* Copyright © 2011 Ryan Lortie
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, see .
* Author: Ryan Lortie
#ifndef __G_ATOMIC_H__
#define __G_ATOMIC_H__
#if !defined (__GLIB_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GLIB_COMPILATION)
#error "Only can be included directly."
gint g_atomic_int_get (const volatile gint *atomic);
void g_atomic_int_set (volatile gint *atomic,
gint newval);
void g_atomic_int_inc (volatile gint *atomic);
gboolean g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (volatile gint *atomic);
gboolean g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange (volatile gint *atomic,
gint oldval,
gint newval);
gboolean g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full (gint *atomic,
gint oldval,
gint newval,
gint *preval);
gint g_atomic_int_exchange (gint *atomic,
gint newval);
gint g_atomic_int_add (volatile gint *atomic,
gint val);
guint g_atomic_int_and (volatile guint *atomic,
guint val);
guint g_atomic_int_or (volatile guint *atomic,
guint val);
guint g_atomic_int_xor (volatile guint *atomic,
guint val);
gpointer g_atomic_pointer_get (const volatile void *atomic);
void g_atomic_pointer_set (volatile void *atomic,
gpointer newval);
gboolean g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange (volatile void *atomic,
gpointer oldval,
gpointer newval);
gboolean g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange_full (void *atomic,
gpointer oldval,
gpointer newval,
void *preval);
gpointer g_atomic_pointer_exchange (void *atomic,
gpointer newval);
gintptr g_atomic_pointer_add (volatile void *atomic,
gssize val);
guintptr g_atomic_pointer_and (volatile void *atomic,
gsize val);
guintptr g_atomic_pointer_or (volatile void *atomic,
gsize val);
guintptr g_atomic_pointer_xor (volatile void *atomic,
gsize val);
gint g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add (volatile gint *atomic,
gint val);
/* We prefer the new C11-style atomic extension of GCC if available */
#if defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
gint gaig_temp; \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
__atomic_load ((gint *)(atomic), &gaig_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
(gint) gaig_temp; \
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
gint gais_temp = (gint) (newval); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1); \
__atomic_store ((gint *)(atomic), &gais_temp, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#if defined(glib_typeof)
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
glib_typeof (*(atomic)) gapg_temp_newval; \
glib_typeof ((atomic)) gapg_temp_atomic = (atomic); \
__atomic_load (gapg_temp_atomic, &gapg_temp_newval, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
gapg_temp_newval; \
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
glib_typeof ((atomic)) gaps_temp_atomic = (atomic); \
glib_typeof (*(atomic)) gaps_temp_newval = (newval); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) * (atomic) : NULL); \
__atomic_store (gaps_temp_atomic, &gaps_temp_newval, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#else /* if !(defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
gpointer gapg_temp_newval; \
gpointer *gapg_temp_atomic = (gpointer *)(atomic); \
__atomic_load (gapg_temp_atomic, &gapg_temp_newval, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
gapg_temp_newval; \
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
gpointer *gaps_temp_atomic = (gpointer *)(atomic); \
gpointer gaps_temp_newval = (gpointer)(newval); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__atomic_store (gaps_temp_atomic, &gaps_temp_newval, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#endif /* if defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_int_inc(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
(void) __atomic_fetch_add ((atomic), 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
__atomic_fetch_sub ((atomic), 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) == 1; \
#if defined(glib_typeof) && defined(G_CXX_STD_VERSION)
/* See comments below about equivalent g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange()
* shenanigans for type-safety when compiling in C++ mode. */
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
glib_typeof (*(atomic)) gaicae_oldval = (oldval); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) : 1); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), &gaicae_oldval, (newval), FALSE, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#else /* if !(defined(glib_typeof) && defined(G_CXX_STD_VERSION)) */
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
gint gaicae_oldval = (oldval); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) : 1); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), (void *) (&(gaicae_oldval)), (newval), FALSE, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#endif /* defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, preval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(preval) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) ^ *(preval) : 1); \
*(preval) = (oldval); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), (preval), (newval), FALSE, \
#define g_atomic_int_exchange(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1); \
(gint) __atomic_exchange_n ((atomic), (newval), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_int_add(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(gint) __atomic_fetch_add ((atomic), (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_int_and(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __atomic_fetch_and ((atomic), (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_int_or(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __atomic_fetch_or ((atomic), (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_int_xor(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __atomic_fetch_xor ((atomic), (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#if defined(glib_typeof) && defined(G_CXX_STD_VERSION)
/* This is typesafe because we check we can assign oldval to the type of
* (*atomic). Unfortunately it can only be done in C++ because gcc/clang warn
* when atomic is volatile and not oldval, or when atomic is gsize* and oldval
* is NULL. Note that clang++ force us to be typesafe because it is an error if the 2nd
* argument of __atomic_compare_exchange_n() has a different type than the
* first.
* https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/merge_requests/1919
* https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/merge_requests/1715#note_1024120. */
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (static_cast((oldval))) \
== sizeof (gpointer)); \
glib_typeof (*(atomic)) gapcae_oldval = (oldval); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), &gapcae_oldval, (newval), FALSE, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#else /* if !(defined(glib_typeof) && defined(G_CXX_STD_VERSION) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (oldval) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
gpointer gapcae_oldval = (gpointer)(oldval); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), (void *) (&(gapcae_oldval)), (newval), FALSE, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#endif /* defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, preval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(preval) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(preval) : NULL); \
*(preval) = (oldval); \
__atomic_compare_exchange_n ((atomic), (preval), (newval), FALSE, \
#define g_atomic_pointer_exchange(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(gpointer) __atomic_exchange_n ((atomic), (newval), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_add(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(gintptr) __atomic_fetch_add ((atomic), (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_and(atomic, val) \
guintptr *gapa_atomic = (guintptr *) (atomic); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (guintptr)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __atomic_fetch_and (gapa_atomic, (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_or(atomic, val) \
guintptr *gapo_atomic = (guintptr *) (atomic); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (guintptr)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __atomic_fetch_or (gapo_atomic, (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_xor(atomic, val) \
guintptr *gapx_atomic = (guintptr *) (atomic); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (guintptr)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __atomic_fetch_xor (gapx_atomic, (val), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
#else /* defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) */
/* We want to achieve __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST semantics here. See
* https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/atomic/memory_order#Constants. For load
* operations, that means performing an *acquire*:
* > A load operation with this memory order performs the acquire operation on
* > the affected memory location: no reads or writes in the current thread can
* > be reordered before this load. All writes in other threads that release
* > the same atomic variable are visible in the current thread.
* “no reads or writes in the current thread can be reordered before this load”
* is implemented using a compiler barrier (a no-op `__asm__` section) to
* prevent instruction reordering. Writes in other threads are synchronised
* using `__sync_synchronize()`. It’s unclear from the GCC documentation whether
* `__sync_synchronize()` acts as a compiler barrier, hence our explicit use of
* one.
* For store operations, `__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST` means performing a *release*:
* > A store operation with this memory order performs the release operation:
* > no reads or writes in the current thread can be reordered after this store.
* > All writes in the current thread are visible in other threads that acquire
* > the same atomic variable (see Release-Acquire ordering below) and writes
* > that carry a dependency into the atomic variable become visible in other
* > threads that consume the same atomic (see Release-Consume ordering below).
* “no reads or writes in the current thread can be reordered after this store”
* is implemented using a compiler barrier to prevent instruction reordering.
* “All writes in the current thread are visible in other threads” is implemented
* using `__sync_synchronize()`; similarly for “writes that carry a dependency”.
#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
gint gaig_result; \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
gaig_result = (gint) *(atomic); \
__sync_synchronize (); \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); \
gaig_result; \
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1); \
__sync_synchronize (); \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); \
*(atomic) = (newval); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
gpointer gapg_result; \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
gapg_result = (gpointer) *(atomic); \
__sync_synchronize (); \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); \
gapg_result; \
#if defined(glib_typeof)
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__sync_synchronize (); \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); \
*(atomic) = (glib_typeof (*(atomic))) (guintptr) (newval); \
#else /* if !(defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__sync_synchronize (); \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory"); \
*(atomic) = (gpointer) (guintptr) (newval); \
#endif /* if defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_int_inc(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
(void) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), 1); \
#define g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ *(atomic) : 1); \
__sync_fetch_and_sub ((atomic), 1) == 1; \
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) : 1); \
__sync_bool_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval)) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, preval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(preval) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) ^ (oldval) ^ *(preval) : 1); \
*(preval) = __sync_val_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval)); \
(*(preval) == (oldval)) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#define g_atomic_int_exchange(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1); \
(gint) __sync_swap ((atomic), (newval)); \
#else /* defined(_GLIB_GCC_HAVE_SYNC_SWAP) */
#define g_atomic_int_exchange(atomic, newval) \
gint oldval; \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (newval) : 1); \
do \
{ \
oldval = *atomic; \
} while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap (atomic, oldval, newval)); \
oldval; \
#endif /* defined(_GLIB_GCC_HAVE_SYNC_SWAP) */
#define g_atomic_int_add(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(gint) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_int_and(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __sync_fetch_and_and ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_int_or(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __sync_fetch_and_or ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_int_xor(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gint)); \
(void) (0 ? *(atomic) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guint) __sync_fetch_and_xor ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
__sync_bool_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval)) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, preval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(preval) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(preval) : NULL); \
*(preval) = __sync_val_compare_and_swap ((atomic), (oldval), (newval)); \
(*(preval) == (oldval)) ? TRUE : FALSE; \
#define g_atomic_pointer_exchange(atomic, newval) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(gpointer) __sync_swap ((atomic), (newval)); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_exchange(atomic, newval) \
gpointer oldval; \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
do \
{ \
oldval = (gpointer) *atomic; \
} while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap (atomic, oldval, newval)); \
oldval; \
#endif /* defined(_GLIB_GCC_HAVE_SYNC_SWAP) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_add(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(gintptr) __sync_fetch_and_add ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_and(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __sync_fetch_and_and ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_or(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __sync_fetch_and_or ((atomic), (val)); \
#define g_atomic_pointer_xor(atomic, val) \
G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof *(atomic) == sizeof (gpointer)); \
(void) (0 ? (gpointer) *(atomic) : NULL); \
(void) (0 ? (val) ^ (val) : 1); \
(guintptr) __sync_fetch_and_xor ((atomic), (val)); \
#endif /* !defined(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) */
#else /* defined(G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE) && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4) */
#define g_atomic_int_get(atomic) \
(g_atomic_int_get ((gint *) (atomic)))
#define g_atomic_int_set(atomic, newval) \
(g_atomic_int_set ((gint *) (atomic), (gint) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
(g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange ((gint *) (atomic), (oldval), (newval)))
#define g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, preval) \
(g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange_full ((gint *) (atomic), (oldval), (newval), (gint *) (preval)))
#define g_atomic_int_exchange(atomic, newval) \
(g_atomic_int_exchange ((gint *) (atomic), (newval)))
#define g_atomic_int_add(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_int_add ((gint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_and(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_int_and ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_or(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_int_or ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_xor(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_int_xor ((guint *) (atomic), (val)))
#define g_atomic_int_inc(atomic) \
(g_atomic_int_inc ((gint *) (atomic)))
#define g_atomic_int_dec_and_test(atomic) \
(g_atomic_int_dec_and_test ((gint *) (atomic)))
#if defined(glib_typeof)
/* The (void *) cast in the middle *looks* redundant, because
* g_atomic_pointer_get returns void * already, but it's to silence
* -Werror=bad-function-cast when we're doing something like:
* guintptr a, b; ...; a = g_atomic_pointer_get (&b);
* which would otherwise be assigning the void * result of
* g_atomic_pointer_get directly to the pointer-sized but
* non-pointer-typed result. */
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
(glib_typeof (*(atomic))) (void *) ((g_atomic_pointer_get) ((void *) atomic))
#else /* !(defined(glib_typeof) */
#define g_atomic_pointer_get(atomic) \
(g_atomic_pointer_get (atomic))
#define g_atomic_pointer_set(atomic, newval) \
(g_atomic_pointer_set ((atomic), (gpointer) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange(atomic, oldval, newval) \
(g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange ((atomic), (gpointer) (oldval), (gpointer) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange_full(atomic, oldval, newval, prevval) \
(g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange_full ((atomic), (gpointer) (oldval), (gpointer) (newval), (prevval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_exchange(atomic, newval) \
(g_atomic_pointer_exchange ((atomic), (gpointer) (newval)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_add(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_pointer_add ((atomic), (gssize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_and(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_pointer_and ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_or(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_pointer_or ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))
#define g_atomic_pointer_xor(atomic, val) \
(g_atomic_pointer_xor ((atomic), (gsize) (val)))
#endif /* defined(G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE) && defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4) */
#endif /* __G_ATOMIC_H__ */