// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Nef_3/include/CGAL/Nef_3/SNC_SM_overlayer.h $ // $Id: SNC_SM_overlayer.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel // Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_SNC_SM_OVERLAYER_H #define CGAL_SNC_SM_OVERLAYER_H #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_I_DO_WANT_TO_USE_GENINFO #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 131 #include #ifndef CGAL_USE_LEDA #define LEDA_MEMORY(t) #endif namespace CGAL { /*{\Manpage {SNC_SM_overlayer}{Refs_}{Overlay in the sphere}{O}}*/ template class SNC_SM_overlayer : public SM_overlayer { public: typedef SM_decorator_ SM_decorator; typedef typename SM_decorator::Map Map; typedef SM_overlayer Base; typedef SNC_SM_overlayer Self; typedef typename Base::SVertex_handle SVertex_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_handle SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfloop_handle SHalfloop_handle; typedef typename Base::SFace_handle SFace_handle; typedef typename Base::SVertex_iterator SVertex_iterator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_iterator SHalfedge_iterator; typedef typename Base::SFace_iterator SFace_iterator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator; typedef typename Base::Sphere_kernel Sphere_kernel; typedef typename Map::Infi_box Infi_box; using Base::clear_face_cycle_entries; using Base::link_as_loop; using Base::is_closed_at_source; using Base::is_isolated; using Base::delete_edge_pair; using Base::delete_vertex_only; using Base::delete_face_only; using Base::store_sm_boundary_object; using Base::first_out_edge; using Base::set_face; using Base::has_outdeg_two; using Base::convert_edge_to_loop; using Base::merge_edge_pairs_at_target; public: SNC_SM_overlayer(Map* M, const Sphere_kernel& G = Sphere_kernel()) : Base(M,G) {} template void simplify(Association&) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("simplifying"); typedef typename CGAL::Union_find::handle Union_find_handle; CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SFace_handle, Union_find_handle> Pitem(nullptr); CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SVertex_handle, Union_find_handle> Vitem(nullptr); CGAL::Union_find< SFace_handle> UF; SFace_iterator f; CGAL_forall_sfaces(f,*this) { Pitem[f] = UF.make_set(f); clear_face_cycle_entries(f); } if ( this->has_shalfloop() ) { SHalfloop_handle l = this->shalfloop(); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l,f); f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->twin()->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l->twin(),f); } SHalfedge_iterator e, en; for(e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); e = en) { en = e; ++en; if ( en==e->twin() ) ++en; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("can simplify ? " << PH(e)); if(!Infi_box::is_sedge_on_infibox(e)) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(e->mark() << " " << e->incident_sface()->mark() << " " << e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark()); if (( e->mark() == e->incident_sface()->mark() && e->incident_sface()->mark() == e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark())){ CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("deleting "<incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()]) ) { UF.unify_sets( Pitem[e->incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()] ); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("unioning disjoint faces"); } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("is_closed_at_source " << is_closed_at_source(e) << " " << is_closed_at_source(e->twin())); if ( is_closed_at_source(e) ) Vitem[e->source()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; if ( is_closed_at_source(e->twin())) Vitem[e->target()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; delete_edge_pair(e); } } } CGAL::Unique_hash_map linked(false); for (e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); ++e) { if ( linked[e] ) continue; SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find( Pitem[e->incident_sface()])); CGAL_For_all(hfc,hend) { set_face(hfc,f); linked[hfc]=true; } store_sm_boundary_object(e,f); } SVertex_iterator v,vn; for(v = this->svertices_begin(); v != this->svertices_end(); v=vn) { vn=v; ++vn; if ( is_isolated(v) ) { if(Vitem[v] != nullptr) { set_face(v,*(UF.find(Vitem[v]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("incident face of " << PH(v) << " set to " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } else { set_face(v, *(UF.find(Pitem[v->incident_sface()]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("isolated svertex " << PH(v) << " already has incident face " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } if ( v->mark() == v->incident_sface()->mark() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("removing isolated vertex"<incident_sface()); // isolated, but should stay } else { // v not isolated SHalfedge_handle e2 = first_out_edge(v), e1 = e2->sprev(); if ( has_outdeg_two(v) && v->mark() == e1->mark() && e1->mark() == e2->mark() && e1->circle() == e2->circle() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("collinear at "<sfaces_begin(); f != this->sfaces_end(); f=fn) { ++fn; Union_find_handle pit = Pitem[f]; if ( UF.find(pit) != pit ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("delete face " << &*f); delete_face_only(f); } } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("resulting vertex "); CGAL_forall_svertices(vn, *this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("|" << vn->point() << "|" << vn->mark()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "); CGAL_forall_shalfedges(en,*this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("|" << en->circle() << "|" << en->mark() << " " << en->incident_sface()->mark()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("---------------------"); } }; template class SNC_SM_overlayer : public SM_overlayer { typedef SM_decorator_ SM_decorator; typedef typename SM_decorator::Map Map; typedef SM_overlayer Base; typedef SNC_SM_overlayer Self; typedef typename Base::SVertex_handle SVertex_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_handle SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename Base::SHalfloop_handle SHalfloop_handle; typedef typename Base::SFace_handle SFace_handle; typedef typename Base::SVertex_iterator SVertex_iterator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_iterator SHalfedge_iterator; typedef typename Base::SFace_iterator SFace_iterator; typedef typename Base::SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator; typedef typename Base::Sphere_kernel Sphere_kernel; typedef typename Map::Infi_box Infi_box; using SM_decorator::clear_face_cycle_entries; using SM_decorator::link_as_loop; using SM_decorator::link_as_prev_next_pair; using SM_decorator::is_closed_at_source; using SM_decorator::is_closed_at_target; using SM_decorator::delete_edge_pair; using SM_decorator::set_face; using SM_decorator::is_isolated; using SM_decorator::delete_vertex_only; using SM_decorator::delete_face_only; using SM_decorator::first_out_edge; using SM_decorator::set_first_out_edge; using SM_decorator::has_outdeg_two; using SM_decorator::store_sm_boundary_object; using SM_decorator::is_sm_boundary_object; using SM_decorator::undo_sm_boundary_object; using SM_decorator::delete_edge_pair_only; public: SNC_SM_overlayer(Map* M, const Sphere_kernel& G = Sphere_kernel()) : Base(M,G) {} void convert_edge_to_loop(SHalfedge_handle e) { /*{\Mop converts the edge at |v = e->target()| to the unique loop |l| of |\Mvar|. |e|, |e->twin()| and |v| are deleted in the conversion. \precond there was no loop in |\Mvar|. As |e| was entry point of |e->incident_sface()| then |l| takes this role.}*/ CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("convert_edge_to_loop "<source()==e->target() ); CGAL_assertion( !this->has_shalfloop() ); SHalfloop_handle l = this->new_shalfloop_pair(); SVertex_handle v = e->target(); SFace_handle f1 = e->incident_sface(), f2 = e->twin()->incident_sface(); if( is_sm_boundary_object(e)) { CGAL_assertion( is_sm_boundary_object(e->twin())); undo_sm_boundary_object(e,f1); undo_sm_boundary_object(e->twin(),f2); } link_as_loop(l,f1), link_as_loop(l->twin(),f2); l->circle() = e->circle(); l->twin()->circle() = e->twin()->circle(); l->mark() = l->twin()->mark() = e->mark(); l->set_index(e->get_index()); l->twin()->set_index(e->twin()->get_index()); delete_vertex_only(v); delete_edge_pair_only(e); } template void merge_edge_pairs_at_target(SHalfedge_handle e, Association& A) { /*{\Mop merges the edge pairs at |v = e->target()|. |e| and |twin(e)| are preserved, |e->snext()|, |twin(e->snext())| and |v| are deleted in the merger. \precond |v| has outdegree two. The adjacency at |e->source()| and |target(e->snext())| is kept consistent. If |e->snext()| was entry point of |e->incident_sface()| then |e| takes this role. The same holds for |twin(e->snext())| and |face(twin(e))|.}*/ CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("merge_edge_pairs_at_target "<snext(), eno = en->twin(), enn, enno, eo = e->twin() ; if ( is_closed_at_target(en) ) { enn = eo; enno=e; } else { enn = en->snext(), enno = eno->sprev(); } SVertex_handle v = e->target(), vn = en->target(); CGAL_assertion(has_outdeg_two(v)); SFace_handle f1 = en->incident_sface(), f2 = eno->incident_sface(); // transfer the opposite face cycles e-en-enn to e-enn if ( enn != eno ) { link_as_prev_next_pair(e,enn); link_as_prev_next_pair(enno,eo); } else { link_as_prev_next_pair(e,eo); } // set vertex of e and deal with vertex-halfedge incidence eo->source() = vn; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("rehash " << en->get_index() << " " << e->get_index()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << A.get_hash(en->get_index()) << " " << A.get_hash(e->get_index())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("rehash " << eno->get_index() << " " << eo->get_index()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" " << A.get_hash(eno->get_index()) << " " << A.get_hash(eo->get_index())); int index1 = A.get_hash(e->get_index()); int index2 = A.get_hash(en->get_index()); if(index2 < index1) { A.set_hash(e->get_index(), index2); e->set_index(index2); } else A.set_hash(en->get_index(), index1); index1 = A.get_hash(eo->get_index()); index2 = A.get_hash(eno->get_index()); if(index2 < index1) { A.set_hash(eo->get_index(), index2); eo->set_index(index2); } else A.set_hash(eno->get_index(), index1); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("hash sedge " << e->get_index() << "->" << A.get_hash(e->get_index())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("hash sedge " << en->get_index() << "->" << A.get_hash(en->get_index())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("hash sedge " << eo->get_index() << "->" << A.get_hash(eo->get_index())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("hash sedge " << eno->get_index() << "->" << A.get_hash(eno->get_index())); if ( first_out_edge(vn) == eno ) set_first_out_edge(vn,eo); if ( is_sm_boundary_object(en) ) { undo_sm_boundary_object(en,f1); store_sm_boundary_object(e,f1); } if ( is_sm_boundary_object(eno) ) { undo_sm_boundary_object(eno,f2); store_sm_boundary_object(eo,f2); } delete_vertex_only(v); delete_edge_pair_only(en); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("END "<sprev())<snext())); } template void simplify(Association& A) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("simplifying"); typedef typename CGAL::Union_find::handle Union_find_handle; CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SFace_handle, Union_find_handle> Pitem(nullptr); CGAL::Unique_hash_map< SVertex_handle, Union_find_handle> Vitem(nullptr); CGAL::Union_find< SFace_handle> UF; SFace_iterator f; CGAL_forall_sfaces(f,*this) { Pitem[f] = UF.make_set(f); clear_face_cycle_entries(f); } if ( this->has_shalfloop() ) { SHalfloop_handle l = this->shalfloop(); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l,f); f = *(UF.find(Pitem[l->twin()->incident_sface()])); link_as_loop(l->twin(),f); } SHalfedge_iterator e, en; for(e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); e = en) { en = e; ++en; if ( en==e->twin() ) ++en; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("can simplify ? " << PH(e)); if(!Infi_box::is_sedge_on_infibox(e)) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(e->mark() << " " << e->incident_sface()->mark() << " " << e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark()); if (( e->mark() == e->incident_sface()->mark() && e->incident_sface()->mark() == e->twin()->incident_sface()->mark())){ CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("deleting "<incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()]) ) { UF.unify_sets( Pitem[e->incident_sface()], Pitem[e->twin()->incident_sface()] ); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("unioning disjoint faces"); } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("is_closed_at_source " << is_closed_at_source(e) << " " << is_closed_at_source(e->twin())); if ( is_closed_at_source(e) ) Vitem[e->source()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; if ( is_closed_at_source(e->twin())) Vitem[e->target()] = Pitem[e->incident_sface()]; delete_edge_pair(e); } } } CGAL::Unique_hash_map linked(false); for (e = this->shalfedges_begin(); e != this->shalfedges_end(); ++e) { if ( linked[e] ) continue; SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator hfc(e),hend(hfc); SFace_handle f = *(UF.find( Pitem[e->incident_sface()])); CGAL_For_all(hfc,hend) { set_face(hfc,f); linked[hfc]=true; } store_sm_boundary_object(e,f); } SVertex_iterator v,vn; for(v = this->svertices_begin(); v != this->svertices_end(); v=vn) { vn=v; ++vn; if ( is_isolated(v) ) { if(Vitem[v] != nullptr) { set_face(v,*(UF.find(Vitem[v]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("incident face of " << PH(v) << " set to " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } else { set_face(v, *(UF.find(Pitem[v->incident_sface()]))); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("isolated svertex " << PH(v) << " already has incident face " << &*(v->incident_sface())); } if ( v->mark() == v->incident_sface()->mark() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("removing isolated vertex"<incident_sface()); // isolated, but should stay } else { // v not isolated SHalfedge_handle e2 = first_out_edge(v), e1 = e2->sprev(); if ( has_outdeg_two(v) && v->mark() == e1->mark() && e1->mark() == e2->mark() && e1->circle() == e2->circle() ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("collinear at "<sfaces_begin(); f != this->sfaces_end(); f=fn) { ++fn; Union_find_handle pit = Pitem[f]; if ( UF.find(pit) != pit ) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("delete face " << &*f); delete_face_only(f); } } CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("resulting vertex "); CGAL_forall_svertices(vn, *this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("|" << vn->point() << "|" << vn->mark()); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" "); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_shalfedges(en,*this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("|" << en->circle() << "|" << en->mark() << " " << en->incident_sface()->mark())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("check indexes"); CGAL_assertion_code(CGAL_forall_sedges(en, *this) CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(en->source()->point() << "->" << en->twin()->source()->point() << " : " << en->get_index() << " " << en->twin()->get_index())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("---------------------"); } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif //CGAL_SNC_SM_OVERLAYER_H