fdZddgZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZddlm Z ddlm Z ddl m Z dd lm Zdd lmZej"Zd Zej&d Zd ZddZdZdZdZGddZGddeZGddeZy)z8Basic message object for the email package object model.Message EmailMessageN)BytesIOStringIO)utils)errors)compat32charset)decode_bz; z[ \(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=]ct|jd\}}}|s|jdfS|j|jfS)N;)str partitionstrip)paramasepbs $/usr/lib/python3.12/email/message.py _splitparamrsH E $$S)IAsA wwy$ 779aggi c|t|dkDrt|tr,|dz }tj|d|d|d}|d|S |j d|stj|r|d tj|d S|d|S|S#t $r&|dz }tj|dd}|d|cYSwxYw) a~Convenience function to format and return a key=value pair. This will quote the value if needed or if quote is true. If value is a three tuple (charset, language, value), it will be encoded according to RFC2231 rules. If it contains non-ascii characters it will likewise be encoded according to RFC2231 rules, using the utf-8 charset and a null language. r*=asciizutf-8z="") len isinstancetuplerencode_rfc2231encodeUnicodeEncodeError tspecialssearchquote)rvaluer)s r _formatparamr+'s SZ!^ eU # SLE((q58U1XFE#U+ + 0 W% I$$U+ %u{{5'9: :#U+ + & 0 ,,UGR@"'// 0sB,C C crdt|z}g}|dddk(r|dd}|jd}|dkDro|jdd||jdd|z dzrE|jd|dz}|dkDr+|jdd||jdd|z dzrE|dkr t|}|d|}d|vrL|j d}|d|j j dz||dzdj z}|j|j ||d}|dddk(r|S)Nrrrr z\"rr)rfindcountr!indexrlowerappend)splistendfis r _parseparamr7Is? c!f A E BQ%3, abEffSkAg17733/!''%C2HHAM&&cAg&CAg17733/!''%C2HHAM 7a&C dsG !8 A"1 ##%+a!gmmo=A QWWY cdG BQ%3, Lrct|tr!|d|dtj|dfStj|S)Nrrr)r"r#runquote)r*s r _unquotevaluer:]s? %Qxq5==q#:::}}U##rcRg}t|j}|D]G}|jds|jdj d\}}} t |dn t d|D]L}|s t d|jddk(rn) tj|}|j|Ndj|S#t $rYwxYw#tj$r/|d d z d zd zd zdz}tj|d|}YtwxYw)zDecode uuencoded data.sbegin  )basez`begin` line not foundzTruncated inputs sendr ?Nr) iter splitlines startswith removeprefixrint ValueErrorrbinasciia2b_uuErrorr1join) encoded decoded_linesencoded_lines_iterlinemode_path decoded_linenbytess r _decode_uurWhs<Mg0023" 3 ??9 % --i8BB4HMD!T Dq! 3122" +./ / ZZ % /  :#??40L \* + 88M ""'  ~~ :Q b(A-1a7F#??4=9L :s$ CC$ C! C!$?D&%D&cTeZdZdZefdZdZd2dZdZd3dZ d Z d Z d Z d Z d4d Zd5dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZd5dZdZdZd5dZdZdZ d Z!d!Z"d"Z#d#Z$d$Z%d%Z&d6d&Z' d6d'Z( d7d(Z)d8d)Z*d9d*Z+d5d+Z,d5d,Z-d-Z.d5d.Z/d5d/Z0d0Z1dd1l2m3Z3y):raBasic message object. A message object is defined as something that has a bunch of RFC 2822 headers and a payload. It may optionally have an envelope header (a.k.a. Unix-From or From_ header). If the message is a container (i.e. a multipart or a message/rfc822), then the payload is a list of Message objects, otherwise it is a string. Message objects implement part of the `mapping' interface, which assumes there is exactly one occurrence of the header per message. Some headers do in fact appear multiple times (e.g. Received) and for those headers, you must use the explicit API to set or get all the headers. Not all of the mapping methods are implemented. c||_g|_d|_d|_d|_dx|_|_g|_d|_y)N text/plain) policy_headers _unixfrom_payload_charsetpreambleepiloguedefects _default_type)selfr[s r__init__zMessage.__init__sB    (,,   )rc"|jS)z9Return the entire formatted message as a string. ) as_stringrds r__str__zMessage.__str__s~~rrNcddlm}| |jn|}t}||d||}|j |||j S)aReturn the entire formatted message as a string. Optional 'unixfrom', when true, means include the Unix From_ envelope header. For backward compatibility reasons, if maxheaderlen is not specified it defaults to 0, so you must override it explicitly if you want a different maxheaderlen. 'policy' is passed to the Generator instance used to serialize the message; if it is not specified the policy associated with the message instance is used. If the message object contains binary data that is not encoded according to RFC standards, the non-compliant data will be replaced by unicode "unknown character" code points. r) GeneratorF) mangle_from_ maxheaderlenr[unixfrom)email.generatorrkr[rflattengetvalue)rdrormr[rkfpgs rrgzMessage.as_stringsP . &F Z b#(#/# % $ *{{}rc"|jS)z?Return the entire formatted message as a bytes object. )as_bytesrhs r __bytes__zMessage.__bytes__s}}rcddlm}| |jn|}t}||d|}|j |||j S)aJReturn the entire formatted message as a bytes object. Optional 'unixfrom', when true, means include the Unix From_ envelope header. 'policy' is passed to the BytesGenerator instance used to serialize the message; if not specified the policy associated with the message instance is used. r)BytesGeneratorF)rlr[rn)rpryr[rrqrr)rdror[ryrsrts rrvzMessage.as_bytessG 3 &F Y 2E& A $ *{{}rc6t|jtS)z6Return True if the message consists of multiple parts.)r"r^listrhs r is_multipartzMessage.is_multiparts$--..rc||_yNr])rdros r set_unixfromzMessage.set_unixfroms !rc|jSr~rrhs r get_unixfromzMessage.get_unixfroms ~~rc|j |g|_y |jj|y#t$r tdwxYw)zAdd the given payload to the current payload. The current payload will always be a list of objects after this method is called. If you want to set the payload to a scalar object, use set_payload() instead. Nz=Attach is not valid on a message with a non-multipart payload)r^r1AttributeError TypeError)rdpayloads rattachzMessage.attachsO == $IDM : $$W-! :!9:: :s 3Ac:|jr |ry| |jS|j|S|;t|jts!t dt |jz|j}t |jddj}|s_t|t rMtj|r8 |jdd} |j|jddd}|S|St|t r |jdd}|d k(rt!j"S|d k(rPt%d j'j)\}}|D]}|j*j-|| |S|d vr t/St|t rS|S#t$r|jdd}Y|SwxYw#t$rY|SwxYw#t$r|jd }YwxYw#t0$rcYSwxYw)aZReturn a reference to the payload. The payload will either be a list object or a string. If you mutate the list object, you modify the message's payload in place. Optional i returns that index into the payload. Optional decode is a flag indicating whether the payload should be decoded or not, according to the Content-Transfer-Encoding header (default is False). When True and the message is not a multipart, the payload will be decoded if this header's value is `quoted-printable' or `base64'. If some other encoding is used, or the header is missing, or if the payload has bogus data (i.e. bogus base64 or uuencoded data), the payload is returned as-is. If the message is a multipart and the decode flag is True, then None is returned. NzExpected list, got %szcontent-transfer-encodingrrsurrogateescaper replaceraw-unicode-escapezquoted-printablebase64r)z x-uuencodeuuencodeuuezx-uue)r|r^r"r{rtypergetr0r_has_surrogatesr%decode get_param LookupErrorr&quopri decodestringr rMrEr[ handle_defectrWrI) rdr6rrctebpayloadr*rbdefects r get_payloadzMessage.get_payloadsD    y}}$}}Q'' =DMM4!@3d4==6IIJ J--$((6;<BBD'3'E,A,A',J&~~g7HIHF"*//$..G2TV_"` N7N gs # @">>'3DE $ $&&x0 0 H_&chhx/B/B/D&EFNE7! 8 ))$7 8L > > !(++ gs #O?'F"*//'9"EN F)N & @ #>>*>?  @$  sT G"F:G, H :GGGG G)(G),H H  HHct|drA|||_yt|ts t|}|j |j d}t|dr|j dd|_n||_||j|yy)zSet the payload to the given value. Optional charset sets the message's default character set. See set_charset() for details. r%Nrrr)hasattrr^r"Charsetr%output_charsetr set_charset)rdrr s r set_payloadzMessage.set_payloadKs 7H % ' gw/!'*nnW%;%;=NOG 7H %#NN74EFDM#DM     W % rc||jdd|_yt|ts t|}||_d|vr|j ddd|vr#|j dd|j n |j d|j ||j k7r |j|j|_d|vr|j} ||yy#t$rw|j}|r> |jd d }n*#t$r|j|j}YnwxYw|j||_|j d|YywxYw) aSet the charset of the payload to a given character set. charset can be a Charset instance, a string naming a character set, or None. If it is a string it will be converted to a Charset instance. If charset is None, the charset parameter will be removed from the Content-Type field. Anything else will generate a TypeError. The message will be assumed to be of type text/* encoded with charset.input_charset. It will be converted to charset.output_charset and encoded properly, if needed, when generating the plain text representation of the message. MIME headers (MIME-Version, Content-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding) will be added as needed. Nr MIME-Version1.0 Content-TyperZr zContent-Transfer-Encodingrr) del_paramr_r"r add_headerget_output_charset set_param body_encoder^get_body_encodingrr% UnicodeErrorr)rdr rrs rrzMessage.set_charset_s` ? NN9 % DM '7+g&G  % OONE 2  % OONL$+$>$>$@  B NN9g&@&@&B C g002 2#// >DM &d 2++-C BD  3 B--I")..:K"L'I")..1G1G"HI ' 3 3G <  ;SA Bs6#C--E-DE-$D?<E->D??+E-,E-c|jS)zKReturn the Charset instance associated with the message's payload. )r_rhs r get_charsetzMessage.get_charsets}}rc,t|jS)z9Return the total number of headers, including duplicates.)r!r\rhs r__len__zMessage.__len__s4==!!rc$|j|S)a-Get a header value. Return None if the header is missing instead of raising an exception. Note that if the header appeared multiple times, exactly which occurrence gets returned is undefined. Use get_all() to get all the values matching a header field name. )r)rdnames r __getitem__zMessage.__getitem__sxx~rcf|jj|}|r_|j}d}|jD]>\}}|j|k(s|dz }||k\s%t dj |||jj |jj||y)zSet the value of a header. Note: this does not overwrite an existing header with the same field name. Use __delitem__() first to delete any existing headers. rrz/There may be at most {} {} headers in a messageN)r[header_max_countr0r\rIformatr1header_store_parse)rdrval max_countlnamefoundkvs r __setitem__zMessage.__setitem__s KK006 JJLEE  Q1779%QJE )(*88>y$8OQQ  Q T[[;;D#FGrc|j}g}|jD],\}}|j|k7s|j||f.||_y)zwDelete all occurrences of a header, if present. Does not raise an exception if the header is missing. N)r0r\r1)rdr newheadersrrs r __delitem__zMessage.__delitem__sT zz| MM *DAqwwyD !!1a&) *# rcv|j}|jD]\}}||jk(syy)NTF)r0r\)rdr name_lowerrrs r __contains__zMessage.__contains__s:ZZ\ MM DAqQWWY& rc#<K|jD] \}}| ywr~r\)rdfieldr*s r__iter__zMessage.__iter__s" MM LE5K scL|jDcgc]\}}| c}}Scc}}w)a.Return a list of all the message's header field names. These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original message, or were added to the message, and may contain duplicates. Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header list. rrdrrs rkeysz Message.keyss #mm,da,,,s c|jDcgc]!\}}|jj||#c}}Scc}}w)a)Return a list of all the message's header values. These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original message, or were added to the message, and may contain duplicates. Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header list. r\r[header_fetch_parsers rvalueszMessage.valuess=!MM+Aq ..q!4+ ++s&:c |jDcgc]#\}}||jj||f%c}}Scc}}w)a'Get all the message's header fields and values. These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original message, or were added to the message, and may contain duplicates. Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header list. rrs ritemsz Message.itemssB!MM+AqDKK221a89+ ++s(<c|j}|jD]6\}}|j|k(s|jj||cS|S)z~Get a header value. Like __getitem__() but return failobj instead of None when the field is missing. )r0r\r[r)rdrfailobjrrs rrz Message.getsR zz|MM |jj||fy)zStore name and value in the model without modification. This is an "internal" API, intended only for use by a parser. N)r\r1)rdrr*s rset_rawzMessage.set_raws dE]+rcHt|jjS)zReturn the (name, value) header pairs without modification. This is an "internal" API, intended only for use by a generator. )rDr\copyrhs r raw_itemszMessage.raw_itemss DMM&&())rcg}|j}|jD]D\}}|j|k(s|j|jj ||F|s|S|S)aQReturn a list of all the values for the named field. These will be sorted in the order they appeared in the original message, and may contain duplicates. Any fields deleted and re-inserted are always appended to the header list. If no such fields exist, failobj is returned (defaults to None). )r0r\r1r[r)rdrrrrrs rget_allzMessage.get_allsgzz|MM DDAqwwyD  dkk< DAqwwyEKKM)(++H   rcft|ts|r|||f}||vr|jdk(rd}n|j|}|j ||s3|st |||}nt j|t |||g}nwd}|j||D]_\} } d} | j|jk(rt |||} n t | | |} |s| }It j|| g}a||j|k7r|r|j||y||=|||<yy)aSet a parameter in the Content-Type header. If the parameter already exists in the header, its value will be replaced with the new value. If header is Content-Type and has not yet been defined for this message, it will be set to "text/plain" and the new parameter and value will be appended as per RFC 2045. An alternate header can be specified in the header argument, and all parameters will be quoted as necessary unless requote is False. If charset is specified, the parameter will be encoded according to RFC 2231. Optional language specifies the RFC 2231 language, defaulting to the empty string. Both charset and language should be strings. rrZ)rrrr9N) r"r#r0rrr+rrMrr) rdrr*rrequoter languagerr old_param old_value append_params rrzMessage.set_paramsB$%'Gh.E  &,,.N"B EHHV$E~~eF~3$UE7;!Lw?@BE(,v@G)8)I B$ 9! ??$ 5#/ug#FL#/ 9g#NL(E%NNE<+@AE B DHHV$ $##FE2L$V %rc *||vryd}|j||D]Y\}}|j|jk7s(|st|||}8tj |t|||g}[||j |k7r ||=|||<yy)a>Remove the given parameter completely from the Content-Type header. The header will be re-written in place without the parameter or its value. All values will be quoted as necessary unless requote is False. Optional header specifies an alternative to the Content-Type header. Nrr)rr0r+rrMr)rdrrr new_ctyperrs rrzMessage.del_params    OO67OC NDAqwwyEKKM) ,Q7 ;I ) 0^ +^$#(D  DL @ LV 12J 2DAq NN1a 1 2rct}|jd|d}||ur|jd|d}||ur|Stj|j S)a@Return the filename associated with the payload if present. The filename is extracted from the Content-Disposition header's `filename' parameter, and it is unquoted. If that header is missing the `filename' parameter, this method falls back to looking for the `name' parameter. filenamecontent-dispositionrr)rrrcollapse_rfc2231_valuer)rdrrrs r get_filenamezMessage.get_filenameFs_(>>*g7LM w ~~fg~FH w N++H5;;==rct}|jd|}||ur|Stj|j S)zReturn the boundary associated with the payload if present. The boundary is extracted from the Content-Type header's `boundary' parameter, and it is unquoted. boundary)rrrrrstrip)rdrrrs r get_boundaryzMessage.get_boundaryVsB (>>*g6 w N++H5<<>>rct}|j|d}||urtjdg}d}|D]D\}}|j dk(r|j dd|zfd}2|j ||fF|s|j dd|zfg}|j D]\} } | j dk(rzg} |D]2\} } | dk(r| j | | j | d| 4tj| } |j |jj| | |j | | f||_y ) aSet the boundary parameter in Content-Type to 'boundary'. This is subtly different than deleting the Content-Type header and adding a new one with a new boundary parameter via add_header(). The main difference is that using the set_boundary() method preserves the order of the Content-Type header in the original message. HeaderParseError is raised if the message has no Content-Type header. rzNo Content-Type header foundFrz"%s"TrrN) rrrHeaderParseErrorr0r1r\rrMr[r)rdrrr newparamsfoundppkpvrhrrrrs r set_boundaryzMessage.set_boundarycsc(**7NC W ))*HI I  +FBxxzZ'  *fx.?!@A  "b*  +    j&8*;< = MM *DAqwwyN*%7DAqBw Q 1%56 7  nnU+!!$++"@"@C"HI!!1a&) *# rcTt}|jd|}||ur|St|tr*|dxsd} |dj d}t ||} |j d|jS#t tf$r|d}Y8wxYw#t$r|cYSwxYw)zReturn the charset parameter of the Content-Type header. The returned string is always coerced to lower case. If there is no Content-Type header, or if that header has no charset parameter, failobj is returned. r rzus-asciirr) rrr"r#r%rrrr0)rdrrr pcharsetrvs rget_content_charsetzMessage.get_content_charsets(..G4 g N gu %qz/ZH %#1:,,-ABh1  NN: &}} . %!!* %  N s# A?B?BB B'&B'cf|jDcgc]}|j|c}Scc}w)aReturn a list containing the charset(s) used in this message. The returned list of items describes the Content-Type headers' charset parameter for this message and all the subparts in its payload. Each item will either be a string (the value of the charset parameter in the Content-Type header of that part) or the value of the 'failobj' parameter (defaults to None), if the part does not have a main MIME type of "text", or the charset is not defined. The list will contain one string for each part of the message, plus one for the container message (i.e. self), so that a non-multipart message will still return a list of length 1. )walkr#)rdrparts r get_charsetszMessage.get_charsetss* ?CiikJd((1JJJs.cf|jd}|yt|dj}|S)zReturn the message's content-disposition if it exists, or None. The return values can be either 'inline', 'attachment' or None according to the rfc2183. rNr)rrr0)rdr*c_ds rget_content_dispositionzMessage.get_content_dispositions8 ./ =% #))+ r)r%)FrN)FN)NFr~)NrT)rTNrF)rT)rT)4__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r rerirgrwrvr|rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r#r'r*email.iteratorsr%rrrrs ' * 0 /" : Vp&(-B^" H$ #- + + ",*$,< "&0##"#*,5C DFJ5:1%f%,2@> ?,#\<K$ %rceZdZdfd Zdfd ZdZdZdZddZhdZ d Z d Z dd d Z dd d Z dZddZddZddZdddZdZdZdZdZdZxZS)MIMEPartNc8|ddlm}|}t| |y)Nr)default) email.policyr4superre)rdr[r4 __class__s rrezMIMEPart.__init__s > ,F  rcb| |jn|}| |j}t| |||S)aReturn the entire formatted message as a string. Optional 'unixfrom', when true, means include the Unix From_ envelope header. maxheaderlen is retained for backward compatibility with the base Message class, but defaults to None, meaning that the policy value for max_line_length controls the header maximum length. 'policy' is passed to the Generator instance used to serialize the message; if it is not specified the policy associated with the message instance is used. )r[max_line_lengthr6rg)rdrormr[r7s rrgzMIMEPart.as_strings9!'F  !11Lw <@@rcZ|j|jjdS)NT)utf8r[)rgr[clonerhs rrizMIMEPart.__str__s%~~T[[%6%6D%6%A~BBrcJ|jd}|dS|jdk(S)NrF attachment)rcontent_disposition)rdr)s r is_attachmentzMIMEPart.is_attachments+hh,- uP)@)@L)PPrc#\K|jry|jjd\}}|dk(r||vr|j||fy|dk7s|j sy|dk7r0|j D]}|j ||Ed{yd|vr|jd|fd}|jd}|r!|j D]}|d|k(s |}n||j}|r|dnd}||j ||Ed{yy77w)Nrtext multipartrelatedstart content-idr) rArrr/r| iter_parts _find_bodyrr) rdr&preferencelistmaintypesubtypesubpart candidaterFsubpartss rrIzMIMEPart._find_bodysW      11399#>' v .(%++G4d;;  { "$*;*;*=  i ??, D??7NCCC D   &!'' 2D9 9 w' ??, <(E1 'I   '')H'/ TI  y.A A A !D Bs+BD,D(AD,*7D,!D*"D,*D,cxt|}d}|j||D]\}}||ks |}|}|dk(s|S|S)aReturn best candidate mime part for display as 'body' of message. Do a depth first search, starting with self, looking for the first part matching each of the items in preferencelist, and return the part corresponding to the first item that has a match, or None if no items have a match. If 'related' is not included in preferencelist, consider the root part of any multipart/related encountered as a candidate match. Ignore parts with 'Content-Disposition: attachment'. Nr)r!rI)rdrJ best_priobodyprior&s rget_bodyzMIMEPart.get_bodysY' //$? JD$i 19    r>rChtmlrCplainrDrErD alternativec#K|jjd\}}|dk7s|dk(ry|j} |j}|dk(rt|dk(ro|j d}|r@d}g}|D]*}|j d|k(rd }|j|,|r |Ed{y|jd |Ed{yg} |D]^}|jjd\}}||f|jvr&|js|| vr| j|[|`y#t$rYywxYw77|w) aReturn an iterator over the non-main parts of a multipart. Skip the first of each occurrence of text/plain, text/html, multipart/related, or multipart/alternative in the multipart (unless they have a 'Content-Disposition: attachment' header) and include all remaining subparts in the returned iterator. When applied to a multipart/related, return all parts except the root part. Return an empty iterator when applied to a multipart/alternative or a non-multipart. rrDr[NrErFFrGTr) rrrrrrrr1pop _body_typesrA) rdrKrLrrrFr attachmentsr&seens riter_attachmentszMIMEPart.iter_attachments&sl!11399#>' { "g&> ""$ LLNE { "w)';NN7+E !1Dxx -6 $#**40 1 *** IIaL    D $ 5 5 7 = =c B Hg7#t'7'77**,1D G$J  7   $+ sI>ED0AE(D?)EEA+E0 D<9E;D<<EEc#bK|jr|jEd{yy7w)z~Return an iterator over all immediate subparts of a multipart. Return an empty iterator for a non-multipart. N)r|rrhs rrHzMIMEPart.iter_parts]s.    '') ) )  )s $/-/)content_managerc^||jj}|j|g|i|Sr~)r[rc get_contentrdrcargskws rrezMIMEPart.get_contentes4  ""kk99O***4=$="==rc`||jj}|j|g|i|yr~)r[rc set_contentrfs rrjzMIMEPart.set_contentjs1  ""kk99O###D64626rc$|jdk(r5|j}||fz}||vrtdj||g}g}|jD]K\}}|j j dr|j||f9|j||fM|r=t||j} || _|j| _ | g|_ ng|_ ||_d|z|d<||jd|yy)NrDzCannot convert {} to {}content-r<z multipart/rr) rrrIrr\r0rFr1rr[r^r) rdrLdisallowed_subtypesrexisting_subtype keep_headers part_headersrr*r&s r_make_multipartzMIMEPart._make_multipartos  $ $ &+ 5#779 "5 "B #66 !:!A!A$g"/00  == 3KD%zz|&&z2##T5M2##T5M2  3 4:T[[1D(DM MMDM!FDMDM$ +g5^   NN:x 0 rc*|jdd|y)NrE)r[mixedrqrdrs r make_relatedzMIMEPart.make_relateds Y(@(Krc*|jdd|y)Nr[)rsrtrus rmake_alternativezMIMEPart.make_alternatives ]JArc*|jdd|y)Nrsr0rtrus r make_mixedzMIMEPart.make_mixeds Wb(3r)_dispc |jdk7s|j|k7rt|d|zt||j}|j |i||r d|vr||d<|j |y)NrDmake_r<rzContent-Disposition)rrgetattrrr[rjr)rd_subtyper{rgrhr&s r_add_multipartzMIMEPart._add_multiparts  % % '; 6((*h6 -GD'H, - /tDz-$%"% *$6*/D& ' Drc4|jdg|ddi|y)NrEr{inlinerrdrgrhs r add_relatedzMIMEPart.add_relateds!ICCHCCrc0|jdg|i|y)Nr[rrs radd_alternativezMIMEPart.add_alternativesM7D7B7rc4|jdg|ddi|y)Nrsr{r?rrs radd_attachmentzMIMEPart.add_attachments!GEdE,E"Erc g|_d|_yr~)r\r^rhs rclearzMIMEPart.clears  rc|jDcgc](\}}|jjds||f*c}}|_d|_ycc}}w)Nrl)r\r0rFr^)rdnrs r clear_contentzMIMEPart.clear_contentsJ,0MMBDAq ! 4 4Z @QB  Bs-Ar~)FNN))rErVrX)r+r,r-rergrirArIrTr^rarHrerjrqrvrxrzrrrrrr __classcell__r7s@rr2r2s!A CQB:(1K5n*26> 267 16LB459D8Frr2ceZdZfdZxZS)rc8t||i|d|vrd|d<yy)Nrr)r6rj)rdrgrhr7s rrjzEmailMessage.set_contents, T(R(  %#(D  &r)r+r,r-rjrrs@rrrs ))r)NT)r.__all__rJreriorremailrremail._policybaser r r_email._encoded_wordsr rrcompiler'rr+r7r:rWrr2rr0rrrs ? n % &%)      BJJ2 3   D($#>G %G %T\w\~)8)r