// Copyright (c) 2003-2007 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 GeometryFactory (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Surface_mesher/include/CGAL/Surface_mesher/Surface_mesher.h $ // $Id: Surface_mesher.h 627a7b2 2020-04-27T17:08:35+02:00 Maxime Gimeno // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Steve Oudot, // David Rey, // Mariette Yvinec, // Laurent Rineau, // Andreas Fabri #ifndef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_SURFACE_MESHER_H #define CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_SURFACE_MESHER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Surface_mesher { // NB: by convention, the priority queue is sorted with respect to the // first element of the list of criteria template < class C2T3, class Surface_, class SurfaceMeshTraits, class Criteria_ > class Surface_mesher_base : public Triangulation_mesher_level_traits_3 { public: typedef C2T3 Complex_2_in_triangulation_3; typedef Surface_ Surface; typedef SurfaceMeshTraits Surface_mesh_traits; typedef Criteria_ Criteria; typedef typename C2T3::Triangulation Tr; typedef typename Tr::Point Point; typedef typename Surface_mesh_traits::Intersection_point Intersection_point; typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Edge Edge; typedef typename Tr::Facet Facet; typedef typename Tr::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits GT; typedef Triangulation_mesher_level_traits_3 Triangulation_traits; typedef typename Triangulation_traits::Zone Zone; typedef typename Tr::Finite_facets_iterator Finite_facets_iterator; typedef typename Criteria::Quality Quality; typedef Double_map Bad_facets; // Constructor Surface_mesher_base (C2T3& co, const Surface& s, const Surface_mesh_traits& mesh_traits, const Criteria& c) : Triangulation_mesher_level_traits_3(co.triangulation()), c2t3(co), tr(co.triangulation()), surf(s), meshtraits(mesh_traits), criteria(c) { #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS std::cerr << "CONS: Surface_mesher_base\n"; #endif } protected: C2T3& c2t3; Tr& tr; // Associated triangulation reference const Surface& surf; // Surface const Surface_mesh_traits& meshtraits; // Surface mesh traits const Criteria& criteria; // Meshing criteria Bad_facets facets_to_refine; // Set of facets to refine public: // Helper functions Facet mirror_facet(const Facet& f) const { return tr.mirror_facet(f); } static void set_facet_visited(Facet f) { f.first->set_facet_visited(f.second); } static void set_facet_surface_center(Facet f, const Point& p) { f.first->set_facet_surface_center(f.second, p); } static const Point& get_facet_surface_center(const Facet& f) { return f.first->get_facet_surface_center(f.second); } static void reset_visited(Facet f) { f.first->reset_visited(f.second); } static bool is_facet_visited(const Facet& f) { return f.first->is_facet_visited(f.second); } // Remains unchanged Tr& triangulation_ref_impl() { return tr; } // Remains unchanged const Tr& triangulation_ref_impl() const { return tr; } // Initialization function void scan_triangulation_impl() { Point center; // We test only the finite Delaunay facets #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_VERBOSE std::cout << "scanning facets..." << std::endl; #endif for (Finite_facets_iterator fit = tr.finite_facets_begin(); fit != tr.finite_facets_end(); ++fit) { if (tr.dimension() == 3) { new_facet(*fit); // see definition of // template new_facet() } else { CGAL_assertion (tr.dimension() == 2); if (is_facet_on_surface(*fit, center)) { //Cell_handle c; c2t3.set_in_complex(*fit); set_facet_surface_center((*fit),center); //c=(*fit).first; //c->set_facet_on_surface((*fit).second,true); //c->set_facet_surface_center((*fit).second,center); Quality a_r; if (criteria.is_bad (*fit, a_r)) { #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD fit->first->set_bad(fit->second); const Facet mirror_facet = tr.mirror_facet(*fit); mirror_facet.first->set_bad(mirror_facet.second); #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD facets_to_refine.insert(*fit,a_r); } } else c2t3.remove_from_complex(*fit); // (*fit).first->set_facet_on_surface((*fit).second,false); } } } // scan_triangulation_impl end // Tells whether there remain elements to refine bool no_longer_element_to_refine_impl() const { return facets_to_refine.empty(); } // Returns the next element to refine Facet get_next_element_impl() { return facets_to_refine.front()->second; } // deletes the next element from the set of elements to refine // NB: it is useless here, since the update of the restricted // Delaunay triangulation automatically deletes the next element void pop_next_element_impl() { // facets_to_refine.pop_front(); } // From the element to refine, gets the point to insert Point refinement_point_impl(const Facet& f) const { #ifdef CGAL_MESHES_DEBUG_REFINEMENT_POINTS std::cerr << "point from Surface_mesher: "; #endif CGAL_assertion (c2t3.face_status(f) == C2T3::REGULAR); //CGAL_assertion (f.first->is_facet_on_surface (f.second)); return get_facet_surface_center (f); //return f.first->get_facet_surface_center (f.second); } // Useless here void before_conflicts_impl(const Facet&, const Point& #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_DEBUG_BEFORE_CONFLICTS s) { std::cerr << "Refine_facets: before conflicts of " << s << " "; #else ) { #endif } // Useless here Mesher_level_conflict_status private_test_point_conflict_impl(const Point& p, Zone& zone) { if( zone.locate_type == Tr::VERTEX ) { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "(" << p << ") is already inserted on surface.\n"; CGAL_error_msg(sstr.str().c_str()); return CONFLICT_AND_ELEMENT_SHOULD_BE_DROPPED; } else return NO_CONFLICT; } // Useless here void after_no_insertion_impl(const Facet&, const Point&, const Zone&) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tests if the point p encroaches one facet of the restricted Delaunay // triangulation. Mesher_level_conflict_status test_point_conflict_from_superior_impl(const Point& p, Zone& zone) { for (typename Zone::Facets_iterator fit = zone.internal_facets.begin(); fit != zone.internal_facets.end(); ++fit) if( test_if_facet_is_encroached(*fit, p) ) return CONFLICT_BUT_ELEMENT_CAN_BE_RECONSIDERED; for (typename Zone::Facets_iterator fit = zone.boundary_facets.begin(); fit != zone.boundary_facets.end(); ++fit) if( test_if_facet_is_encroached(*fit, p) ) return CONFLICT_BUT_ELEMENT_CAN_BE_RECONSIDERED; return NO_CONFLICT; } bool test_if_facet_is_encroached(const Facet f, const Point& p) { if( tr.is_infinite(f.first) ) return false; if (c2t3.face_status(f) == C2T3::REGULAR) { const Cell_handle& c = f.first; const int& index = f.second; typename GT::Compute_squared_distance_3 distance = tr.geom_traits().compute_squared_distance_3_object(); // test Delaunay surfacique Point center = get_facet_surface_center(f); for(bool exit = false; ; exit = true) { // this for loop is a trick to pass in the following "if" once // with center="surface center", and once with // center="circumcenter" if( distance(center, p) < distance(center, c->vertex((index+1)&3)->point()) ) { Quality q; criteria.is_bad(f, q); // to get q (passed as reference) Facet other_side = mirror_facet(f); #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD f.first->set_bad(f.second); other_side.first->set_bad(other_side.second); #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD if(f.first < other_side.first) facets_to_refine.insert(f, q); else facets_to_refine.insert(other_side, q); return true; } // if(exit) return false; // test Gabriel center = tr.geom_traits().construct_circumcenter_3_object() (c->vertex((index+1)&3)->point(), c->vertex((index+2)&3)->point(), c->vertex((index+3)&3)->point()); } } return false; } /* returns the conflicts zone */ Zone conflicts_zone_impl(const Point& p, Facet f) const { Zone zone; // TODO may be avoid the locate here zone.cell = tr.locate(p, zone.locate_type, zone.i, zone.j, f.first); if(zone.locate_type != Tr::VERTEX) tr.find_conflicts(p, zone.cell, std::back_inserter(zone.boundary_facets), std::back_inserter(zone.cells), std::back_inserter(zone.internal_facets)); return zone; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deletes old facets from the restricted Delaunay triangulation void before_insertion_impl(const Facet& source_facet, const Point& p, Zone& zone) { if (tr.dimension() == 3) { bool source_facet_is_in_conflict = false; // On s'occupe des facettes de la zone de conflit for (typename Zone::Facets_iterator fit = zone.internal_facets.begin(); fit != zone.internal_facets.end(); ++fit) { if(before_insertion_handle_facet_inside_conflict_zone (*fit, source_facet)) source_facet_is_in_conflict = true; } for (typename Zone::Facets_iterator fit = zone.boundary_facets.begin(); fit != zone.boundary_facets.end(); ++fit) { if(before_insertion_handle_facet_on_boundary_of_conflict_zone (*fit, source_facet)) source_facet_is_in_conflict = true; } // source_facet == Facet() when this->before_insertion_impl is // called from a Mesh_3 visitor. if(source_facet != Facet() && !source_facet_is_in_conflict) { const Facet source_other_side = mirror_facet(source_facet); std::stringstream error_msg; error_msg << boost::format("Surface_mesher ERROR: " "A facet is not in conflict with its refinement point!\n" "Debugging informations:\n" " Facet: (%1%, %2%) = (%6%, %7%, %8%)\n" " Dual: (%3%, %4%)\n" " Refinement point: %5%\n") % (&*source_facet.first) % source_facet.second % source_facet.first->circumcenter() % source_other_side.first->circumcenter() % p % source_facet.first->vertex((source_facet.second + 1)&3)->point() % source_facet.first->vertex((source_facet.second + 2)&3)->point() % source_facet.first->vertex((source_facet.second + 3)&3)->point(); CGAL_error_msg(error_msg.str().c_str()); } } // end if dimension() == 3 // If dim < 3, then the triangulation has only one facet and the // complex has no facet, generically else { CGAL_assertion (tr.dimension() == 2); facets_to_refine.clear(); } // CGAL_assertion_code(const Facet& source_other_side = mirror_facet(source_facet)); // CGAL_assertion( // facets_to_refine.erase( (source_facet.first < source_other_side.first ) ? // source_facet : source_other_side) == false); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adds new facets from the restricted Delaunay triangulation void after_insertion_impl(const Vertex_handle& v) { CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_PROFILER("inserted point") #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_DEBUG_AFTER_INSERTION std::cerr << "Inserted\n"; #endif restore_restricted_Delaunay(v); } void restore_restricted_Delaunay(const Vertex_handle& v) { // On met a jour les flags des nouvelles facettes (celles a // l'interieur du trou et celles sur le bord du trou) std::vector cellules; tr.incident_cells (v, std::back_inserter(cellules)); for(typename std::vector::iterator cellule = cellules.begin(); cellule != cellules.end(); ++cellule) { // Look at all four facets of the cell, starting with the // facet opposite to the new vertex int indice = (*cellule)->index (v); after_insertion_handle_opposite_facet (Facet (*cellule, indice)); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) after_insertion_handle_incident_facet (Facet (*cellule, (indice+i)&3)); } } // restore_restricted_Delaunay end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Useless here void after_no_insertion_impl(const Facet&, const Point&, Zone&) {} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private functions private: /////////////////////// // For before_insertion // Actions to perform on a facet inside the conflict zone bool before_insertion_handle_facet_inside_conflict_zone (const Facet& f, const Facet& source_facet) { const Facet other_side = mirror_facet(f); if(tr.is_infinite(f.first) && tr.is_infinite(other_side.first)) return (f==source_facet) || (other_side == source_facet); // On enleve la facette de la liste des mauvaises facettes #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD if(f.first->is_bad(f.second)) { #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD if(f.first < other_side.first) facets_to_refine.erase(f); else facets_to_refine.erase(other_side); #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD } #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD // Le compteur des visites est remis a zero reset_visited(f); reset_visited(other_side); // On retire la facette du complexe (car on doit etre // independant de l'implementation du complexe) c2t3.remove_from_complex (f); return (f==source_facet) || (other_side == source_facet); } // Action to perform on a facet on the boundary of the conflict zone bool before_insertion_handle_facet_on_boundary_of_conflict_zone (const Facet& f, const Facet& source_facet) { // perform the same operations as for an internal facet return before_insertion_handle_facet_inside_conflict_zone (f, source_facet); } /////////////////////// // For after_insertion // Action to perform on a facet incident to the new vertex void after_insertion_handle_incident_facet (const Facet& f) { // If the facet is infinite or has been already visited, // then there is nothing to do as for it or its edges if (tr.is_infinite(f) || is_facet_visited(f)) return; new_facet(f); } // Action to perform on any new facet template void new_facet (const Facet& f) { const Facet other_side = mirror_facet(f); if(tr.is_infinite(f.first) && tr.is_infinite(other_side.first)) return; // NB: set_facet_visited() is implementation dependent // and each side of the real facet has to be considered // separately set_facet_visited(f); set_facet_visited(other_side); // On regarde d'abord si la facette est dans le Delaunay // restreint Point center; if (is_facet_on_surface(f, center)) { // NB: set_in_complex() is implementation independent and // consider both sides of the facet at once c2t3.set_in_complex(f); // NB: set_facet_surface_center() is implementation dependent // and each side of the real facet has to be considered // separately set_facet_surface_center(f, center); set_facet_surface_center(other_side, center); // On regarde alors si la facette est bonne Quality a_r; if (criteria.is_bad (f, a_r)) { #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD f.first->set_bad(f.second); other_side.first->set_bad(other_side.second); #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TAG_BAD if(f.first < other_side.first) facets_to_refine.insert (f, a_r); else facets_to_refine.insert (other_side, a_r); } } else if( remove_from_complex_if_not_in_restricted_Delaunay ) c2t3.remove_from_complex(f); } // Action to perform on a facet opposite to the new vertex void after_insertion_handle_opposite_facet (const Facet& f) { // perform the same operations as for a facet incident to the // new vertex after_insertion_handle_incident_facet (f); } /////////////////////// // Predicate to test restricted Delaunay membership // Tests whether a given facet is restricted or not bool is_facet_on_surface(const Facet& f, Point& center) { typedef typename Surface_mesh_traits::Intersect_3 Intersect_3; Intersect_3 intersect = meshtraits.intersect_3_object(); typename GT::Is_degenerate_3 is_degenerate; Object dual = tr.dual(f); Object intersection; // If the dual is a segment if (const typename GT::Segment_3* segment_ptr=object_cast(&dual)) { if(is_degenerate(*segment_ptr)) return false; intersection = intersect(surf, *segment_ptr); } // If the dual is a ray else if(const typename GT::Ray_3* ray_ptr=object_cast(&dual)) { // If a facet is on the convex hull, and if its finite incident // cell has a very bid Delaunay ball, then the dual of the facet is // a ray constructed with a point with very big coordinates, and a // vector with small coordinates. Its can happen than the // constructed ray is degenerate (the point(1) of the ray is // point(0) plus a vector whose coordinates are espilon). if(is_degenerate(*ray_ptr)) return false; intersection = intersect(surf, *ray_ptr); } // If the dual is a line else if(const typename GT::Line_3* line_ptr = object_cast(&dual)) { intersection = intersect(surf, *line_ptr); } // Else there is a problem with the dual else { std::cerr << "In is_facet_on_surface(const Facet& f, Point& center)\n" << "file " << __FILE__ << ", line " << __LINE__ << "\n"; std::cerr << "Incorrect object type: " << dual.type().name() << "\n"; CGAL_error(); } if(const Intersection_point* point_ptr = object_cast(&intersection)) { center = static_cast(*point_ptr); return true; } return false; } public: std::string debug_info() const { std::stringstream s; s << facets_to_refine.size(); return s.str(); } std::string debug_info_header() const { return "#facets"; } }; // end Surface_mesher_base template < typename Base, typename Element = typename details::Facet_generator::type, typename PreviousLevel = Null_mesher_level, Verbose_flag verbose = NOT_VERBOSE > struct Surface_mesher : public Base, public details::Mesher_level_generator< Base, Surface_mesher, Element, PreviousLevel >::Type { public: typedef typename Base::Complex_2_in_triangulation_3 C2T3; typedef typename C2T3::Triangulation Triangulation; typedef Triangulation Tr; typedef typename Base::Surface Surface; typedef typename Base::Criteria Criteria; typedef typename Base::Surface_mesh_traits Surface_mesh_traits; typedef Surface_mesher Self; typedef typename details::Mesher_level_generator< Base, Surface_mesher, Element, PreviousLevel >::Type Mesher_lvl; using Mesher_lvl::scan_triangulation; using Mesher_lvl::refine; using Mesher_lvl::is_algorithm_done; using Mesher_lvl::one_step; typedef C2T3 Complex_2_in_triangulation_3; private: Null_mesher_level null_mesher_level; Null_mesh_visitor null_visitor; bool initialized; public: Surface_mesher(C2T3& c2t3, const Surface& surface, const Surface_mesh_traits& mesh_traits, const Criteria& criteria) : Base(c2t3, surface, mesh_traits, criteria), Mesher_lvl(null_mesher_level), initialized(false) { #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS std::cerr << "CONS: Surface_mesher\n"; #endif } Surface_mesher(C2T3& c2t3, const Surface& surface, const Surface_mesh_traits& mesh_traits, const Criteria& criteria, PreviousLevel& previous) : Base(c2t3, surface, mesh_traits, criteria), Mesher_lvl(previous), initialized(false) { #ifdef CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS std::cerr << "CONS: Surface_mesher\n"; #endif } std::string debug_info() const { std::stringstream s; s << Base::debug_info() << "," << Mesher_lvl::previous().debug_info(); return s.str(); } std::string debug_info_header() const { std::stringstream s; s << Base::debug_info_header() << "," << Mesher_lvl::previous().debug_info_header(); return s.str(); } // Initialization void init() { scan_triangulation(); initialized = true; } void refine_mesh () { refine_mesh(null_visitor); } template void refine_mesh(Visitor visitor) { Tr& tr = this->triangulation_ref_impl(); if(!initialized) init(); if (verbose == NOT_VERBOSE) refine (visitor); else { std::cerr << "Refining...\n"; int nbsteps = 0; CGAL::Timer timer; std::cerr << "Legende of the following line: " << "(#vertices,#steps," << this->debug_info_header() << ")\n"; std::cerr << boost::format("\r \r" "(%1%,%2%,%3%) (%|4$.1f| vertices/s)") % tr.number_of_vertices() % nbsteps % this->debug_info() % (nbsteps / timer.time()); ++nbsteps; timer.start(); while (!is_algorithm_done()) { { CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_TIME_PROFILER("Surface_mesher::one_step()"); one_step (visitor); } std::cerr << boost::format("\r \r" "(%1%,%2%,%3%) (%|4$.1f| vertices/s)") % tr.number_of_vertices() % nbsteps % this->debug_info() % (nbsteps / timer.time()); ++nbsteps; } std::cerr << "\ndone.\n"; } initialized = false; } }; // end Surface_mesher } // end namespace Surface_mesher } // end namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_MESHER_SURFACE_MESHER_H