# LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS must contain the name of the .td file to process. # Extra parameters for `tblgen' may come after `ofn' parameter. # Adds the name of the generated file to TABLEGEN_OUTPUT. function(tablegen project ofn) # Validate calling context. if(NOT ${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE) message(FATAL_ERROR "${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE not set") endif() # Use depfile instead of globbing arbitrary *.td(s) # DEPFILE is available for Ninja Generator with CMake>=3.7. if(CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja" AND NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.7) # Make output path relative to build.ninja, assuming located on # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}. # CMake emits build targets as relative paths but Ninja doesn't identify # absolute path (in *.d) as relative path (in build.ninja) # Note that tblgen is executed on ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} as working directory. file(RELATIVE_PATH ofn_rel ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn}) set(additional_cmdline -o ${ofn_rel} -d ${ofn_rel}.d WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} DEPFILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn}.d ) set(local_tds) set(global_tds) else() file(GLOB local_tds "*.td") file(GLOB_RECURSE global_tds "${LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm/*.td") set(additional_cmdline -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn} ) endif() if (IS_ABSOLUTE ${LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS}) set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS_ABSOLUTE ${LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS}) else() set(LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS_ABSOLUTE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS}) endif() if (LLVM_ENABLE_DAGISEL_COV) list(FIND ARGN "-gen-dag-isel" idx) if( NOT idx EQUAL -1 ) list(APPEND LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS "-instrument-coverage") endif() endif() if (LLVM_ENABLE_GISEL_COV) list(FIND ARGN "-gen-global-isel" idx) if( NOT idx EQUAL -1 ) list(APPEND LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS "-instrument-gisel-coverage") list(APPEND LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS "-gisel-coverage-file=${LLVM_GISEL_COV_PREFIX}all") endif() endif() # Comments are only useful for Debug builds. Omit them if the backend # supports it. if (NOT (uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "DEBUG" OR uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "RELWITHDEBINFO")) list(FIND ARGN "-gen-dag-isel" idx) if (NOT idx EQUAL -1) list(APPEND LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS "-omit-comments") endif() endif() # MSVC can't support long string literals ("long" > 65534 bytes)[1], so if there's # a possibility of generated tables being consumed by MSVC, generate arrays of # char literals, instead. If we're cross-compiling, then conservatively assume # that the source might be consumed by MSVC. # [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/compiler-limits?view=vs-2017 if (MSVC AND project STREQUAL LLVM) list(APPEND LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS "--long-string-literals=0") endif() if (CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Visual Studio") # Visual Studio has problems with llvm-tblgen's native --write-if-changed # behavior. Since it doesn't do restat optimizations anyway, just don't # pass --write-if-changed there. set(tblgen_change_flag) else() set(tblgen_change_flag "--write-if-changed") endif() # With CMake 3.12 this can be reduced to: # get_directory_property(tblgen_includes "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES") # list(TRANSFORM tblgen_includes PREPEND -I) set(tblgen_includes) get_directory_property(includes "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES") foreach(include ${includes}) list(APPEND tblgen_includes -I ${include}) endforeach() # We need both _TABLEGEN_TARGET and _TABLEGEN_EXE in the DEPENDS list # (both the target and the file) to have .inc files rebuilt on # a tablegen change, as cmake does not propagate file-level dependencies # of custom targets. See the following ticket for more information: # https://cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=15858 # The dependency on both, the target and the file, produces the same # dependency twice in the result file when # ("${${project}_TABLEGEN_TARGET}" STREQUAL "${${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE}") # but lets us having smaller and cleaner code here. add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn} COMMAND ${${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE} ${ARGN} -I ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${tblgen_includes} ${LLVM_TABLEGEN_FLAGS} ${LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS_ABSOLUTE} ${tblgen_change_flag} ${additional_cmdline} # The file in LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS may be not in the current # directory and local_tds may not contain it, so we must # explicitly list it here: DEPENDS ${${project}_TABLEGEN_TARGET} ${${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE} ${local_tds} ${global_tds} ${LLVM_TARGET_DEFINITIONS_ABSOLUTE} COMMENT "Building ${ofn}..." ) # `make clean' must remove all those generated files: set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES ${ofn}) set(TABLEGEN_OUTPUT ${TABLEGEN_OUTPUT} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn} PARENT_SCOPE) set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ofn} PROPERTIES GENERATED 1) endfunction() # Creates a target for publicly exporting tablegen dependencies. function(add_public_tablegen_target target) if(NOT TABLEGEN_OUTPUT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Requires tablegen() definitions as TABLEGEN_OUTPUT.") endif() add_custom_target(${target} DEPENDS ${TABLEGEN_OUTPUT}) if(LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS) add_dependencies(${target} ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS}) endif() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tablegenning") set(LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS} ${target} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() macro(add_tablegen target project) set(${target}_OLD_LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS}) set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS} TableGen) # CMake-3.9 doesn't let compilation units depend on their dependent libraries. if(NOT (CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja" AND NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.9) AND NOT XCODE) # FIXME: It leaks to user, callee of add_tablegen. set(LLVM_ENABLE_OBJLIB ON) endif() add_llvm_executable(${target} DISABLE_LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB ${ARGN}) set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS ${${target}_OLD_LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS}) set(${project}_TABLEGEN "${target}" CACHE STRING "Native TableGen executable. Saves building one when cross-compiling.") # Effective tblgen executable to be used: set(${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE ${${project}_TABLEGEN} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${project}_TABLEGEN_TARGET ${${project}_TABLEGEN} PARENT_SCOPE) if(LLVM_USE_HOST_TOOLS) if( ${${project}_TABLEGEN} STREQUAL "${target}" ) # The NATIVE tablegen executable *must* depend on the current target one # otherwise the native one won't get rebuilt when the tablgen sources # change, and we end up with incorrect builds. build_native_tool(${target} ${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE DEPENDS ${target}) set(${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE ${${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE} PARENT_SCOPE) add_custom_target(${project}-tablegen-host DEPENDS ${${project}_TABLEGEN_EXE}) set(${project}_TABLEGEN_TARGET ${project}-tablegen-host PARENT_SCOPE) # Create an artificial dependency between tablegen projects, because they # compile the same dependencies, thus using the same build folders. # FIXME: A proper fix requires sequentially chaining tablegens. if (NOT ${project} STREQUAL LLVM AND TARGET ${project}-tablegen-host AND TARGET LLVM-tablegen-host) add_dependencies(${project}-tablegen-host LLVM-tablegen-host) endif() # If we're using the host tablegen, and utils were not requested, we have no # need to build this tablegen. if ( NOT LLVM_BUILD_UTILS ) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) endif() endif() endif() if ((${project} STREQUAL LLVM OR ${project} STREQUAL MLIR) AND NOT LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY AND LLVM_BUILD_UTILS) set(export_to_llvmexports) if(${target} IN_LIST LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS OR NOT LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS) set(export_to_llvmexports EXPORT LLVMExports) endif() install(TARGETS ${target} ${export_to_llvmexports} COMPONENT ${target} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${LLVM_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR}) if(NOT LLVM_ENABLE_IDE) add_llvm_install_targets("install-${target}" DEPENDS ${target} COMPONENT ${target}) endif() endif() set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY LLVM_EXPORTS ${target}) endmacro()