// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Nef_3/include/CGAL/Nef_3/SNC_structure.h $ // $Id: SNC_structure.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel // Miguel Granados // Susan Hert // Lutz Kettner #ifndef CGAL_SNC_STRUCTURE_H #define CGAL_SNC_STRUCTURE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX #include #endif #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 41 #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template struct move_shalfedge_around_facet { void forward(HE& e) const { e = (e->next()); } void backward(HE& e) const { e = (e->prev()); } }; template void merge_sets( Object o1, Object o2, Hash_map& hash, Union_find& uf) { //CGAL_assertion( hash[o1] != 0 && hash[o2] != 0); CGAL_assertion( hash.is_defined(o1) && hash.is_defined(o2)); if( !uf.same_set( hash[o1], hash[o2])) uf.unify_sets( hash[o1], hash[o2]); } template class SNC_sphere_map; template class SM_decorator; template class SNC_decorator; /*{\Manpage {SNC_structure}{Items}{Selective Nef Complex}{C}}*/ template class SNC_structure { /*{\Mdefinition The extended Wuerzburg structure is the topological structure of Nef polyhedra. It is programmed around the local graphs of the vertices of a Nef polyhedron, which describe the point set completely. All other concepts are either derived from the local graph or added for the comfort of the user.}*/ public: /*{\Mtypes 7}*/ typedef Items_ Items; typedef Kernel_ Kernel; typedef Mark_ Mark; typedef SNC_structure Self; // typedef bool Mark; typedef CGAL::SNC_decorator SNC_decorator; typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; typedef typename Kernel::RT RT; typedef CGAL::Sphere_geometry Sphere_kernel; typedef SNC_sphere_map Sphere_map; typedef CGAL::SM_decorator SM_decorator; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point_3; /*{\Mtypemember embedding vertices.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Plane_3 Plane_3; /*{\Mtypemember supporting facets.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3; /*{\Mtypemember normal vectors.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Direction_3 Direction_3; /*{\Mtypemember normal directions.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Segment_3 Segment_3; /*{\Mtypemember segments in space.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Line_3 Line_3; /*{\Mtypemember lines in space.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Ray_3 Ray_3; /*{\Mtypemember rays in space.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Triangle_3 Triangle_3; /*{\Mtypemember triangles in space.}*/ typedef typename Kernel::Aff_transformation_3 Aff_transformation_3; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_point Sphere_point; /*{\Mtypemember points on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_segment Sphere_segment; /*{\Mtypemember segments on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_circle Sphere_circle; /*{\Mtypemember segments on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_direction Sphere_direction; /*{\Mtypemember directions on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef size_t Size_type; /*{\Mtypemember size type.}*/ private: friend class CGAL::SM_decorator; friend class CGAL::SNC_decorator; /*{\Mtext For all objects |Vertex|, |Halfedge|, |Halffacet|, |Volume| there are handle and iterator types |xxx_handle|, |xxx_iterator|. Additionally all objects of the local graph of a vertex |SVertex|, |SHalfedge|, |SHalfloop|, |SFace| are accessed via handles and iterators. There's no type |SHalfloop_iterator|, as there is at most one |SLoop| pair per vertex.}*/ #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX template class Facet_with_box : public Items::template Halffacet { public: typedef typename Items::template Halffacet Halffacet; typedef typename Refs::FT FT; typedef typename Box_intersection_d::Box_d Box; Box b; Facet_with_box() : Halffacet(), b() {} Facet_with_box(const Plane_3& h, Mark m) : Halffacet(h,m) {} Facet_with_box(const Facet_with_box& f) : Halffacet(f) { b = f.b; } Facet_with_box& operator=(const Facet_with_box& f) { (Halffacet) *this = (Halffacet) f; b = f.b; return *this; } }; #endif public: typedef Sphere_map Vertex_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_sm Vertex; typedef CGAL::In_place_list Vertex_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(Vertex) Vertex_alloc; typedef typename Vertex_list::iterator Vertex_handle; typedef typename Vertex_list::const_iterator Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Vertex_list::iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Vertex_list::const_iterator Vertex_const_iterator; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX typedef Facet_with_box Halffacet_base; #else typedef typename Items::template Halffacet Halffacet_base; #endif typedef SNC_in_place_list_halffacet Halffacet; typedef CGAL::In_place_list Halffacet_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(Halffacet) Halffacet_alloc; typedef typename Halffacet_list::iterator Halffacet_handle; typedef typename Halffacet_list::const_iterator Halffacet_const_handle; typedef typename Halffacet_list::iterator Halffacet_iterator; typedef typename Halffacet_list::const_iterator Halffacet_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template Volume Volume_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_volume Volume; typedef CGAL::In_place_list Volume_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(Volume) Volume_alloc; typedef typename Volume_list::iterator Volume_handle; typedef typename Volume_list::const_iterator Volume_const_handle; typedef typename Volume_list::iterator Volume_iterator; typedef typename Volume_list::const_iterator Volume_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SVertex SVertex_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_svertex SVertex; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SVertex_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SVertex) SVertex_alloc; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator SVertex_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator SVertex_const_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator SVertex_iterator; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator SVertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SVertex Halfedge_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_svertex Halfedge; typedef CGAL::In_place_list Halfedge_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SVertex) Halfedge_alloc; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator Halfedge_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator Halfedge_iterator; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator Halfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SHalfedge SHalfedge_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_shalfedge SHalfedge; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SHalfedge_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SHalfedge) SHalfedge_alloc; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::iterator SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::const_iterator SHalfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::iterator SHalfedge_iterator; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::const_iterator SHalfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SHalfloop SHalfloop_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_shalfloop SHalfloop; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SHalfloop_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SHalfloop) SHalfloop_alloc; typedef typename SHalfloop_list::iterator SHalfloop_handle; typedef typename SHalfloop_list::const_iterator SHalfloop_const_handle; typedef typename SHalfloop_list::iterator SHalfloop_iterator; typedef typename SHalfloop_list::const_iterator SHalfloop_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SFace SFace_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_sface SFace; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SFace_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SFace) SFace_alloc; typedef typename SFace_list::iterator SFace_handle; typedef typename SFace_list::const_iterator SFace_const_handle; typedef typename SFace_list::iterator SFace_iterator; typedef typename SFace_list::const_iterator SFace_const_iterator; typedef CGAL::Object_handle Object_handle; typedef std::list Object_list; typedef Object_list::iterator Object_iterator; typedef Object_list::const_iterator Object_const_iterator; typedef Object_list::const_iterator Object_const_handle; typedef typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator; typedef typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator; typedef typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_around_svertex_const_circulator SHalfedge_around_svertex_const_circulator; typedef typename Sphere_map::SHalfedge_around_sface_const_circulator SHalfedge_around_sface_const_circulator; typedef typename Sphere_map::Infi_box Infi_box; typedef typename Infi_box::Standard_kernel Standard_kernel; typedef Vertex_handle Constructor_parameter; typedef Vertex_const_handle Constructor_const_parameter; // Halffacet triangle #ifdef CGAL_NEF_LIST_OF_TRIANGLES class Halffacet_triangle_handle : public Halffacet_handle { typedef Halffacet_handle Base; Triangle_3* triangle; public: Halffacet_triangle_handle() : Base() {} Halffacet_triangle_handle( Halffacet_handle h, Triangle_3& t) : Base(h), triangle(&t) {} Triangle_3& get_triangle() { return *triangle; } void transform(const Aff_transformation_3& t) { *triangle = Triangle_3((*triangle)[0].transform(t), (*triangle)[1].transform(t), (*triangle)[2].transform(t)); } }; #else class Halffacet_triangle_const_handle : public Halffacet_const_handle { typedef Halffacet_const_handle Base; Triangle_3 triangle; public: Halffacet_triangle_const_handle() : Base() {} Halffacet_triangle_const_handle( Halffacet_const_handle h, Triangle_3& t) : Base(h), triangle(t) {} Triangle_3 get_triangle() { return triangle; } void transform(const Aff_transformation_3& t) { triangle = Triangle_3(triangle[0].transform(t), triangle[1].transform(t), triangle[2].transform(t)); } }; class Halffacet_triangle_handle : public Halffacet_handle { typedef Halffacet_handle Base; Triangle_3 triangle; public: Halffacet_triangle_handle() : Base() {} Halffacet_triangle_handle( Halffacet_handle h, Triangle_3& t) : Base(h), triangle(t) {} Triangle_3 get_triangle() { return triangle; } void transform(const Aff_transformation_3& t) { triangle = Triangle_3(triangle[0].transform(t), triangle[1].transform(t), triangle[2].transform(t)); } }; #endif class Halffacet_cycle_iterator : public Object_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic handle to an object in the boundary of a facet. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_iterator Ibase; public: Halffacet_cycle_iterator() : Ibase() {} Halffacet_cycle_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SHalfedge_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return e; } operator SHalfloop_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return l; } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { CGAL_error_msg("not impl."); return Object_handle();} }; class Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator : public Object_const_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic handle to an object in the boundary of a facet. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_const_iterator Ibase; public: Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator() : Ibase() {} Halffacet_cycle_const_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SHalfedge_const_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfedge_const_handle(e); } operator SHalfloop_const_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfloop_const_handle(l); } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } const Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { CGAL_error_msg("not impl."); return Object_handle();} }; class SFace_cycle_iterator : public Object_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic iterator to an object in the boundary of a sface. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_iterator Ibase; public: SFace_cycle_iterator() : Ibase() {} SFace_cycle_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_svertex() const { SVertex_handle v; return CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SVertex_handle() const { SVertex_handle v; CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); return v; } operator SHalfedge_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return e; } operator SHalfloop_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return l; } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { return Object_handle(); } }; class SFace_cycle_const_iterator : public Object_const_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic iterator to an object in the boundary of a facet. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_const_iterator Ibase; public: SFace_cycle_const_iterator() : Ibase() {} SFace_cycle_const_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_svertex() const { SVertex_handle v; return CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SVertex_const_handle() const { SVertex_handle v; CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); return SVertex_const_handle(v); } operator SHalfedge_const_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfedge_const_handle(e); } operator SHalfloop_const_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfloop_const_handle(l); } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } const Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { return Object_handle(); } }; class Shell_entry_iterator : public Object_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic iterator to an object in the boundary of a shell. Convertible to |SFace_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_iterator Ibase; public: Shell_entry_iterator() : Ibase() {} Shell_entry_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} operator SFace_handle() const { SFace_handle f; CGAL_assertion( CGAL::assign(f,Ibase::operator*()) ); CGAL::assign(f,Ibase::operator*()); return f; } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { return Object_handle(); } }; class Shell_entry_const_iterator : public Object_const_iterator { typedef Object_const_iterator Ibase; public: Shell_entry_const_iterator() : Ibase() {} Shell_entry_const_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} operator SFace_const_handle() const { SFace_handle f; CGAL_assertion( CGAL::assign(f,Ibase::operator*()) ); CGAL::assign(f,Ibase::operator*()); return SFace_const_handle(f); } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } const Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { return Object_handle(); } }; typedef CircFromIt > SHalfedge_around_facet_const_circulator; // Mutable Circulators: typedef CircFromIt > SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator; #ifdef CGAL_NEF3_FACET_WITH_BOX typedef std::pair Outer_cycle; typedef std::pair Inner_cycle; class Partial_facet { public: Halffacet_handle f; std::list outer_cycles; std::list inner_cycles; std::list isolated_vertices; typedef typename std::list::iterator Outer_cycle_iterator; typedef typename std::list::iterator Inner_cycle_iterator; typedef typename std::list::iterator Isolated_vertex_iterator; Partial_facet() {} Partial_facet(const Partial_facet& pf) { f = pf.f; outer_cycles = pf.outer_cycles; inner_cycles = pf.inner_cycles; isolated_vertices = pf.isolated_vertices; } Partial_facet& operator=(const Partial_facet& pf) { f = pf.f; outer_cycles = pf.outer_cycles; inner_cycles = pf.inner_cycles; isolated_vertices = pf.isolated_vertices; return *this; } explicit Partial_facet(Halffacet_handle fin) : f(fin) { Halffacet_cycle_iterator fc = f->facet_cycles_begin(); for(;fc != f->facet_cycles_end();++fc) { if(fc.is_shalfedge()) { SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator se(fc), se_next(se); ++se_next; if(fc == f->facet_cycles_begin()) { outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se, se)); // outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_next, se)); } else { inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se, se)); // inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_next, se)); } } else if(fc.is_shalfloop()) { SHalfloop_handle l(fc); isolated_vertices.push_back(l->incident_sface()->center_vertex()->point()); } else CGAL_error_msg( "wrong value"); } } Outer_cycle_iterator outer_cycles_begin() { return outer_cycles.begin(); } Inner_cycle_iterator inner_cycles_begin() { return inner_cycles.begin(); } Isolated_vertex_iterator isolated_vertices_begin() { return isolated_vertices.begin(); } Outer_cycle_iterator outer_cycles_end() { return outer_cycles.end(); } Inner_cycle_iterator inner_cycles_end() { return inner_cycles.end(); } Isolated_vertex_iterator isolated_vertices_end() { return isolated_vertices.end(); } bool divide(const Plane_3& p, Partial_facet& pf1, Partial_facet& pf2) { // std::cerr << "divide " << std::endl; // debug(); pf1.f = pf2.f = f; Outer_cycle_iterator oc = outer_cycles.begin(); for(;oc != outer_cycles.end(); ++oc) { bool next = false; // CGAL_assertion(oc->first != oc->second); SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator se = oc->first, se_begin(se), se_new(se), se_end; Oriented_side ref = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()), cur; // std::cerr << "start " << se->source()->source()->point() << ":" << ref << std::endl; ++se; while(ref == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY && se != oc->second) { ref = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()); ++se; } if(se == oc->second) return false; for(;se != oc->second;++se) { cur = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()); // std::cerr << "current " << se->source()->source()->point() << ":" << cur << std::endl; if(cur != ref) { CGAL_assertion(ref != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); if(cur == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) { next = true; continue; } se_end = se; if(next) --se_end; if(cur == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) { pf2.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, se_end)); } else if(cur == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) { pf1.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, se_end)); } se_begin = se_new; if(next) ++se_begin; ref = cur; } else se_new = se; next = false; } // std::cerr << "end of cycle " << ref << std::endl; if(next) { if(ref == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) { pf1.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_new, se)); pf2.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, --se)); } else { pf2.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_new, se)); pf1.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, --se)); } } else { if(ref == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) pf2.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, se)); else if(ref == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) pf1.outer_cycles.push_back(Outer_cycle(se_begin, se)); } } Inner_cycle_iterator ic = inner_cycles.begin(); for(;ic != inner_cycles.end(); ++ic) { bool next = false; SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator se = ic->first, se_begin(se), se_new(se), se_end; Oriented_side ref = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()), cur; ++se; while(ref == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY && se != ic->second) { ref = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()); ++se; } if(se == ic->second) return false; for(;se != ic->second; ++se) { cur = p.oriented_side(se->source()->source()->point()); if(cur != ref) { CGAL_assertion(ref != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY); if(cur == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) { next = true; continue; } se_end = se; if(next) --se_end; if(cur == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) { pf2.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, se_end)); } else if(cur == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) { pf1.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, se_end)); } se_begin = se_new; if(next) ++se_begin; ref = cur; } else se_new = se; next = false; } if(next) { if(ref == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) { pf1.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_new, se)); pf2.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, --se)); } else { pf2.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_new, se)); pf1.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, --se)); } } else { if(ref == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) pf2.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, se)); else if(ref == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) pf1.inner_cycles.push_back(Inner_cycle(se_begin, se)); } } Isolated_vertex_iterator iv = isolated_vertices.begin(); for(;iv != isolated_vertices.end();++iv) { Oriented_side side = p.oriented_side(*iv); if( side == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) pf1.isolated_vertices.push_back(*iv); if( side == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE || side == ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) pf1.isolated_vertices.push_back(*iv); } // std::cerr << "into " << std::endl; // pf1.debug(); // pf2.debug(); return true; } void debug() { std::cerr << "Partial_facet " << std::endl; std::cerr << "Box " << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.min_coord(0) << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.min_coord(1) << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.min_coord(2) << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.max_coord(0) << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.max_coord(1) << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << f->b.max_coord(2) << std::endl; Outer_cycle_iterator oc = outer_cycles_begin(); for(; oc != outer_cycles_end(); ++oc) { std::cerr << "Outer cycle " << std::endl; SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator sb(oc->first), se(oc->second); CGAL_For_all(sb,se) { std::cerr << " " << sb->source()->source()->point() << std::endl; } } Inner_cycle_iterator ic = inner_cycles_begin(); for(; ic != inner_cycles_end(); ++ic) { std::cerr << "Inner cycle " << std::endl; SHalfedge_around_facet_circulator sb(ic->first), se(ic->second); CGAL_For_all(sb,se) { std::cerr << " " << sb->source()->source()->point() << std::endl; } } } }; #endif /*{\Mcreation 3}*/ /*{\Mtext |\Mname| is default and copy constructible. Note that copy construction means cloning an isomorphic structure and is thus an expensive operation.}*/ SNC_structure() : boundary_item_(boost::none), sm_boundary_item_(boost::none), vertices_(), halfedges_(), halffacets_(), volumes_(), shalfedges_(), shalfloops_(), sfaces_() {} ~SNC_structure() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~SNC_structure: clearing "< bool is_boundary_object(H h) { return boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none; } template bool is_sm_boundary_object(H h) { return sm_boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none; } template Object_iterator& boundary_item(H h) { return *boundary_item_[h]; } template Object_iterator& sm_boundary_item(H h) { return *sm_boundary_item_[h]; } template void store_boundary_item(H h, Object_iterator o) { boundary_item_[h] = o; } template void store_sm_boundary_item(H h, Object_iterator o) { sm_boundary_item_[h] = o; } template void undef_boundary_item(H h) { CGAL_assertion(boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none); boundary_item_[h] = boost::none; } template void undef_sm_boundary_item(H h) { CGAL_assertion(sm_boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none); sm_boundary_item_[h] = boost::none; } void reset_iterator_hash(Object_iterator it) { SVertex_handle sv; SHalfedge_handle se; SHalfloop_handle sl; if ( CGAL::assign(se,*it) ) { if( is_boundary_object(se)) undef_boundary_item(se); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sl,*it) ) { if( is_boundary_object(sl)) undef_boundary_item(sl); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sv,*it) ) { if( is_boundary_object(sv)) undef_boundary_item(sv); return; } } void reset_sm_object_list(Object_list& L) { Object_iterator oit; CGAL_forall_iterators(oit,L) reset_sm_iterator_hash(oit); L.clear(); } void reset_sm_iterator_hash(Object_iterator it) { SVertex_handle sv; SHalfedge_handle se; SHalfloop_handle sl; if ( CGAL::assign(se,*it) ) { if( is_sm_boundary_object(se)) undef_sm_boundary_item(se); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sl,*it) ) { if( is_sm_boundary_object(sl)) undef_sm_boundary_item(sl); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sv,*it) ) { if( is_sm_boundary_object(sv)) undef_sm_boundary_item(sv); return; } } void reset_object_list(Object_list& L) { Object_iterator oit; CGAL_forall_iterators(oit,L) reset_iterator_hash(oit); L.clear(); } /*{\Moperations 2.5 3}*/ // The constant iterators and circulators. Vertex_const_iterator vertices_begin() const { return vertices_.begin();} Vertex_const_iterator vertices_end() const { return vertices_.end();} Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_begin() const { return halfedges_.begin();} Halfedge_const_iterator halfedges_end() const { return halfedges_.end();} Halffacet_const_iterator halffacets_begin() const { return halffacets_.begin();} Halffacet_const_iterator halffacets_end() const { return halffacets_.end();} Volume_const_iterator volumes_begin() const { return volumes_.begin();} Volume_const_iterator volumes_end() const { return volumes_.end();} SVertex_const_iterator svertices_begin() const { return halfedges_.begin();} SVertex_const_iterator svertices_end() const { return halfedges_.end();} SHalfedge_const_iterator shalfedges_begin() const { return shalfedges_.begin();} SHalfedge_const_iterator shalfedges_end() const { return shalfedges_.end();} SHalfloop_const_iterator shalfloops_begin() const { return shalfloops_.begin();} SHalfloop_const_iterator shalfloops_end() const { return shalfloops_.end();} SFace_const_iterator sfaces_begin() const { return sfaces_.begin();} SFace_const_iterator sfaces_end() const { return sfaces_.end();} Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() { return vertices_.begin();} Vertex_iterator vertices_end() { return vertices_.end();} Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin() { return halfedges_.begin();} Halfedge_iterator halfedges_end() { return halfedges_.end();} Halffacet_iterator halffacets_begin() { return halffacets_.begin();} Halffacet_iterator halffacets_end() { return halffacets_.end();} Volume_iterator volumes_begin() { return volumes_.begin();} Volume_iterator volumes_end() { return volumes_.end();} SVertex_iterator svertices_begin() { return halfedges_.begin();} SVertex_iterator svertices_end() { return halfedges_.end();} SHalfedge_iterator shalfedges_begin() { return shalfedges_.begin();} SHalfedge_iterator shalfedges_end() { return shalfedges_.end();} SHalfloop_iterator shalfloops_begin() { return shalfloops_.begin();} SHalfloop_iterator shalfloops_end() { return shalfloops_.end();} SFace_iterator sfaces_begin() { return sfaces_.begin();} SFace_iterator sfaces_end() { return sfaces_.end();} /*{\Mtext The list of all objects can be accessed via iterator ranges. For comfortable iteration we also provide iterations macros. The iterator range access operations are of the following kind:\\ |Vertex_iterator vertices_begin()/vertices_end()|\\ |Halfedge_iterator halfedges_begin()/halfedges_end()|\\ |Halffacet_iterator halffacets_begin()/halffacets_end()|\\ |Volume_iterator volumes_begin()/volumes_end()| The macros are then |CGAL_forall_vertices(v,\Mvar)|, |CGAL_forall_halfedges(e,\Mvar)|, |CGAL_forall_edges(e,\Mvar)|, |CGAL_forall_halffacets(f,\Mvar)|, |CGAL_forall_facets(f,\Mvar)|, |CGAL_forall_volumes(w,\Mvar)|.}*/ Size_type number_of_vertices() const { return vertices_.size(); } /*{\Mop returns the number of vertices.}*/ Size_type number_of_halfedges() const { return halfedges_.size(); } /*{\Mop returns the number of (directed edges).}*/ Size_type number_of_edges() const { return halfedges_.size()/2; } /*{\Mop returns the number of (directed edges).}*/ Size_type number_of_halffacets() const { return halffacets_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of halffacets.}*/ Size_type number_of_facets() const { return halffacets_.size()/2;} /*{\Mop returns the number of facets.}*/ Size_type number_of_volumes() const { return volumes_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of volumes.}*/ Size_type number_of_svertices() const { return halfedges_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of svertices.}*/ Size_type number_of_shalfedges() const { return shalfedges_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of sedges.}*/ Size_type number_of_shalfloops() const { return shalfloops_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of sloops.}*/ Size_type number_of_sfaces() const { return sfaces_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of sfaces.}*/ void print_statistics(std::ostream& os = std::cout) const /*{\Mop print the statistics of |P|: the number of vertices, edges, faces, volumes and sobjects.}*/ { os << "Selective Nef Complex - Statistics\n"; os << "|V| = " << number_of_vertices() << std::endl; os << "|E| = " << number_of_halfedges() << std::endl; os << "|F| = " << number_of_halffacets() << std::endl; os << "|C| = " << number_of_volumes() << std::endl; os << "|VS| = " << number_of_svertices() << std::endl; os << "|ES| = " << number_of_shalfedges() << std::endl; os << "|LS| = " << number_of_shalfloops() << std::endl; os << "|FS| = " << number_of_sfaces() << std::endl; os << std::endl; } bool is_empty() const { /*{\Mop returns true if |\Mvar| is empty, false otherwise.}*/ return number_of_vertices() == 0 && number_of_halfedges() == 0 && number_of_halffacets() == 0 && number_of_volumes() == 0 && number_of_shalfedges() == 0 && number_of_shalfloops() == 0 && number_of_sfaces() == 0; } bool has_bbox_only() const { /*{\Mop returns true if |\Mvar| is only the infimaximal box, false otherwise.}*/ return (number_of_vertices() == 8 && number_of_edges() == 12 && number_of_facets() == 6 && number_of_volumes() == 2 && (++volumes_begin())->mark() == false); } Vertex_handle new_vertex(const Point_3& p = Point_3(), Mark m = Mark()) /*{\Mop returns a new vertex at point |p| marked by |m|.}*/ { Vertex_handle vh = new_vertex_only(); vh->point() = p; vh->mark() = m; vh->sncp() = this; vh->svertices_begin() = vh->svertices_last() = svertices_end(); vh->shalfedges_begin() = vh->shalfedges_last() = shalfedges_end(); vh->sfaces_begin() = vh->sfaces_last() = sfaces_end(); vh->shalfloop() = shalfloops_end(); return vh; } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_pair(Vertex_handle v1, Vertex_handle v2, Mark m = Mark()) /*{\Mop creates a new halfedge pair between the vertices $v_1$ and $v_2$. The edge is marked by |m|.}*/ { SM_decorator D1(&*v1); SM_decorator D2(&*v2); SVertex_handle e1 = D1.new_vertex(); SVertex_handle e2 = D2.new_vertex(); make_twins(e1,e2); e1->mark() = m; return e1; } Halffacet_handle new_halffacet_pair(const Plane_3& h = Plane_3(), Mark m = Mark()) /*{\Mop creates a new facet supported by the plane |h| and marked with |m|.}*/ { Halffacet_handle f1 = new_halffacet_only(); Halffacet_handle f2 = new_halffacet_only(); f1->plane() = h; f2->plane() = h.opposite(); make_twins(f1,f2); f1->mark() = f2->mark() = m; return f1; } Volume_handle new_volume(Mark m = Mark()) /*{\Mop creates a new volume marked with |m|.}*/ { Volume_handle vh = new_volume_only(); vh->mark() = m; return vh; } template void make_twins(H h1, H h2) { h1->twin() = h2; h2->twin() = h1; } void delete_vertex(Vertex_handle v) /*{\Mop deletes the vertex including the objects in its local graph.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting vertex "<<&*v<<" from "<<&*this); v->clear(true); delete_vertex_only(v); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~~ vertex deleted"<<&*v); } void delete_halfedge_pair(Halfedge_handle e) /*{\Mop deletes the halfedge pair of |e,twin(e)|. Does not care about incident objects in the local graph of |source(e)|.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting halfedges pair "<<&*e<<", "<<&*(e->twin())<< " from "<<&*this); Halfedge_handle et = e->twin(); SM_decorator D1(&*e->center_vertex()), D2(&*et->center_vertex()); D1.delete_vertex(e); D2.delete_vertex(et); } void delete_halffacet_pair(Halffacet_handle f) /*{\Mop deletes the halffacet pair |f,twin(f)|. Does not care about boundary cycle objects.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting halffacets pair "<<&*f<<", "<<&*(f->twin())<< " from "<<&*this); reset_object_list(f->boundary_entry_objects()); reset_object_list(f->twin()->boundary_entry_objects()); delete_halffacet_only(f->twin()); delete_halffacet_only(f); } void delete_volume(Volume_handle c) /*{\Mop deletes the volume |c|. Does not care about shell objects.}*/ { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting volume "<<&*c<<" from "<<&*this); reset_object_list(c->shell_entry_objects()); delete_volume_only(c); } Vertex_alloc vertex_allocator; Vertex* get_vertex_node( const Vertex& ) { Vertex* p = vertex_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(vertex_allocator, p); return p; } void put_vertex_node( Vertex* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(vertex_allocator,p); vertex_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } Halfedge_alloc halfedge_allocator; Halfedge* get_halfedge_node( const Halfedge&) { Halfedge* p = halfedge_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(halfedge_allocator, p); return p; } void put_halfedge_node( Halfedge* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(halfedge_allocator,p); halfedge_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } Halffacet_alloc halffacet_allocator; Halffacet* get_halffacet_node( const Halffacet& ) { Halffacet* p = halffacet_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(halffacet_allocator, p); return p; } void put_halffacet_node( Halffacet* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(halffacet_allocator,p); halffacet_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } Volume_alloc volume_allocator; Volume* get_volume_node( const Volume& ) { Volume* p = volume_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(volume_allocator, p); return p; } void put_volume_node( Volume* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(volume_allocator,p); volume_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SHalfedge_alloc shalfedge_allocator; SHalfedge* get_shalfedge_node( const SHalfedge& ) { SHalfedge* p = shalfedge_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(shalfedge_allocator, p); return p; } void put_shalfedge_node( SHalfedge* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(shalfedge_allocator,p); shalfedge_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SHalfloop_alloc shalfloop_allocator; SHalfloop* get_shalfloop_node( const SHalfloop& ) { SHalfloop* p = shalfloop_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(shalfloop_allocator, p); return p; } void put_shalfloop_node( SHalfloop* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(shalfloop_allocator,p); shalfloop_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SFace_alloc sface_allocator; SFace* get_sface_node( const SFace& ) { SFace* p = sface_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(sface_allocator, p); return p; } void put_sface_node( SFace* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(sface_allocator,p); sface_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } Vertex_handle new_vertex_only() { vertices_.push_back(* get_vertex_node(Vertex())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new vertex only "<<&*(--vertices_end())); return --vertices_end(); } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_only(Halfedge_handle e) { Halfedge_handle ne = halfedges_.insert(e, * get_halfedge_node(Halfedge())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" after "<<&*e<<" new halfedge only "<<&*ne); return ne; } Halfedge_handle new_halfedge_only() { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new halfedge only "<<&*(--halfedges_end())); halfedges_.push_back( * get_halfedge_node(Halfedge())); return --halfedges_end(); } Halffacet_handle new_halffacet_only() { halffacets_.push_back( * get_halffacet_node(Halffacet())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new halffacet only "<<&*(--halffacets_end())); return --halffacets_end(); } Volume_handle new_volume_only() { volumes_.push_back( * get_volume_node(Volume())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new volume only "<<&*(--volumes_end())); return --volumes_end(); } SHalfedge_handle new_shalfedge_only() { shalfedges_.push_back( * get_shalfedge_node(SHalfedge())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new shalfedge only "<<&*(--shalfedges_end())); return --shalfedges_end(); } SHalfedge_handle new_shalfedge_only(SHalfedge_handle se) { SHalfedge_handle nse = shalfedges_.insert(se, * get_shalfedge_node(SHalfedge())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" after " << &*se << " new shalfedge only " << &*nse); return nse; } SHalfloop_handle new_shalfloop_only() { shalfloops_.push_back( * get_shalfloop_node(SHalfloop())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new shalfloop only "<<&*(--shalfloops_end())); return --shalfloops_end(); } SFace_handle new_sface_only() { sfaces_.push_back( * get_sface_node(SFace())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" new sface only "<<&*(--sfaces_end())); return --sfaces_end(); } SFace_handle new_sface_only(SFace_handle sf) { SFace_handle nsf = sfaces_.insert(sf, * get_sface_node(SFace())); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" after " << &*sf << " new sface only " << &*nsf); return nsf; } void delete_vertex_only(Vertex_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting vertex only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); vertices_.erase(h); put_vertex_node(&*h); } void delete_halfedge_only(Halfedge_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting halfedge only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); CGAL_assertion(!is_sm_boundary_object(h)); halfedges_.erase(h); put_halfedge_node(&*h); } void delete_halffacet_only(Halffacet_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting halffacet only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); halffacets_.erase(h); put_halffacet_node(&*h); } void delete_volume_only(Volume_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting volume only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); volumes_.erase(h); put_volume_node(&*h); } void delete_shalfedge_only(SHalfedge_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting shalfedge only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); CGAL_assertion(!is_sm_boundary_object(h)); shalfedges_.erase(h); put_shalfedge_node(&*h); } void delete_shalfloop_only(SHalfloop_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting shalfloop only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); CGAL_assertion(!is_sm_boundary_object(h)); shalfloops_.erase(h); put_shalfloop_node(&*h); } void delete_sface_only(SFace_handle h) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("~ deleting sface only "<<&*h<<" from "<<&*this); CGAL_assertion(!is_boundary_object(h)); sfaces_.erase(h); put_sface_node(&*h); } //SL: in the following function, I guess the sizeof(void*) is related to the void* info that was //used together with geninfo to store an arbitrary type. I replaced that with any and did not changed that std::size_t bytes() { // bytes used for the SNC_structure std::size_t result = sizeof(Self); result += number_of_vertices() * (sizeof(Vertex) - sizeof(Point_3)); result += number_of_halfedges() * (sizeof(Halfedge) - sizeof(Sphere_point)); result += number_of_halffacets() * (sizeof(Halffacet) - sizeof(Plane_3)); result += number_of_volumes() * sizeof(Volume); result += number_of_shalfedges() * (sizeof(SHalfedge) - sizeof(Sphere_circle)); result += number_of_shalfloops() * sizeof(SHalfloop); result += number_of_sfaces() * sizeof(SFace); Halffacet_iterator hf; CGAL_forall_halffacets(hf, *this) { Halffacet_cycle_iterator fc; CGAL_forall_facet_cycles_of(fc, hf) result += sizeof(*fc) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } Volume_iterator c; CGAL_forall_volumes(c, *this) { Shell_entry_iterator sei; CGAL_forall_shells_of(sei,c) result += sizeof(*sei) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } SFace_iterator sf; CGAL_forall_sfaces(sf, *this) { SFace_cycle_iterator sfc; CGAL_forall_sface_cycles_of(sfc,sf) result += sizeof(*sfc) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } return result; } //SL: in the following function, I guess the sizeof(void*) is related to the void* info that was //used together with geninfo to store an arbitrary type. I replaced that with any and did not changed that std::size_t bytes_reduced() { // bytes used for the SNC_structure std::size_t result = sizeof(Self); result += number_of_vertices() * (sizeof(Vertex) - sizeof(Point_3) - sizeof(SHalfloop_iterator) - 2 * sizeof(Mark) - sizeof(void*)); result += number_of_halfedges() * (sizeof(Halfedge) - sizeof(SHalfedge_handle) - sizeof(SFace_handle) - sizeof(void*) - sizeof(Sphere_point)); result += number_of_halffacets() * (sizeof(Halffacet) - sizeof(Plane_3)); result += number_of_volumes() * sizeof(Volume); result += number_of_shalfedges() * (sizeof(SHalfedge) - sizeof(SVertex_handle) - 3 * sizeof(SHalfedge_handle) - sizeof(SFace_handle) - sizeof(void*) - sizeof(Mark) - sizeof(Sphere_circle)); result += number_of_sfaces() * (sizeof(SFace) - sizeof(void*) - sizeof(Mark) - sizeof(Object_list)); Halffacet_iterator hf; CGAL_forall_halffacets(hf, *this) { Halffacet_cycle_iterator fc; CGAL_forall_facet_cycles_of(fc, hf) result += sizeof(*fc) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } Volume_iterator c; CGAL_forall_volumes(c, *this) { Shell_entry_iterator sei; CGAL_forall_shells_of(sei,c) result += sizeof(*sei) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } return result; } std::size_t bytes_reduced2() { // bytes used for the SNC_structure std::size_t result = sizeof(Self); result += number_of_vertices() * (sizeof(Mark) + sizeof(SNC_structure*) + sizeof(Object_list) + 2 * sizeof(SFace_handle)); result += number_of_halfedges() * (sizeof(Vertex_handle) + sizeof(SVertex_handle) + sizeof(Mark) + 2 * sizeof(Object_handle)); result += number_of_halffacets() * (sizeof(Halffacet) - sizeof(Plane_3)); result += number_of_volumes() * sizeof(Volume); result += number_of_shalfedges() * (2 * sizeof(SHalfedge_handle) + sizeof(Halffacet_handle)); result += number_of_shalfloops() * sizeof(SHalfloop); result += number_of_sfaces() * (sizeof(Vertex_handle) + sizeof(Volume_handle)); Halffacet_iterator hf; CGAL_forall_halffacets(hf, *this) { Halffacet_cycle_iterator fc; CGAL_forall_facet_cycles_of(fc, hf) result += sizeof(*fc) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } Volume_iterator c; CGAL_forall_volumes(c, *this) { Shell_entry_iterator sei; CGAL_forall_shells_of(sei,c) result += sizeof(*sei) + 2 * sizeof(void*); } return result; } protected: void pointer_update(const Self& D); typedef boost::optional Optional_object_iterator ; private: Generic_handle_map boundary_item_; Generic_handle_map sm_boundary_item_; protected: Vertex_list vertices_; Halfedge_list halfedges_; Halffacet_list halffacets_; Volume_list volumes_; SHalfedge_list shalfedges_; SHalfloop_list shalfloops_; SFace_list sfaces_; }; // SNC_structure template void SNC_structure:: pointer_update(const SNC_structure& D) { CGAL::Unique_hash_map VM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map EM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map FM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map CM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map SEM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map SLM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map SFM; Vertex_const_iterator vc = D.vertices_begin(); Vertex_iterator v = vertices_begin(); for ( ; vc != D.vertices_end(); ++vc,++v) VM[vc] = v; VM[D.vertices_end()] = vertices_end(); Halfedge_const_iterator ec = D.halfedges_begin(); Halfedge_iterator e = halfedges_begin(); for ( ; ec != D.halfedges_end(); ++ec,++e) EM[ec] = e; EM[D.halfedges_end()] = halfedges_end(); Halffacet_const_iterator fc = D.halffacets_begin(); Halffacet_iterator f = halffacets_begin(); for ( ; fc != D.halffacets_end(); ++fc,++f) FM[fc] = f; FM[D.halffacets_end()] = halffacets_end(); Volume_const_iterator cc = D.volumes_begin(); Volume_iterator c = volumes_begin(); for ( ; cc != D.volumes_end(); ++cc,++c) CM[cc] = c; CM[D.volumes_end()] = volumes_end(); SHalfedge_const_iterator sec = D.shalfedges_begin(); SHalfedge_iterator se = shalfedges_begin(); for ( ; sec != D.shalfedges_end(); ++sec,++se) SEM[sec] = se; SEM[D.shalfedges_end()] = shalfedges_end(); SHalfloop_const_iterator slc = D.shalfloops_begin(); SHalfloop_iterator sl = shalfloops_begin(); for ( ; slc != D.shalfloops_end(); ++slc,++sl) SLM[slc] = sl; SLM[D.shalfloops_end()] = shalfloops_end(); SFace_const_iterator sfc = D.sfaces_begin(); SFace_iterator sf = sfaces_begin(); for ( ; sfc != D.sfaces_end(); ++sfc,++sf) SFM[sfc] = sf; SFM[D.sfaces_end()] = sfaces_end(); CGAL_forall_vertices(v,*this) { // Local Graph update: (SVertices are postponed/updated as Edges) v->sncp() = this; v->svertices_begin() = EM[v->svertices_begin()]; v->svertices_last() = EM[v->svertices_last()]; v->shalfedges_begin() = SEM[v->shalfedges_begin()]; v->shalfedges_last() = SEM[v->shalfedges_last()]; v->sfaces_begin() = SFM[v->sfaces_begin()]; v->sfaces_last() = SFM[v->sfaces_last()]; v->shalfloop() = SLM[v->shalfloop()]; } // Halfedge update: CGAL_forall_halfedges(e,*this) { e->center_vertex() = VM[e->center_vertex()]; e->twin() = EM[e->twin()]; e->out_sedge() = SEM[e->out_sedge()]; e->incident_sface() = SFM[e->incident_sface()]; } // Halffacet update CGAL_forall_halffacets(f,*this) { f->twin() = FM[f->twin()]; f->incident_volume() = CM[f->incident_volume()]; Halffacet_cycle_iterator ftc; for(ftc = f->facet_cycles_begin(); ftc != f->facet_cycles_end(); ++ftc) { if (ftc.is_shalfedge() ) { se = SHalfedge_handle(ftc); *ftc = make_object(SEM[se]); store_boundary_item(se,ftc); } else if (ftc.is_shalfloop() ) { sl = SHalfloop_handle(ftc); *ftc = make_object(SLM[sl]); store_boundary_item(sl,ftc); } else CGAL_error_msg("damn wrong boundary item in facet."); } } // Volume update CGAL_forall_volumes(c,*this) { Shell_entry_iterator sei; CGAL_forall_shells_of(sei,c) { sf = sei; // conversion from generic iterator to sface const handle *sei = make_object(SFM[sf]); store_boundary_item(sf,sei); } } CGAL_forall_shalfedges(se,*this) { se->source() = EM[se->source()]; se->sprev() = SEM[se->sprev()]; se->snext() = SEM[se->snext()]; se->incident_sface() = SFM[se->incident_sface()]; se->twin() = SEM[se->twin()]; se->prev() = SEM[se->prev()]; se->next() = SEM[se->next()]; se->facet() = FM[se->facet()]; } CGAL_forall_shalfloops(sl,*this) { sl->twin() = SLM[sl->twin()]; sl->incident_sface() = SFM[sl->incident_sface()]; sl->facet() = FM[sl->facet()]; } for ( slc = D.shalfloops_begin(), sl = shalfloops_begin(); slc != D.shalfloops_end(); ++slc, ++sl) { /* It is possible that the is_twin() property differs for equivalent sloops on both SNC structures. So, we need to store the correct selection mark in the correct (non-twin) facet of a shalfloop pair. */ CGAL_assertion_code( if( slc->is_twin() == sl->is_twin()) CGAL_assertion( slc->mark() == sl->mark())); if( !sl->is_twin() && slc->is_twin()) sl->mark() = sl->twin()->mark(); } CGAL_forall_sfaces(sf,*this) { sf->center_vertex() = VM[sf->center_vertex()]; sf->volume() = CM[sf->volume()]; SFace_cycle_iterator sfc; for(sfc = sf->sface_cycles_begin(); sfc != sf->sface_cycles_end(); ++sfc) { if (sfc.is_svertex()) { SVertex_handle sv(sfc); sv = EM[sv]; *sfc = make_object(sv); store_sm_boundary_item(sv,sfc); } else if (sfc.is_shalfedge()) { se = SHalfedge_handle(sfc); se = SEM[se]; *sfc = make_object(se); store_sm_boundary_item(se,sfc); } else if (sfc.is_shalfloop()) { sl = SHalfloop_handle(sfc); sl = SLM[sl]; *sfc = make_object(sl); store_sm_boundary_item(sl,sfc); } else CGAL_error_msg("damn wrong boundary item in sface."); } } } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SNC_STRUCTURE_H