT, class DA> class ConicHPA2; template < class PT, class DA> class _Min_ellipse_2_adapterH2__Ellipse; template < class _PT, class _DA> class ConicHPA2 { public: // types typedef _PT PT; typedef _DA DA; typedef typename _DA::RT RT; //private: //friend class Conic_2< CGAL::Homogeneous >; friend class _Min_ellipse_2_adapterH2__Ellipse; DA dao; RT _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w; Conic_type type; CGAL::Orientation o; bool empty, trivial, degenerate; void set_linear_combination (const RT& a1, const ConicHPA2& c1, const RT& a2, const ConicHPA2& c2) { _r = a1 * c1.r() + a2 * c2.r(); _s = a1 * c1.s() + a2 * c2.s(); _t = a1 * c1.t() + a2 * c2.t(); _u = a1 * c1.u() + a2 * c2.u(); _v = a1 * c1.v() + a2 * c2.v(); _w = a1 * c1.w() + a2 * c2.w(); } static void set_two_linepairs (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3, const PT& p4, ConicHPA2& pair1, ConicHPA2& pair2) { RT x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2, x3, y3, h3, x4, y4, h4; const DA& da = pair1.da(); da.get (p1, x1, y1, h1); da.get (p2, x2, y2, h2); da.get (p3, x3, y3, h3); da.get (p4, x4, y4, h4); CGAL::Orientation side1_24 = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (-h2*x1*y4+h1*x2*y4 +h2*x4*y1-h4*x2*y1 +h4*x1*y2-h1*x4*y2)), side3_24 = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (-h2*x3*y4+h3*x2*y4 +h2*x4*y3-h4*x2*y3 +h4*x3*y2-h3*x4*y2)); if (side1_24 != side3_24) { // (counter)clockwise order pair1.set_linepair (p1, p2, p3, p4); pair2.set_linepair (p2, p3, p4, p1); } else { CGAL::Orientation side1_32 = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (-h3*x1*y2+h1*x3*y2 +h3*x2*y1-h2*x3*y1 +h2*x1*y3-h1*x2*y3)); if (side1_32 != side3_24) { // p1, p2 need to be swapped pair1.set_linepair (p2, p1, p3, p4); pair2.set_linepair (p1, p3, p4, p2); } else { // p2, p3 need to be swapped pair1.set_linepair (p1, p3, p2, p4); pair2.set_linepair (p3, p2, p4, p1); } } } void set_ellipse (const ConicHPA2& pair1, const ConicHPA2& pair2) { RT b = RT(2) * (pair1.r() * pair2.s() + pair1.s() * pair2.r()) - pair1.t() * pair2.t(); set_linear_combination (pair2.det()-b, pair1, pair1.det()-b, pair2); } void set (const ConicHPA2& c1, const ConicHPA2& c2, const PT& p) { set_linear_combination (c2.evaluate(p), c1, -c1.evaluate(p), c2); } CGAL::Sign vol_derivative (RT dr, RT ds, RT dt, RT du, RT dv, RT dw) const { RT a1 = RT(4)*r()*ds+RT(4)*dr*s()-RT(2)*t()*dt, a0 = RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t(), b1 = (RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t())*dw+(RT(4)*r()*ds+RT(4)*dr*s()- RT(2)*t()*dt)*w()-u()*u()*ds - RT(2)*u()*du*s()-v()*v()*dr-RT(2)*v()*dv*r()+u()*v()*dt+ (u()*dv+du*v())*t(), b0 = (RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t())*w() -u()*u()*s()-v()*v()*r()+u()*v()*t(), c0 = -RT(2)*a0*b1 + RT(3)*a1*b0; return CGAL_NTS sign ((int)-CGAL_NTS sign (c0)*o); } double vol_minimum (RT dr, RT ds, RT dt, RT du, RT dv, RT dw) const { RT a2 = RT(4)*dr*ds-dt*dt, a1 = RT(4)*r()*ds+RT(4)*dr*s()-RT(2)*t()*dt, a0 = RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t(), b3 = (RT(4)*dr*ds-dt*dt)*dw-du*du*ds-dv*dv*dr+du*dv*dt, b2 = (RT(4)*r()*ds+RT(4)*dr*s()-RT(2)*t()*dt)*dw+ (RT(4)*dr*ds-dt*dt)*w()-RT(2)*u()*du*ds-du*du*s()- RT(2)*v()*dv*dr-dv*dv*r()+(u()*dv+du*v())*dt+du*dv*t(), b1 = (RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t())*dw+(RT(4)*r()*ds+RT(4)*dr*s()- RT(2)*t()*dt)*w()-u()*u()*ds - RT(2)*u()*du*s()-v()*v()*dr-RT(2)*v()*dv*r()+u()*v()*dt+ (u()*dv+du*v())*t(), b0 = (RT(4)*r()*s()-t()*t())*w() -u()*u()*s()-v()*v()*r()+u()*v()*t(), c3 = -RT(3)*a1*b3 + RT(2)*a2*b2, c2 = -RT(6)*a0*b3 - a1*b2 + RT(4)*a2*b1, c1 = -RT(4)*a0*b2 + a1*b1 + RT(6)*a2*b0, c0 = -RT(2)*a0*b1 + RT(3)*a1*b0; double roots[3]; int nr_roots = solve_cubic (CGAL::to_double(c3), CGAL::to_double(c2), CGAL::to_double(c1), CGAL::to_double(c0), roots[0], roots[1], roots[2]); CGAL_kernel_precondition (nr_roots > 0); // minimum exists return best_value (roots, nr_roots, CGAL::to_double(a2), CGAL::to_double(a1), CGAL::to_double(a0), CGAL::to_double(b3), CGAL::to_double(b2), CGAL::to_double(b1), CGAL::to_double(b0)); } protected: RT det () const { return RT(4)*s()*r() - t()*t(); } void analyse( ) { RT d = det(); type = (Conic_type)(CGAL_NTS sign(d)); switch (type) { case HYPERBOLA: { trivial = empty = false; RT z_prime = d*w() - u()*u()*s() - v()*v()*r() + u()*v()*t(); o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (z_prime)); degenerate = (o == CGAL::ZERO); } break; case PARABOLA: { if (!CGAL_NTS is_zero (r())) { trivial = false; degenerate = (t()*u() == RT(2)*r()*v()); if (degenerate) { CGAL::Sign discr = (CGAL::Sign) CGAL_NTS sign(u()*u()-RT(4)*r()*w()); switch (discr) { case CGAL::NEGATIVE: empty = true; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (w())); break; case CGAL::ZERO: empty = false; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (r())); break; case CGAL::POSITIVE: empty = false; o = CGAL::ZERO; break; } } else { empty = false; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(-CGAL_NTS sign (r())); } } else if (!CGAL_NTS is_zero (s())) { trivial = false; degenerate = (t()*v() == RT(2)*s()*u()); if (degenerate) { CGAL::Sign discr = (CGAL::Sign) CGAL_NTS sign(v()*v()-RT(4)*s()*w()); switch (discr) { case CGAL::NEGATIVE: empty = true; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (w())); break; case CGAL::ZERO: empty = false; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (s())); break; case CGAL::POSITIVE: empty = false; o = CGAL::ZERO; break; } } else { empty = false; o = (CGAL::Orientation)(-CGAL_NTS sign (s())); } } else { // r=0, s=0 degenerate = true; bool uv_zero = CGAL_NTS is_zero (u()) && CGAL_NTS is_zero (v()); trivial = uv_zero && CGAL_NTS is_zero (w()); empty = uv_zero && !trivial; if (empty) o = (CGAL::Orientation)(CGAL_NTS sign (w())); else if (trivial) o = CGAL::POSITIVE; else o = CGAL::ZERO; } } break; case ELLIPSE: { trivial = false; RT z_prime = d*w() - u()*u()*s() - v()*v()*r() + u()*v()*t(); if (CGAL_NTS is_positive (r())) { empty = (CGAL::POSITIVE == CGAL_NTS sign (z_prime)); empty ? o = CGAL::POSITIVE : o = CGAL::NEGATIVE; } else { empty = (CGAL::NEGATIVE == CGAL_NTS sign (z_prime)); empty ? o = CGAL::NEGATIVE : o = CGAL::POSITIVE; } degenerate = empty || CGAL_NTS is_zero (z_prime); } break; } } RT evaluate (const PT& p) const { RT x, y, h; dao.get (p, x, y, h); return r()*x*x + s()*y*y + t()*x*y + u()*x*h + v()*y*h + w()*h*h; } public: ConicHPA2 ( const DA& da = DA()) : dao( da) { } ConicHPA2 (RT r, RT s, RT t, RT u, RT v, RT w, const DA& da = DA()) : dao( da), _r(r), _s(s), _t(t), _u(u), _v(v), _w(w) { analyse(); } const DA& da() const { return dao; } RT r() const { return _r;} RT s() const { return _s;} RT t() const { return _t;} RT u() const { return _u;} RT v() const { return _v;} RT w() const { return _w;} PT center () const { CGAL_kernel_precondition (type != PARABOLA); RT two = RT(2); return PT(two*s()*u() - t()*v(), two*r()*v() - t()*u(), -det()); } Conic_type conic_type () const { return type; } bool is_hyperbola () const { return (type == HYPERBOLA); } bool is_parabola () const { return (type == PARABOLA); } bool is_ellipse () const { return (type == ELLIPSE); } bool is_circle () const { return (type == ELLIPSE && (r()==s()) && CGAL_NTS is_zero (t())); } bool is_empty () const { return empty; } bool is_trivial () const { return trivial; } bool is_degenerate () const { return degenerate; } CGAL::Orientation orientation () const { return o; } CGAL::Oriented_side oriented_side (const PT& p) const { return (CGAL::Oriented_side)(CGAL_NTS sign (evaluate (p))); } bool has_on_positive_side (const PT& p) const { return (CGAL_NTS is_positive (evaluate(p))); } bool has_on_negative_side (const PT& p) const { return (CGAL_NTS is_negative (evaluate(p))); } bool has_on_boundary (const PT& p) const { return (CGAL_NTS is_zero (evaluate(p))); } bool has_on (const PT& p) const { return (CGAL_NTS is_zero (evaluate(p))); } Convex_side convex_side (const PT& p) const { switch (o) { case CGAL::POSITIVE: return (Convex_side)( CGAL_NTS sign (evaluate (p))); case CGAL::NEGATIVE: return (Convex_side)(-CGAL_NTS sign (evaluate (p))); case CGAL::ZERO: return (Convex_side)( CGAL_NTS sign (CGAL_NTS abs (evaluate(p)))); } // keeps g++ happy return( Convex_side( 0)); } bool has_on_convex_side (const PT& p) const { return (convex_side (p) == ON_CONVEX_SIDE); } bool has_on_nonconvex_side (const PT& p) const { return (convex_side (p) == ON_NONCONVEX_SIDE); } bool operator == ( const ConicHPA2<_PT,_DA>& c) const { // find coefficient != 0 RT factor1(0); if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( r())) factor1 = r(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( s())) factor1 = s(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( t())) factor1 = t(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( u())) factor1 = u(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( v())) factor1 = v(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( w())) factor1 = w(); else CGAL_kernel_assertion_msg( false, "all coefficients zero"); // find coefficient != 0 RT factor2(0); if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.r())) factor2 = c.r(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.s())) factor2 = c.s(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.t())) factor2 = c.t(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.u())) factor2 = c.u(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.v())) factor2 = c.v(); else if ( ! CGAL_NTS is_zero( c.w())) factor2 = c.w(); else CGAL_kernel_assertion_msg( false, "all coefficients zero"); return( ( r()*factor2 == c.r()*factor1) && ( s()*factor2 == c.s()*factor1) && ( t()*factor2 == c.t()*factor1) && ( u()*factor2 == c.u()*factor1) && ( v()*factor2 == c.v()*factor1) && ( w()*factor2 == c.w()*factor1)); } void set (RT r_, RT s_, RT t_, RT u_, RT v_, RT w_) { _r = r_; _s = s_; _t = t_; _u = u_; _v = v_; _w = w_; analyse(); } void set_opposite () { _r = -r(); _s = -s(); _t = -t(); _u = -u(); _v = -v(); _w = -w(); o = CGAL::opposite(orientation()); } void set_circle (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3) { // the circle will have r = s = det*h1*h2*h3, t=0 RT x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2, x3, y3, h3; dao.get (p1, x1, y1, h1); dao.get (p2, x2, y2, h2); dao.get (p3, x3, y3, h3); // precondition: p1, p2, p3 not collinear RT det = -h1*x3*y2+h3*x1*y2+h1*x2*y3-h2*x1*y3+h2*x3*y1-h3*x2*y1; CGAL_kernel_precondition (!CGAL_NTS is_zero (det)); // Cramer's rule RT sqr1 = (-x1*x1 - y1*y1)*h2*h3; RT sqr2 = (-x2*x2 - y2*y2)*h1*h3; RT sqr3 = (-x3*x3 - y3*y3)*h1*h2; _u = -h1*sqr3*y2+h3*sqr1*y2+h1*sqr2*y3-h2*sqr1*y3+h2*sqr3*y1-h3*sqr2*y1; _v = -h1*x3*sqr2+h3*x1*sqr2+h1*x2*sqr3-h2*x1*sqr3+h2*x3*sqr1-h3*x2*sqr1; _w = -sqr1*x3*y2+sqr3*x1*y2+sqr1*x2*y3-sqr2*x1*y3+sqr2*x3*y1-sqr3*x2*y1; _r = det*h1*h2*h3; _s = _r; _t = RT(0); analyse(); CGAL_kernel_postcondition(is_circle()); CGAL_kernel_postcondition(has_on_boundary(p1)); CGAL_kernel_postcondition(has_on_boundary(p2)); CGAL_kernel_postcondition(has_on_boundary(p3)); } void set_linepair (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3, const PT& p4, const DA& da = DA()) { RT x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2, x3, y3, h3, x4, y4, h4; da.get (p1, x1, y1, h1); da.get (p2, x2, y2, h2); da.get (p3, x3, y3, h3); da.get (p4, x4, y4, h4); // precondition: p1 != p2, p3 != p4 CGAL_kernel_precondition ( ((x1*h2 != x2*h1) || (y1*h2 != y2*h1)) && ((x3*h4 != x4*h3) || (y3*h4 != y4*h3)) ); RT h1x2_x1h2 = h1*x2-x1*h2; RT h3x4_x3h4 = h3*x4-x3*h4; RT y1h2_h1y2 = y1*h2-h1*y2; RT y3h4_h3y4 = y3*h4-h3*y4; RT x1y2_y1x2 = x1*y2-y1*x2; RT x3y4_y3x4 = x3*y4-y3*x4; _r = y1h2_h1y2 * y3h4_h3y4; _s = h1x2_x1h2 * h3x4_x3h4; _t = h1x2_x1h2 * y3h4_h3y4 + y1h2_h1y2 * h3x4_x3h4; _u = x1y2_y1x2 * y3h4_h3y4 + y1h2_h1y2 * x3y4_y3x4; _v = x1y2_y1x2 * h3x4_x3h4 + h1x2_x1h2 * x3y4_y3x4; _w = x1y2_y1x2 * x3y4_y3x4; analyse(); } void set_ellipse (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3) { RT x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2, x3, y3, h3; dao.get (p1, x1, y1, h1); dao.get (p2, x2, y2, h2); dao.get (p3, x3, y3, h3); // precondition: p1, p2, p3 not collinear RT det = -h1*x3*y2+h3*x1*y2+h1*x2*y3-h2*x1*y3+h2*x3*y1-h3*x2*y1; CGAL_kernel_precondition (!CGAL_NTS is_zero (det)); RT x1x1 = x1*x1, y1y1 = y1*y1, x2x2 = x2*x2, y2y2 = y2*y2, x3x3 = x3*x3, y3y3 = y3*y3, // x_i^2, y_i^2 x1h1 = x1*h1, y1h1 = y1*h1, x2h2 = x2*h2, y2h2 = y2*h2, x3h3 = x3*h3, y3h3 = y3*h3, // x_i h_i, y_i h_i h1h1 = h1*h1, h2h2 = h2*h2, h3h3 = h3*h3, // h_i^2 two = RT(2); // 2 _r = y1y1*h2h2*h3h3 - y1h1*y2h2*h3h3 - y1h1*h2h2*y3h3 + h1h1*y2y2*h3h3 - h1h1*y2h2*y3h3 + h1h1*h2h2*y3y3; _s = x1x1*h2h2*h3h3 - x1h1*x2h2*h3h3 - x1h1*h2h2*x3h3 + h1h1*x2x2*h3h3 - h1h1*x2h2*x3h3 + h1h1*h2h2*x3x3; _t = -two*x1*y1*h2h2*h3h3 + x1h1*y2h2*h3h3 + x1h1*h2h2*y3h3 + y1h1*x2h2*h3h3 -two*h1h1*x2*y2*h3h3 + h1h1*x2h2*y3h3 + y1h1*h2h2*x3h3 + h1h1*y2h2*x3h3 -two*h1h1*h2h2*x3*y3; _u = -(h1h1*y2y2*x3h3 - h1h1*x2*y2*y3h3 - h1h1*y2h2*x3*y3 + x1h1*h2h2*y3y3 + h1h1*x2h2*y3y3 +y1y1*x2h2*h3h3 + y1y1*h2h2*x3h3 - x1*y1*y2h2*h3h3 - y1h1*x2*y2*h3h3 - x1*y1*h2h2*y3h3 - y1h1*h2h2*x3*y3 + x1h1*y2y2*h3h3); _v = -(h1h1*x2x2*y3h3 - h1h1*x2*y2*x3h3 - h1h1*x2h2*x3*y3 + y1h1*h2h2*x3x3 + h1h1*y2h2*x3x3 +x1x1*y2h2*h3h3 + x1x1*h2h2*y3h3 - x1*y1*x2h2*h3h3 - x1h1*x2*y2*h3h3 - x1*y1*h2h2*x3h3 - x1h1*h2h2*x3*y3 + y1h1*x2x2*h3h3); _w = y1y1*x2h2*x3h3 - x1*y1*y2h2*x3h3 - y1h1*x2*y2*x3h3 + y1h1*y2h2*x3x3 - x1*y1*x2h2*y3h3 + y1h1*x2x2*y3h3 - y1h1*x2h2*x3*y3 + x1h1*y2y2*x3h3 + x1x1*y2h2*y3h3 - x1h1*x2*y2*y3h3 - x1h1*y2h2*x3*y3 + x1h1*x2h2*y3y3; type = ELLIPSE; degenerate = trivial = empty = false; o = CGAL::NEGATIVE; if (CGAL_NTS is_positive (det)) set_opposite (); } void set_ellipse (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3, const PT& p4, CGAL::Orientation _o = POSITIVE) { ConicHPA2 pair1, pair2; set_two_linepairs (p1, p2, p3, p4, pair1, pair2); set_ellipse (pair1, pair2); analyse(); if (o != _o) set_opposite(); } void set (const PT& p1, const PT& p2, const PT& p3, const PT& p4, const PT& p5, CGAL::Orientation _o = POSITIVE) { ConicHPA2 c1; c1.set_linepair (p1, p2, p3, p4); ConicHPA2 c2; c2.set_linepair (p1, p4, p2, p3); set_linear_combination (c2.evaluate (p5), c1, -c1.evaluate (p5), c2); analyse(); // precondition: all points distinct <=> conic nontrivial CGAL_kernel_precondition (!is_trivial()); if (o != _o) set_opposite(); } }; #ifndef CGAL_NO_OSTREAM_INSERT_CONICHPA2 template< class _PT, class _DA> std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const ConicHPA2<_PT,_DA>& c) { return( os << c.r() << ' ' << c.s() << ' ' << c.t() << ' ' << c.u() << ' ' << c.v() << ' ' << c.w()); } template< class _PT, class _DA> std::istream& operator >> ( std::istream& is, ConicHPA2<_PT,_DA>& c) { typedef typename _DA::RT RT; RT r, s, t, u, v, w; is >> r >> s >> t >> u >> v >> w; c.set( r, s, t, u, v, w); return( is); } #endif // CGAL_NO_OSTREAM_INSERT_CONICHPA2 } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_CONICHPA2_H // ===== EOF ==================================================================