// Copyright (c) 2013 Technical University Braunschweig (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Visibility_2/include/CGAL/Rotational_sweep_visibility_2.h $ // $Id: Rotational_sweep_visibility_2.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s): Kan Huang // #ifndef CGAL_ROTATIONAL_SWEEP_VISIBILITY_2_H #define CGAL_ROTATIONAL_SWEEP_VISIBILITY_2_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Rotational_sweep_visibility_2 { public: typedef Arrangement_2_ Arrangement_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Traits_2 Traits_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2 Geometry_traits_2; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2:: Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle; typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Kernel K; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Ray_2 Ray_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::FT Number_type; typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Object_2 Object_2; typedef RegularizationCategory Regularization_category; typedef CGAL::Tag_true Supports_general_polygon_category; typedef CGAL::Tag_true Supports_simple_polygon_category; private: typedef std::vector Points; typedef Vertex_const_handle VH; typedef std::vector VHs; typedef Halfedge_const_handle EH; typedef std::vector EHs; class Less_edge: public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function { const Geometry_traits_2* geom_traits; public: Less_edge() {} Less_edge(const Geometry_traits_2* traits):geom_traits(traits) {} bool operator() (const EH e1, const EH e2) const { if (e1 == e2) return false; else { return &(*e1)<&(*e2); } // if (e1->source() == e2->source()) // return Visibility_2::compare_xy_2(geom_traits, // e1->target()->point(), e2->target()->point()) == SMALLER; // else // return Visibility_2::compare_xy_2(geom_traits, // e1->source()->point(), e2->source()->point()) == SMALLER; } }; class Less_vertex: public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function { const Geometry_traits_2* geom_traits; public: Less_vertex() {} Less_vertex(const Geometry_traits_2* traits):geom_traits(traits) {} bool operator() (const VH v1, const VH v2) const { if (v1 == v2) return false; else // I know this is dirty but it speeds up by 25%. Michael return &(*v1)<&(*v2); // return Visibility_2:: // compare_xy_2(geom_traits, v1->point(), v2->point()) == SMALLER; } }; class Closer_edge: public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function { const Geometry_traits_2* geom_traits; Point_2 q; public: Closer_edge() {} Closer_edge(const Geometry_traits_2* traits, const Point_2& q) : geom_traits(traits), q(q) {} int vtype(const Point_2& c, const Point_2& p) const { switch(Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, q, c, p)) { case COLLINEAR: if (Visibility_2::less_distance_to_point_2(geom_traits, q, c, p)) return 0; else return 3; case RIGHT_TURN: return 1; case LEFT_TURN: return 2; default: CGAL_assume(false); } return -1; } bool operator() (const EH& e1, const EH& e2) const { if (e1 == e2) return false; const Point_2& s1=e1->source()->point(), t1=e1->target()->point(), s2=e2->source()->point(), t2=e2->target()->point(); if (e1->source() == e2->source()) { int vt1 = vtype(s1, t1), vt2 = vtype(s1, t2); if (vt1 != vt2) return vt1 > vt2; else return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t2, t1)== Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t2, q)); } if (e1->target() == e2->source()) { // const Point_2& p1 = s1, // p2 = t2, // c = s2; int vt1 = vtype(t1, s1), vt2 = vtype(t1, t2); if (vt1 != vt2) return vt1 > vt2; else return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1)== Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q)); } if (e1->source() == e2->target()) { // const Point_2& p1 = t1, // p2 = s2, // c = s1; int vt1 = vtype(s1, t1), vt2 = vtype(s1, s2); if (vt1 != vt2) return vt1 > vt2; else return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, s2, t1)== Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, s2, q)); } if (e1->target() == e2->target()) { // const Point_2& p1 = s1, // p2 = s2, // c = t1; int vt1 = vtype(t1, s1), vt2 = vtype(t1, s2); if (vt1 != vt2) return vt1 > vt2; else return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, t1, s2, s1)== Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, t1, s2, q)); } Orientation e1q = Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, q); switch (e1q) { case COLLINEAR: if (Visibility_2::collinear(geom_traits, q, s2, t2)) { //q is collinear with e1 and e2. return (Visibility_2::less_distance_to_point_2(geom_traits, q, s1, s2) || Visibility_2::less_distance_to_point_2(geom_traits, q, t1, t2)); } else { //q is collinear with e1 not with e2. if (Visibility_2::collinear(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1)) return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, t1)); else return (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1)); } break; case RIGHT_TURN: switch (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, s2)) { case COLLINEAR: return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2)!=e1q; case RIGHT_TURN: if (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2) == LEFT_TURN) return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1); else return false; case LEFT_TURN: if(Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2) == RIGHT_TURN) return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1); else return true; default: CGAL_assume(false); } break; case LEFT_TURN: switch (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, s2)) { case COLLINEAR: return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2)!=e1q; case LEFT_TURN: if(Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2) == RIGHT_TURN) return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1); else return false; case RIGHT_TURN: if (Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s1, t1, t2) == LEFT_TURN) return Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, q) == Visibility_2::orientation_2(geom_traits, s2, t2, s1); else return true; default: CGAL_assume(false); } } CGAL_assume(false); return false; } }; const Arrangement_2 *p_arr; const Geometry_traits_2 *geom_traits; mutable Point_2 q; //query point mutable Points polygon; //visibility polygon mutable std::map incident_edges; mutable std::map edx; //index of active edges in //the heap mutable std::set active_edges; //a set of edges that //intersect the current //vision ray. mutable VHs vs; //angular sorted vertices mutable EHs bad_edges; //edges that pass the query point mutable VH cone_end1; //an end of visibility cone mutable VH cone_end2; //another end of visibility cone mutable typename Points::size_type cone_end1_idx; //index of cone_end1->point() in //visibility polygon mutable typename Points::size_type cone_end2_idx; //index of cone_end2->point() in //visibility polygon mutable bool is_vertex_query; mutable bool is_edge_query; mutable bool is_face_query; mutable bool is_big_cone; //whether the angle of //visibility_cone is greater than pi. public: Rotational_sweep_visibility_2(): p_arr(nullptr), geom_traits(nullptr) {} Rotational_sweep_visibility_2(const Arrangement_2& arr): p_arr(&arr) { geom_traits = p_arr->geometry_traits(); } const std::string name() const { return std::string("R_visibility_2"); } template typename VARR::Face_handle compute_visibility( const Point_2& q, const Halfedge_const_handle e, VARR& arr_out) const { arr_out.clear(); bad_edges.clear(); this->q = q; if (Visibility_2::compare_xy_2(geom_traits, q, e->target()->point())==EQUAL) { is_vertex_query = true; is_edge_query = false; is_face_query = false; cone_end1 = e->source(); cone_end2 = e->next()->target(); is_big_cone = CGAL::right_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, cone_end2->point()); typename Arrangement_2:: Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator first, curr; first = curr = e->target()->incident_halfedges(); do { if (curr->face() == e->face()) bad_edges.push_back(curr); else if (curr->twin()->face() == e->face()) bad_edges.push_back(curr->twin()); } while (++curr != first); } else { is_vertex_query = false; is_edge_query = true; is_face_query = false; cone_end1 = e->source(); cone_end2 = e->target(); bad_edges.push_back(e); is_big_cone = false; } visibility_region_impl(e->face(), q); //decide which inside of the visibility butterfly is needed. typename Points::size_type small_idx, big_idx; if ( cone_end1_idx < cone_end2_idx ) { small_idx = cone_end1_idx; big_idx = cone_end2_idx; } else { small_idx = cone_end2_idx; big_idx = cone_end1_idx; } typename Points::size_type next_idx = small_idx + 1; bool is_between; //indicate whether the shape between small_idx and big_idx is the visibility //region required. if (CGAL::right_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, cone_end2->point())) { is_between = false; while (next_idx != big_idx) { if (CGAL::left_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, polygon[next_idx]) || CGAL::left_turn(q, cone_end2->point(), polygon[next_idx])) { is_between = true; break; } next_idx++; } } else { is_between = true; while (next_idx != big_idx) { if (CGAL::right_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, polygon[next_idx]) || CGAL::right_turn(q, cone_end2->point(), polygon[next_idx])) { is_between = false; break; } next_idx++; } } typename Points::iterator first = polygon.begin(); std::advance(first, small_idx); typename Points::iterator last = polygon.begin(); std::advance(last, big_idx); if (is_between) { Points polygon_out(first, last+1); if (is_vertex_query) polygon_out.push_back(q); Visibility_2::report_while_handling_needles (geom_traits, q, polygon_out, arr_out); } else { Points polygon_out(polygon.begin(), first+1); if (is_vertex_query) polygon_out.push_back(q); for (typename Points::size_type i = big_idx; i != polygon.size(); i++) { polygon_out.push_back(polygon[i]); } Visibility_2::report_while_handling_needles (geom_traits, q, polygon_out, arr_out); } Visibility_2::conditional_regularize(arr_out, Regularization_category()); if (arr_out.faces_begin()->is_unbounded()) return ++arr_out.faces_begin(); else return arr_out.faces_begin(); } template typename VARR::Face_handle compute_visibility( const Point_2& q, const Face_const_handle f, VARR& arr_out) const { arr_out.clear(); this->q = q; is_vertex_query = false; is_edge_query = false; is_face_query = true; visibility_region_impl(f, q); Visibility_2::report_while_handling_needles (geom_traits, q, polygon, arr_out); Visibility_2::conditional_regularize(arr_out, Regularization_category()); if (arr_out.faces_begin()->is_unbounded()) return ++arr_out.faces_begin(); else return arr_out.faces_begin(); } bool is_attached() const { return (p_arr != nullptr); } void attach(const Arrangement_2& arr) { p_arr = &arr; geom_traits = p_arr->geometry_traits(); } void detach() { p_arr = nullptr; geom_traits = nullptr; } const Arrangement_2& arrangement_2() const { return *p_arr; } private: //get the neighbor of v along edge e VH get_neighbor(const EH e, const VH v) const { if (e->source() == v) return e->target(); else return e->source(); } //check whether ray(q->dp) intersects segment(p1, p2) bool do_intersect_ray(const Point_2& q, const Point_2& dp, const Point_2& p1, const Point_2& p2) const { return (CGAL::orientation(q, dp, p1) != CGAL::orientation(q, dp, p2) && CGAL::orientation(q, p1, dp) == CGAL::orientation(q, p1, p2)); } //arrange vertices that on a same vision ray in a 'funnel' order void funnel(typename VHs::size_type i, typename VHs::size_type j) const { VHs right, left; //whether the edges incident to a vertex block the left side and right side //of current vision ray. bool block_left(false), block_right(false); VH former = vs[i], nb; for (typename VHs::size_type l=i; lpoint(), nb->point())) left_v = true; else right_v = CGAL::right_turn(q, vs[l]->point(), nb->point()); } if (has_predecessor) { //if the current vertex connects to the vertex before by an edge, //the vertex before can help it to block. block_left = block_left || left_v; block_right = block_right || right_v; } else { block_left = left_v; block_right = right_v; } if (block_left && block_right) { //when both sides are blocked, //there is no need to change the vertex after. right.push_back(vs[l]); break; } else { if (block_left) left.push_back(vs[l]); else right.push_back(vs[l]); } former = vs[l]; } for (typename VHs::size_type l=0; l!=right.size(); l++) vs[i+l] = right[l]; for (typename VHs::size_type l=0; l!=left.size(); l++) vs[i+l+right.size()] = left[left.size()-1-l]; } void visibility_region_impl(const Face_const_handle f, const Point_2& q) const { vs.clear(); polygon.clear(); active_edges = std::set(Closer_edge(geom_traits, q)); incident_edges = std::map(Less_vertex(geom_traits)); edx = std::map(Less_edge(geom_traits)); EHs relevant_edges; //edges that can affect the visibility of query point. Arrangement_2 bbox; if (is_face_query) input_face(f); else input_face(f, relevant_edges, bbox); //the following code is the initiation of vision ray. //the direction of the initial ray is between the direction from q to last //vertex in vs and positive x-axis. By choosing this direction, we make sure //that all plane is swept and there is not needle at the beginning of //sweeping. Vector_2 dir; if (Direction_2(-1, 0) < Direction_2(Vector_2(q, vs.back()->point()))) dir = Vector_2(1, 0) + Vector_2(q, vs.back()->point()); else dir = Vector_2(0, -1); Point_2 dp = q + dir; //initiation of active_edges. for face queries, //all edges on the boundary can affect visibility. //for non-face queries, only relevant_edges has to be considered. if (is_face_query) { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = f->outer_ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = curr; do { if (do_intersect_ray( q, dp, curr->target()->point(), curr->source()->point())) active_edges.insert(curr); } while (++curr != circ); typename Arrangement_2::Hole_const_iterator hi; for (hi = f->holes_begin(); hi != f->holes_end(); ++hi) { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ = *hi; do { if (do_intersect_ray( q, dp, curr->target()->point(), curr->source()->point())) active_edges.insert(curr); } while (++curr != circ); } } else { for (typename EHs::size_type i=0; i!=relevant_edges.size(); i++) if (do_intersect_ray(q, dp, relevant_edges[i]->source()->point(), relevant_edges[i]->target()->point())) active_edges.insert(relevant_edges[i]); } //angular sweep begins // std::cout<(ctemp_eh); temp_eh = insert_ehs.front(); } else { for (typename EHs::size_type j=0; j!=remove_cnt; j++) active_edges.erase(remove_ehs[j]); for (typename EHs::size_type j=0; j!=insert_cnt; j++) active_edges.insert(insert_ehs[j]); } if (closest_e != *active_edges.begin()) { //when the closest edge changed if (is_face_query) { if (remove_cnt > 0 && insert_cnt > 0) { //some edges are added and some are deleted, //which means the vertex swept is part of visibility polygon. update_visibility(vh->point()); } if (remove_cnt == 0 && insert_cnt > 0) { //only add some edges, means the view ray is blocked by new edges. //therefore first add the intersection of view ray and //former closet edge, then add the vertice swept. update_visibility(ray_seg_intersection(q, vh->point(), closest_e->target()->point(), closest_e->source()->point()) ); update_visibility(vh->point()); } if (remove_cnt > 0 && insert_cnt == 0) { //only delete some edges, means some block is moved and the view ray //can reach the segments after the block. update_visibility(vh->point()); update_visibility( ray_seg_intersection(q, vh->point(), (*active_edges.begin())->target()->point(), (*active_edges.begin())->source()->point() ) ); } } else { //extra work here for edge/vertex query is the index of cone_end1 and //cone_end2 will be recorded. if (remove_cnt > 0 && insert_cnt > 0) { //some edges are added and some are deleted, //which means the vertice swept is part of visibility polygon. if (update_visibility(vh->point())) { if (vh == cone_end1) cone_end1_idx = polygon.size()-1; else if (vh == cone_end2) cone_end2_idx = polygon.size()-1; } } if (remove_cnt == 0 && insert_cnt > 0) { //only add some edges, means the view ray is blocked by new edges. //therefore first add the intersection of view ray and former closet //edge, then add the vertice swept. update_visibility(ray_seg_intersection(q, vh->point(), closest_e->target()->point(), closest_e->source()->point()) ); if (update_visibility(vh->point())) { if (vh == cone_end1) cone_end1_idx = polygon.size()-1; else if (vh == cone_end2) cone_end2_idx = polygon.size()-1; } } if (remove_cnt > 0 && insert_cnt == 0) { //only delete some edges, means some block is removed and the vision //ray can reach the segments after the block. if (update_visibility(vh->point())) { if (vh == cone_end1) cone_end1_idx = polygon.size()-1; else if (vh == cone_end2) cone_end2_idx = polygon.size()-1; } update_visibility( ray_seg_intersection(q, vh->point(), (*active_edges.begin())->target()->point(), (*active_edges.begin())->source()->point()) ); } } } } } void print_edge(const EH e) const { std::cout << e->source()->point() <<"->"<< e->target()->point() <dp) and segment(s, t) //if they are collinear then return the endpoint which is closer to q. Point_2 ray_seg_intersection( const Point_2& q, const Point_2& dp, // the ray const Point_2& s, const Point_2& t) // the segment const { if (CGAL::collinear(q, dp, s)) { if (CGAL::collinear(q, dp, t)) { if (CGAL::compare_distance_to_point(q, s, t)==CGAL::SMALLER) return s; else return t; } else return s; } Ray_2 ray(q,dp); Segment_2 seg(s,t); CGAL::Object result = CGAL::intersection(ray, seg); return *(CGAL::object_cast(&result)); } //check if p has been discovered before, if not update the visibility polygon bool update_visibility(const Point_2& p) const { if (polygon.empty()) { polygon.push_back(p); return true; } else if (Visibility_2::compare_xy_2(geom_traits, polygon.back(), p) != EQUAL) { polygon.push_back(p); return true; } return false; } //functor to decide which vertex is swept earlier by the rotational sweeping //ray class Is_swept_earlier:public CGAL::cpp98::binary_function { const Point_2& q; const Geometry_traits_2* geom_traits; public: Is_swept_earlier(const Point_2& q, const Geometry_traits_2* traits) : q(q), geom_traits(traits) {} bool operator() (const VH v1, const VH v2) const { const Point_2& p1 = v1->point(); const Point_2& p2 = v2->point(); int qua1 = quadrant(q, p1); int qua2 = quadrant(q, p2); if (qua1 < qua2) return true; if (qua1 > qua2) return false; if (collinear(q, p1, p2)) return (CGAL::compare_distance_to_point(q, p1, p2) == CGAL::SMALLER); else return CGAL::right_turn(p1, q, p2); } //return the quadrant of p with respect to o. int quadrant(const Point_2& o, const Point_2& p) const { typename Geometry_traits_2::Compare_x_2 compare_x = geom_traits->compare_x_2_object(); typename Geometry_traits_2::Compare_y_2 compare_y = geom_traits->compare_y_2_object(); Comparison_result dx = compare_x(p, o); Comparison_result dy = compare_y(p, o); if (dx==LARGER && dy!=SMALLER) return 1; if (dx!=LARGER && dy==LARGER) return 2; if (dx==SMALLER && dy!=LARGER) return 3; if (dx!=SMALLER && dy==SMALLER) return 4; return 0; } }; //when the query point is in face, every edge is good. void input_neighbor_f( const Halfedge_const_handle e) const { VH v = e->target(); if (!incident_edges.count(v)) vs.push_back(v); incident_edges[v].push_back(e); incident_edges[v].push_back(e->next()); } //check if p is in the visibility cone bool is_in_cone(const Point_2& p) const{ if (is_big_cone) return (!CGAL::right_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, p)) || (!CGAL::left_turn(cone_end2->point(), q, p)); else return (!CGAL::right_turn(cone_end1->point(), q, p)) && (!CGAL::left_turn(cone_end2->point(), q, p)); } //for vertex and edge query: the visibility is limited in a cone. void input_edge(const Halfedge_const_handle e, EHs& good_edges) const { for (typename EHs::size_type i = 0; i < bad_edges.size(); i++) if (e == bad_edges[i]) return; VH v1 = e->target(); VH v2 = e->source(); //an edge will affect visibility only if it has an endpoint in the //visibility cone or it crosses the boundary of the cone. if (is_in_cone(v1->point()) || is_in_cone(v2->point()) || do_intersect_ray(q, cone_end1->point(), v1->point(), v2->point())) { good_edges.push_back(e); if (!incident_edges.count(v1)) vs.push_back(v1); incident_edges[v1].push_back(e); if (!incident_edges.count(v2)) vs.push_back(v2); incident_edges[v2].push_back(e); } } //for face query: traverse the face to get all edges //and sort vertices in counter-clockwise order. void input_face (Face_const_handle fh) const { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = fh->outer_ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = curr; do { CGAL_assertion(curr->face() == fh); input_neighbor_f(curr); } while (++curr != circ); typename Arrangement_2::Hole_const_iterator hi; for (hi = fh->holes_begin(); hi != fh->holes_end(); ++hi) { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = *hi, circ = *hi; do { CGAL_assertion(curr->face() == fh); input_neighbor_f(curr); } while (++curr != circ); } std::sort(vs.begin(), vs.end(), Is_swept_earlier(q, geom_traits)); for (typename VHs::size_type i=0; i!=vs.size(); i++) { typename VHs::size_type j = i+1; while (j != vs.size()) { if (!CGAL::collinear(q, vs[i]->point(), vs[j]->point())) break; j++; } if (j-i>1) funnel(i, j); i = j-1; } } //for vertex or edge query: traverse the face to get all edges //and sort vertices in counter-clockwise order. void input_face (Face_const_handle fh, EHs& good_edges, Arrangement_2& bbox) const { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = fh->outer_ccb(); Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ = curr; do { CGAL_assertion(curr->face() == fh); input_edge(curr, good_edges); } while (++curr != circ); typename Arrangement_2::Hole_const_iterator hi; for (hi = fh->holes_begin(); hi != fh->holes_end(); ++hi) { Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ = *hi; do { CGAL_assertion(curr->face() == fh); input_edge(curr, good_edges); } while (++curr != circ); } //create a box that cover all vertices such that during the sweeping, //the vision ray will always intersect at least an edge. //this box doesn't intersect any relevant_edge. Points points; for (typename VHs::size_type i=0; ipoint()); } points.push_back(q); //first get the bounding box of all relevant points. typename Geometry_traits_2::Iso_rectangle_2 bb = bounding_box(points.begin(), points.end()); Number_type xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; typename Geometry_traits_2::Compute_x_2 compute_x = geom_traits->compute_x_2_object(); typename Geometry_traits_2::Compute_y_2 compute_y = geom_traits->compute_y_2_object(); //make the box a little bigger than bb so that it won't intersect any //relevant_edge. xmin = compute_x((bb.min)())-1; ymin = compute_y((bb.min)())-1; xmax = compute_x((bb.max)())+1; ymax = compute_y((bb.max)())+1; Point_2 box[4] = {Point_2(xmin, ymin), Point_2(xmax, ymin), Point_2(xmax, ymax), Point_2(xmin, ymax)}; Halfedge_handle e1 = bbox.insert_in_face_interior(Segment_2(box[0], box[1]), bbox.unbounded_face()); Halfedge_handle e2 = bbox.insert_from_left_vertex(Segment_2(box[1], box[2]), e1->target()); Halfedge_handle e3 = bbox.insert_from_right_vertex(Segment_2(box[2],box[3]), e2->target()); bbox.insert_at_vertices(Segment_2(box[0], box[3]), e1->source(), e3->target()); circ = curr = e1->face()->outer_ccb(); do { VH v = curr->target(); vs.push_back(v); incident_edges[v].push_back(curr); incident_edges[v].push_back(curr->next()); good_edges.push_back(curr); } while(++curr != circ); std::sort(vs.begin(), vs.end(), Is_swept_earlier(q, geom_traits)); for (typename VHs::size_type i=0; i!=vs.size(); i++) { typename VHs::size_type j = i+1; while (j != vs.size()) { if (!CGAL::collinear(q, vs[i]->point(), vs[j]->point())) break; j++; } if (j-i>1) funnel(i, j); i = j-1; } } }; } // end namespace CGAL #endif