import contextlib import faulthandler import locale import math import os.path import platform import random import shlex import signal import subprocess import sys import sysconfig import tempfile import textwrap from import Callable, Iterable from test import support from import os_helper from import threading_helper # All temporary files and temporary directories created by libregrtest should # use TMP_PREFIX so cleanup_temp_dir() can remove them all. TMP_PREFIX = 'test_python_' WORK_DIR_PREFIX = TMP_PREFIX WORKER_WORK_DIR_PREFIX = WORK_DIR_PREFIX + 'worker_' # bpo-38203: Maximum delay in seconds to exit Python (call Py_Finalize()). # Used to protect against threading._shutdown() hang. # Must be smaller than buildbot "1200 seconds without output" limit. EXIT_TIMEOUT = 120.0 ALL_RESOURCES = ('audio', 'curses', 'largefile', 'network', 'decimal', 'cpu', 'subprocess', 'urlfetch', 'gui', 'walltime') # Other resources excluded from --use=all: # # - extralagefile (ex: test_zipfile64): really too slow to be enabled # "by default" # - tzdata: while needed to validate fully test_datetime, it makes # test_datetime too slow (15-20 min on some buildbots) and so is disabled by # default (see bpo-30822). RESOURCE_NAMES = ALL_RESOURCES + ('extralargefile', 'tzdata') # Types for types hints StrPath = str TestName = str StrJSON = str TestTuple = tuple[TestName, ...] TestList = list[TestName] # --match and --ignore options: list of patterns # ('*' joker character can be used) TestFilter = list[tuple[TestName, bool]] FilterTuple = tuple[TestName, ...] FilterDict = dict[TestName, FilterTuple] def format_duration(seconds): ms = math.ceil(seconds * 1e3) seconds, ms = divmod(ms, 1000) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) parts = [] if hours: parts.append('%s hour' % hours) if minutes: parts.append('%s min' % minutes) if seconds: if parts: # 2 min 1 sec parts.append('%s sec' % seconds) else: # 1.0 sec parts.append('%.1f sec' % (seconds + ms / 1000)) if not parts: return '%s ms' % ms parts = parts[:2] return ' '.join(parts) def strip_py_suffix(names: list[str] | None) -> None: if not names: return for idx, name in enumerate(names): basename, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext == '.py': names[idx] = basename def plural(n, singular, plural=None): if n == 1: return singular elif plural is not None: return plural else: return singular + 's' def count(n, word): if n == 1: return f"{n} {word}" else: return f"{n} {word}s" def printlist(x, width=70, indent=4, file=None): """Print the elements of iterable x to stdout. Optional arg width (default 70) is the maximum line length. Optional arg indent (default 4) is the number of blanks with which to begin each line. """ blanks = ' ' * indent # Print the sorted list: 'x' may be a '--random' list or a set() print(textwrap.fill(' '.join(str(elt) for elt in sorted(x)), width, initial_indent=blanks, subsequent_indent=blanks), file=file) def print_warning(msg): support.print_warning(msg) orig_unraisablehook = None def regrtest_unraisable_hook(unraisable): global orig_unraisablehook support.environment_altered = True support.print_warning("Unraisable exception") old_stderr = sys.stderr try: support.flush_std_streams() sys.stderr = support.print_warning.orig_stderr orig_unraisablehook(unraisable) sys.stderr.flush() finally: sys.stderr = old_stderr def setup_unraisable_hook(): global orig_unraisablehook orig_unraisablehook = sys.unraisablehook sys.unraisablehook = regrtest_unraisable_hook orig_threading_excepthook = None def regrtest_threading_excepthook(args): global orig_threading_excepthook support.environment_altered = True support.print_warning(f"Uncaught thread exception: {args.exc_type.__name__}") old_stderr = sys.stderr try: support.flush_std_streams() sys.stderr = support.print_warning.orig_stderr orig_threading_excepthook(args) sys.stderr.flush() finally: sys.stderr = old_stderr def setup_threading_excepthook(): global orig_threading_excepthook import threading orig_threading_excepthook = threading.excepthook threading.excepthook = regrtest_threading_excepthook def clear_caches(): # Clear the warnings registry, so they can be displayed again for mod in sys.modules.values(): if hasattr(mod, '__warningregistry__'): del mod.__warningregistry__ # Flush standard output, so that buffered data is sent to the OS and # associated Python objects are reclaimed. for stream in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr, sys.__stdout__, sys.__stderr__): if stream is not None: stream.flush() try: re = sys.modules['re'] except KeyError: pass else: re.purge() try: _strptime = sys.modules['_strptime'] except KeyError: pass else: _strptime._regex_cache.clear() try: urllib_parse = sys.modules['urllib.parse'] except KeyError: pass else: urllib_parse.clear_cache() try: urllib_request = sys.modules['urllib.request'] except KeyError: pass else: urllib_request.urlcleanup() try: linecache = sys.modules['linecache'] except KeyError: pass else: linecache.clearcache() try: mimetypes = sys.modules['mimetypes'] except KeyError: pass else: mimetypes._default_mime_types() try: filecmp = sys.modules['filecmp'] except KeyError: pass else: filecmp._cache.clear() try: struct = sys.modules['struct'] except KeyError: pass else: struct._clearcache() try: doctest = sys.modules['doctest'] except KeyError: pass else: doctest.master = None try: ctypes = sys.modules['ctypes'] except KeyError: pass else: ctypes._reset_cache() try: typing = sys.modules['typing'] except KeyError: pass else: for f in typing._cleanups: f() try: fractions = sys.modules['fractions'] except KeyError: pass else: fractions._hash_algorithm.cache_clear() try: inspect = sys.modules['inspect'] except KeyError: pass else: inspect._shadowed_dict_from_mro_tuple.cache_clear() inspect._filesbymodname.clear() inspect.modulesbyfile.clear() try: importlib_metadata = sys.modules['importlib.metadata'] except KeyError: pass else: importlib_metadata.FastPath.__new__.cache_clear() def get_build_info(): # Get most important configure and build options as a list of strings. # Example: ['debug', 'ASAN+MSAN'] or ['release', 'LTO+PGO']. config_args = sysconfig.get_config_var('CONFIG_ARGS') or '' cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_CFLAGS') or '' cflags_nodist = sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_CFLAGS_NODIST') or '' ldflags_nodist = sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_LDFLAGS_NODIST') or '' build = [] # --disable-gil if sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_NOGIL'): build.append("nogil") if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): # --with-pydebug build.append('debug') if '-DNDEBUG' in (cflags + cflags_nodist): build.append('without_assert') else: build.append('release') if '--with-assertions' in config_args: build.append('with_assert') elif '-DNDEBUG' not in (cflags + cflags_nodist): build.append('with_assert') # --enable-framework=name framework = sysconfig.get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORK') if framework: build.append(f'framework={framework}') # --enable-shared shared = int(sysconfig.get_config_var('PY_ENABLE_SHARED') or '0') if shared: build.append('shared') # --with-lto optimizations = [] if '-flto=thin' in ldflags_nodist: optimizations.append('ThinLTO') elif '-flto' in ldflags_nodist: optimizations.append('LTO') if support.check_cflags_pgo(): # PGO (--enable-optimizations) optimizations.append('PGO') if optimizations: build.append('+'.join(optimizations)) # --with-address-sanitizer sanitizers = [] if support.check_sanitizer(address=True): sanitizers.append("ASAN") # --with-memory-sanitizer if support.check_sanitizer(memory=True): sanitizers.append("MSAN") # --with-undefined-behavior-sanitizer if support.check_sanitizer(ub=True): sanitizers.append("UBSAN") # --with-thread-sanitizer if support.check_sanitizer(thread=True): sanitizers.append("TSAN") if sanitizers: build.append('+'.join(sanitizers)) # --with-trace-refs if hasattr(sys, 'getobjects'): build.append("TraceRefs") # --enable-pystats if hasattr(sys, '_stats_on'): build.append("pystats") # --with-valgrind if sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_VALGRIND'): build.append("valgrind") # --with-dtrace if sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_DTRACE'): build.append("dtrace") return build def get_temp_dir(tmp_dir: StrPath | None = None) -> StrPath: if tmp_dir: tmp_dir = os.path.expanduser(tmp_dir) else: # When tests are run from the Python build directory, it is best practice # to keep the test files in a subfolder. This eases the cleanup of leftover # files using the "make distclean" command. if sysconfig.is_python_build(): if not support.is_wasi: tmp_dir = sysconfig.get_config_var('abs_builddir') if tmp_dir is None: tmp_dir = sysconfig.get_config_var('abs_srcdir') if not tmp_dir: # gh-74470: On Windows, only srcdir is available. Using # abs_builddir mostly matters on UNIX when building # Python out of the source tree, especially when the # source tree is read only. tmp_dir = sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') if not tmp_dir: raise RuntimeError( "Could not determine the correct value for tmp_dir" ) tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'build') else: # WASI platform tmp_dir = sysconfig.get_config_var('projectbase') if not tmp_dir: raise RuntimeError( "sysconfig.get_config_var('projectbase') " f"unexpectedly returned {tmp_dir!r} on WASI" ) tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'build') # When get_temp_dir() is called in a worker process, # get_temp_dir() path is different than in the parent process # which is not a WASI process. So the parent does not create # the same "tmp_dir" than the test worker process. os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) else: tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() return os.path.abspath(tmp_dir) def fix_umask(): if support.is_emscripten: # Emscripten has default umask 0o777, which breaks some tests. # see old_mask = os.umask(0) if old_mask == 0o777: os.umask(0o027) else: os.umask(old_mask) def get_work_dir(parent_dir: StrPath, worker: bool = False) -> StrPath: # Define a writable temp dir that will be used as cwd while running # the tests. The name of the dir includes the pid to allow parallel # testing (see the -j option). # Emscripten and WASI have stubbed getpid(), Emscripten has only # millisecond clock resolution. Use randint() instead. if support.is_emscripten or support.is_wasi: nounce = random.randint(0, 1_000_000) else: nounce = os.getpid() if worker: work_dir = WORK_DIR_PREFIX + str(nounce) else: work_dir = WORKER_WORK_DIR_PREFIX + str(nounce) work_dir += os_helper.FS_NONASCII work_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, work_dir) return work_dir @contextlib.contextmanager def exit_timeout(): try: yield except SystemExit as exc: # bpo-38203: Python can hang at exit in Py_Finalize(), especially # on threading._shutdown() call: put a timeout if threading_helper.can_start_thread: faulthandler.dump_traceback_later(EXIT_TIMEOUT, exit=True) sys.exit(exc.code) def remove_testfn(test_name: TestName, verbose: int) -> None: # Try to clean up os_helper.TESTFN if left behind. # # While tests shouldn't leave any files or directories behind, when a test # fails that can be tedious for it to arrange. The consequences can be # especially nasty on Windows, since if a test leaves a file open, it # cannot be deleted by name (while there's nothing we can do about that # here either, we can display the name of the offending test, which is a # real help). name = os_helper.TESTFN if not os.path.exists(name): return nuker: Callable[[str], None] if os.path.isdir(name): import shutil kind, nuker = "directory", shutil.rmtree elif os.path.isfile(name): kind, nuker = "file", os.unlink else: raise RuntimeError(f"os.path says {name!r} exists but is neither " f"directory nor file") if verbose: print_warning(f"{test_name} left behind {kind} {name!r}") support.environment_altered = True try: import stat # fix possible permissions problems that might prevent cleanup os.chmod(name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) nuker(name) except Exception as exc: print_warning(f"{test_name} left behind {kind} {name!r} " f"and it couldn't be removed: {exc}") def abs_module_name(test_name: TestName, test_dir: StrPath | None) -> TestName: if test_name.startswith('test.') or test_dir: return test_name else: # Import it from the test package return 'test.' + test_name # gh-90681: When rerunning tests, we might need to rerun the whole # class or module suite if some its life-cycle hooks fail. # Test level hooks are not affected. _TEST_LIFECYCLE_HOOKS = frozenset(( 'setUpClass', 'tearDownClass', 'setUpModule', 'tearDownModule', )) def normalize_test_name(test_full_name, *, is_error=False): short_name = test_full_name.split(" ")[0] if is_error and short_name in _TEST_LIFECYCLE_HOOKS: if test_full_name.startswith(('setUpModule (', 'tearDownModule (')): # if setUpModule() or tearDownModule() failed, don't filter # tests with the test file name, don't use use filters. return None # This means that we have a failure in a life-cycle hook, # we need to rerun the whole module or class suite. # Basically the error looks like this: # ERROR: setUpClass (test.test_reg_ex.RegTest) # or # ERROR: setUpModule (test.test_reg_ex) # So, we need to parse the class / module name. lpar = test_full_name.index('(') rpar = test_full_name.index(')') return test_full_name[lpar + 1: rpar].split('.')[-1] return short_name def adjust_rlimit_nofile(): """ On macOS the default fd limit (RLIMIT_NOFILE) is sometimes too low (256) for our test suite to succeed. Raise it to something more reasonable. 1024 is a common Linux default. """ try: import resource except ImportError: return fd_limit, max_fds = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) desired_fds = 1024 if fd_limit < desired_fds and fd_limit < max_fds: new_fd_limit = min(desired_fds, max_fds) try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (new_fd_limit, max_fds)) print(f"Raised RLIMIT_NOFILE: {fd_limit} -> {new_fd_limit}") except (ValueError, OSError) as err: print_warning(f"Unable to raise RLIMIT_NOFILE from {fd_limit} to " f"{new_fd_limit}: {err}.") def get_host_runner(): if (hostrunner := os.environ.get("_PYTHON_HOSTRUNNER")) is None: hostrunner = sysconfig.get_config_var("HOSTRUNNER") return hostrunner def is_cross_compiled(): return ('_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM' in os.environ) def format_resources(use_resources: Iterable[str]): use_resources = set(use_resources) all_resources = set(ALL_RESOURCES) # Express resources relative to "all" relative_all = ['all'] for name in sorted(all_resources - use_resources): relative_all.append(f'-{name}') for name in sorted(use_resources - all_resources): relative_all.append(f'{name}') all_text = ','.join(relative_all) all_text = f"resources: {all_text}" # List of enabled resources text = ','.join(sorted(use_resources)) text = f"resources ({len(use_resources)}): {text}" # Pick the shortest string (prefer relative to all if lengths are equal) if len(all_text) <= len(text): return all_text else: return text def process_cpu_count(): if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity'): return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) else: return os.cpu_count() def display_header(use_resources: tuple[str, ...], python_cmd: tuple[str, ...] | None): # Print basic platform information print("==", platform.python_implementation(), *sys.version.split()) print("==", platform.platform(aliased=True), "%s-endian" % sys.byteorder) print("== Python build:", ' '.join(get_build_info())) print("== cwd:", os.getcwd()) cpu_count: object = os.cpu_count() if cpu_count: affinity = process_cpu_count() if affinity and affinity != cpu_count: cpu_count = f"{affinity} (process) / {cpu_count} (system)" print("== CPU count:", cpu_count) print("== encodings: locale=%s FS=%s" % (locale.getencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if use_resources: text = format_resources(use_resources) print(f"== {text}") else: print("== resources: all test resources are disabled, " "use -u option to unskip tests") cross_compile = is_cross_compiled() if cross_compile: print("== cross compiled: Yes") if python_cmd: cmd = shlex.join(python_cmd) print(f"== host python: {cmd}") get_cmd = [*python_cmd, '-m', 'platform'] proc = get_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, cwd=os_helper.SAVEDCWD) stdout = proc.stdout.replace('\n', ' ').strip() if stdout: print(f"== host platform: {stdout}") elif proc.returncode: print(f"== host platform: ") else: hostrunner = get_host_runner() if hostrunner: print(f"== host runner: {hostrunner}") # This makes it easier to remember what to set in your local # environment when trying to reproduce a sanitizer failure. asan = support.check_sanitizer(address=True) msan = support.check_sanitizer(memory=True) ubsan = support.check_sanitizer(ub=True) tsan = support.check_sanitizer(thread=True) sanitizers = [] if asan: sanitizers.append("address") if msan: sanitizers.append("memory") if ubsan: sanitizers.append("undefined behavior") if tsan: sanitizers.append("thread") if sanitizers: print(f"== sanitizers: {', '.join(sanitizers)}") for sanitizer, env_var in ( (asan, "ASAN_OPTIONS"), (msan, "MSAN_OPTIONS"), (ubsan, "UBSAN_OPTIONS"), (tsan, "TSAN_OPTIONS"), ): options= os.environ.get(env_var) if sanitizer and options is not None: print(f"== {env_var}={options!r}") print(flush=True) def cleanup_temp_dir(tmp_dir: StrPath): import glob path = os.path.join(glob.escape(tmp_dir), TMP_PREFIX + '*') print("Cleanup %s directory" % tmp_dir) for name in glob.glob(path): if os.path.isdir(name): print("Remove directory: %s" % name) os_helper.rmtree(name) else: print("Remove file: %s" % name) os_helper.unlink(name) WINDOWS_STATUS = { 0xC0000005: "STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION", 0xC00000FD: "STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW", 0xC000013A: "STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT", } def get_signal_name(exitcode): if exitcode < 0: signum = -exitcode try: return signal.Signals(signum).name except ValueError: pass try: return WINDOWS_STATUS[exitcode] except KeyError: pass return None