# bash Utilities for using bash from node.js. ## API ### bash.escape(parameter) Escapes the given `parameter` for bash. This is done by escaping all non alpha-numeric / dash characters with a backslash. Example: ```javascript > bash.escape('hello world'); 'Hello\\ World' ``` ### bash.args(options, prefix, suffix) Takes a list of `options` and turns them into an arguments string common to most *nix programs. Objects are turned into arguments: ```javascript > bash.args({a: 1, b: 2}, '--', '='); '--a=1 --b=2' ``` Values are escaped: ```javascript > bash.args({foo: 'hi you'}, '--', '='); '--foo=hi\\ you' ``` Array values turn into multiple arguments: ```javascript > bash.args({a: [1, 2]}, '--', '='); '--a=1 --a=2' ``` `null` / `true` values turn into flags: ```javascript > bash.args({a: true, b: null}, '--', '='); '--a --b' ``` Alternate suffix / prefix settings: ```javascript > bash.args({a: 1, b: 2}, '-', ' '); '-a 1 -b 2' ``` `options` can be an array as well: ```javascript > bash.args([{a: 1}, {a: 2, b: 3}] '-', ' '); '-a 1 -a 2 -b 3' ``` ## License This library is released under the MIT license.