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Reason: '')r;r1r#s rr$zMaybeEncodingError.__str__Ys=AZZ=AXXG Grc<d|jjd|dS)N)r=r%r#s r__repr__zMaybeEncodingError.__repr__]s!^^44d;;r)r%r&r'__doc__r!r$rC __classcell__r=s@rr8r8Ps'G G}t%||d}tjd |z|| | d|ffYd}~d}~wwxYw) NrzMaxtasks {!r} is not valid_writerrz)worker got EOFError or OSError -- exitingzworker got sentinel -- exitingTFz0Possible encoding error while sending result: %szworker exiting after %d tasks) isinstanceintAssertionErrorformatputgethasattrrHclose_readerEOFErrorOSErrorrdebug Exception_helper_reraises_exceptionr* __traceback__r8)inqueueoutqueue initializerinitargsmaxtaskswrap_exceptionrMrN completedtaskjobifuncrkwdsresultewrappeds rworkerrgasz(C'@+3q=9@@JKK ,,C ++Cw " XI  xI,@ 5D < JJ7 8 #' QdD D$/$/0F  , a !4877s7V7d7TDQ 7  xI,@8 JJ.:;3'"  JJB C   $.H"H*1aoo>QZF  ,(F1I6G JJI  a%)* + +  ,sBD D: E4$D76D7: E1$E,,E14 F;=4F66F;c|)z@Pickle-able helper function for use by _guarded_task_generation.r()exs rrVrVs Hrc2eZdZdZddfd ZfdZxZS) _PoolCachez Class that implements a cache for the Pool class that will notify the pool management threads every time the cache is emptied. The notification is done by the use of a queue that is provided when instantiating the cache. Nnotifierc2||_t||i|yr)rmr<r!)r rmrrcr=s rr!z_PoolCache.__init__s   $'$'rc`t|||s|jjdyyr)r< __delitem__rmrM)r itemr=s rrpz_PoolCache.__delitem__s, D! MM  d #r)r%r&r'rDr!rprErFs@rrkrks +/( $ $rrkceZdZdZdZedZ d(dZeje fdZ dZ d Z ed Zed Zd Zed ZedZdZdZdifdZd)dZd)dZ d*dZdZd+dZd+dZdiddfdZ d*dZ d*dZed)dZe dZ!edZ"edZ#edZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(ed$Z)e d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,y),rzS Class which supports an async version of applying functions to arguments. Tc&|j|i|SrProcess)ctxrrcs rruz Pool.Processss{{D)D))rNr(cg|_t|_|xs t|_|j t j|_|jj|_ t|j|_ ||_ ||_ ||_|tj xsd}|dkr t#d| t%|t&r|dkr t#d|t)|s t+d||_ |j/|j9}t;j<t>j@|j|j|j|jB|j,|j|jD|jF|j|j|j|jH||jf|_%d|jJ_&tN|jJ_|jJjQt;j<t>jR|j|jT|jF|j|jf|_+d|jV_&tN|jV_|jVjQt;j<t>jX|jF|jZ|jf|_.d|j\_&tN|j\_|j\jQt_j`||jb|j|jD|jF|j|j|jJ|jV|j\|jf d |_2tN|_y#t0$rQ|jD]}|j2|j5!|jD]}|j7wxYw) Nrlrz&Number of processes must be at least 1rz/maxtasksperchild must be a positive int or Nonezinitializer must be a callabletargetrT)r exitpriority)3_poolr _stater_ctx _setup_queuesqueue SimpleQueue _taskqueue_change_notifierrk_cache_maxtasksperchild _initializer _initargsos cpu_count ValueErrorrIrJcallable TypeError _processes_repopulate_poolrUexitcode terminater0_get_sentinels threadingThreadr_handle_workersru_inqueue _outqueue_wrap_exception_worker_handlerdaemonr start _handle_tasks _quick_put _task_handler_handle_results _quick_get_result_handlerrFinalize_terminate_pool _terminate)r processesrZr[maxtasksperchildcontextp sentinelss rr!z Pool.__init__sV  ,{}  ++-!% 5 5 7 $*?*?@ !1'!   +!I q=EF F  '.48HA8M !RSS  "8K+@<= =#   ! ! #'') (//''++t 4<<//4::t}}dnn##T^^T5K5K&& 43H3HJ '+#&)# ""$'--%%//4??DNN**dkk+ %)!$'!   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Fcleaning up worker %dT)reversedrangerrrrTr0)poolcleanedrargs r_join_exited_workerszPool._join_exited_workers!sg %D *+ A!WF* 2Q67 G rc |j|j|j|j|j|j |j |j|j|j|j Sr) _repopulate_pool_staticr~rurr|rrrrrrr#s rrzPool._repopulate_pool1s_++DIIt||,0OO,0JJ ,0NNDbI I Js)A $A  AAA AA c|j|dk(rOt|}|jj|j |j |||j f|S|dkrtdj|tj|||}t|}|jj|j |j t||j fd|DS)zP Equivalent of `map()` -- can be MUCH slower than `Pool.map()`. rzChunksize must be 1+, not {0:n}c3.K|] }|D]}|ywrr(.0chunkrqs r zPool.imap..?U?D?D?) r IMapIteratorrrMr_job _set_lengthrrLr _get_tasksrr rbrrrd task_batchess rimapz Pool.imaps  >!$'F OO  11&++tXN&&  M1} 5<<!#$$ ??49EL!$'F OO  11&++292>@&&  @f? ?rc|j|dk(rOt|}|jj|j |j |||j f|S|dkrtdj|tj|||}t|}|jj|j |j t||j fd|DS)zL Like `imap()` method but ordering of results is arbitrary. rzChunksize must be 1+, not {0!r}c3.K|] }|D]}|ywrr(rs rrz&Pool.imap_unordered..rr) rIMapUnorderedIteratorrrMrrrrrLrrrrs rimap_unorderedzPool.imap_unordereds  >*40F OO  11&++tXN&&  M1} 5<@&&  @f? ?rc|jt|||}|jj|jd|||fgdf|S)z; Asynchronous version of `apply()` method. rN)r ApplyResultrrMr)r rbrrcrrrds rrzPool.apply_asyncsL T8^< v{{AtT4@A4HI rc6|j||t|||S)z9 Asynchronous version of `map()` method. )rrrs r map_asynczPool.map_asyncs" tXw 8  rc|jt|ds t|}|5tt |t |j dz\}}|r|dz }t |dk(rd}t j|||}t||t |||} |jj|j| j||df| S)zY Helper function to implement map, starmap and their async counterparts. __len__Nrrr) rrOrdivmodrr|rr MapResultrrMrr) r rbrmapperrrrextrarrds rrzPool._map_asyncs x+H~H  %c(mS_q5HI IuQ x=A ItXyA 4CM8*8: --fkk.4.:<    rct|||js"|j|js!yy)N)timeout)r emptyrN)rchange_notifierrs r_wait_for_updateszPool._wait_for_updatess2 Y(!'')    !"'')rc tj}|jtk(s|r~|jtk7rk|j ||||||| | | | g|j || }|j|||jtk(rU|r|jtk7rk|jdtjdy)Nzworker handler exiting) rcurrent_threadr}r r rrrrMrrT)rcache taskqueuervrurrrXrYrZr[rr]rrthreadcurrent_sentinelss rrzPool._handle_workerss ))+mms"u)1K   sGYg'h/ A!O#";";D"A NI N   ! !"3_ Emms"u)1K  d +,rc0tj}t|jdD]}\}}d} |D]5}|jt k7rt jdn> ||7|r)t jd|r|dnd} || dz dx}x}} v dx}x}} nt jd t jd|jdt jd |D] } |d  t jd y#t$r;} |dd\} } || j| d| fn#t$rYnwxYwYd} ~ +d} ~ wwxYw#dx}x}} wxYw#t$rt jd YwxYw) Nz'task handler found thread._state != RUNFzdoing set_length()rrztask handler got sentinelz/task handler sending sentinel to result handlerz(task handler sending sentinel to workersz/task handler got OSError when sending sentinelsztask handler exiting) rr iterrNr}r rrTrU_setKeyErrorrMrS) r rMrYrr r taskseq set_lengthr_rer`idxrs rrzPool._handle_taskss))+#' t#< 4 GZD ,#D}}+ #LM!D " #78)-d1g2"37+(,++w'+++w1 44 JJ2 3 J JJH I LL  JJA B D   )*=%!#'8S!!#JOOC%<'! ! !(,++w J JJH I Jsl/E)$D",-E)A E4" E&+E!4E  E! 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