// Copyright(c) 1997 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Triangulation_2/include/CGAL/Regular_triangulation_2.h $ // $Id: Regular_triangulation_2.h 9f2eafd 2020-03-26T19:17:02+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Frederic Fichel, Mariette Yvinec, Julia Floetotto #ifndef CGAL_REGULAR_TRIANGULATION_2_H #define CGAL_REGULAR_TRIANGULATION_2_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO #include #include #include #include #include #endif //CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO namespace CGAL { template < class Gt, class Tds = Triangulation_data_structure_2 < Regular_triangulation_vertex_base_2, Regular_triangulation_face_base_2 > > class Regular_triangulation_2 : public Triangulation_2 { typedef Regular_triangulation_2 Self; typedef Triangulation_2 Base; public: typedef Self Triangulation; typedef Triangulation_2 Triangulation_base; typedef Tds Triangulation_data_structure; typedef Gt Geom_traits; // Traits are not supposed to define Bare_point, but leaving below // for backward compatibility typedef typename boost::mpl::eval_if_c< internal::Has_nested_type_Bare_point::value, typename internal::Bare_point_type, boost::mpl::identity >::type Bare_point; typedef typename Gt::Weighted_point_2 Weighted_point; typedef typename Gt::FT Weight; typedef typename Gt::Construct_weighted_point_2 Construct_weighted_point_2; typedef typename Base::size_type size_type; typedef typename Base::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Base::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename Base::Edge Edge; typedef typename Base::Locate_type Locate_type; typedef typename Base::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef typename Base::Edge_circulator Edge_circulator; typedef typename Base::Vertex_circulator Vertex_circulator; typedef typename Base::Finite_edges_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef typename Base::All_edges_iterator All_edges_iterator; typedef typename Base::Finite_faces_iterator Finite_faces_iterator; typedef typename Base::All_faces_iterator All_faces_iterator; typedef typename Base::Face::Vertex_list Vertex_list; typedef typename Vertex_list::iterator Vertex_list_iterator; #ifndef CGAL_CFG_USING_BASE_MEMBER_BUG_2 using Base::cw; using Base::ccw; using Base::dimension; using Base::geom_traits; using Base::infinite_vertex; using Base::finite_vertex; using Base::create_face; using Base::number_of_faces; using Base::all_faces_begin; using Base::all_faces_end; using Base::all_edges_begin; using Base::all_edges_end; using Base::finite_faces_begin; using Base::finite_faces_end; using Base::finite_edges_begin; using Base::finite_edges_end; using Base::OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL; using Base::VERTEX; using Base::FACE; using Base::EDGE; using Base::OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL; using Base::orientation; using Base::locate; #ifndef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING using Base::inexact_locate; #endif using Base::incident_faces; using Base::is_infinite; using Base::degree; using Base::delete_vertex; using Base::delete_face; using Base::incident_vertices; using Base::make_hole; using Base::mirror_index; using Base::show_vertex; using Base::test_dim_down; using Base::oriented_side; using Base::compare_x; using Base::compare_y; #endif private: typedef std::list Faces_around_stack; class Hidden_tester { public: bool operator()(const typename Base::All_vertices_iterator& it){ return it->is_hidden(); } bool operator()(const typename Base::Finite_vertices_iterator& it){ return it->is_hidden(); } }; class Unhidden_tester { public: bool operator()(const typename Base::Finite_vertices_iterator& it){ return ! it->is_hidden(); } }; typedef typename Base::All_vertices_iterator All_vib; typedef typename Base::Finite_vertices_iterator Finite_vib; public: // We derive in order to add a conversion to handle. class All_vertices_iterator : public Filter_iterator { typedef Filter_iterator Base; typedef All_vertices_iterator Self; public: All_vertices_iterator() : Base() {} All_vertices_iterator(const Base &b) : Base(b) {} Self & operator++() { Base::operator++(); return *this; } Self & operator--() { Base::operator--(); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp; } operator Vertex_handle() const { return Base::base(); } }; typedef Iterator_range > All_vertex_handles; class Finite_vertices_iterator : public Filter_iterator { typedef Filter_iterator Base; typedef Finite_vertices_iterator Self; public: Finite_vertices_iterator() : Base() {} Finite_vertices_iterator(const Base &b) : Base(b) {} Self & operator++() { Base::operator++(); return *this; } Self & operator--() { Base::operator--(); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp; } operator Vertex_handle() const { return Base::base(); } }; typedef Iterator_range > Finite_vertex_handles; class Hidden_vertices_iterator : public Filter_iterator { typedef Filter_iterator Base; typedef Hidden_vertices_iterator Self; public: Hidden_vertices_iterator() : Base() {} Hidden_vertices_iterator(const Base &b) : Base(b) {} Self & operator++() { Base::operator++(); return *this; } Self & operator--() { Base::operator--(); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp; } operator Vertex_handle() const { return Base::base(); } }; typedef Iterator_range > Hidden_vertex_handles; //for backward compatibility typedef Finite_faces_iterator Face_iterator; typedef Finite_edges_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef Finite_vertices_iterator Vertex_iterator; //Tag to distinguish Delaunay from regular triangulations typedef Tag_true Weighted_tag; // Tag to distinguish periodic triangulations from others typedef Tag_false Periodic_tag; private: size_type _hidden_vertices; public: Regular_triangulation_2() : Base(), _hidden_vertices(0) {} Regular_triangulation_2(const Gt& gt) : Base(gt), _hidden_vertices(0) {} Regular_triangulation_2(const Regular_triangulation_2 &rt); template < class InputIterator > Regular_triangulation_2(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Gt& gt) : Base(gt), _hidden_vertices(0) { insert(first, last); } template < class InputIterator > Regular_triangulation_2(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) : Base(), _hidden_vertices(0) { insert(first, last); } Regular_triangulation_2 & operator=(const Regular_triangulation_2 &tr); size_type number_of_vertices() const { return Base::number_of_vertices() - _hidden_vertices; } size_type number_of_hidden_vertices() const { return _hidden_vertices; } // CHECK - QUERY Oriented_side power_test(const Weighted_point &p, const Weighted_point &q, const Weighted_point &r, const Weighted_point &s, bool perturb) const; Oriented_side power_test(const Weighted_point &p, const Weighted_point &q, const Weighted_point &r) const; Oriented_side power_test(const Weighted_point &p, const Weighted_point &r) const; Oriented_side power_test(const Face_handle &f, const Weighted_point &p, bool perturb=false) const; Oriented_side power_test(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Weighted_point &p) const; bool is_valid(bool verbose = false, int level = 0) const; bool test_conflict(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle fh) const; void show_face(Face_handle fh) const; void show_all() const; // // template member functions, declared and defined at the end // template // Triple // get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(const // Weighted_point &p, // OutputItFaces fit, // OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, // OutputItHiddenVertices vit, // Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const; // template // std::pair // get_conflicts_and_boundary(const Weighted_point &p, // OutputItFaces fit, // OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, // Face_handle start) const; // template // OutputItFaces // get_conflicts(const Weighted_point &p, // OutputItFaces fit, // Face_handle start) const; // template // OutputItBoundaryEdges // get_boundary_of_conflicts(const Weighted_point &p, // OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, // Face_handle start) const; // template // std::pair // get_boundary_of_conflicts_and_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, // OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, // OutputItHiddenVertices vit, // Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const; // template // OutputItHiddenVertices // get_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, // OutputItHiddenVertices vit, // Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const; // DUAL Bare_point dual(Face_handle f) const; Object dual(const Edge &e) const ; Object dual(const Edge_circulator& ec) const; Object dual(const Finite_edges_iterator& ei) const; Bare_point weighted_circumcenter(Face_handle f) const; Bare_point weighted_circumcenter(const Weighted_point& p0, const Weighted_point& p1, const Weighted_point& p2) const; // Insertion, Deletion and Flip Vertex_handle push_back(const Weighted_point &p); Vertex_handle insert(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle f = Face_handle()); Vertex_handle insert(const Weighted_point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li); Vertex_handle insert_in_face(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle f); Vertex_handle insert_in_edge(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle f, int i); void flip(Face_handle f, int i); void remove_degree_3(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f = Face_handle()); void remove(Vertex_handle v); All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_begin() const; All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_end() const; All_vertex_handles all_vertex_handles() const; Finite_vertices_iterator finite_vertices_begin() const; Finite_vertices_iterator finite_vertices_end() const; Finite_vertex_handles finite_vertex_handles() const; Vertex_handle finite_vertex() const; Hidden_vertices_iterator hidden_vertices_begin() const; Hidden_vertices_iterator hidden_vertices_end() const; Hidden_vertex_handles hidden_vertex_handles() const; // Vertex_handle file_input(std::istream& is); // void file_output(std::ostream& os) const; public: void clear(); void copy_triangulation(const Self& tr); private: void copy_triangulation_(); Vertex_handle reinsert(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle start); void regularize(Vertex_handle v); void remove_hidden(Vertex_handle v); void remove_2D(Vertex_handle v); void fill_hole_regular(std::list & hole); void set_face(Vertex_list& vl, const Face_handle& fh); void update_hidden_points_3_1(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2, const Face_handle& f3); void update_hidden_points_2_2(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2); void update_hidden_points_1_3(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2, const Face_handle& f3); Vertex_handle hide_new_vertex(Face_handle f, const Weighted_point& p); void hide_remove_degree_3(Face_handle fh, Vertex_handle vh); void hide_vertex(Face_handle f, Vertex_handle v); void exchange_incidences(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb); void exchange_hidden(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb); void stack_flip(Vertex_handle v, Faces_around_stack &faces_around); void stack_flip_4_2(Face_handle f, int i, int j, Faces_around_stack &faces_around); void stack_flip_3_1(Face_handle f, int i, int j, Faces_around_stack &faces_around); void stack_flip_2_2(Face_handle f, int i, Faces_around_stack &faces_around); void stack_flip_dim1(Face_handle f, int i, Faces_around_stack &faces_around); bool is_valid_face(Face_handle fh) const; bool is_valid_vertex(Vertex_handle fh) const; public: #ifndef CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO template < class InputIterator > std::ptrdiff_t insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_convertible< typename std::iterator_traits::value_type, Weighted_point > >::type* = nullptr ) #else template < class InputIterator > std::ptrdiff_t insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) #endif //CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO { size_type n = number_of_vertices(); std::vector points(first, last); // spatial sorting must use bare points, so we need an adapter typedef typename Geom_traits::Construct_point_2 Construct_point_2; typedef typename boost::result_of::type Ret; typedef boost::function_property_map fpmap; typedef CGAL::Spatial_sort_traits_adapter_2 Search_traits_2; spatial_sort(points.begin(), points.end(), Search_traits_2( boost::make_function_property_map( geom_traits().construct_point_2_object()), geom_traits())); Face_handle hint; for(typename std::vector::const_iterator p = points.begin(), end = points.end(); p != end; ++p) hint = insert(*p, hint)->face(); return number_of_vertices() - n; } #ifndef CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO private: //top stands for tuple-or-pair template const Weighted_point& top_get_first(const std::pair& pair) const { return pair.first; } template const Info& top_get_second(const std::pair& pair) const { return pair.second; } template const Weighted_point& top_get_first(const boost::tuple& tuple) const { return boost::get<0>(tuple); } template const Info& top_get_second(const boost::tuple& tuple) const { return boost::get<1>(tuple); } // Functor to go from an index of a container of Weighted_point to // the corresponding Bare_point template struct Index_to_Bare_point { typename boost::result_of::type operator()(const std::size_t& i) const { return cp(c[i]); } Index_to_Bare_point(const Container& c, const Construct_bare_point& cp) : c(c), cp(cp) { } const Container& c; const Construct_bare_point cp; }; template std::ptrdiff_t insert_with_info(InputIterator first,InputIterator last) { size_type n = number_of_vertices(); std::vector indices; std::vector points; std::vector infos; std::size_t index=0; for(InputIterator it=first;it!=last;++it){ Tuple_or_pair pair = *it; points.push_back(top_get_first(pair)); infos.push_back(top_get_second(pair)); indices.push_back(index++); } // We need to sort the points and their info at the same time through // the `indices` vector AND spatial sort can only handle Gt::Point_2. typedef typename Geom_traits::Construct_point_2 Construct_point_2; typedef Index_to_Bare_point > Access_bare_point; typedef typename boost::result_of::type Ret; typedef boost::function_property_map fpmap; typedef CGAL::Spatial_sort_traits_adapter_2 Search_traits_2; Access_bare_point accessor(points, geom_traits().construct_point_2_object()); spatial_sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), Search_traits_2( boost::make_function_property_map< std::size_t, Ret, Access_bare_point>(accessor), geom_traits())); Face_handle hint; Vertex_handle v_hint; for(typename std::vector::const_iterator it = indices.begin(), end = indices.end(); it != end; ++it) { v_hint = insert(points[*it], hint); if(v_hint!=Vertex_handle()){ v_hint->info()=infos[*it]; hint=v_hint->face(); } } return number_of_vertices() - n; } public: template < class InputIterator > std::ptrdiff_t insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_convertible< typename std::iterator_traits::value_type, std::pair::type> > >::type* = nullptr ) {return insert_with_info< std::pair::type> >(first,last);} template std::ptrdiff_t insert(boost::zip_iterator< boost::tuple > first, boost::zip_iterator< boost::tuple > last, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::and_< typename boost::is_convertible< typename std::iterator_traits::value_type, Weighted_point >, typename boost::is_convertible< typename std::iterator_traits::value_type, typename internal::Info_check::type > > >::type* =nullptr ) {return insert_with_info< boost::tuple::type> >(first,last);} #endif //CGAL_TRIANGULATION_2_DONT_INSERT_RANGE_OF_POINTS_WITH_INFO template < class Stream> Stream& draw_dual(Stream & ps) const { Finite_edges_iterator eit = finite_edges_begin(); for(; eit != finite_edges_end(); ++eit) { Object o = dual(eit); typename Geom_traits::Line_2 l; typename Geom_traits::Ray_2 r; typename Geom_traits::Segment_2 s; if(CGAL::assign(s,o)) ps << s; if(CGAL::assign(r,o)) ps << r; if(CGAL::assign(l,o)) ps << l; } return ps; } template Triple get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItFaces fit, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, OutputItHiddenVertices vit, Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(dimension() == 2); int li; Locate_type lt; Face_handle fh = locate(p,lt,li, start); switch(lt) { case OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL: return make_triple(fit, eit, vit); case VERTEX: case FACE: case EDGE: case OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL: //test whether p is not in conflict // with the first face: // this includes the cases that p is located // on a vertex and either equal or no conflict if(!test_conflict(p,fh)) return make_triple(fit, eit, vit); // region includes all faces in conflict so far detected // stack includes the faces in the region whose neighbors // have not yet been looked at std::set region; std::stack st; //collection of all boundary_vertices: std::set< Vertex_handle> boundary_vertices; //collection of potential_intern_vertices = vertices incident // to an edge incident to two faces in conflict and met // twice during the "walk": std::set< Vertex_handle> potential_intern_vertices; *fit++ = fh; //put fh in OutputItFaces region.insert(fh); st.push(Edge(fh,2)); st.push(Edge(fh,1)); st.push(Edge(fh,0)); while(! st.empty()){ Edge e = st.top(); st.pop(); Face_handle fh = e.first; Face_handle fn = fh->neighbor(e.second); int i = fn->index(fh); if(region.find(fn) == region.end()){ if(test_conflict(p,fn)) { region.insert(fn); st.push(Edge(fn, cw(i))); st.push(Edge(fn,ccw(i))); *fit++ = fn; } else{ e = Edge(fn,i); *eit++ = e; if(!is_infinite(fn->vertex(cw(i)))) boundary_vertices.insert(fn->vertex(cw(i))); if(!is_infinite(fn->vertex(ccw(i)))) boundary_vertices.insert(fn->vertex(ccw(i))); } } else { //insert the vertices of the last edge into the set of // potential intern vertices: potential_intern_vertices.insert(fn->vertex(ccw(i))); potential_intern_vertices.insert(fn->vertex(cw(i))); } } if(!potential_intern_vertices.empty()){ //determine the hidden vertices: std::set_difference(potential_intern_vertices.begin(), potential_intern_vertices.end(), boundary_vertices.begin(), boundary_vertices.end(), vit); } return make_triple(fit, eit, vit); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); return make_triple(fit, eit, vit); } template std::pair get_conflicts_and_boundary(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItFaces fit, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p, fit, eit, Emptyset_iterator(), start); return std::make_pair(pp.first, pp.second); } template std::pair get_conflicts_and_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItFaces fit, OutputItHiddenVertices vit, Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p,fit, Emptyset_iterator(), vit, start); return std::make_pair(pp.first,pp.third); } template std::pair get_boundary_of_conflicts_and_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, OutputItHiddenVertices vit, Face_handle start = Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p, Emptyset_iterator(), eit,vit, start); return std::make_pair(pp.second,pp.third); } template OutputItFaces get_conflicts(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItFaces fit, Face_handle start= Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p, fit, Emptyset_iterator(), Emptyset_iterator(), start); return pp.first; } template OutputItBoundaryEdges get_boundary_of_conflicts(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItBoundaryEdges eit, Face_handle start= Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p, Emptyset_iterator(), eit, Emptyset_iterator(), start); return pp.second; } template OutputItHiddenVertices get_hidden_vertices(const Weighted_point &p, OutputItHiddenVertices vit, Face_handle start= Face_handle()) const { Triple pp = get_conflicts_and_boundary_and_hidden_vertices(p, Emptyset_iterator(), Emptyset_iterator(), vit, start); return pp.third; } // nearest power vertex query Vertex_handle nearest_power_vertex(const Bare_point& p) const; }; template < class Gt, class Tds > inline bool Regular_triangulation_2:: test_conflict(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle fh) const { return(power_test(fh,p) == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE); } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: clear() { Base::clear(); _hidden_vertices = 0; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: copy_triangulation_() { // the list of vertices have been copied member for member and are // not good // clear them and next // scan the hidden vertices to retablish the list in faces typename Tds::Face_iterator baseit = this->_tds.face_iterator_base_begin(); for(; baseit != this->_tds.face_iterator_base_end(); baseit++){ baseit->vertex_list().clear(); } Hidden_vertices_iterator hvit = hidden_vertices_begin(); for(; hvit != hidden_vertices_end() ; ++hvit){ hvit->face()->vertex_list().push_back(hvit); } CGAL_triangulation_postcondition(is_valid()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: copy_triangulation(const Self &tr) { Base::copy_triangulation(tr); _hidden_vertices = tr._hidden_vertices; copy_triangulation_(); } template < class Gt, class Tds > Regular_triangulation_2:: Regular_triangulation_2(const Self &tr) : Base(tr), _hidden_vertices(tr._hidden_vertices) { copy_triangulation_(); } template Regular_triangulation_2 & Regular_triangulation_2:: operator=(const Self &tr) { copy_triangulation(tr); return *this; } template < class Gt, class Tds > Oriented_side Regular_triangulation_2:: power_test(const Face_handle &f, const Weighted_point &p, bool perturb) const { // p is supposed to be a finite point // if f is a finite face, // return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE if p is above f //(p has to be hidden) if(dimension() == 1) return power_test(f->vertex(0)->point(), f->vertex(1)->point(), p); int i; if(! f->has_vertex(infinite_vertex(), i)) return power_test(f->vertex(0)->point(), f->vertex(1)->point(), f->vertex(2)->point(), p, perturb); Orientation o = orientation(f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(), f->vertex(cw(i))->point(), p); if(o==COLLINEAR) return power_test(f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(), f->vertex(cw(i))->point(),p); return o; } template < class Gt, class Tds > Oriented_side Regular_triangulation_2:: power_test(const Face_handle& f, int i, const Weighted_point &p) const { // f,i is supposed to be a finite edge // p is supposed to be on edge(f,i) // return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE if p is above(f,i) // (p has to be hidden) CGAL_triangulation_precondition(!is_infinite(f,i) && orientation(f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(), f->vertex(cw(i))->point(), p) == COLLINEAR); return power_test(f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(), f->vertex(cw(i))->point(), p); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Oriented_side Regular_triangulation_2:: power_test(const Weighted_point &p0, const Weighted_point &p1, const Weighted_point &p2, const Weighted_point &p, bool perturb) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(orientation(p0, p1, p2) == POSITIVE); using namespace boost; Oriented_side os = geom_traits().power_side_of_oriented_power_circle_2_object()(p0, p1, p2, p); if((os != ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY) ||(! perturb)) return os; // We are now in a degenerate case => we do a symbolic perturbation. // We sort the points lexicographically. const Weighted_point * points[4] = {&p0, &p1, &p2, &p}; std::sort(points, points + 4, typename Base::Perturbation_order(this)); // We successively look whether the leading monomial, then 2nd monomial // of the determinant has non null coefficient. // 2 iterations are enough(cf paper) for(int i=3; i>1; --i) { if(points[i] == &p) return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; // since p0 p1 p2 are non collinear // and positively oriented Orientation o; if(points[i] == &p2 &&(o = orientation(p0,p1,p)) != COLLINEAR) return o; if(points[i] == &p1 &&(o = orientation(p0,p,p2)) != COLLINEAR) return o; if(points[i] == &p0 &&(o = orientation(p,p1,p2)) != COLLINEAR) return o; } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); return ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Oriented_side Regular_triangulation_2:: power_test(const Weighted_point &p, const Weighted_point &q, const Weighted_point &r) const { return geom_traits().power_side_of_oriented_power_circle_2_object()(p,q,r); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Oriented_side Regular_triangulation_2:: power_test(const Weighted_point &p, const Weighted_point &r) const { return geom_traits().power_side_of_oriented_power_circle_2_object()(p,r); } template < class Gt, class Tds > bool Regular_triangulation_2:: is_valid_face(Face_handle fh) const { bool result = true; if(is_infinite(fh)) result = result && fh->vertex_list().empty(); if(!result) { show_face(fh);} CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); typename Vertex_list::iterator vlit = fh->vertex_list().begin(), vldone = fh->vertex_list().end(); for(; vlit != vldone; vlit++) { result = result && power_test(fh,(*vlit)->point()) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; result = result &&((*vlit)->face() == fh); if(!result) show_face(fh); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); } return result; } template < class Gt, class Tds > bool Regular_triangulation_2:: is_valid_vertex(Vertex_handle vh) const { bool result = true; if(vh->is_hidden()) { Locate_type lt; int li; Face_handle loc = locate(vh->point(), lt, li, vh->face()); if(dimension() == 0) { result = result && lt == Base::VERTEX; result = result && power_test(vh->face()->vertex(0)->point(), vh->point()) <= 0; } else { result = result && (!is_infinite(vh->face())); result = result && (loc == vh->face() || (lt == Base::VERTEX && vh->face()->has_vertex(loc->vertex(li))) || (lt == Base::EDGE && vh->face() == loc->neighbor(li))); result = result && power_test(vh->face(),vh->point()) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE; // if(!result) { // std::cerr << " from is_valid_vertex " << std::endl; // std::cerr << "sommet cache " << &*(vh) // << "vh_point " <point() << " " << std::endl; // std::cerr << "vh_>face " << &*(vh->face()) << " " << std::endl; // std::cerr << "loc " << &*(loc) // << " lt " << lt << " li " << li << std::endl; // show_face(vh->face()); // show_face(loc); // } } } else { // normal vertex result = result && vh->face()->has_vertex(vh); // if(!result) { // std::cerr << " from is_valid_vertex " << std::endl; // std::cerr << "normal vertex " << &(*vh) << std::endl; // std::cerr << vh->point() << " " << std::endl; // std::cerr << "vh_>face " << &*(vh->face()) << " " << std::endl; // show_face(vh->face()); // } } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); return result; } template < class Gt, class Tds > bool Regular_triangulation_2:: is_valid(bool verbose, int /* level */) const { // cannot call for is_valid() of Base Triangulation class // because 1) number of vertices of base class does not match // tds.is_valid calls is_valid for each vertex // and the test is not fulfilled by hidden vertices ... // result = result && Triangulation_2::is_valid(verbose, level); bool result = true; for(All_faces_iterator fit = all_faces_begin(); fit != all_faces_end(); ++fit) { result = result && is_valid_face(fit); } for(All_vertices_iterator vit = all_vertices_begin(); vit != all_vertices_end(); ++vit) { result = result && is_valid_vertex(vit); } for(Hidden_vertices_iterator hvit = hidden_vertices_begin(); hvit != hidden_vertices_end(); ++hvit) { result = result && is_valid_vertex(hvit); } switch(dimension()) { case 0 : break; case 1: if(number_of_vertices() > 2) { Finite_vertices_iterator it1 = finite_vertices_begin(), it2(it1), it3(it1); ++it2; ++it3; ++it3; while(it3 != finite_vertices_end()) { Orientation s = orientation(it1->point(), it2->point(), it3->point()); result = result && s == COLLINEAR ; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); ++it1 ; ++it2; ++it3; } } break; case 2 : for(Finite_faces_iterator it=finite_faces_begin(); it!=finite_faces_end(); it++) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(! is_infinite(it)); Orientation s = orientation(it->vertex(0)->point(), it->vertex(1)->point(), it->vertex(2)->point()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(s == LEFT_TURN); result = result && (s == LEFT_TURN); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { if(!is_infinite(it->vertex(i))) result = result && ON_POSITIVE_SIDE != power_test(it->neighbor(i), it->vertex(i)->point()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); } } Vertex_circulator start = incident_vertices(infinite_vertex()); Vertex_circulator pc(start); Vertex_circulator qc(start); ++qc; Vertex_circulator rc(start); ++rc; ++rc; do{ Orientation s = orientation(pc->point(), qc->point(), rc->point()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(s != LEFT_TURN); result = result && (s != LEFT_TURN); ++pc ; ++qc ; ++rc; } while(pc != start); // check number of faces. This cannot be done by the Tds // which does not know the number of components nor the genus result = result && (number_of_faces() == 2*(number_of_vertices()+1) - 4 - degree(infinite_vertex())); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); break; } // in any dimension if(verbose) { std::cerr << " nombres de sommets " << number_of_vertices() << "\t" << "nombres de sommets caches " << number_of_hidden_vertices() << std::endl; } result = result && (Base::number_of_vertices() == number_of_vertices() + number_of_hidden_vertices()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(result); return result; } template void Regular_triangulation_2:: show_face(Face_handle fh) const { Base::show_face(fh); typename Vertex_list::iterator current; std::cerr << " +++++>>> "; for(current= fh->vertex_list().begin(); current!= fh->vertex_list().end() ; current++) { std::cerr <<"[ "<< ((*current)->point()) << " ] , "; } std::cerr < void Regular_triangulation_2:: show_all() const { std::cerr << "PRINT THE FULL TRIANGULATION :" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl << "====> "<< this ; std::cerr << " dimension " << dimension() << std::endl; std::cerr << " nb of vertices " << number_of_vertices() << " nb of hidden vertices " << number_of_hidden_vertices() << std::endl; if(dimension() < 1) return; if(dimension() == 1) { std::cerr << " all edges " <first); } } else{ //dimension ==2 std::cerr << " finite faces " << std::endl; Finite_faces_iterator fi; for(fi = finite_faces_begin(); fi != finite_faces_end(); fi++) { show_face(fi); } std::cerr << " infinite faces " << std::endl; All_faces_iterator afi; for(afi = all_faces_begin(); afi != all_faces_end(); afi++) { if(is_infinite(afi)) show_face(afi); } } if(number_of_vertices()>1) { std::cerr << "printing vertices of the regular triangulation" << std::endl; All_vertices_iterator vi; for(vi = all_vertices_begin(); vi != all_vertices_end(); vi++){ show_vertex(vi); std::cerr << " / associated face : " << &*(vi->face()) << std::endl; } std::cerr << std::endl; } std::cerr << "hidden vertices " << std::endl; Hidden_vertices_iterator hvi = hidden_vertices_begin(); for(; hvi != hidden_vertices_end(); hvi++) { show_vertex(hvi); std::cerr << " / associated face : " << &*(hvi->face()) << std::endl; } return; } //DUALITY template < class Gt, class Tds > inline typename Regular_triangulation_2::Bare_point Regular_triangulation_2:: dual(Face_handle f) const { return weighted_circumcenter(f); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline typename Regular_triangulation_2::Bare_point Regular_triangulation_2:: weighted_circumcenter(Face_handle f) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(dimension() == 2 || !is_infinite(f)); return weighted_circumcenter(f->vertex(0)->point(), f->vertex(1)->point(), f->vertex(2)->point()); } template inline typename Regular_triangulation_2::Bare_point Regular_triangulation_2:: weighted_circumcenter(const Weighted_point& p0, const Weighted_point& p1, const Weighted_point& p2) const { return geom_traits().construct_weighted_circumcenter_2_object()(p0,p1,p2); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Object Regular_triangulation_2:: dual(const Edge &e) const { typedef typename Geom_traits::Line_2 Line; typedef typename Geom_traits::Ray_2 Ray; typedef typename Geom_traits::Segment_2 Segment; CGAL_triangulation_precondition(! is_infinite(e)); if(dimension() == 1){ const Weighted_point& p = (e.first)->vertex(cw(e.second))->point(); const Weighted_point& q = (e.first)->vertex(ccw(e.second))->point(); Line l = geom_traits().construct_radical_axis_2_object()(p,q); return make_object(l); } // dimension==2 if((! is_infinite(e.first)) && (! is_infinite(e.first->neighbor(e.second)))) { Segment s = geom_traits().construct_segment_2_object()( dual(e.first),dual(e.first->neighbor(e.second))); return make_object(s); } // one of the adjacent faces is infinite Face_handle f; int i; if(is_infinite(e.first)) { f = e.first->neighbor(e.second); i = f->index(e.first); } else { f = e.first; i = e.second; } const Weighted_point& p = f->vertex(cw(i))->point(); const Weighted_point& q = f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(); Line l = geom_traits().construct_radical_axis_2_object()(p,q); Ray r = geom_traits().construct_ray_2_object()(dual(f), l); return make_object(r); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Object Regular_triangulation_2:: dual(const Edge_circulator& ec) const { return dual(*ec); } template < class Gt, class Tds > inline Object Regular_triangulation_2:: dual(const Finite_edges_iterator& ei) const { return dual(*ei); } //INSERTION-REMOVAL template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: push_back(const Weighted_point &p) { return insert(p); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: insert(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle start) { Locate_type lt; int li; Face_handle loc = locate(p, lt, li, start); return insert(p, lt, loc, li); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: insert(const Weighted_point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li) { Vertex_handle v; switch(lt) { case Base::VERTEX: { CGAL_precondition(dimension() >= 0); if(dimension() == 0) { // in this case locate() oddly returns loc = nullptr and li = 4, // so we work around it. loc = finite_vertex()->face(); li = 0; } Vertex_handle vv = loc->vertex(li); CGAL::Oriented_side side = power_test(vv->point(), p); switch(side) { case ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE: return hide_new_vertex(loc, p); case ON_POSITIVE_SIDE: v = this->_tds.create_vertex(); v->set_point(p); exchange_incidences(v,vv); hide_vertex(loc, vv); regularize(v); return v; default: // that is ON_ORIENTED_BOUNDARY: return vv; } } case Base::EDGE: { CGAL_precondition(dimension() >= 1); Oriented_side os = dimension() == 1 ? power_test(loc, li, p) : power_test(loc, p, true); if(os < 0) { if(is_infinite(loc)) loc = loc->neighbor(li); return hide_new_vertex(loc, p); } v = insert_in_edge(p, loc, li); break; } case Base::FACE: { CGAL_precondition(dimension() >= 2); if(power_test(loc, p, true) < 0) { return hide_new_vertex(loc,p); } v = insert_in_face(p, loc); break; } default: v = Base::insert(p, lt, loc, li); } if(lt == OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL) { //clear vertex list of infinite faces which have been copied for(All_faces_iterator afi = all_faces_begin(); afi != all_faces_end(); afi++) { if(is_infinite(afi)) afi->vertex_list().clear(); } } regularize(v); return v; } /* The reinsert function insert a weighted point which was in a hidden vertex. The new and old vertices are then exchanged ; this is required if the regular triangulation is used with a hierarchy because the old vertex has its up and down pointers set and other vertices pointing on him */ template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: reinsert(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle start) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(v->is_hidden()); v->set_hidden(false); _hidden_vertices--; // // to debug // std::cerr << "from reinsert " << std::endl; // show_vertex(v); // Locate_type lt; // int li; // Face_handle loc = locate(v->point(), lt, li, start); // std::cerr << "locate " << &(*loc) << "\t" << lt << "\t" << li << std::endl; // show_face(loc); // std::cerr << std::endl; Vertex_handle vh = insert(v->point(), start); if(vh->is_hidden()) exchange_hidden(v,vh); else exchange_incidences(v,vh); this->_tds.delete_vertex(vh); return v; } // push va instead of vb in the list of the face fb hiding vb // vb must be the last inserted vertex in the list of fb template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: exchange_hidden(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vb->is_hidden()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vb == vb->face()->vertex_list().back()); // //to debug // std::cerr << "from exchange hidden 1" << std::endl; // show_vertex(vb); // std::cerr << " / associated face : " // << &*(vb->face()) << std::endl; vb->face()->vertex_list().pop_back(); _hidden_vertices--; hide_vertex(vb->face(), va); // //to debug // std::cerr << "from exchange hidden 1" << std::endl; // show_vertex(va); // std::cerr << " / associated face : " // << &*(va->face()) << std::endl << std::endl; } // set to va the incidences of vb template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: exchange_incidences(Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(!vb->is_hidden()); std::list faces; if(dimension() == 0) { faces.push_back(vb->face()); } else if(dimension() == 1) { faces.push_back(vb->face()); int i = vb->face()->index(vb); faces.push_back(vb->face()->neighbor(1-i)); } else { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(dimension() == 2); Face_circulator fc = incident_faces(vb), done(fc); do { faces.push_back(fc); fc++; } while(fc != done); } va->set_face(*(faces.begin())); for(typename std::list::iterator it = faces.begin(); it != faces.end(); it++){ Face_handle fh = *it; fh->set_vertex(fh->index(vb), va); } return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: insert_in_face(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle f) { Vertex_handle v = Base::insert_in_face(p,f); update_hidden_points_1_3(f, f->neighbor(ccw(f->index(v))), f->neighbor(cw(f->index(v)))); return v; } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: insert_in_edge(const Weighted_point &p, Face_handle f, int i) { Vertex_handle v; if(dimension() == 1) { v = Base::insert_in_edge(p,f,i); Face_handle g = f->neighbor(1 - f->index(v)); update_hidden_points_2_2(f,g); } else { //dimension()==2 // don't use update_hidden_points_2_2 any more to split // hidden vertices list because new affectation of f and n // around new vertex is unknown Face_handle n = f->neighbor(i); Vertex_list p_list; p_list.splice(p_list.begin(),f->vertex_list()); p_list.splice(p_list.begin(),n->vertex_list()); v = Base::insert_in_edge(p,f,i); Face_handle loc; while(! p_list.empty()){ loc = locate(p_list.front()->point(), n); if(is_infinite(loc)) loc = loc->neighbor(loc->index(infinite_vertex())); hide_vertex(loc, p_list.front()); p_list.pop_front(); } } return v; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: regularize(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(v != infinite_vertex()); Faces_around_stack faces_around; if(dimension() < 1) return; //initialise faces_around if(dimension() == 1) { faces_around.push_back(v->face()); faces_around.push_back(v->face()->neighbor(1- v->face()->index(v))); } else{ //dimension==2 Face_circulator fit = incident_faces(v), done(fit); do { faces_around.push_back(fit++); } while(fit != done); } while(! faces_around.empty()) stack_flip(v, faces_around); return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: flip(Face_handle f, int i) { Face_handle n = f->neighbor(i); Base::flip(f,i); update_hidden_points_2_2(f,n); } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: remove_degree_3(Vertex_handle v, Face_handle f) { if(f == Face_handle()) f=v->face(); update_hidden_points_3_1(f, f->neighbor(cw(f->index(v))), f->neighbor(ccw(f->index(v)))); Base::remove_degree_3(v,f); if(is_infinite(f)) { //the list of f is given to its finite neighbor Face_handle fn = f->neighbor(f->index(infinite_vertex())); set_face(f->vertex_list(),fn); fn->vertex_list().splice(fn->vertex_list().begin(), f->vertex_list()); } } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: remove_hidden(Vertex_handle v) { _hidden_vertices--; v->face()->vertex_list().remove(v); delete_vertex(v); return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: remove(Vertex_handle v) { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(v != Vertex_handle()); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(!is_infinite(v)); if(v->is_hidden()) return remove_hidden(v); Face_handle hint; int ihint = 0; Vertex_list to_reinsert; switch(dimension()) { case 0: to_reinsert.splice(to_reinsert.begin(), v->face()->vertex_list()); break; case 1: { Face_handle f1 = v->face(); ihint = f1->index(v); hint = f1->neighbor(ihint); Face_handle f2 = f1->neighbor(1 - ihint); ihint = mirror_index(f1, ihint); to_reinsert.splice(to_reinsert.begin(), f1->vertex_list()); to_reinsert.splice(to_reinsert.begin(), f2->vertex_list()); break; } case 2: { Face_circulator f = incident_faces(v), end = f; ihint = f->index(v); hint = f->neighbor(ihint); ihint = mirror_index(f, ihint); do to_reinsert.splice(to_reinsert.begin(), f->vertex_list()); while(++f != end); break; } } if(number_of_vertices() <= 2) { this->_tds.remove_dim_down(v); } else if(dimension() < 2) { Base::remove(v); } else { remove_2D(v); } if(hint != Face_handle()) hint = hint->neighbor(ihint); for(typename Vertex_list::iterator i = to_reinsert.begin(); i != to_reinsert.end(); ++i) { hint = reinsert(*i, hint)->face(); } } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: remove_2D(Vertex_handle v) { if(test_dim_down(v)) { this->_tds.remove_dim_down(v); } else { std::list hole; make_hole(v, hole); fill_hole_regular(hole); delete_vertex(v); } return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: fill_hole_regular(std::list & first_hole) { typedef std::list Hole; typedef std::list Hole_list; Hole hole; Hole_list hole_list; Face_handle ff, fn; int i, ii, in; hole_list.push_front(first_hole); while(! hole_list.empty()) { hole = hole_list.front(); hole_list.pop_front(); typename Hole::iterator hit = hole.begin(); // if the hole has only three edges, create the triangle if(hole.size() == 3) { Face_handle newf = create_face(); hit = hole.begin(); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { ff = (*hit).first; ii = (*hit).second; hit++; ff->set_neighbor(ii,newf); newf->set_neighbor(j,ff); newf->set_vertex(newf->ccw(j),ff->vertex(ff->cw(ii))); } continue; } // else find an edge with two finite vertices // on the hole boundary // and the new triangle adjacent to that edge // cut the hole and push it back // first, ensure that a neighboring face // whose vertices on the hole boundary are finite // is the first of the hole bool finite = false; while(!finite) { ff = hole.front().first; ii = hole.front().second; if(is_infinite(ff->vertex(cw(ii))) || is_infinite(ff->vertex(ccw(ii)))) { hole.push_back(hole.front()); hole.pop_front(); } else finite = true; } // take the first neighboring face and pop it; ff = hole.front().first; ii = hole.front().second; hole.pop_front(); Vertex_handle v0 = ff->vertex(ff->cw(ii)); const Weighted_point& p0 = v0->point(); Vertex_handle v1 = ff->vertex(ff->ccw(ii)); const Weighted_point& p1 = v1->point(); Vertex_handle v2 = infinite_vertex(); Weighted_point p2; Vertex_handle vv; Weighted_point p; typename Hole::iterator hdone = hole.end(); hit = hole.begin(); typename Hole::iterator cut_after(hit); // if tested vertex is c with respect to the vertex opposite // to nullptr neighbor, // stop at the before last face; hdone--; while(hit != hdone) { fn = (*hit).first; in = (*hit).second; vv = fn->vertex(ccw(in)); if(is_infinite(vv)) { if(is_infinite(v2)) cut_after = hit; } else { // vv is a finite vertex p = vv->point(); if(orientation(p0,p1,p) == COUNTERCLOCKWISE) { if(is_infinite(v2)) { v2=vv; p2=p; cut_after=hit; } else if(power_test(p0,p1,p2,p,true) == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) { v2=vv; p2=p; cut_after=hit; } } } ++hit; } // create new triangle and update adjacency relations Face_handle newf = create_face(v0,v1,v2); newf->set_neighbor(2,ff); ff->set_neighbor(ii, newf); //update the hole and push back in the Hole_List stack // if v2 belongs to the neighbor following or preceding *f // the hole remain a single hole // otherwise it is split in two holes fn = hole.front().first; in = hole.front().second; if(fn->has_vertex(v2, i) && i == (int)fn->ccw(in)) { newf->set_neighbor(0,fn); fn->set_neighbor(in,newf); hole.pop_front(); hole.push_front(Edge(newf,1)); hole_list.push_front(hole); } else { fn = hole.back().first; in = hole.back().second; if(fn->has_vertex(v2, i) && i == (int)fn->cw(in)) { newf->set_neighbor(1,fn); fn->set_neighbor(in,newf); hole.pop_back(); hole.push_back(Edge(newf,0)); hole_list.push_front(hole); } else { // split the hole in two holes Hole new_hole; ++cut_after; while(hole.begin() != cut_after) { new_hole.push_back(hole.front()); hole.pop_front(); } hole.push_front(Edge(newf,1)); new_hole.push_front(Edge(newf,0)); hole_list.push_front(hole); hole_list.push_front(new_hole); } } } } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: set_face(Vertex_list& vl, const Face_handle& fh) { for(typename Vertex_list::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) (*it)->set_face(fh); } // add the vertex_list of f2 and f3 to the point list of f1 // for the 3-1 flip template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: update_hidden_points_3_1(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2, const Face_handle& f3) { set_face(f2->vertex_list(), f1); set_face(f3->vertex_list(), f1); (f1->vertex_list()).splice(f1->vertex_list().begin(),f2->vertex_list()); (f1->vertex_list()).splice(f1->vertex_list().begin(),f3->vertex_list()); return; } // the points of the lists of 2 faces are sorted // because of a 2-2 flip template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: update_hidden_points_2_2(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(f1->has_neighbor(f2)); Vertex_list p_list; p_list.splice(p_list.begin(), f1->vertex_list()); p_list.splice(p_list.begin(), f2->vertex_list()); // if one of the face is infinite, // the other face hide all the points if(is_infinite(f1)) { set_face(p_list, f2); (f2->vertex_list()).splice(f2->vertex_list().begin(), p_list); return; } if(is_infinite(f2)) { set_face(p_list, f1); (f1->vertex_list()).splice(f1->vertex_list().begin(), p_list); return; } if(dimension() == 1) { const Weighted_point& a1 = f1->vertex(f1->index(f2))->point(); const Weighted_point& a = f1->vertex(1-f1->index(f2))->point(); while(! p_list.empty()) { if(compare_x(a, p_list.front()->point()) == compare_x(a, a1) && compare_y(a, p_list.front()->point()) == compare_y(a, a1)) { hide_vertex(f1, p_list.front()); } else { hide_vertex(f2, p_list.front()); } p_list.pop_front(); } return; } // from here f1 and f2 are finite 2-dimensional faces int idx2 = f1->index(f2); Vertex_handle v0=f1->vertex(ccw(idx2)); Vertex_handle v1=f1->vertex(cw(idx2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(!is_infinite(v0) && !is_infinite(v1)); while(! p_list.empty()) { if(orientation(v0->point(), v1->point(), p_list.front()->point()) == COUNTERCLOCKWISE) hide_vertex(f1, p_list.front()); else hide_vertex(f2, p_list.front()); p_list.pop_front(); } } // The point list of f1 is separated into 3 lists // for a 1-3 flip template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: update_hidden_points_1_3(const Face_handle& f1, const Face_handle& f2, const Face_handle& f3) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(f1->has_neighbor(f2) && f2->has_neighbor(f3) && f3->has_neighbor(f1)); Vertex_list p_list; p_list.splice(p_list.begin(),f1->vertex_list()); if(p_list.empty()) return; // the following does not work if // two of f1,f2 and f3 are twice neighbors // but this cannot appear taking the assertion into account; int idx2 = f1->index(f2), idx3 = f1->index(f3); Vertex_handle v2 = f1->vertex(idx2), v3 = f1->vertex(idx3), v0 = f1->vertex(3-(idx2+idx3)), v1 = f2->vertex(f2->index(f1)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(f2->has_vertex(v0) && f1->has_vertex(v0)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(f3->has_vertex(v1)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(! is_infinite(v0)); // if two of f1, f2,and f3 are infinite // the list goes entirely to the third finite face // no orientation test necessary // because the point list of an infinite face // is only made of point projecting on its finite edge if(is_infinite(f1) && is_infinite(f2)) { set_face(p_list, f3); f3->vertex_list().splice(f3->vertex_list().begin(), p_list); return; } if(is_infinite(f1) && is_infinite(f3)) { set_face(p_list, f2); f2->vertex_list().splice(f2->vertex_list().begin(), p_list); return; } if(is_infinite(f2) && is_infinite(f3)){ set_face(p_list, f1); f1->vertex_list().splice(f1->vertex_list().begin(), p_list); return; } // if here, v1,v2,v3 and v0 are finite vertices while(! p_list.empty()) { Vertex_handle v(p_list.front()); // if(orientation(v2->point(),v0->point(), v->point()) != // orientation(v2->point(),v0->point(),v3->point())) // { // not in f1 // if(orientation(v1->point(), v0->point(), v->point()) != // orientation(v1->point(), v0->point(), v3->point())) // // not in f2 // hide_vertex(f3, v); // else // hide_vertex(f2, v); // } // else // hide_vertex(f1, v); if(orientation(v2->point(),v0->point(), v->point()) == orientation(v2->point(),v0->point(),v3->point()) && orientation(v3->point(),v0->point(), v->point()) == orientation(v3->point(),v0->point(), v2->point())) hide_vertex(f1, v); else if(orientation(v1->point(), v0->point(), v->point()) == orientation(v1->point(), v0->point(), v3->point())) hide_vertex(f2,v); else hide_vertex(f3,v); p_list.pop_front(); } } // the vertex is a degree three vertex which has to removed // and hidden // create first a new hidden vertex and exchange with the vertex // to be removed by the tds : // this is required to keep up and down pointers right when using a hierarchy template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: hide_remove_degree_3(Face_handle fh, Vertex_handle vh) { Vertex_handle vnew= this->_tds.create_vertex(); exchange_incidences(vnew,vh); remove_degree_3(vnew, fh); hide_vertex(fh,vh); } // create a vertex and hide it template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: hide_new_vertex(Face_handle f, const Weighted_point& p) { Vertex_handle v = this->_tds.create_vertex(); v->set_point(p); hide_vertex(f, v); return v; } // insert the vertex to the hidden vertex list template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: hide_vertex(Face_handle f, Vertex_handle vh) { // no hidden vertex in infinite face if(is_infinite(f) && dimension() > 0) f = f->neighbor(f->index(infinite_vertex())); if(! vh->is_hidden()) { vh->set_hidden(true); _hidden_vertices++; } vh->set_face(f); f->vertex_list().push_back(vh); } // template < class Gt, class Tds > // void // Regular_triangulation_2:: // hide_vertex(Face_handle f, void* ptr) // { // Vertex_handle v(static_cast(ptr)); // hide_vertex(f, v); // } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: stack_flip(Vertex_handle v, Faces_around_stack &faces_around) { Face_handle f=faces_around.front(); faces_around.pop_front(); int i = f->index(v); Face_handle n = f->neighbor(i); if(dimension() == 1) { if(is_infinite(f) || is_infinite(n)) return; if(power_test(v->point(), n->vertex(n->index(f))->point(), f->vertex(1-i)->point()) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) stack_flip_dim1(f,i,faces_around); return; } // now dimension() == 2 //test the regularity of edge(f,i) //if(power_test(n, v->point()) == ON_NEGATIVE_SIDE) if(power_test(n, v->point(), true) != ON_POSITIVE_SIDE) return; if(is_infinite(f,i)) { int j = 3 - (i + f->index(infinite_vertex())); if(degree(f->vertex(j)) == 4) stack_flip_4_2(f,i,j,faces_around); return; } // now f and n are both finite faces int ni = n->index(f); Orientation occw = orientation(f->vertex(i)->point(), f->vertex(ccw(i))->point(), n->vertex(ni)->point()); Orientation ocw = orientation(f->vertex(i)->point(), f->vertex(cw(i))->point(), n->vertex(ni)->point()); if(occw == LEFT_TURN && ocw == RIGHT_TURN) { // quadrilater(f,n) is convex stack_flip_2_2(f,i, faces_around); return; } if(occw == RIGHT_TURN && degree(f->vertex(ccw(i))) == 3) { stack_flip_3_1(f,i,ccw(i),faces_around); return; } if(ocw == LEFT_TURN && degree(f->vertex(cw(i))) == 3) { stack_flip_3_1(f,i,cw(i),faces_around); return; } if(occw == COLLINEAR && degree(f->vertex(ccw(i))) == 4) { stack_flip_4_2(f,i,ccw(i),faces_around); return; } if(ocw == COLLINEAR && degree(f->vertex(cw(i))) == 4) stack_flip_4_2(f,i,cw(i),faces_around); return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: stack_flip_4_2(Face_handle f, int i, int j, Faces_around_stack & faces_around) { int k = 3-(i+j); Face_handle g=f->neighbor(k); if(!faces_around.empty()) { if(faces_around.front() == g) faces_around.pop_front(); else if(faces_around.back() == g) faces_around.pop_back(); } //union f with g and f->neihgbor(i) with g->f->neihgbor(i) Face_handle fn = f->neighbor(i); //Face_handle gn = g->neighbor(g->index(f->vertex(i))); Vertex_handle vq = f->vertex(j); this->_tds.flip(f, i); //not using flip because the vertex j is flat. update_hidden_points_2_2(f,fn); Face_handle h1 = (j == ccw(i) ? fn : f); //hide_vertex(h1, vq); hide_remove_degree_3(g,vq); if(j == ccw(i)) { faces_around.push_front(h1); faces_around.push_front(g); } else { faces_around.push_front(g); faces_around.push_front(h1); } } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: stack_flip_3_1(Face_handle f, int i, int j, Faces_around_stack & faces_around) { int k = 3-(i+j); Face_handle g=f->neighbor(k); if(!faces_around.empty()) { if(faces_around.front()== g) faces_around.pop_front(); else if(faces_around.back() == g) faces_around.pop_back(); } Vertex_handle vq= f->vertex(j); //hide_vertex(f,vq); hide_remove_degree_3(f,vq); faces_around.push_front(f); } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: stack_flip_2_2(Face_handle f, int i, Faces_around_stack & faces_around) { Vertex_handle vq = f->vertex(ccw(i)); flip(f,i); if(f->has_vertex(vq)) { faces_around.push_front(f->neighbor(ccw(i))); faces_around.push_front(f); } else { faces_around.push_front(f); faces_around.push_front(f->neighbor(cw(i))); } } template < class Gt, class Tds > void Regular_triangulation_2:: stack_flip_dim1(Face_handle f, int i, Faces_around_stack &faces_around) { Vertex_handle va = f->vertex(1-i); Face_handle n= f->neighbor(i); int in = n->index(f); Vertex_handle vb = n->vertex(in); f->set_vertex(1-i, n->vertex(in)); vb->set_face(f); f->set_neighbor(i, n->neighbor(1-in)); n->neighbor(1-in)->set_neighbor(n->neighbor(1-in)->index(n), f); (f->vertex_list()).splice(f->vertex_list().begin(),n->vertex_list()); set_face(f->vertex_list(),f); delete_face(n); hide_vertex(f,va); faces_around.push_front(f); return; } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::All_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: all_vertices_begin() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::all_vertices_end(), Hidden_tester(), Base::all_vertices_begin()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::All_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: all_vertices_end() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::all_vertices_end(), Hidden_tester()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::All_vertex_handles Regular_triangulation_2:: all_vertex_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(all_vertices_begin(),all_vertices_end()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Finite_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: finite_vertices_begin() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::finite_vertices_end(), Hidden_tester(), Base::finite_vertices_begin()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: finite_vertex() const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(number_of_vertices() >= 1); return(finite_vertices_begin()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Finite_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: finite_vertices_end() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::finite_vertices_end(), Hidden_tester()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Finite_vertex_handles Regular_triangulation_2:: finite_vertex_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(finite_vertices_begin(),finite_vertices_end()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Hidden_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: hidden_vertices_begin() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::finite_vertices_end(), Unhidden_tester(), Base::finite_vertices_begin()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Hidden_vertices_iterator Regular_triangulation_2:: hidden_vertices_end() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(Base::finite_vertices_end(), Unhidden_tester()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Hidden_vertex_handles Regular_triangulation_2:: hidden_vertex_handles() const { return make_prevent_deref_range(hidden_vertices_begin(),hidden_vertices_end()); } template < class Gt, class Tds > typename Regular_triangulation_2::Vertex_handle Regular_triangulation_2:: nearest_power_vertex(const Bare_point& p) const { if(dimension() == -1) { return Vertex_handle(); } if(dimension() == 0) { return finite_vertex(); } typename Geom_traits::Compare_power_distance_2 cmp_power_distance = geom_traits().compare_power_distance_2_object(); Vertex_handle vclosest; Vertex_handle v = finite_vertex(); // if(dimension() == 1) { // } do { vclosest = v; Weighted_point wp = v->point(); Vertex_circulator vc_start = incident_vertices(v); Vertex_circulator vc = vc_start; do { if(!is_infinite(vc)) { if(cmp_power_distance(p, vc->point(), wp) == SMALLER) { v = vc; break; } } ++vc; } while(vc != vc_start); } while(vclosest != v); return vclosest; } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_REGULAR_TRIANGULATION_2_H