import os import random import re import shlex import sys import sysconfig import time from import os_helper, MS_WINDOWS, flush_std_streams from .cmdline import _parse_args, Namespace from .findtests import findtests, split_test_packages, list_cases from .logger import Logger from .pgo import setup_pgo_tests from .result import State from .results import TestResults, EXITCODE_INTERRUPTED from .runtests import RunTests, HuntRefleak from .setup import setup_process, setup_test_dir from .single import run_single_test, PROGRESS_MIN_TIME from .tsan import setup_tsan_tests from .utils import ( StrPath, StrJSON, TestName, TestList, TestTuple, TestFilter, strip_py_suffix, count, format_duration, printlist, get_temp_dir, get_work_dir, exit_timeout, display_header, cleanup_temp_dir, print_warning, is_cross_compiled, get_host_runner, process_cpu_count, EXIT_TIMEOUT) class Regrtest: """Execute a test suite. This also parses command-line options and modifies its behavior accordingly. tests -- a list of strings containing test names (optional) testdir -- the directory in which to look for tests (optional) Users other than the Python test suite will certainly want to specify testdir; if it's omitted, the directory containing the Python test suite is searched for. If the tests argument is omitted, the tests listed on the command-line will be used. If that's empty, too, then all *.py files beginning with test_ will be used. The other default arguments (verbose, quiet, exclude, single, randomize, use_resources, trace, coverdir, print_slow, and random_seed) allow programmers calling main() directly to set the values that would normally be set by flags on the command line. """ def __init__(self, ns: Namespace, _add_python_opts: bool = False): # Log verbosity self.verbose: int = int(ns.verbose) self.quiet: bool = ns.quiet self.pgo: bool = ns.pgo self.pgo_extended: bool = ns.pgo_extended self.tsan: bool = ns.tsan # Test results self.results: TestResults = TestResults() self.first_state: str | None = None # Logger self.logger = Logger(self.results, self.quiet, self.pgo) # Actions self.want_header: bool = ns.header self.want_list_tests: bool = ns.list_tests self.want_list_cases: bool = ns.list_cases self.want_wait: bool = ns.wait self.want_cleanup: bool = ns.cleanup self.want_rerun: bool = ns.rerun self.want_run_leaks: bool = ns.runleaks self.want_bisect: bool = ns.bisect self.ci_mode: bool = (ns.fast_ci or ns.slow_ci) self.want_add_python_opts: bool = (_add_python_opts and ns._add_python_opts) # Select tests self.match_tests: TestFilter = ns.match_tests self.exclude: bool = ns.exclude self.fromfile: StrPath | None = ns.fromfile self.starting_test: TestName | None = ns.start self.cmdline_args: TestList = ns.args # Workers if ns.use_mp is None: num_workers = 0 # run sequentially elif ns.use_mp <= 0: num_workers = -1 # use the number of CPUs else: num_workers = ns.use_mp self.num_workers: int = num_workers self.worker_json: StrJSON | None = ns.worker_json # Options to run tests self.fail_fast: bool = ns.failfast self.fail_env_changed: bool = ns.fail_env_changed self.fail_rerun: bool = ns.fail_rerun self.forever: bool = ns.forever self.output_on_failure: bool = ns.verbose3 self.timeout: float | None = ns.timeout if ns.huntrleaks: warmups, runs, filename = ns.huntrleaks filename = os.path.abspath(filename) self.hunt_refleak: HuntRefleak | None = HuntRefleak(warmups, runs, filename) else: self.hunt_refleak = None self.test_dir: StrPath | None = ns.testdir self.junit_filename: StrPath | None = ns.xmlpath self.memory_limit: str | None = ns.memlimit self.gc_threshold: int | None = ns.threshold self.use_resources: tuple[str, ...] = tuple(ns.use_resources) if ns.python: self.python_cmd: tuple[str, ...] | None = tuple(ns.python) else: self.python_cmd = None self.coverage: bool = ns.trace self.coverage_dir: StrPath | None = ns.coverdir self.tmp_dir: StrPath | None = ns.tempdir # Randomize self.randomize: bool = ns.randomize if ('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' in os.environ # don't use the variable if empty and os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] ): self.randomize = False # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH should be an integer, but use a string to not # fail if it's not integer. random.seed() accepts a string. # self.random_seed: int | str = os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] elif ns.random_seed is None: self.random_seed = random.getrandbits(32) else: self.random_seed = ns.random_seed # tests self.first_runtests: RunTests | None = None # used by --slowest self.print_slowest: bool = ns.print_slow # used to display the progress bar "[ 3/100]" self.start_time = time.perf_counter() # used by --single self.single_test_run: bool = ns.single self.next_single_test: TestName | None = None self.next_single_filename: StrPath | None = None def log(self, line=''): self.logger.log(line) def find_tests(self, tests: TestList | None = None) -> tuple[TestTuple, TestList | None]: if self.single_test_run: self.next_single_filename = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'pynexttest') try: with open(self.next_single_filename, 'r') as fp: next_test = tests = [next_test] except OSError: pass if self.fromfile: tests = [] # regex to match 'test_builtin' in line: # '0:00:00 [ 4/400] test_builtin -- test_dict took 1 sec' regex = re.compile(r'\btest_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\b') with open(os.path.join(os_helper.SAVEDCWD, self.fromfile)) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.split('#', 1)[0] line = line.strip() match = if match is not None: tests.append( strip_py_suffix(tests) if self.pgo: # add default PGO tests if no tests are specified setup_pgo_tests(self.cmdline_args, self.pgo_extended) if self.tsan: setup_tsan_tests(self.cmdline_args) exclude_tests = set() if self.exclude: for arg in self.cmdline_args: exclude_tests.add(arg) self.cmdline_args = [] alltests = findtests(testdir=self.test_dir, exclude=exclude_tests) if not self.fromfile: selected = tests or self.cmdline_args if selected: selected = split_test_packages(selected) else: selected = alltests else: selected = tests if self.single_test_run: selected = selected[:1] try: pos = alltests.index(selected[0]) self.next_single_test = alltests[pos + 1] except IndexError: pass # Remove all the selected tests that precede start if it's set. if self.starting_test: try: del selected[:selected.index(self.starting_test)] except ValueError: print(f"Cannot find starting test: {self.starting_test}") sys.exit(1) random.seed(self.random_seed) if self.randomize: random.shuffle(selected) return (tuple(selected), tests) @staticmethod def list_tests(tests: TestTuple): for name in tests: print(name) def _rerun_failed_tests(self, runtests: RunTests): # Configure the runner to re-run tests if self.num_workers == 0: # Always run tests in fresh processes to have more deterministic # initial state. Don't re-run tests in parallel but limit to a # single worker process to have side effects (on the system load # and timings) between tests. self.num_workers = 1 tests, match_tests_dict = self.results.prepare_rerun() # Re-run failed tests self.log(f"Re-running {len(tests)} failed tests in verbose mode in subprocesses") runtests = runtests.copy( tests=tests, rerun=True, verbose=True, forever=False, fail_fast=False, match_tests_dict=match_tests_dict, output_on_failure=False) self.logger.set_tests(runtests) self._run_tests_mp(runtests, self.num_workers) return runtests def rerun_failed_tests(self, runtests: RunTests): if self.python_cmd: # Temp patch for self.log( "Re-running failed tests is not supported with --python " "host runner option." ) return self.first_state = self.get_state() print() rerun_runtests = self._rerun_failed_tests(runtests) if self.results.bad: print(count(len(self.results.bad), 'test'), "failed again:") printlist(self.results.bad) self.display_result(rerun_runtests) def _run_bisect(self, runtests: RunTests, test: str, progress: str) -> bool: print() title = f"Bisect {test}" if progress: title = f"{title} ({progress})" print(title) print("#" * len(title)) print() cmd = runtests.create_python_cmd() cmd.extend([ "-u", "-m", "test.bisect_cmd", # Limit to 25 iterations (instead of 100) to not abuse CI resources "--max-iter", "25", "-v", # runtests.match_tests is not used (yet) for bisect_cmd -i arg ]) cmd.extend(runtests.bisect_cmd_args()) cmd.append(test) print("+", shlex.join(cmd), flush=True) flush_std_streams() import subprocess proc =, timeout=runtests.timeout) exitcode = proc.returncode title = f"{title}: exit code {exitcode}" print(title) print("#" * len(title)) print(flush=True) if exitcode: print(f"Bisect failed with exit code {exitcode}") return False return True def run_bisect(self, runtests: RunTests) -> None: tests, _ = self.results.prepare_rerun(clear=False) for index, name in enumerate(tests, 1): if len(tests) > 1: progress = f"{index}/{len(tests)}" else: progress = "" if not self._run_bisect(runtests, name, progress): return def display_result(self, runtests): # If running the test suite for PGO then no one cares about results. if runtests.pgo: return state = self.get_state() print() print(f"== Tests result: {state} ==") self.results.display_result(runtests.tests, self.quiet, self.print_slowest) def run_test(self, test_name: TestName, runtests: RunTests, tracer): if tracer is not None: # If we're tracing code coverage, then we don't exit with status # if on a false return value from main. cmd = ('result = run_single_test(test_name, runtests)') namespace = dict(locals()) tracer.runctx(cmd, globals=globals(), locals=namespace) result = namespace['result'] else: result = run_single_test(test_name, runtests) self.results.accumulate_result(result, runtests) return result def run_tests_sequentially(self, runtests): if self.coverage: import trace tracer = trace.Trace(trace=False, count=True) else: tracer = None save_modules = set(sys.modules) jobs = runtests.get_jobs() if jobs is not None: tests = count(jobs, 'test') else: tests = 'tests' msg = f"Run {tests} sequentially" if runtests.timeout: msg += " (timeout: %s)" % format_duration(runtests.timeout) self.log(msg) previous_test = None tests_iter = runtests.iter_tests() for test_index, test_name in enumerate(tests_iter, 1): start_time = time.perf_counter() text = test_name if previous_test: text = '%s -- %s' % (text, previous_test) self.logger.display_progress(test_index, text) result = self.run_test(test_name, runtests, tracer) # Unload the newly imported test modules (best effort finalization) new_modules = [module for module in sys.modules if module not in save_modules and module.startswith(("test.", "test_"))] for module in new_modules: sys.modules.pop(module, None) # Remove the attribute of the parent module. parent, _, name = module.rpartition('.') try: delattr(sys.modules[parent], name) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass if result.must_stop(self.fail_fast, self.fail_env_changed): break previous_test = str(result) test_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time if test_time >= PROGRESS_MIN_TIME: previous_test = "%s in %s" % (previous_test, format_duration(test_time)) elif result.state == State.PASSED: # be quiet: say nothing if the test passed shortly previous_test = None if previous_test: print(previous_test) return tracer def get_state(self): state = self.results.get_state(self.fail_env_changed) if self.first_state: state = f'{self.first_state} then {state}' return state def _run_tests_mp(self, runtests: RunTests, num_workers: int) -> None: from .run_workers import RunWorkers RunWorkers(num_workers, runtests, self.logger, self.results).run() def finalize_tests(self, tracer): if self.next_single_filename: if self.next_single_test: with open(self.next_single_filename, 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.next_single_test + '\n') else: os.unlink(self.next_single_filename) if tracer is not None: results = tracer.results() results.write_results(show_missing=True, summary=True, coverdir=self.coverage_dir) if self.want_run_leaks: os.system("leaks %d" % os.getpid()) if self.junit_filename: self.results.write_junit(self.junit_filename) def display_summary(self): duration = time.perf_counter() - self.logger.start_time filtered = bool(self.match_tests) # Total duration print() print("Total duration: %s" % format_duration(duration)) self.results.display_summary(self.first_runtests, filtered) # Result state = self.get_state() print(f"Result: {state}") def create_run_tests(self, tests: TestTuple): return RunTests( tests, fail_fast=self.fail_fast, fail_env_changed=self.fail_env_changed, match_tests=self.match_tests, match_tests_dict=None, rerun=False, forever=self.forever, pgo=self.pgo, pgo_extended=self.pgo_extended, output_on_failure=self.output_on_failure, timeout=self.timeout, verbose=self.verbose, quiet=self.quiet, hunt_refleak=self.hunt_refleak, test_dir=self.test_dir, use_junit=(self.junit_filename is not None), memory_limit=self.memory_limit, gc_threshold=self.gc_threshold, use_resources=self.use_resources, python_cmd=self.python_cmd, randomize=self.randomize, random_seed=self.random_seed, ) def _run_tests(self, selected: TestTuple, tests: TestList | None) -> int: if self.hunt_refleak and self.hunt_refleak.warmups < 3: msg = ("WARNING: Running tests with --huntrleaks/-R and " "less than 3 warmup repetitions can give false positives!") print(msg, file=sys.stdout, flush=True) if self.num_workers < 0: # Use all CPUs + 2 extra worker processes for tests # that like to sleep self.num_workers = (process_cpu_count() or 1) + 2 # For a partial run, we do not need to clutter the output. if (self.want_header or not(self.pgo or self.quiet or self.single_test_run or tests or self.cmdline_args)): display_header(self.use_resources, self.python_cmd) print("Using random seed:", self.random_seed) runtests = self.create_run_tests(selected) self.first_runtests = runtests self.logger.set_tests(runtests) setup_process() if (runtests.hunt_refleak is not None) and (not self.num_workers): # gh-109739: WindowsLoadTracker thread interfers with refleak check use_load_tracker = False else: # WindowsLoadTracker is only needed on Windows use_load_tracker = MS_WINDOWS if use_load_tracker: self.logger.start_load_tracker() try: if self.num_workers: self._run_tests_mp(runtests, self.num_workers) tracer = None else: tracer = self.run_tests_sequentially(runtests) self.display_result(runtests) if self.want_rerun and self.results.need_rerun(): self.rerun_failed_tests(runtests) if self.want_bisect and self.results.need_rerun(): self.run_bisect(runtests) finally: if use_load_tracker: self.logger.stop_load_tracker() self.display_summary() self.finalize_tests(tracer) return self.results.get_exitcode(self.fail_env_changed, self.fail_rerun) def run_tests(self, selected: TestTuple, tests: TestList | None) -> int: os.makedirs(self.tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) work_dir = get_work_dir(self.tmp_dir) # Put a timeout on Python exit with exit_timeout(): # Run the tests in a context manager that temporarily changes the # CWD to a temporary and writable directory. If it's not possible # to create or change the CWD, the original CWD will be used. # The original CWD is available from os_helper.SAVEDCWD. with os_helper.temp_cwd(work_dir, quiet=True): # When using multiprocessing, worker processes will use # work_dir as their parent temporary directory. So when the # main process exit, it removes also subdirectories of worker # processes. return self._run_tests(selected, tests) def _add_cross_compile_opts(self, regrtest_opts): # WASM/WASI buildbot builders pass multiple PYTHON environment # variables such as PYTHONPATH and _PYTHON_HOSTRUNNER. keep_environ = bool(self.python_cmd) environ = None # Are we using cross-compilation? cross_compile = is_cross_compiled() # Get HOSTRUNNER hostrunner = get_host_runner() if cross_compile: # emulate -E, but keep PYTHONPATH + cross compile env vars, # so test executable can load correct sysconfigdata file. keep = { '_PYTHON_PROJECT_BASE', '_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM', '_PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME', 'PYTHONPATH' } old_environ = os.environ new_environ = { name: value for name, value in os.environ.items() if not name.startswith(('PYTHON', '_PYTHON')) or name in keep } # Only set environ if at least one variable was removed if new_environ != old_environ: environ = new_environ keep_environ = True if cross_compile and hostrunner: if self.num_workers == 0: # For now use only two cores for cross-compiled builds; # hostrunner can be expensive. regrtest_opts.extend(['-j', '2']) # If HOSTRUNNER is set and -p/--python option is not given, then # use hostrunner to execute python binary for tests. if not self.python_cmd: buildpython = sysconfig.get_config_var("BUILDPYTHON") python_cmd = f"{hostrunner} {buildpython}" regrtest_opts.extend(["--python", python_cmd]) keep_environ = True return (environ, keep_environ) def _add_ci_python_opts(self, python_opts, keep_environ): # --fast-ci and --slow-ci add options to Python: # "-u -W default -bb -E" # Unbuffered stdout and stderr if not sys.stdout.write_through: python_opts.append('-u') # Add warnings filter 'default' if 'default' not in sys.warnoptions: python_opts.extend(('-W', 'default')) # Error on bytes/str comparison if sys.flags.bytes_warning < 2: python_opts.append('-bb') if not keep_environ: # Ignore PYTHON* environment variables if not sys.flags.ignore_environment: python_opts.append('-E') def _execute_python(self, cmd, environ): # Make sure that messages before execv() are logged sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() cmd_text = shlex.join(cmd) try: print(f"+ {cmd_text}", flush=True) if hasattr(os, 'execv') and not MS_WINDOWS: os.execv(cmd[0], cmd) # On success, execv() do no return. # On error, it raises an OSError. else: import subprocess with subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=environ) as proc: try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: # There is no need to call proc.terminate(): on CTRL+C, # SIGTERM is also sent to the child process. try: proc.wait(timeout=EXIT_TIMEOUT) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() proc.wait() sys.exit(EXITCODE_INTERRUPTED) sys.exit(proc.returncode) except Exception as exc: print_warning(f"Failed to change Python options: {exc!r}\n" f"Command: {cmd_text}") # continue executing main() def _add_python_opts(self): python_opts = [] regrtest_opts = [] environ, keep_environ = self._add_cross_compile_opts(regrtest_opts) if self.ci_mode: self._add_ci_python_opts(python_opts, keep_environ) if (not python_opts) and (not regrtest_opts) and (environ is None): # Nothing changed: nothing to do return # Create new command line cmd = list(sys.orig_argv) if python_opts: cmd[1:1] = python_opts if regrtest_opts: cmd.extend(regrtest_opts) cmd.append("--dont-add-python-opts") self._execute_python(cmd, environ) def _init(self): # Set sys.stdout encoder error handler to backslashreplace, # similar to sys.stderr error handler, to avoid UnicodeEncodeError # when printing a traceback or any other non-encodable character. sys.stdout.reconfigure(errors="backslashreplace") if self.junit_filename and not os.path.isabs(self.junit_filename): self.junit_filename = os.path.abspath(self.junit_filename) strip_py_suffix(self.cmdline_args) self.tmp_dir = get_temp_dir(self.tmp_dir) def main(self, tests: TestList | None = None): if self.want_add_python_opts: self._add_python_opts() self._init() if self.want_cleanup: cleanup_temp_dir(self.tmp_dir) sys.exit(0) if self.want_wait: input("Press any key to continue...") setup_test_dir(self.test_dir) selected, tests = self.find_tests(tests) exitcode = 0 if self.want_list_tests: self.list_tests(selected) elif self.want_list_cases: list_cases(selected, match_tests=self.match_tests, test_dir=self.test_dir) else: exitcode = self.run_tests(selected, tests) sys.exit(exitcode) def main(tests=None, _add_python_opts=False, **kwargs): """Run the Python suite.""" ns = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:], **kwargs) Regrtest(ns, _add_python_opts=_add_python_opts).main(tests=tests)