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R. Commander Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Google, Inc. Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Arm Limited Copyright (C) 2015-2016, 2018 Matthieu Darbois Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Siarhei Siamashka Copyright (C) 2015 Intel Corporation Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Linaro Limited Copyright (C) 2013-2014 MIPS Technologies, Inc. Copyright (C) 2009, 2012 Pierre Ossman for Cendio AB Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) Copyright (C) 1999-2006 MIYASAKA Masaru Copyright (C) 1991-2020 Thomas G. Lane, Guido VollbedingEmulating The Independent JPEG Group's software, version %s %s: memory allocation failure %s: skip region exceeds image height %u %s: jpeg_skip_scanlines() returned %u rather than %u %s: crop dimensions exceed image dimensions %u x %u %s: can't read ICC profile from %s %s: no ICC profile data in JPEG file Unsupported BMP colormap formatOnly 8-, 24-, and 32-bit BMP files are supportedInvalid BMP file: bad header lengthInvalid BMP file: biPlanes not equal to 1BMP output must be grayscale or RGBSorry, compressed BMPs not yet supportedNot a BMP file - does not start with BMNumeric value out of range in BMP file%ux%u 8-bit colormapped BMP image%ux%u 8-bit colormapped OS2 BMP imageGIF output must be grayscale or RGBWarning: unexpected GIF version number '%c%c%c'Ignoring GIF extension block of type 0x%02xCaution: nonsquare pixels in inputBogus char 0x%02x in GIF file, ignoringPPM output must be grayscale or RGBNumeric value out of range in PPM fileUnsupported Targa colormap formatInvalid or unsupported Targa fileTarga output must be grayscale or RGBColor map file is invalid or of unsupported formatOutput file format cannot handle %d colormap entriesUnrecognized input file format --- perhaps you need -targaUnsupported output file formatN9'פ(`;o@?;08hxXت8@hTh|h88P8ȶ(ȷ8@hhȹ|(xxH Lx8H8@(l(hh,X8lHX,zRx 8&D$4p0FJ w?9*3$"\xtp $RAC Ct E " $04AC BEH` E T $Щ 8̩AQ BIL,\xEC w Q q O N B 4AC HD B  A ,EC HH$ D EM A <,\@T~T h̳bQK AD $AG A E N $~EC Il _D[(EEC BHj D D 00EC E J E K [ E ,dEC BD K D D ( EEC BHj D D (D\AH BK A x>EC Ap , kEC BD G d L (<غEC BDe E \ hL@EC Ar (lAC Mt K (AC BEK A ,AF FEH H 4$IAJ A| ,DREC M  A (tHAC BF B (4AC BF4 H -0 EC HH E N J AJ A D 88^EC DHs I  G g A (tAH BKd A (TAC P A 8C EC P0p08pȀr Hrprrs&s6sQs`sHsspsssssstt84tJtft`tЃUb pgo  08 X oo@ oo o10 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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