// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 ASCLEPIOS Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // Copyright (c) 2007 Geometrica Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // Copyright (c) 2008 GeometryFactory, Sophia-Antipolis (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the ImageIO Library, and as been adapted for CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/CGAL_ImageIO/include/CGAL/ImageIO.h $ // $Id: ImageIO.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // #ifndef IMAGEIO_H #define IMAGEIO_H #include #include #include #include #include #include // for uint32_t, etc. #ifdef CGAL_USE_ZLIB #include /* see http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ for details and documentation */ #endif #if (defined(_LINUX_) || defined(_SOLARIS_)) /* should be declared in stdio.h */ extern int fileno( FILE *stream); extern FILE *fdopen (int fildes, const char *mode); /* should be declared in string.h */ #ifndef __cplusplus extern char *strdup(const char *s); extern int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); #endif #endif #ifndef LONGINT #if (defined _ALPHA_ || (defined _SGI_ && (defined _64_ || defined _64_M4_ || defined _64_M3_))) /* the 64-bits type on 64-bits platform (long int) */ #define LONGINT long int #else #ifdef __GNUC__ /* the 64-bits type on 32-bits platform (long long int) */ #define LONGINT long long int #else /*#define LONGINT __int64 */ #define LONGINT long int #endif #endif #endif /** file open mode */ typedef enum { /** no file open */ OM_CLOSE, /** file is stdin or stdout */ OM_STD, /** file is gzipped */ #ifdef CGAL_USE_ZLIB OM_GZ, #endif /** normal file */ OM_FILE } OPEN_MODE; /** data mode */ typedef enum { /** data are binary */ DM_BINARY, /** data are ascii */ DM_ASCII } DATA_MODE; /** kind of image word */ typedef enum { /** fixed type */ WK_FIXED, /** floating point */ WK_FLOAT, /** unknown (uninitialized) */ WK_UNKNOWN } WORD_KIND; /** image word sign */ typedef enum { /** signed */ SGN_SIGNED, /** unsigned */ SGN_UNSIGNED, /** unknown (uninitialized or floating point words) */ SGN_UNKNOWN } SIGN; /** endianness */ typedef enum { /** Little endian processor */ END_LITTLE, /** Big endian processor */ END_BIG, /** Unknown endianness (unopenned file) */ END_UNKNOWN } ENDIANNESS; /** inrimage vectorial storage mode */ typedef enum { /** interlaced vectors (i.e. x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, ...) */ VM_INTERLACED, /** non interlaced vectors (i.e. x1, x2, x3, ..., y1, y2, y3, ..., z1, z2, z3...) */ VM_NON_INTERLACED, /** scalar inrimage */ VM_SCALAR } VECTORIAL_MODE; #ifdef CGAL_USE_ZLIB typedef gzFile _ImageIO_file; #else typedef FILE* _ImageIO_file; #endif #define IMAGE_FORMAT_NAME_LENGTH 100 struct point_image; /** defines the type of function called to test if an image is of a given format. The first parameter is an array of char of size 5 (ends with character 0) that describes the first file character (magic string). The second parameter is the filename. The output value is >=0 if the image is of that given format and <0 otherwise */ typedef int (*TEST_IMAGE_FORMAT)(char *,const char *); /** defines the type of function called to read an image or an image header from a file corresponding to a given format. The first parameter is the file name whereas the second parameter is an _image structure. Note that the file has been already opened (the file descriptor fd is valid). The output value is >0 if the whole image has been read, it is 0 if only the header has been read and it is <0 otherwise */ typedef int (*READ_IMAGE_HEADER)(const char *, struct point_image *); /** defines the type of function called to write an image to a file corresponding to a given format. The first parameter is the full file name whereas the second parameter is an _image structure. Note that the file has to be opened and closed in the function. The output value is >=0 if the whole image has been written correctly and it is <0 otherwise */ typedef int (*WRITE_IMAGE)(char *,struct point_image *); /** Image Format descriptor */ typedef struct imformat { /** a pointer on a function that tests if an image is of a given format */ TEST_IMAGE_FORMAT testImageFormat; /** a pointer on a function that reads the header of an image file */ READ_IMAGE_HEADER readImageHeader; /** a pointer on a function that writes image of a given format */ WRITE_IMAGE writeImage; /* the file extension of format (including a dot ".": if several extensions may be used, they should be separed with a comma ".inr,.inr.gz" */ char fileExtension[IMAGE_FORMAT_NAME_LENGTH]; /** the usual name given to a format : for instance "inrimage", "gif" */ char realName[IMAGE_FORMAT_NAME_LENGTH]; /* pointer towards the next image format*/ struct imformat *next; } IMAGE_FORMAT, *PTRIMAGE_FORMAT; /** Image descriptor */ typedef struct point_image { /** Image x dimension (number of columns) */ std::size_t xdim; /** Image y dimension (number of rows) */ std::size_t ydim; /** Image z dimension (number of planes) */ std::size_t zdim; /** Image vectorial dimension */ std::size_t vdim; /** Image voxel size in x dimension */ double vx; /** Image voxel size in y dimension */ double vy; /** Image voxel size in z dimension */ double vz; /** Image offset in x dimension */ float tx; /** Image offset in y dimension */ float ty; /** Image offset in z dimension */ float tz; /** Image rotation vector in x dimension */ float rx; /** Image rotation vector in y dimension */ float ry; /** Image rotation vector in z dimension */ float rz; /** Image center in x dimension */ int cx; /** Image center in y dimension */ int cy; /** Image center in z dimension */ int cz; /** spm */ float spm_offset; float spm_scale; /** Image data buffer */ void *data; /** Image word size (in bytes) */ std::size_t wdim; /** Image format to use for I/0. Should not be set by user */ PTRIMAGE_FORMAT imageFormat; /** Data buffer vectors are interlaced or non interlaced */ VECTORIAL_MODE vectMode; /** Image words kind */ WORD_KIND wordKind; /** Image words sign */ SIGN sign; /** User defined strings array. The user can use any internal purpose string. Each string is written at then end of header after a '#' character. */ char **user; /** Number of user defined strings */ unsigned int nuser; /** Image file descriptor */ _ImageIO_file fd; /** Kind of image file descriptor */ OPEN_MODE openMode; /** Written words endianness */ ENDIANNESS endianness; /** Kind of image data encoding */ DATA_MODE dataMode; } _image; /** Error codes */ #define ImageIO_NO_ERROR 0 #define ImageIO_UNKNOWN_TYPE -1 #define ImageIO_OPENING -2 #define ImageIO_READING_HEADER -3 #define ImageIO_READING_IMAGE -4 #define ImageIO_WRITING_HEADER -3 #define ImageIO_WRITING_IMAGE -4 #define ImageIO_WRITING_DATA -5 /** Allocates and initializes an image descriptor */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image *_initImage(); /** Free an image descriptor @param im image descriptor */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void _freeImage(_image *im); /** creates an image descriptor from the given header information @param x image x dimension (number of columns) @param y image y dimension (number of rows) @param z image z dimension (number of planes) @param v image vectorial dimension @param vx image voxel size in x dimension @param vy image voxel size in y dimension @param vz image voxel size in z dimension @param w image word size in bytes @param wk image word kind @param sgn image word sign */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image *_createImage(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t z, std::size_t v, double vx, double vy, double vz, std::size_t w, WORD_KIND wk, SIGN sgn); /** Reads an image from a file and returns an image descriptor or nullptr if
reading failed.
Reads from stdin if image name is nullptr. The image data field points to a xdim * ydim * zdim * vdim buffer containing voxels in order: (Z1, Y1, X1, V1) (Z1, Y1, X1, V2), ... , (Z1, Y1, X1, Vt), (Z1, Y1, X2, V1) ... ... , (Z1, Y1, X2, Vt), ... (Z1, Y1, Xn, V1) ... ... , (Z1, Y1, Xn, Vt), (Z1, Y2, X1, V1) ... ... , (Z1, Y2, X1, Vt), ... (Z2, Y1, X1, V1) ... ... , (Z2, Y1, X1, Vt), ... ... ... , (Zl, Ym, Xn, Vt) Read the following format: Inrimage, GIF, IRIS, ANALYSE, PGM, PPM, BMP, GIS (CEA, IRISA, ENST 3D image format). See also: http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/mxr/gfx/2d-hi.html and http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ @param name image file name or nullptr for stdin */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image* _readImage(const char *name); /** Reads an image from a file and returns an image descriptor or nullptr if
reading failed.
Reads from stdin if image name is nullptr. If the image is vectorial, it is uninterlaced, i.e. the image data field points to a xdim * ydim * zdim * vdim buffer containing voxels in order: (V1, Z1, Y1, X1) (V1, Z1, Y1, X2), ... , (V1, Z1, Y1, Xn), (V1, Z1, Y2, X1) ... ... , (V1, Z1, Y2, Xn), ... (V1, Z1, Ym, X1) ... ... , (V1, Z1, Ym, Xn), (V1, Z2, Y1, X1) ... ... , (V1, Z2, Y1, Xn), ... (V2, Z1, Y1, X1) ... ... , (V2, Z1, Y1, Xn), ... ... ... , (Vt, Zl, Ym, Xn) @param name image file name or nullptr */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image* _readNonInterlacedImage(const char *name); /** Read an image from a file. The word type is supposed to be unsigned char, and the dimensions are (rx, ry, rz). */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image* _readImage_raw(const char *name, const unsigned int rx, const unsigned int ry, const unsigned int rz, const double vx = 1., const double vy = 1., const double vz = 1., const unsigned int offset = 0, const std::size_t wdim = 1, WORD_KIND wk = WK_FIXED, SIGN sgned = SGN_UNSIGNED ); /** Writes given image in file 'name'.
If name ends with '.gz', file is gzipped.
If name is nullptr, image is sent to stdout. @param im image descriptor @param name file name to store image or nullptr */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int _writeImage(_image *im, const char *name); /** Read one slice of given image whose header has already been read.
File descriptor is let at the beginning of next slice and closed
when end of file is encountered.
If data buffer is nullptr, it is allocated for one slice only.
This funtion is dedicated to read huge inrimages. @param im image descriptor */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void _getNextSlice(_image *im); /** adds a format in the list of image format. Test if all mandatory fields have been filled @param format : an image format @return -1 if it failed (missing information) and 0 if it succeeded */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int addImageFormat( PTRIMAGE_FORMAT format); /** returns the first available image format */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT PTRIMAGE_FORMAT firstImageFormat(); /** Reads header from an image file
If file is an inrimage, only header is read. Otherwise, whole image
is read and image file descriptor is closed.
If name is nullptr, header is read from STDIN @param name image file name or nullptr */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image* _readImageHeader(const char *name); CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT _image *_readImageHeaderAndGetError( const char *name, int *error ); /** Reads body from an inrmage whose header has been read by _readImageHeader @param im image to read */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int _readImageData(_image *im); /** Reads body from a vectorial inrimage whose header has been read by _readImageHeader. The image is uninterlaced (see _readNonInterlacedImage for details). @param im image descriptor*/ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int _readNonInterlacedImageData(_image *im); /** Reads body from a non-interlaced vectorial inrimage whose header has been read by _readImageHeader. The image buffer is interlaced. @param im image descriptor */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int _readNonInterlacedFileData(_image *im); /** given an initialized file descriptor and a file name, open file from stdout (if name == nullptr), a gziped pipe (if file is gziped) or a standard file otherwise. @param im initialized image descriptor @param name image file name */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void _openWriteImage(_image* im, const char *name) ; /** open an image file from stdin (if name == nullptr), from a pipe (piped with gzip if image was compressed) or from a standard file @param im initialized image descriptor @param name image file name */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void _openReadImage(_image *im, const char *name); /** close an image file descriptor that was opened using _openImage @param im opened image descriptor */ /** return the bounding box of the image @param im opened image descriptor */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void _get_image_bounding_box(_image* im, double* x_min, double* y_min, double* z_min, double* x_max, double* y_max, double* z_max); /** returns the endianness of the hardware architecture */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT ENDIANNESS _getEndianness(); /** initializes the list of supported image formats */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void initSupportedFileFormat(); /** prints supported image formats */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void printSupportedFileFormat(); /** free the list of supported image formats */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void removeSupportedFileFormat(); /** return image type in given file @param fileName image file name */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT PTRIMAGE_FORMAT imageType(const char *fileName); extern "C" { /** function prototype to allocate memory */ typedef void *(*ALLOCATION_FUNCTION)(size_t); /** function prototype to free memory */ typedef void (*DEALLOCATION_FUNCTION)(void *); } /** set allocation and deallocation routines @param alloc new allocation routine @param del new deallocation routine */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void setImageIOAllocationRoutines(ALLOCATION_FUNCTION alloc, DEALLOCATION_FUNCTION del); /** call allocation routine */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void *ImageIO_alloc(size_t); /** call deallocation routine */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void ImageIO_free(void *); /** replaces fwrite function @param im image to write @param buf data buffer to write @param len buffer length */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT size_t ImageIO_write(const _image *im, const void *buf, size_t len); /** replaces fread function @param im image to read @param buf data buffer to read @param len buffer length */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT size_t ImageIO_read(const _image *im, void *buf, size_t len); /** replaces fgets function */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT char *ImageIO_gets( const _image *im, char *str, int size ); /** replaces fseek function */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT long ImageIO_seek( const _image *im, long offset, int whence ); /** replaces ferror function */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int ImageIO_error( const _image *im ); /** replaces fclose function */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT int ImageIO_close( _image *im ); /** trilinear interpolation in an _image. The returned type is float (cast are made if the image word type is different). */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT float triLinInterp(const _image* image, float posx, float posy, float posz, const float value_outside = 0.); /** Alias for triLinInterp */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT inline float trilinear_interpolation(const _image* image, float posx, float posy, float posz) { return triLinInterp(image, posx, posy, posz); } namespace CGAL { namespace IMAGEIO { // // The following definition are for the evaluate function. // template struct Word_type_generator { }; template struct Word_type_generator { typedef float type; }; template struct Word_type_generator { typedef double type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { // typedef boost::int8_t type; typedef char type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { typedef boost::uint8_t type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { typedef boost::int16_t type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { typedef boost::uint16_t type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { typedef boost::int32_t type; }; template <> struct Word_type_generator { typedef boost::uint32_t type; }; template inline typename Word_type_generator::type static_evaluate(const _image* image, const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::size_t k) { typedef typename Word_type_generator::type Word; return static_evaluate(image, i, j, k); } template inline Word& static_evaluate(const _image* image, const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::size_t k) { return ((Word*)image->data)[(k * image->ydim + j) * image->xdim + i]; } template inline Word& static_evaluate(const _image* image, const std::size_t i) { return ((Word*)image->data)[i]; } } // end namespace IMAGEIO } // end namespace CGAL #define CGAL_IMAGE_IO_CASE(image_ptr,code) \ switch(image_ptr->wordKind) \ { \ case WK_FLOAT: \ switch(image_ptr->wdim) \ { \ case 4: { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ case 8: { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ default: \ break; \ } \ break; \ case WK_FIXED: \ switch(image_ptr->wdim) \ { \ case 2: { \ if(image_ptr->sign == SGN_SIGNED) { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ else { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ } \ case 1: { \ if(image_ptr->sign == SGN_SIGNED) { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ else { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ } \ case 4: { \ if(image_ptr->sign == SGN_SIGNED) { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ else { \ typedef CGAL::IMAGEIO::Word_type_generator::type Word; \ code; \ break; \ } \ } \ default: \ break; \ } \ break; \ default: \ break; \ } CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT float evaluate(const _image* image,const std::size_t i,const std::size_t j,const std::size_t k); /** convert the data of the image to float */ CGAL_IMAGEIO_EXPORT void convertImageTypeToFloat(_image* image); #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #include #endif // CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #endif // end IMAGEIO_H