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Invalid value for input class. Unable to allocate dynamic memory. Invalid value for input byte-order. Invalid value for output architecture. Invalid value for output byte-order. Unable to open the configuration file: %s for reading. PATH keyword appears twice in %s. Error in parsing the path information from %s. INPUT-CLASS keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the input class from %s. Invalid value for input size. Error in retrieving the input size from %s. Error in retrieving the rank from %s. Error in retrieving the maximum dimension sizes from %s. Unknown keyword: %s in configuration file: %s INPUT-SIZE keyword appears twice in %s. RANK keyword appears twice in %s. DIMENSION-SIZES cannot appear before RANK is provided. No. of dimensions for which dimension sizes provided is not equal to provided rank. Error in retrieving the dimension sizes from %s. OUTPUT-CLASS keyword appears twice in %s. Unable to get 'string' value. Error in retrieving the output class from %s. OUTPUT-SIZE keyword appears twice in %s. Invalid value for output size. Error in retrieving the output size from %s. OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the output architecture from %s. OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the output byte order from %s. CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES keyword appears twice in %s. CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES cannot appear before DIMENSION-SIZES are provided. No. of dimensions for which chunked dimension sizes provided is not equal to provided rank. The CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES cannot exceed the sizes of DIMENSION-SIZES Error in retrieving the chunked dimension sizes from %s. COMPRESSION-TYPE keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the compression type from %s. COMPRESSION-PARAM keyword appears twice in %s. Invalid value for compression parameter. Unsupported Compression Type. Error in retrieving the compression parameter from %s. EXTERNAL-STORAGE keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the external storage parameters from %s. MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS keyword appears twice in %s. MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS cannot appear before DIMENSION-SIZES are provided. No. of dimensions for which maximum dimension sizes provided is not equal to provided rank. The MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS cannot be less than the sizes of DIMENSION-SIZES. Exception: can be -1 to indicate unlimited size INPUT-BYTE-ORDER keyword appears twice in %s. Error in retrieving the input byte order from %s. One or more of the required fields (RANK, DIMENSION-SIZES) missing. Cannot specify chunking or compression or extendible data sets with the external file option. Cannot specify the compression or the extendible data sets without the chunking option. OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE cannot be STD if OUTPUT-CLASS is floating point (FP). OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE cannot be IEEE if OUTPUT-CLASS is integer (IN). For OUTPUT-CLASS FP, valid values for OUTPUT-SIZE are (32, 64) . Configuration parameters are invalid in %s. Invalid value for output class. Invalid value for compression. Invalid value for output byte order. Invalid value for input byte order. %s -c[onfig] [ -c[config] ...] -o[utfile] To convert data stored in one or more ASCII or binary files into one or more datasets (in accordance with the user-specified type and storage properties) in an existing The primary objective of the utility is to convert floating point or integer data stored in ASCII text or binary form into a data-set according to the type and storage properties specified by the user. The utility can also accept ASCII text files and store the contents in a compact form as an array of one-dimensional strings. The input data to be written as a data-set can be provided to the utility in one of the following forms: 1. ASCII text file with numeric data (floating point or 2. Binary file with native floating point data (32-bit or 3. Binary file with native integer (signed or unsigned) data (8-bit or 16-bit or 32-bit or 64-bit). 4. ASCII text file containing strings (text data). Every input file is associated with a configuration file also provided as an input to the utility. (See Section "CONFIGURATION FILE" to know how it is to be organized). The class, size and dimensions of the input data is specified in this configuration file. A point to note is that the floating point data in the ASCII text file may be organized in the fixed floating form (for example 323.56) or in a scientific notation (for example 3.23E+02). A different input-class specification is to be used for both The utility extracts the input data from the input file according to the specified parameters and saves it into The user can specify output type and storage properties in the configuration file. The user is required to specify the path of the dataset. If the groups in the path leading to the data-set do not exist, the groups will be created by the utility. If no group is specified, the dataset will be created under the root group. In addition to the name, the user is also required to provide the class and size of output data to be written to the dataset and may optionally specify the output-architecture, and the output-byte-order. If output-architecture is not specified the default is NATIVE. Output-byte-orders are fixed for some architectures and may be specified only if output- architecture is IEEE, UNIX or STD. Also, layout and other storage properties such as compression, external storage and extendible data-sets may be optionally specified. The layout and storage properties denote how raw data is to be organized on the disk. If these options are not specified the default is Contiguous layout The dataset can be organized in any of the following ways: 3. External Storage File (has to be contiguous) 4. Extendible data sets (has to be chunked) 5. Compressed. (has to be chunked) 6. Compressed & Extendible (has to be chunked) If the user wants to store raw data in a non-HDF file then the external storage file option is to be used and the name of the file is to be specified. If the user wants the dimensions of the data-set to be unlimited, the extendible data set option can be chosen. The user may also specify the type of compression and the level to which the data set must be compresses by setting h5import -c[onfig] [ -c[config] ...] -o[utfile] Prints this summary of usage, and exits. Name of the Input file(s), containing a single n-dimensional floating point or integer array in either ASCII text, native floating point(32-bit or 64-bit) or native integer(8-bit or 16-bit or 32-bit or 64-bit). Data to be specified in the order of fastest changing dimensions first. Every input file should be associated with a configuration file and this is done by the -c option. is the name of the configuration file. (See Section "CONFIGURATION FILE") Name of the HDF5 output file. Data from one or more input files are stored as one or more data sets in . The output file may be an existing file or it maybe new in which case it will be created. The configuration file is an ASCII text file and must be the ddl formatted file (without data values) produced by h5dump when used with the options '-o outfilename -b' of a single dataset (-d) OR organized as "CONFIG-KEYWORD VALUE" pairs, one pair on each The configuration file may have the following keywords each followed by an acceptable value. Strings separated by spaces to represent the path of the data-set. If the groups in the path do not exist, they will be created. PATH grp1/grp2/dataset1 grp1: group under the root. If non-existent will be created. grp2: group under grp1. If non-existent will be created dataset1: the name of the data-set String denoting the type of input data. ("TEXTIN", "TEXTFP", "FP", "IN", "STR", "TEXTUIN", "UIN"). INPUT-CLASS "TEXTIN" denotes an ASCII text file with signed integer data in ASCII form, INPUT-CLASS "TEXTUIN" denotes an ASCII text file with unsigned integer data in ASCII form, "TEXTFP" denotes an ASCII text file containing floating point data in the fixed notation "FP" denotes a floating point binary file, "IN" denotes a signed integer binary file, "UIN" denotes an unsigned integer binary file, & "STR" denotes an ASCII text file the contents of which should be stored as an 1-D If INPUT-CLASS is "STR", then RANK, DIMENSION-SIZES, OUTPUT-CLASS, OUTPUT-SIZE, OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE and OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER Integer denoting the size of the input data INPUT-SIZE can be 32 or 64. For integers (signed and unsigned) INPUT-SIZE can be 8, 16, 32 or 64. Integer denoting the number of dimensions. Integers separated by spaces to denote the dimension sizes for the no. of dimensions String dentoting data type of the dataset to be written ("IN","FP", "UIN") Integer denoting the size of the data in the output dataset to be written. If OUTPUT-CLASS is "FP", OUTPUT-SIZE can be If OUTPUT-CLASS is "IN" or "UIN", OUTPUT-SIZE can be 8, 16, 32 or 64. STRING denoting the type of output architecture. Can accept the following values String denoting the output-byte-order. Ignored if the OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE is not specified or if it is IEEE, UNIX or STD. Can accept the CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES: Integers separated by spaces to denote the dimension sizes of the chunk for the no. of dimensions determined by rank. Required field to denote that the dataset will be stored with chunked storage. If this field is absent the dataset will be stored with contiguous storage. String denoting the type of compression to be used with the chunked storage. Requires the CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES to be specified. The only currently supported compression method is GZIP. Will accept the following value Integer used to denote compression level and this option is to be always specified when the COMPRESSION-TYPE option is specified. The values are applicable only to GZIP Value 1-9: The level of Compression. 1 will result in the fastest compression while 9 will result in the best compression ratio. The default level of compression is 6. String to denote the name of the non-HDF5 file to store data to. Cannot be used if CHUNKED- DIMENSIONS or COMPRESSION-TYPE or EXTENDIBLE- Value : the name of the external file as a string to be used. maximum dimension sizes of all the dimensions determined by rank. Requires the CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES to be specified. A value of -1 for any dimension implies UNLIMITED DIMENSION size for that particular dimension. 1. Configuration File may look like: PATH work h5 pkamat First-set OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE IEEE CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2 The above configuration will accept a floating point array (5 x 2 x 4) in an ASCII file with the rank and dimension sizes specified and will save it in a chunked data-set (of pattern 2 X 2 X 2) of 64-bit floating point in the little-endian order and IEEE architecture. The dataset will be stored at "/work/h5/pkamat/First-set" 2. Another configuration could be: DIMENSION-SIZES 6 3 5 2 4 CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES 2 2 2 2 2 The above configuration will accept an integer array (6 X 3 X 5 x 2 x 4) in a binary file with the rank and dimension sizes specified and will save it in a chunked data-set (of pattern 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2) of 32-bit floating point in native format (as output-architecture is not specified). The first and the third dimension will be defined as unlimited. The data-set will be compressed using GZIP and a compression level The dataset will be stored at "/Second-set" %s -c[onfig] [ -c[config] ...] -o[utfile] Invalid number of arguments: %d. Cannot specify more than 30 input files in one call to h5import. Length of output file name limited to 255 chars. Error creating HDF output file: %s. Error in processing the configuration file: %s. Unable to open the input file %s for reading. Invalid storage size for integer input data. Error in allocating integer data storage. Unable to get integer value from file. Unrecognized input class type. Error in reading integer data. Invalid storage size for float input data. Error in allocating floating-point data storage. Unable to get float value from file. Error in reading floating-point data. Error in reading string data. Invalid storage size for unsigned integer input data. Error in allocating unsigned integer data storage. Unable to get unsigned integer value from file. Error in reading unsigned integer data. Error in reading the input file: %s. Error in creating or opening external file. Error in creating the output data set. Dataset with the same name may exist at the specified path Error in writing the output data set. H5T_STD_I8BESTDH5T_STD_I8LEH5T_STD_I16BEH5T_STD_I16LEH5T_STD_I32BEH5T_STD_I32LEH5T_STD_I64BEH5T_STD_I64LEH5T_STD_U8BEH5T_STD_U8LEH5T_STD_U16BEH5T_STD_U16LEH5T_STD_U32BEH5T_STD_U32LEH5T_STD_U64BEH5T_STD_U64LEH5T_NATIVE_SCHARNATIVEH5T_NATIVE_UCHARH5T_NATIVE_SHORTH5T_NATIVE_USHORTH5T_NATIVE_INTH5T_NATIVE_UINTH5T_NATIVE_LONGH5T_NATIVE_ULONGH5T_NATIVE_LLONGH5T_NATIVE_ULLONGH5T_IEEE_F32BEIEEEH5T_IEEE_F32LEH5T_IEEE_F64BEH5T_IEEE_F64LEH5T_VAX_F32H5T_VAX_F64H5T_NATIVE_FLOATH5T_NATIVE_DOUBLEH5T_NATIVE_LDOUBLEH5T_TIME: not yet implementedH5T_STRINGH5T_STD_B8BEH5T_STD_B8LEH5T_STD_B16BEH5T_STD_B16LEH5T_STD_B32BEH5T_STD_B32LEH5T_STD_B64BEH5T_STD_B64LE%254sHDF5DATASETUnable to get string value. DATATYPEUnable to get integer value. STRPADCSETCTYPESTRSIZEDATASPACESCALARSIMPLEInvalid value for rank. H5S_UNLIMITED,H5S_UNLIMITEDSTORAGE_LAYOUTCHUNKEDFILTERSCOMPRESSIONCONTIGUOUSSUBSETUnable to get subset values. COUNTDATA%254d%lluSTD not supported for float. IEEE not supported for INT. Name: %s TOOL NAME: %s SYNTAX: %s -h[elp], OR PURPOSE: or new HDF5 file. DESCRIPTION: integer data). 64-bit) forms. an H5 dataset. and storage. 1. Contiguous. 2. Chunked. the compressed option. SYNOPSIS: h5import -h[elp], OR -h[elp]: : -c[config] : -o[utfile] : CONFIGURATION FILE: line. Required KEYWORDS: PATH INPUT-CLASS INPUT-SIZE INPUT-BYTE-ORDER RANK DIMENSION-SIZES OUTPUT-CLASS OUTPUT-SIZE Optional KEYWORDS: OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER CHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZES COMPRESSION-TYPE COMPRESSION-PARAM EXTERNAL-STORAGE MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS Values for keywords: PATH: For example, PATH: keyword under grp1. to be created. INPUT-CLASS: (325.34), array of strings. will be ignored. INPUT-SIZE: (8, 16, 32, 64). For floating point, RANK: DIMENSION-SIZES: determined by rank. OUTPUT-CLASS: OUTPUT-SIZE: 32 or 64. OUTPUT-ARCHITECTURE: STD IEEE INTEL CRAY MIPS ALPHA NATIVE (default) UNIX OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER: following values. BE (default) LE COMPRESSION-TYPE: GZIP COMPRESSION-PARAM: compression. EXTERNAL-STORAGE: DATASET is specified. MAXIMUM-DIMENSIONS: EXAMPLES: INPUT-CLASS TEXTFP RANK 3 DIMENSION-SIZES 5 2 4 OUTPUT-CLASS FP OUTPUT-SIZE 64 OUTPUT-BYTE-ORDER LE PATH Second-set INPUT-CLASS IN RANK 5 OUTPUT-CLASS IN OUTPUT-SIZE 32 EXTENDIBLE-DATASET 1 3 COMPRESSION-TYPE GZIP COMPRESSION-PARAM 7 of 7. usage: %s -h[elp], OR h5importoutfileconfighelpdimspathsizeIllegal argument: %s. Invalid dimensions - %s. Invalid path %s. Invalid type of data - %s. Invalid size of data - %s. Error in state table. No output file given. %hdInvalid input size. %f%lfInvalid input size type. %huabProgram aborted. o big-endian little-endian unknown-byte-order mixed-endian unknown-sign unsigned"/#%s"unknown committed type. %s H5T_VARIABLE;%s %d;H5T_STR_NULLTERM;H5T_STR_NULLPAD;H5T_STR_SPACEPAD;H5T_STR_UNKNOWN;H5T_STR_ERROR;H5T_CSET_ASCII;H5T_CSET_UTF8;H5T_CSET_UNKNOWN;H5T_CSET_ERROR;H5T_C_S1;H5Tset_order failedH5T_FORTRAN_S1;unknown_one_character_type;undefined bitfieldH5Tget_tag failedOPAQUE_TAG "%s";OPAQUE_SIZE "%zu";H5Tget_member_type failedH5T_STD_REF_DSETREGH5T_STD_REF_OBJECTH5T_STD_REF[%lu]H5Tget_array_dims2 failedH5Tget_array_ndims failedunknown datatype)-(REGION_TYPE BLOCK , %s%luREGION_TYPE POINT OBJECTID%s %s %ld %sSIZE %lu (%.3f:1 COMPRESSION)COMPACTEXTERNALFILENAME %s SIZE %lu OFFSET %lldOFFSET HADDR_UNDEFOFFSET %luMAPPING%s %zu %s VIRTUALSOURCEFILEFILLVALUEFILL_TIME Unknown layoutLEVELCOMPRESSION DEFLATE%s %s %s %d %sPREPROCESSING SHUFFLECHECKSUM FLETCHER32COMPRESSION SZIPPIXELS_PER_BLOCK %dHARDWAREMODE %sK13ENTROPYCODING %sNEAREST NEIGHBOURLSBBYTE_ORDER %sMSBRAWHEADER %sCOMPRESSION NBITMIN BITSCOMPRESSION SCALEOFFSETUSER_DEFINED_FILTERFILTER_ID %dCOMMENT %sPARAMS%d H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOCH5D_FILL_TIME_NEVERH5D_FILL_TIME_IFSETINVALIDVALUE H5D_FILL_VALUE_UNDEFINEDH5D_FILL_VALUE_DEFAULTALLOCATION_TIME %sH5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLYH5D_ALLOC_TIME_INCRH5D_ALLOC_TIME_LATECOMMENT "%s", LENGTHPACKED_BITS%s %s=%u %s=%u(%s): H5Dread reference failedH5Aread reference failedunable to print data H5Aget_space failedH5Aget_type failed%s "%s" %sH5Oclose H5R_OBJECT2 failedinvalid region typeH5Aclose H5R_ATTR failedH5Ropen_attr H5R_ATTR failedH5Rdestroy failedstandardformatSUPER_BLOCKGROUPATTRIBUTESOFTLINKEXTERNAL_LINKUSERDEFINED_LINKSTARTSTRIDEH5T_ARRAY { H5T_COMPOUND {H5T_ENUM {H5T_OPAQUE {H5T_REFERENCE { H5T_STRING {H5T_VLEN { );%hhd%ld%g[ ] DATASET %s h5tools_utils.c%s: Version %u.%u.%u%s%s /finding shared objects failed%s error: %s warning: H5TOOLS_BUFSIZEhyperslab buffer size failedinvalid S3 VFD credentialsh5tools;  *$+H+|04<56$8GDTmtnu~<hd,ԚD4dDxTdzRx $ FJ w?;*3$"D  \X)zAJ@g AA 0)BAD F  AABH \`*BFJ G(A0D8G  K ^ A  8A0A(B BBBA \/BBE E(D0D8G [ 8C0A(B BBBD  K f A @t@2BBH A(A0D@ 0A(A BBBF 83 BED A(J (A ABBA D3hBJB D(A0I 0A(A BBBA <<5fBBK G(GT (A ABBI L|HD%BBB E(A0D8G  8C0A(B BBBA 0iBNM J  AABA 8jAAG L DAF $ AAJ 4<xqAAG W DAK  AAK (ty APF CM$LAOJ YKH`lBBB B(H0D8L 8A0A(B BBBA  BLA4,hIACG| EAK KGld|QSQ O(K0Jȕĕ$Q_@XMM!!!!D4!!! !".!!"j!"j!"j!"j!"j!"j!"j!"j!"j"i"j#"j."j;"iL"jY"i!"j!"joe"oe"oe"oe"o!"j    &5Eq 0 ,77o  <+` oo ooJoa:&0@PATHINPUT-CLASSINPUT-SIZERANKDIMENSION-SIZESOUTPUT-CLASSOUTPUT-SIZEOUTPUT-ARCHITECTUREOUTPUT-BYTE-ORDERCHUNKED-DIMENSION-SIZESCOMPRESSION-TYPECOMPRESSION-PARAMEXTERNAL-STORAGEMAXIMUM-DIMENSIONSINPUT-BYTE-ORDER4#GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)GCC: (conda-forge gcc 12.3.0-6) 12.3.0.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.comment  %!o0+  3;oJJHo  @W``aB++k00f00 q0000z@0@0,,