f֑dZgdZddlZddlZddlZddlZ ddl Z e jZ ddlZddlm Z!ddlZddl"Z#ddl$Z%ddl&Z&e&jNZ(e jRe jTze jVzZ,e-e dre,e j\zZ,e,Z/e-e d re/e j`zZ/e-e d r e jbZ1nd Z1d Z2e(Z3d Z4dZ5dZ6GddZ7dZ8dZ9da:dZ;dZdZ?dZ@daAdZBdZCdZDd2dZEd3dZFde2dfd ZGGd!d"ZHGd#d$ZI d4dd%d&d'ZJe jd(k7sejd)k(reJZMne-e d*aN d5dd+d,ZMGd-d.ejZPGd/d0ZQy#e$rddlZddlZdZdZe j*e j"e j,e j.he j0kxr2e j2e j4vxre j"e j6vZd1dZ YwxYw)6aTemporary files. This module provides generic, low- and high-level interfaces for creating temporary files and directories. All of the interfaces provided by this module can be used without fear of race conditions except for 'mktemp'. 'mktemp' is subject to race conditions and should not be used; it is provided for backward compatibility only. The default path names are returned as str. If you supply bytes as input, all return values will be in bytes. Ex: >>> tempfile.mkstemp() (4, '/tmp/tmptpu9nin8') >>> tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=b'') b'/tmp/tmppbi8f0hy' This module also provides some data items to the user: TMP_MAX - maximum number of names that will be tried before giving up. tempdir - If this is set to a string before the first use of any routine from this module, it will be considered as another candidate location to store temporary files. ) NamedTemporaryFile TemporaryFileSpooledTemporaryFileTemporaryDirectorymkstempmkdtempmktempTMP_MAX gettempprefixtempdir gettempdirgettempprefixb gettempdirbNc tjj|r td g} tj |}|D]z}tjj||} tj|j}tj|r t||e tj|| tj|y#t$r7|tjj|t j YywxYw#t$r.|tj |t j YwxYw#t$rd}YwxYw#t$r.|tj|t j YXwxYw#t$r-|tj|t j YywxYw)N%Cannot call rmtree on a symbolic linkr)_ospathislinkOSError_sysexc_infolistdirjoinlstatst_mode_statS_ISDIR_rmtree_unsafeunlinkrmdir)ronerrornamesnamefullnamemodes /usr/lib/python3.12/tempfile.pyrr2sn 88??4 AB B ! E4 D! ?88==t, 99X&..D ==  8W - ? 8$ ?2 $/ t}}7 4 T4==?34  D  ? Hdmmo> ? 2 412sX*CD+E-E)F#=DD3EE E&%E&)3F F #3GGc<g} tj|}|D]}tj j||} tj||d}|j}tj|r tj|tj|} tj jtj| r&t!| || tj"||n tdtj&|  tj(||y#t$r<}||_|tj|t j Yd}~`d}~wwxYw#t$rd}Y+wxYw#t$r-|tj"|t j YwxYw#t$r8|tj j$|t j YwxYw#tj&| wxYw#t$r.|tj|t j YEwxYw#t$r.|tj(|t j YwxYw)NF)dir_fdfollow_symlinksr)r(r)rrrfilenamerrrrstatrrropenO_RDONLYsamestatfstat_rmtree_safe_fdr rcloser) topfdrr!r"errr#r$orig_str%dirfds r&r0r0Ss E4 E"#?88==t, hhtE5IG??D ==  %s||EB%xx((#))E2BC'xAJIId59P#*+1#22 IIe$ ? 4.C#? 4  T4==?334 D  'J#CIIxIJ 'P#CHHOOXt}}OPIIe$) =(DMMO< =0 ? Hdmmo> ?sD9$F:&H*!AH"F9H; G I$9 E>1E99E> FF3G HG  H =H  H H  HH'*3I! I!$3JJc|rd}n|d}trt|trtj|} tj |} tj|tj} tjj|tj|r$t||| tj|n t!dtj$|yt'||S#t $r-|tj |tjYywxYw#t $r-|tj |tjYywxYw#t $r-|tj|tjYwxYw#t $r8|tjj"|tjY wxYw#tj$|wxYw)aRecursively delete a directory tree. If ignore_errors is set, errors are ignored; otherwise, if onerror is set, it is called to handle the error with arguments (func, path, exc_info) where func is platform and implementation dependent; path is the argument to that function that caused it to fail; and exc_info is a tuple returned by sys.exc_info(). If ignore_errors is false and onerror is None, an exception is raised. cyNargss r&r!z_rmtree..onerrors Ncr8r9r:s r&r!z_rmtree..onerrors r<r)_use_fd_functions isinstancebytesrfsdecoder Exceptionrrr,r-rr.r/r0r rrr1r)r ignore_errorsr!r4fds r&_rmtreerEsx    dE "<<%D iioG $ -B xx  #))B-8D'2>IIdOD!"IJJ IIbMdG,,1  CIItT]]_ 5     CIItT]]_ 5  >CIItT]]_=> DCHHOOT4==?CD IIbMsrC8$D13AG'4E* G' F#83D.-D.13E'&E'*3F G'F  G'#=G$ G'#G$$G''G>)Random O_NOFOLLOWO_BINARYr i'tmpcN tj|y#t$rYywxYw)NTF)rrr)fns r&_existsrLs+ "    $$cRd}|D]w}|t|tjrtj|}t|tr|t ur t dt}_|tur t dt }y|&tttt rt StS|S)zBLook at the type of all args and divine their implied return type.Nz1Can't mix bytes and non-bytes in path components.)r?rPathLikefspathr@str TypeErrorr )r; return_typeargs r&_infer_return_typerUsK ;  c3<< (**S/C c5 !c!!344Ke#!344K!" ?j#6JL r<ct|||}||}|(|turt}ntjt}||tur t }n t }||||fS)z9Common parameter processing for most APIs in this module.)rUrQtemplaterfsencoder r)prefixsuffixdir output_types r&_sanitize_paramsr]sf$VVS9K ~ ~ # F\\(+F { # ,C-C 63 ++r<c0eZdZdZdZedZdZdZy)_RandomNameSequencea,An instance of _RandomNameSequence generates an endless sequence of unpredictable strings which can safely be incorporated into file names. Each string is eight characters long. Multiple threads can safely use the same instance at the same time. _RandomNameSequence is an iterator.%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_ctj}|t|ddk7rt|_||_|jS)N_rng_pid)rgetpidgetattr_Random_rngrb)selfcur_pids r&rngz_RandomNameSequence.rngs8**, gdJ5 5 DI#DMyyr<c|Sr8r9rgs r&__iter__z_RandomNameSequence.__iter__!s r<cndj|jj|jdS)N)k)rrichoices charactersrks r&__next__z_RandomNameSequence.__next__$s)wwtxx''1'=>>r<N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rrpropertyrirlrsr9r<r&r_r_s*+9J ?r<r_c g}dD]+}tj|}|s|j|-tjdk(rR|j tj j dtj jdddddgn|j gd  |jtj|S#ttf$r#|jtjY|SwxYw) z[Generate a list of candidate temporary directories which _get_default_tempdir will try.)TMPDIRTEMPTMPntz~\AppData\Local\Tempz%SYSTEMROOT%\Tempzc:\tempzc:\tmpz\tempz\tmp)z/tmpz/var/tmpz/usr/tmp) rgetenvappendr#extendr expanduser expandvarsgetcwdAttributeErrorrcurdir)dirlistenvnamedirnames r&_candidate_tempdir_listr'sG+,**W% GNN7+,  xx4,,-DE,,-AB#Y'D E 9:#szz|$ N G $#szz" N#s,#C.DDc|t}t}|D]}|tjk7rtjj |}t dD]}t|}tjj||} tj|td} tj|dtj| tj||ccSt+t,j.d|z#tj|wxYw#tj|wxYw#t$rYt$r^tj dk(rFtjj#|r'tj$|tj&rYSYt($rYwxYw)aqCalculate the default directory to use for temporary files. This routine should be called exactly once. We determine whether or not a candidate temp dir is usable by trying to create and write to a file in that directory. If this is successful, the test file is deleted. To prevent denial of service, the name of the test file must be randomized.dsblatr}z)No usable temporary directory found in %s)r_rrrrabspathrangenextrr,_bin_openflagswriter1rFileExistsErrorPermissionErrorr#isdiraccessW_OKrFileNotFoundError_errnoENOENT)namerrr[seqr#r*rDs r&_get_default_tempdirrBsS !E%'G #** ((""3'C: C;Dxx}}S$/H XXh>)& "g. " JJx(   8 FMMG#$ %% " JJx(" " HH$)<JJsCHH-  sID>#D 9D$D> D!!D$$D;;D>> F; AF;.F;:F;ct?tj t tatj tStS#tj wxYw)z7Common setup sequence for all user-callable interfaces.)_name_sequence _once_lockacquirer_releaser9r<r&_get_candidate_namesrpsP !%!4!6    >    A A"ctjj|}t}|turt tj |}ttD]f}t|}tjj|||z|z}tjd| tj||d} | |fcStt(j*d#t$rYt$rZtj dk(rEtjj#|r&tj$|tj&rYwxYw)z>Code common to mkstemp, TemporaryFile, and NamedTemporaryFile.ztempfile.mkstemprr}z#No usable temporary file name found)rrrrr@maprXrr rrrauditr,rrr#rrrrEEXIST) r[presufflagsr\r"rr#filerDs r&_mkstemp_innerr~s  ((  3 C "EeCLL%(W~E{xx}}S#*s"23 %t, $u-B4x!$ &--? AA   D SXX^^C%8 3) s&C E )AE  E c|tjvr ||g|ddiytjdk(stjj |s ||g|yy)Nr)Fr})rsupports_follow_symlinksr#rr)funcrr;s r&_dont_follow_symlinksrsO s+++ T0D0%0 T !6 TD"7r<c tj}t||dttj|dy#t$rY'wxYw)Nr)rchflagsrrchmod)rrs r& _resetpermsrsB0++ gtQ/#))T51    s; AAc4tjtS)z7The default prefix for temporary directories as string.)rrArWr9r<r&r r  << !!r<c4tjtS)z6The default prefix for temporary directories as bytes.)rrXrWr9r<r&r r rr<ct?tj t tatj tStS#tj wxYw)z&Private accessor for tempfile.tempdir.)r rrrrr9r<r& _gettempdirrsL !.0    N7N    rc<tjtS)z Returns tempfile.tempdir as str.)rrArr9r<r&r r  << &&r<c<tjtS)z"Returns tempfile.tempdir as bytes.)rrXrr9r<r&rrrr<cbt|||\}}}}|rt}nt}t|||||S)aUser-callable function to create and return a unique temporary file. The return value is a pair (fd, name) where fd is the file descriptor returned by os.open, and name is the filename. If 'suffix' is not None, the file name will end with that suffix, otherwise there will be no suffix. If 'prefix' is not None, the file name will begin with that prefix, otherwise a default prefix is used. If 'dir' is not None, the file will be created in that directory, otherwise a default directory is used. If 'text' is specified and true, the file is opened in text mode. Else (the default) the file is opened in binary mode. If any of 'suffix', 'prefix' and 'dir' are not None, they must be the same type. If they are bytes, the returned name will be bytes; str otherwise. The file is readable and writable only by the creating user ID. If the operating system uses permission bits to indicate whether a file is executable, the file is executable by no one. The file descriptor is not inherited by children of this process. Caller is responsible for deleting the file when done with it. )r]_text_openflagsrr)rZrYr[textr\rs r&rrs;:(8'L$FFC  #vvuk BBr<ct|||\}}}}t}|turttj |}t tD]}t|}tjj|||z|z}tjd| t j|dtjj)|cStt*j,d#t$rYt$r[tj dk(rFtjj#|r't j$|tj&rY wxYw)aUser-callable function to create and return a unique temporary directory. The return value is the pathname of the directory. Arguments are as for mkstemp, except that the 'text' argument is not accepted. The directory is readable, writable, and searchable only by the creating user. Caller is responsible for deleting the directory when done with it. ztempfile.mkdtemprr}z(No usable temporary directory name found)r]rr@rrrXrr rrrrrmkdirrrr#rrrrrr)rZrYr[r\r"rr#rs r&rrs(8'L$FFC "EeCLL%(W~&E{xx}}S&4-&"89 %t,  IIdE "xx%%!&$ &--D FF   D SXX^^C%8 3) sC++ E6AEErnc | t}t}ttD]B}t |}t j j|||z|z}t|r@|cSttjd)aUser-callable function to return a unique temporary file name. The file is not created. Arguments are similar to mkstemp, except that the 'text' argument is not accepted, and suffix=None, prefix=None and bytes file names are not supported. THIS FUNCTION IS UNSAFE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED. The file name may refer to a file that did not exist at some point, but by the time you get around to creating it, someone else may have beaten you to the punch. z"No usable temporary filename found) r rrr rrrrrLrrr)rZrYr[r"rr#rs r&rrsw$ {l "EW~E{xx}}S&4-&"89t}K  &--> @@r<cfeZdZdZdZdZd dZejdk(ejfdZ dZ dZ y) _TemporaryFileCloserzA separate object allowing proper closing of a temporary file's underlying file object, without adding a __del__ method to the temporary file.Fc<||_||_||_||_yr8)rr#deletedelete_on_closergrr#rrs r&__init__z_TemporaryFileCloser.__init__Cs   .r<r}c|jsed|_ |js!d|_|jj|jr#|r |j s ||j yyyy#t$rYywxYw#|jr2|r |j s# ||j w#t$rYwwxYwwwxYwNT)cleanup_called close_calledrr1rrr#r)rgwindowsrs r&cleanupz_TemporaryFileCloser.cleanupIs"""&D  (((,D%IIOO%;;D4H4Htyy)5I;#-;;D4H4Htyy),5I;sA-BA33 A?>A?CB10C1 B=:C<B==Cc|jsMd|_ |jj|jr|jr|j yyyy#|jr|jr|j wwwxYwr)rrr1rrrrks r&r1z_TemporaryFileCloser.closeYsm  $D  # !;;4#7#7LLN$8; ! ;;4#7#7LLN$8;s A,Bc$|jyr8)rrks r&__del__z_TemporaryFileCloser.__del__bs  r<NTT) rtrurvrwrrrrr#rrr1rr9r<r&rr;s;NL/ #xx4/ #r<rc6eZdZdZd dZdZdZdZdZdZ y) _TemporaryFileWrapperzTemporary file wrapper This class provides a wrapper around files opened for temporary use. In particular, it seeks to automatically remove the file when it is no longer needed. cF||_||_t|||||_yr8)rr#r_closerrs r&rz_TemporaryFileWrapper.__init__ns%  +D$,;= r<c|jd}t||}t|dr2|tjfd}|j |_|}t |ts t||||S)Nr__call__c|i|Sr8r9)r;kwargsrs r& func_wrapperz7_TemporaryFileWrapper.__getattr__..func_wrapper|sT,V,,r<) __dict__rdhasattr _functoolswrapsrr?intsetattr)rgr#rarrs @r& __getattr__z!_TemporaryFileWrapper.__getattr__tsy}}V$ D$  1j !D   d # -$ -$(<.openers!#vvukJD r< bufferingnewlineencodingrrbufferraw) r]rrr# O_TEMPORARY_io text_encodingr,rdrr1r)r%rrrrZrYr[rrrrrrrr#r\s ``` @@@r&rrs6(8'L$FFC E xx4F   $$$X. DxxTY '(6%' $$/C#uc*CCH(tV_M M  JJL    HH O JJt  s/C .B;;CC1Dposixcygwin O_TMPFILErc  d|vrtj|}t\ t trId  fd} tj ||||||} t | d| } t | d| } | _| Sd  fd}tj ||||||} t | d| } t | d| } | _| S#t$rdaYXt$rYbwxYw) aCreate and return a temporary file. Arguments: 'prefix', 'suffix', 'dir' -- as for mkstemp. 'mode' -- the mode argument to io.open (default "w+b"). 'buffering' -- the buffer size argument to io.open (default -1). 'encoding' -- the encoding argument to io.open (default None) 'newline' -- the newline argument to io.open (default None) 'errors' -- the errors argument to io.open (default None) The file is created as mkstemp() would do it. Returns an object with a file-like interface. The file has no name, and will cease to exist when it is closed. rNctjztjz}tj|dS)Nr)rrO_CREATr,)r;flags2r[rDrs r&rzTemporaryFile..openers3#--/CKK<?XXc651 r<rrrFct\} tj|S#t$r}tjd}~wwxYwr8)rrr BaseExceptionr1) r;r#er[rDrr\rYrZs r&rzTemporaryFile..opener'sQ%c665+NHB  4 I!  "  s, AA  A) rrr]r_O_TMPFILE_WORKSr,rdr#IsADirectoryErrorr)r%rrrrZrYr[rrrrrDrr\s ``` @@@r&rrs$ d?((2H+;FFC+P([ B   xxTY(/('-f>dHd3c5#. &  xxTY '(6%'dHd+c5#& E% ) $)   s>C C*C*)C*cDeZdZdZdZ d%dddZeejZ dZ dZ dZ d Z d Zd Zd Zed ZedZedZdZdZdZedZedZedZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d&d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(d$Z)y)'rzTemporary file wrapper, specialized to switch from BytesIO or StringIO to a real file when it exceeds a certain size or when a fileno is needed. FNrc  d|vrtj|_nEtj|}tjtj|| ||_||_d|_|||||||| d|_y)Nr)rrrF)r%rrZrYrrr[r)rBytesIO_filer TextIOWrapper _max_size_rolled_TemporaryFileArgs) rgmax_sizer%rrrrZrYr[rs r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.__init__?sy $;DJ((2H**3;;=%-f$+-DJ" +/i-3v/7G*-#Ar<c|jry|j}|r%|j|kDr|jyyyr8)rrtellrollover)rgrrs r&_checkzSpooledTemporaryFile._checkRs4 <<>>  h. MMO/8r<c|jry|j}tdi|jx}|_|`|j }t |dr8|j j|jjn|j|j|j|dd|_y)NrrTr9) rrrrrrrrdetachgetvalueseek)rgrnewfileposs r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.rolloverXs <<zz,Gt/F/FGG$*  #iik 7H % NN !7!7!9 : MM$--/ * S! r<cH|jjr td|S)Nz%Cannot enter context with closed file)rclosed ValueErrorrks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.__enter__ms ::  DE E r<c8|jjyr8rr1rgrrrs r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.__exit__r r<c6|jjSr8)rrlrks r&rlzSpooledTemporaryFile.__iter__vzz""$$r<c|js=tjdj|td||j yy)NzUnclosed file {!r}) stacklevelsource)r  _warningswarnformatResourceWarningr1rks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.__del__ys<{{ NN$++D1   JJLr<c8|jjyr8r#rks r&r1zSpooledTemporaryFile.closer%r<c.|jjSr8)rr rks r&r zSpooledTemporaryFile.closedzz   r<c.|jjSr8)rrrks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.encodingzz"""r<c.|jjSr8)rrrks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.errorsr2r<cV|j|jjSr8)rrfilenorks r&r7zSpooledTemporaryFile.filenos zz  ""r<c8|jjyr8)rflushrks r&r9zSpooledTemporaryFile.flushr%r<c6|jjSr8)risattyrks r&r;zSpooledTemporaryFile.isattyzz  ""r<cl |jjS#t$r|jdcYSwxYw)Nr%)rr%rrrks r&r%zSpooledTemporaryFile.modes5 3::?? " 3**62 2 3s 33cN |jjS#t$rYywxYwr8)rr#rrks r&r#zSpooledTemporaryFile.names' ::?? "  rMc.|jjSr8)rnewlinesrks r&r@zSpooledTemporaryFile.newlinesr4r<c6|jjSr8)rreadablerks r&rBzSpooledTemporaryFile.readabler'r<c4|jj|Sr8)rreadrgr;s r&rDzSpooledTemporaryFile.readtzz%%r<c4|jj|Sr8)rread1rEs r&rHzSpooledTemporaryFile.read1stzz&&r<c8|jj|Sr8)rreadintorgrs r&rJzSpooledTemporaryFile.readintoszz""1%%r<c8|jj|Sr8)r readinto1rKs r&rMzSpooledTemporaryFile.readinto1szz##A&&r<c4|jj|Sr8)rreadlinerEs r&rOzSpooledTemporaryFile.readlines"tzz""D))r<c4|jj|Sr8)r readlinesrEs r&rQzSpooledTemporaryFile.readliness#tzz##T**r<c6|jjSr8)rseekablerks r&rSzSpooledTemporaryFile.seekabler'r<c4|jj|Sr8)rrrEs r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.seekrFr<c6|jjSr8)rrrks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.tellszz  r<c||jjS||jkDr|j|jj|Sr8)rtruncaterr)rgsizes r&rWzSpooledTemporaryFile.truncatesD <::&&( (dnn$ ::&&t, ,r<c6|jjSr8)rwritablerks r&rZzSpooledTemporaryFile.writabler'r<cb|j}|j|}|j||Sr8)rrr)rgsrrvs r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.writes)zz ZZ] D r<cb|j}|j|}|j||Sr8)r writelinesr)rgiterablerr]s r&r_zSpooledTemporaryFile.writeliness*zz __X & D r<c6|jjSr8)rrrks r&rzSpooledTemporaryFile.detachr<r<)rw+bNNNNNr8)*rtrurvrwrr classmethod_types GenericAlias__class_getitem__rrrrrlrr1rxr rrr7r9r;r%r#r@rBrDrHrJrMrOrQrSrrrWrZrr_rr9r<r&rr8s.G9;(,/3A?CA"$F$7$78 * %!!##!!##33  ##%&'&'*+%&!-%  #r<rceZdZdZ d dddZed dZeddZdZd Z d Z d Z ee jZy)raCreate and return a temporary directory. This has the same behavior as mkdtemp but can be used as a context manager. For example: with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: ... Upon exiting the context, the directory and everything contained in it are removed (unless delete=False is passed or an exception is raised during cleanup and ignore_cleanup_errors is not True). Optional Arguments: suffix - A str suffix for the directory name. (see mkdtemp) prefix - A str prefix for the directory name. (see mkdtemp) dir - A directory to create this temp dir in. (see mkdtemp) ignore_cleanup_errors - False; ignore exceptions during cleanup? delete - True; whether the directory is automatically deleted. NT)rct||||_||_||_t j ||j |jdj||j|j|_y)NzImplicitly cleaning up {!r}) warn_messagerCr) rr#_ignore_cleanup_errors_delete_weakreffinalize_cleanupr. _finalizer)rgrZrYr[ignore_cleanup_errorsrs r&rzTemporaryDirectory.__init__s`FFC0 &;# "++ $--6==dC55dllLr<c6fd}t|y)Nc2t|tr]r |k(rry |k7r(ttjj |t| tj |yyyt|trysy#t$rj|Y4t$r]tjj|rtjj|rrYyj||k(YwxYw#t$rYywxYw)NrC)rCrepeated) r?rrrrrrr rEr isjunctionr)rrrclsrCr#rus r&onexcz)TemporaryDirectory._rmtree..onexcs#/ $t|#CHH$4$4T$:;%= 4(=G"C!23$%+-G D F* = #xx~~d3sxx7J7J47P, &! D .2dl$= =)sH8D BD D "AD*D ,DD DD DD)rx)rE)rwr#rCrurxs```` r&rEzTemporaryDirectory._rmtrees$ L E"r<cd|r.|j||tj|tyyNrt)rEr,r-r/)rwr#rjrCrs r&rozTemporaryDirectory._cleanup/s(  KKMK : NN< 9 r<cbdj|jj|jS)Nz <{} {!r}>)r. __class__rtr#rks r&__repr__zTemporaryDirectory.__repr__5s#!!$.."9"9499EEr<c|jSr8)r#rks r&rzTemporaryDirectory.__enter__8s yyr<c>|jr|jyyr8)rlrr$s r&rzTemporaryDirectory.__exit__;s << LLN r<c|jjs)tjj |j r(|j |j |jyyrz)rprrrexistsr#rErkrks r&rzTemporaryDirectory.cleanup?sE ?? ! ! #sxxtyy'A LL$2M2ML N(Br<NNNF)FF)FT)rtrurvrwrrdrEror}rrrrerfrgr9r<r&rrsp&6:',L8<L'#'#R:: FO$F$7$78r<r)FNr)NNN)rbrcNNNNNT)rbrcNNNNN)Rrw__all__ functoolsrwarningsr,iorosrshutil_shutilrmtreerE ImportErrorsysrr+rrr0r,rr supports_dir_fdr supports_fdrr>errnorrandomrFretypesreweakrefrm_thread allocate_lock_allocate_lockO_RDWRrO_EXCLrrrGrrHr rWrrLrUr]r_rrrrrrrr r r rr rrrrrrrr#platformrr IOBaserrr9r<r&rsl2 J- NN'T$&&**s{{*SZZ7 3 s~~%O  3 cll"N 3 kkGG   :,$??06*%X A:2""  ''$CN&FPX4@@((V<<|;?9=(,<8<'+<|88w$--83'M sK09=8<I*.IVl#3::l#^\9\9sG-2B*?X#((CJJ B(()>[[COO3>XX!=!== 1-mG-sFBH  H