ftdZddlZddlZgdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z d Z d Z d Z dZdZdZdZy)z Path operations common to more than one OS Do not use directly. The OS specific modules import the appropriate functions from this module themselves. N) commonprefixexistsgetatimegetctimegetmtimegetsizeisdirisfileislinksamefile sameopenfilesamestatcZ tj|y#ttf$rYywxYw)zDTest whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic linksFT)osstatOSError ValueError)paths "/usr/lib/python3.12/genericpath.pyrrs0    Z s **c tj|}tj|j S#ttf$rYywxYw)z%Test whether a path is a regular fileF)rrrrS_ISREGst_modersts rr r sB WWT] << ## Z 6AAc tj|}tj|j S#ttf$rYywxYw)zrbs`   $$$% & & & $$. Tr'