f`dZGddeZGddeZGddeZGddeZGd d eeZGd d eZGd deZ Gdde Z Gdde Z Gdde Z Gdde ZGdde ZGdde ZGdde ZeZGdde ZGdd e ZGd!d"e ZGd#d$e ZGd%d&e ZGd'd(e ZGd)d*e ZGd+d,eZGd-d.eZGd/d0eZGd1d2eZGd3d4eZGd5d6eZy7)8z email package exception classes.ceZdZdZy) MessageErrorz+Base class for errors in the email package.N__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__#/usr/lib/python3.12/email/errors.pyrr5r rceZdZdZy)MessageParseErrorz&Base class for message parsing errors.Nrr r r rr s0r rceZdZdZy)HeaderParseErrorzError while parsing headers.Nrr r r rr&r rceZdZdZy) BoundaryErrorz#Couldn't find terminating boundary.Nrr r r rrs-r rceZdZdZy)MultipartConversionErrorz(Conversion to a multipart is prohibited.Nrr r r rr2r rceZdZdZy) CharsetErrorzAn illegal charset was given.Nrr r r rrs'r rceZdZdZy)HeaderWriteErrorzError while writing headers.Nrr r r rr rr rc$eZdZdZdfd ZxZS) MessageDefectz Base class for a message defect.c6|t||||_yN)super__init__line)selfr! __class__s r r zMessageDefect.__init__(s   G T " r rrrrrr __classcell__r#s@r rr%s*r rceZdZdZy)NoBoundaryInMultipartDefectzBA message claimed to be a multipart but had no boundary parameter.Nrr r r r(r(-sLr r(ceZdZdZy)StartBoundaryNotFoundDefectz+The claimed start boundary was never found.Nrr r r r*r*0r r r*ceZdZdZy)CloseBoundaryNotFoundDefectzEA start boundary was found, but not the corresponding close boundary.Nrr r r r,r,3Or r,ceZdZdZy)#FirstHeaderLineIsContinuationDefectz;A message had a continuation line as its first header line.Nrr r r r/r/6sEr r/ceZdZdZy)MisplacedEnvelopeHeaderDefectz?A 'Unix-from' header was found in the middle of a header block.Nrr r r r1r19Ir r1ceZdZdZy) MissingHeaderBodySeparatorDefectzEFound line with no leading whitespace and no colon before blank line.Nrr r r r4r4<r-r r4ceZdZdZy)!MultipartInvariantViolationDefectz?A message claimed to be a multipart but no subparts were found.Nrr r r r6r6Ar2r r6ceZdZdZy)-InvalidMultipartContentTransferEncodingDefectzEAn invalid content transfer encoding was set on the multipart itself.Nrr r r r8r8Dr-r r8ceZdZdZy)UndecodableBytesDefectz0Header contained bytes that could not be decodedNrr r r r:r:G:r r:ceZdZdZy)InvalidBase64PaddingDefectz/base64 encoded sequence had an incorrect lengthNrr r r r=r=Js9r r=ceZdZdZy)InvalidBase64CharactersDefectz=base64 encoded sequence had characters not in base64 alphabetNrr r r r?r?MsGr r?ceZdZdZy)InvalidBase64LengthDefectz4base64 encoded sequence had invalid length (1 mod 4)Nrr r r rArAPs>r rAc"eZdZdZfdZxZS) HeaderDefectzBase class for a header defect.c$t||i|yr)rr )r"argskwr#s r r zHeaderDefect.__init__Xs $%"%r r$r&s@r rCrCUs)&&r rCceZdZdZy)InvalidHeaderDefectz+Header is not valid, message gives details.Nrr r r rHrH[r r rHceZdZdZy)HeaderMissingRequiredValuez(A header that must have a value had noneNrr r r rJrJ^rr rJc(eZdZdZfdZdZxZS)NonPrintableDefectz8ASCII characters outside the ascii-printable range foundc2t||||_yr)rr non_printables)r"rNr#s r r zNonPrintableDefect.__init__ds (,r c8dj|jS)Nz6the following ASCII non-printables found in header: {})formatrN)r"s r __str__zNonPrintableDefect.__str__hs++, .r )rrrrr rQr%r&s@r rLrLasB-.r rLceZdZdZy)ObsoleteHeaderDefectz0Header uses syntax declared obsolete by RFC 5322Nrr r r rSrSlr;r rSceZdZdZy)NonASCIILocalPartDefectz(local_part contains non-ASCII charactersNrr r r rUrUorr rUceZdZdZy)InvalidDateDefectz%Header has unparsable or invalid dateNrr r r rWrWts/r rWN) r Exceptionrrrr TypeErrorrrr ValueErrorrr(r*r,r/r1r4MalformedHeaderDefectr6r8r:r=r?rArCrHrJrLrSrUrWr r r r\sj '6961 1'('.%.3|Y3(<('|' JM-M6-6P-PF-FJMJP}P9J JPMP;];::HMH? ? &=& 6,633 . .;<;3l3 0 0r