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Token unable to accept negative values ERROR: locking %s failed, is it used by other encoder? Error instance %u: can't open stats file %s for write Error instance %u: can't read stats file %s for read Error instance %u: can't load file %s Error instance %u: combined multi passes need stats in for the final pass Usage: SvtAv1EncApp <-b dst_filename> -i src_filename Examples: Multi-pass encode (VBR): SvtAv1EncApp <--stats svtav1_2pass.log> --passes 2 --rc 1 --tbr 1000 -b dst_filename -i src_filename Multi-pass encode (CRF): SvtAv1EncApp <--stats svtav1_2pass.log> --passes 2 --rc 0 --crf 43 -b dst_filename -i src_filename Single-pass encode (VBR): SvtAv1EncApp --passes 1 --rc 1 --tbr 1000 -b dst_filename -i src_filename Options:[SVT-Error]: The number of channels has to be within the range [1,%u] Error: EncoderMode must be in the range of [-1-%d] [SVT-Warning]: --intra-period is deprecated for --keyint [SVT-Error]: The intra period must be [-2, 2^31-2], input %d [SVT-Error]: The intra period must be > 0 for RateControlMode %d [SVT-Error]: The number of passes has to be within the range [1,2], 2 being multi-pass encoding [SVT-Error]: --passes is not accepted in combination with %s [SVT-Warning]: The number of passes has to be 1 when using a fifo, using 1-pass [SVT-Error]: Multipass CRF is not supported. [SVT-Error]: Multipass VBR is not supported for preset %d. [SVT-Error]: Multipass CBR is not supported. [SVT-Warning]: --keyint and --intra-period specified, --keyint will take precedence! Error: Config File Token Not Found [SVT-Error]: %s has been removed, use %s instead [SVT-Error]: single dash long tokens have been removed! Error found when reading the y4m file parameters. Warning: Both film-grain-denoise and fgs-table were specified film-grain-denoise will be disabled Unable to read entry header. Read %d != 3 p %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d Unable to read entry header. Read %d != 12 Unable to read y scaling points Unable to read cb scaling points Unable to read cr scaling points Unable to read Y coeffs header (cY) Unable to read Cb coeffs header (cCb) Unable read to Cr coeffs header (cCr) Error instance %u: Invalid Input File Error instance %u: FrameToBeEncoded must be greater than 0 Error instance %u: Buffered Input cannot be 0 Error instance %u: Invalid buffered_input. buffered_input must be -1 or greater than or equal to 1 Error instance %u: Buffered input is currently not available with y4m inputs Error instance %u: Invalid buffered_input. buffered_input must be less or equal to the number of frames to be encoded Error instance %u: Could not find QP file, UseQpFile is set to 1 Error Instance %u: Invalid injector [0 - 1] Error Instance %u: The maximum allowed injector_frame_rate is 240 fps Error Instance %u: The injector frame rate should be greater than 0 fps Error Instance %u: The frame_rate_numerator and frame_rate_denominator should be greater than 0 Error Instance %u: The maximum allowed frame_rate is 240 fps Error instance %u: Input yuv does not contain enough frames Error instance %u: FramesToBeSkipped is greater than or equal to the number of frames detected Maybe missing spacing between tokens--key-frame-chroma-qindex-offsetEnable variance boost, default is 0 [0-1]Variance boost strength, default is 2 [1-4]Octile for variance boost, default is 6 [1-8]Color primaries, refer to Appendix A.2 of the user guide, default is 2 [0-12, 22]Transfer characteristics, refer to Appendix A.2 of the user guide, default is 2 [0-22]Matrix coefficients, refer to Appendix A.2 of the user guide, default is 2 [0-14]Color range, default is 0 [0: Studio, 1: Full]Chroma sample position, default is 'unknown' ['unknown', 'vertical'/'left', 'colocated'/'topleft']Mastering display metadata in the format of "G(x,y)B(x,y)R(x,y)WP(x,y)L(max,min)", refer to the user guide Appendix A.2Set content light level in the format of "max_cll,max_fall", refer to the user guide Appendix A.2Number of tile rows to use, `TileRow == log2(x)`, default changes per resolution but is 1 [0-6]Number of tile columns to use, `TileCol == log2(x)`, default changes per resolution but is 1 [0-4]Deblocking loop filter control, default is 1 [0-1]Enable Constrained Directional Enhancement Filter, default is 1 [0-1]Enable loop restoration filter, default is 1 [0-1]Temporal Dependency model control, currently forced on library side, only applicable for CRF/CQP, default is 1 [0-1]Motion Field Motion Vector control, default is -1 [-1: auto, 0-1]Dynamic GoP control, default is 1 [0-1]Fast Decoder levels, default is 0 [0-1]Enable ALT-REF (temporally filtered) frames, default is 1 [0-1]Enable the insertion of overlayer pictures which will be used as an additional reference frame for the base layer picture, default is 0 [0-1]Specifies whether to use PSNR or VQ as the tuning metric [0 = VQ, 1 = PSNR, 2 = SSIM], default is 1 [0-2]Set screen content detection level, default is 2 [0: off, 1: on, 2: content adaptive]Restrict motion vectors from reaching outside the picture boundary, default is 0 [0-1]Enable film grain, default is 0 [0: off, 1-50: level of denoising for film grain]Apply denoising when film grain is ON, default is 1 [0: no denoising, film grain data is still in frame header, 1: level of denoising is set by the film-grain parameter]Set the film grain model table pathEnable super-resolution mode, refer to the super-resolution section in the user guide, default is 0 [0: off, 1-3, 4: auto-select mode]Super-resolution denominator, only applicable for mode == 1, default is 8 [8: no scaling, 9-15, 16: half-scaling]Super-resolution denominator for key frames, only applicable for mode == 1, default is 8 [8: no scaling, 9-15, 16: half-scaling]Super-resolution q-threshold, only applicable for mode == 3, default is 43 [0-63]Super-resolution q-threshold for key frames, only applicable for mode == 3, default is 43 [0-63]S-Frame interval (frames) (0: OFF[default], > 0: ON)S-Frame insertion mode ([1-2], 1: the considered frame will be made into an S-Frame only if it is an altref frame, 2: the next altref frame will be made into an S-Frame[default])Enable resize mode [0: none, 1: fixed scale, 2: random scale, 3: dynamic scale, 4: random access]Resize denominator, only applicable for mode == 1 [8-16]Resize denominator for key frames, only applicable for mode == 1 [8-16]Resize frame events, in a list separated by ',', a reference scaling process starts from the given frame number with new denominators, only applicable for mode == 4Resize denominator for key frames in event, in a list separated by ',', only applicable for mode == 4Resize denominator in event, in a list separated by ',', only applicable for mode == 4GOP size (frames), default is -2 [-2: ~5 seconds, -1: "infinite" and only applicable for CRF, 0: same as -1]Intra refresh type, default is 2 [1: FWD Frame (Open GOP), 2: KEY Frame (Closed GOP)]Scene change detection control, default is 0 [0-1]Number of frames in the future to look ahead, not including minigop, temporal filtering, and rate control, default is -1 [-1: auto, 0-120]Set hierarchical levels beyond the base layer, default is <=M12: 5, else: 4 [2: 3 temporal layers, 3: 4 temporal layers, 4: 5 layers, 5: 6 layers]Set prediction structure, default is 2 [1: low delay frames, 2: random access]Force key frames at the comma separated specifiers. `#f` for frames, `#.#s` for secondsSpecify another mini-gop configuration for the first mini-gop after the key-frame, default is 0 [0: OFF, 2: 3 temporal layers, 3: 4 temporal layers, 4: 5 temporal layers]Multi-pass selection, pass 3 is only available for VBR, default is 0 [0: single pass encode, 1: first pass, 2: second pass, 3: third pass]Filename for multi-pass encoding, default is "svtav1_2pass.log"Number of encoding passes, default is preset dependent but generally 1 [1: one pass encode, 2: multi-pass encode]Rate control mode, default is 0 [0: CRF or CQP (if `--aq-mode` is 0), 1: VBR, 2: CBR]Initial QP level value, default is 35 [1-63]Constant Rate Factor value, setting this value is equal to `--rc 0 --aq-mode 2 --qp x`, default is 35 [1-63]Target Bitrate (kbps), only applicable for VBR and CBR encoding, default is 7000 [1-100000]Maximum Bitrate (kbps) only applicable for CRF encoding, default is 0 [1-100000]Overwrite the encoder default picture based QP assignments and use QP values from `--qp-file`, default is 0 [0-1]Path to a file containing per picture QP value separated by newlinesMaximum (highest) quantizer, only applicable for VBR and CBR, default is 63 [1-63]Minimum (lowest) quantizer, only applicable for VBR and CBR, default is 1 [1-63]Set adaptive QP level, default is 2 [0: off, 1: variance base using AV1 segments, 2: deltaq pred efficiency]Overwrite the encoder default hierarchical layer based QP assignment and use fixed Q index offsets, default is 0 [0-2]Overwrite the encoder default keyframe Q index assignment, default is 0 [-256-255]Overwrite the encoder default chroma keyframe Q index assignment, default is 0 [-256-255]list of luma Q index offsets per hierarchical layer, separated by `,` with each offset in the range of [-256-255], default is `0,0,..,0`list of chroma Q index offsets per hierarchical layer, separated by `,` with each offset in the range of [-256-255], default is `0,0,..,0`list of scale factor for lambda values used for different frame types defined by SvtAv1FrameUpdateType, separated by `,` with each scale factor as integer. value divided by 128 is the actual scale factor in float, default is `128,128,..,128`Only for VBR and CBR, allowable datarate undershoot (min) target (percentage), default is 25, but can change based on rate control [0-100]Only for VBR and CBR, allowable datarate overshoot (max) target (percentage), default is 25, but can change based on rate control [0-100]Only for Capped CRF, allowable datarate overshoot (max) target (percentage), default is 50, but can change based on rate control [0-100]Enable GoP constraint rc. When enabled, the rate control matches the target rate for each GoP, default is 0 [0-1]Client buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR, default is 6000 [0-10000]Client initial buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR, default is 4000 [0-10000]Client optimal buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR, default is 5000 [0-10000]Recode loop level, refer to "Recode loop level table" in the user guide for more info [0: off, 4: preset based]GOP min bitrate (expressed as a percentage of the target rate), default is 0 [0-100]GOP max bitrate (expressed as a percentage of the target rate), default is 2000 [0-10000]Enable quantisation matrices, default is 0 [0-1]Min quant matrix flatness, default is 8 [0-15]Max quant matrix flatness, default is 15 [0-15]Enable Region Of Interest and specify a picture based QP Offset map file, default is offFrame width in pixels, inferred if y4m, default is 0 [64-16384]Frame height in pixels, inferred if y4m, default is 0 [64-8704]Maximum frame width value to force, default is 0 [64-16384]Maximum frame height value to force, default is 0 [64-8704]Number of frames to encode. If `n` is larger than the input, the encoder will loop back and continue encoding, default is 0 [0: until EOF, 1-`(2^63)-1`]Number of frames to skip. Default is 0 [0: don`t skip, 1-`(2^63)-1`]Buffer `n` input frames into memory and use them to encode, default is -1 [-1: no frames buffered, 1-`(2^31)-1`]Color format, only yuv420 is supported at this time, default is 1 [0: yuv400, 1: yuv420, 2: yuv422, 3: yuv444]Bitstream profile, default is 0 [0: main, 1: high, 2: professional]Bitstream level, defined in A.3 of the av1 spec, default is 0 [0: autodetect from input, 2.0-7.3]Enable writing of HDR metadata in the bitstream, default is 0 [0-1]Input video frame rate, integer values only, inferred if y4m, default is 60 [1-240]Input video frame rate numerator, default is 60000 [0-2^32-1]Input video frame rate denominator, default is 1000 [0-2^32-1]Input video file and output bitstream bit-depth, default is 8 [8, 10]Inject pictures to the library at defined frame rate, default is 0 [0-1]Set injector frame rate, only applicable with `--inj 1`, default is 60 [0-240]Calculates and outputs PSNR SSIM metrics at the end of encoding, default is 0 [0-1]Limit assembly instruction set, only applicable to x86, default is max [c, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4_1, sse4_2, avx, avx2, avx512, max]Target (best effort) number of logical cores to be used. 0 means all. Refer to Appendix A.1 of the user guide, default is 0 [0, core count of the machine]Pin the execution to the first --lp cores. Overwritten to 1 when `--ss` is set. Refer to Appendix A.1 of the user guide, default is 0 [0-1]Specifies which socket to run on, assumes a max of two sockets. Refer to Appendix A.1 of the user guide, default is -1 [-1, 0, -1]Shows the command line options currently availableShows the version of the library that's linked to the libraryInput raw video (y4m and yuv) file path, use `stdin` or `-` to read from pipeOutput compressed (ivf) file path, use `stdout` or `-` to write to pipeError file path, defaults to stderrPSNR / SSIM per picture stat output file path, requires `--enable-stat-report 1`Verbosity of the output, default is 1 [0: no progress is printed, 2: aomenc style output]Do not print out progress, default is 0 [1: `--progress 0`, 0: `--progress 1`]Encoder preset, presets < 0 are for debugging. Higher presets means faster encodes, but with a quality tradeoff, default is 10 [-1-13]colon separated list of key=value pairs of parameters with keys based on config file optionsTHIS_TOKEN_HAS_BEEN_READTHIS_TOKEN_HAS_ERROR` will apply %strueenable-force-key-framesrbstderrw+stdinwbstdoutsvtav1_2pass.log--versionreleaseSVT-AV1 %s (%s) %-25s %-25s -%-25s %-25s --help Encoder Global Options: %s, %-25s %-25s Rate Control Options: Multi-pass Options: GOP size and type Options: AV1 Specific Options: Color Description Options: Variance Boost Options:--nch--rccqpvbrcbr--input--preset--intra-period--keyint--passes--pass-c--configfilmgrn1invalid grain table magic %s E %*d %*d %d %hu %d invalid grain table %s sY %d sCb %dUnable to read num y points %d %d sCr %dUnable to read num cb points cYUnable to read num cr points cCbUnable to read Y coeffs Unable to read Cb coeffs cCrUnable to read Cr coeffs Unprocessed tokens: %s Unprocessed arguments: -adaptive-quantization--aq-mode-bit-depth--input-depth-enc-mode--enable-hdr-lad--lookahead--enable-mfmv-qp-file--qpfile--enable-stat-report-iInputFile-bStreamFile--output--errlogErrorFile-oReconFile--recon--stat-fileStatFile--progress--no-progressNoProgressEncoderMode--svtav1-paramsSvtAv1Params-wSourceWidth--width-hSourceHeight--height--forced-max-frame-widthForcedMaximumFrameWidth--forced-max-frame-heightForcedMaximumFrameHeight-nFrameToBeEncoded--frames--nbBufferedInput--skipFrameToBeSkipped--tierTier--color-formatEncoderColorFormat--profileProfile--levelHighDynamicRangeInput--fps--fps-numFrameRateNumerator--fps-denomFrameRateDenominatorEncoderBitDepth--injInjector--inj-frm-rtInjectorFrameRateStatReport--asmAsm--lpLogicalProcessors--pinPinnedExecution--ssTargetSocketRateControlMode-qQP--qp--crfCRF--tbrTargetBitRate--mbrMaxBitRate--use-q-fileUseQpFile--max-qpMaxQpAllowed--min-qpMinQpAllowedAdaptiveQuantization--use-fixed-qindex-offsetsUseFixedQIndexOffsets--key-frame-qindex-offsetKeyFrameQIndexOffsetKeyFrameChromaQIndexOffset--qindex-offsets--chroma-qindex-offsetsChromaQIndexOffsets--luma-y-dc-qindex-offsetLumaYDCQindexOffset--chroma-u-dc-qindex-offsetChromaUDCQindexOffset--chroma-u-ac-qindex-offsetChromaUACQindexOffset--chroma-v-dc-qindex-offsetChromaVDCQindexOffset--chroma-v-ac-qindex-offsetChromaVACQindexOffset--lambda-scale-factorsLambdaScaleFactors--undershoot-pctUnderShootPct--overshoot-pct--mbr-overshoot-pctMbrOverShootPct--gop-constraint-rcGopConstraintRc--buf-szBufSz--buf-initial-szBufInitialSz--buf-optimal-szBufOptimalSz--recode-loopRecodeLoop--minsection-pctMinSectionPct--maxsection-pctMaxSectionPctPass--statsStatsPassesIntraPeriodKeyint--irefresh-typeIntraRefreshType--scdSceneChangeDetectionLookahead--hierarchical-levelsHierarchicalLevels--pred-structPredStructure--force-key-framesForceKeyFrames--startup-mg-sizeStartupMgSize--tile-rowsTileRow--tile-columnsTileCol--enable-dlfLoopFilterEnable--enable-cdefCDEFLevel--enable-restorationEnableRestoration--enable-tpl-laEnableTPLModelMfmv--enable-dgEnableDg--fast-decodeFastDecode--tuneTune--enable-tfEnableTf--enable-overlaysEnableOverlays--scmScreenContentMode--rmvRestrictedMotionVector--film-grainFilmGrain--film-grain-denoiseFilmGrainDenoise--fgs-tableFilmGrainTable--superres-modeSuperresMode--superres-denomSuperresDenom--superres-kf-denomSuperresKfDenom--superres-qthresSuperresQthres--superres-kf-qthresSuperresKfQthres--sframe-distSframeInterval--sframe-modeSframeMode--resize-modeResizeMode--resize-denomResizeDenom--resize-kf-denomResizeKfDenom--frame-resz-eventsResizeFrameEvts--frame-resz-kf-denomsResizeFrameKFDenoms--frame-resz-denomsResizeFrameDenoms--color-primariesColorPrimaries--transfer-characteristicsTransferCharacteristics--matrix-coefficientsMatrixCoefficients--color-rangeColorRange--chroma-sample-positionChromaSamplePosition--mastering-displayMasteringDisplay--content-lightContentLightLevel--enable-qmEnableQM--qm-minMinQmLevel--qm-maxMaxQmLevel--roi-map-fileRoiMapFile--enable-variance-boostEnableVarianceBoost--variance-boost-strengthVarianceBoostStrength--variance-octileVarianceOctileLuma Y DC Qindex OffsetChroma U DC Qindex OffsetChroma U AC Qindex OffsetChroma V DC Qindex OffsetChroma V AC Qindex OffsetConfiguration file pathReconstructed yuv file path$@Warning - May exceed the line length limitation of ROI map file Error: Invalid ROI map file - Maximum number of segment supported by AV1 spec is eight Error: Invalid ROI map file - not enough qp offset within a ROI event Error: Invalid ROI map file - Invalid qp offset %ld. The expected range is between -255 and 255 Warning: All qp offsets are negative may result in undecodable bitstream interlace type not supported 420mpeg2420420paldv420jpeg420p16422p16422444p16444420p14422p14444p14420p12422p12444p12420p10422p10444p10420p9422p9444p9411mono16400mono12mono10mono9monochroma format not supported FRAMEYUV4MPEG2width not found in y4m header height not found in y4m header frame rate not found in y4m header Error instance %u: %s chroma format not supported, only 420 is supported at this time. Failed to read proper y4m frame delimeter. Read broken. Lyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttxtvtt,vtvutttttttttttttuPass 1/2 Pass 2/2 warning: %s %sEncoding Error in configuration, could not begin encoding! ... Run %s --help for a list of options [SVT-Error]: Skipped all available frames! SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Average PSNR (using per-frame PSNR) | Overall PSNR (using per-frame MSE) | Average SSIM Total Frames Average QP Y-PSNR U-PSNR V-PSNR | Y-PSNR U-PSNR V-PSNR | Y-SSIM U-SSIM V-SSIM | Bitrate %10ld %2.2f %3.2f dB %3.2f dB %3.2f dB | %3.2f dB %3.2f dB %3.2f dB | %1.5f %1.5f %1.5f | %.2f kbps SUMMARY --------------------------------- Channel %u -------------------------------- Total Frames Frame Rate Byte Count Bitrate %12d %4.2f fps %10.0f %5.2f kbps Average PSNR (using per-frame PSNR) | Overall PSNR (using per-frame MSE) | Average SSIM Average QP Y-PSNR U-PSNR V-PSNR | Y-PSNR U-PSNR V-PSNR | Y-SSIM U-SSIM V-SSIM %11.2f %4.2f dB %4.2f dB %4.2f dB | %4.2f dB %4.2f dB %4.2f dB | %1.5f %1.5f %1.5f Channel %u Average Speed: %.3f fps Total Encoding Time: %.0f ms Total Execution Time: %.0f ms Average Latency: %.0f ms Max Latency: %u ms Channel %u Encoding Interrupted Could not allocate enough memory for channel %u Error encoding at channel %u! Check error log file for more details ... C@@AV01Error: Unknown coding mode! Error: Others! %9dError: copy_payload: output buffer too small! Error: No more than 6 SAO types Error: Recon Output Buffer Overflow! Error: RateControlProcess: No RC interval found! Error: svt_aom_picture_manager_kernel: ref_entry should never be null! Error: PictureManagerProcess: Empty input queue! Error: PictureManagerProcess: Empty reference queue! Error: PictureManagerProcess: The capped elaspedNonIdrCount must be larger than the maximum supported delta ref poc! Error: PictureManagerProcess: Reference Picture Queue Full! Error: PictureManagerProcess: No reference match found - this will lead to a memory leak! Error: PictureManagerProcess: Unknown picture type! Error: PictureDecisionProcess: Picture Decision Reorder Queue overflow Warning: QP File did not contain any valid QPsPicture Number: %4d QP: %4d [ PSNR-Y: %.2f dB, PSNR-U: %.2f dB, PSNR-V: %.2f dB, MSE-Y: %.2f, MSE-U: %.2f, MSE-V: %.2f, SSIM-Y: %.5f, SSIM-U: %.5f, SSIM-V: %.5f ] %6d bytes Encoding frame %4d %.2f kbps %.2f fp%c Average System Encoding Speed: %.2f Error in fseeko returnVal %i pP0@? @/A?N@?strcpy_s: dest is nullstrcpy_s: dmax is 0strcpy_s: dmax exceeds maxstrcpy_s: src is nullstrcpy_s: overlapping objectsstrcpy_s: not enough space for src;@G\  <Lll(D ll,\!x!#(<$\$l%<&&H't((**Dl+|,,-(<.`.0,1l1 ,2D 4p 5 ; <( Fx F \T \h f g g qP r s  8A0A(B BBBF  8E0A(B BBBI d SQSbSpSSSSSSSSSSSTT!T,T=TKT\TLjToTwT` L}T`KTLTTTTTMTTTUU"U5U0DUVUdUpUxUUUUUU@UUUUM VVV%V3V>VEVJVVV_VqVVVVVVVVVVV WW*W;WIW]WmWWWWWWWWWWXXX0X>XRXbXyXXXXXXXYY0Y>YIYbYwYYYYYYYYYYY ZZ-ZAZ[ZqZZZAZqZX( X Y 0Y0!IY`!wY!Y@"dU"xU#Up#U#@U#U($M$V$%V%JV8%_Vx%>V&Vx&V&V('V'V0( 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