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Default: 6. Target bit depth. Default: 64x64. Tile size. Progression order. Default: LRCP. -s Subsampling factor. Default: no subsampling. -SOP -EPH -PLT -TLM -M Mode switch. -TP or Components (C). -I -mct <0|1|2> no conversion otherwise. -m -cinema2K <24|48> -cinema4K X >= 0 and X <= 11. Y >= 0 and Y <= 9. -GuardBits value -jpip -C LRCPRLCPRPCLPCRLCPRL.%s%f%d,%d,%d,%d,%c%dx%d%dx%d:%s%u%d,%d,%d,%d[%d,%d]%cT%u=%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%4sc=%d,U=%d,mainlevel=mainlevel=%d,sublevel=sublevel=%d,framerate=framerate=%d2K_R4K_R8K_RInvalid mainlevel value. Invalid sublevel value. ALL_CPUS Help: %s -h Could not open Folder %s Too many files in folder %s Folder is empty Folder opened successfully File Number %u "%s" skipping file... Unable to load pgx file Unable to load pnm file Unable to load bmp file Unable to load tif(f) file Unable to load raw file Unable to load tga file Unable to load png file has been provided. Aborting. skipping file.. PLT=YESTLM=YESGUARD_BITS=%dfailed to encode image [INFO] Generated outfile %s encode time: %d ms cinema2Kcinema4KImgDirTPSOPEPHOutForPOCROIjpipmctIMFPLTthreadsTLMTargetBitDepthGuardBitspnmppmpbmpambmptiftiffrawyuvrawltgapngj2kjp2j2cjpc This is the opj_compress utility from the OpenJPEG project. It compresses various image formats with the JPEG 2000 algorithm. It has been compiled against openjp2 library v%s. * RGB->YCC conversion if at least 3 components * Size of precinct : 2^15 x 2^15 (means 1 precinct) * Size of code-block : 64 x 64 * No SOP marker in the codestream * No EPH marker in the codestream * No sub-sampling in x or y direction * No offset of the origin of the image * No offset of the origin of the tiles The markers written to the main_header are : SOC SIZ COD QCD COM. COD and QCD never appear in the tile_header. Required Parameters (except with -h): One of the two options -ImgDir or -i must be used Known extensions are If used, '-o ' must be provided Output file (accepted extensions are j2k or jp2). Image file Directory path (example ../Images) When using this option -OutFor must be used Output format for compressed files. Required only if -ImgDir is used -F ,,,,{s,u}@x:...:x Characteristics of the raw or yuv input image If subsampling is omitted, 1x1 is assumed for all components Example: -F 512,512,3,8,u@1x1:2x2:2x2 for raw or yuv 512x512 size with 4:2:0 subsampling Required only if RAW or RAWL input file is provided. Display the help information. -r ,,... Different compression ratios for successive layers. The rate specified for each quality level is the desired compression factor (use 1 for lossless) Decreasing ratios required. Example: -r 20,10,1 means quality layer 1: compress 20x, quality layer 2: compress 10x quality layer 3: compress lossless Options -r and -q cannot be used together. -q ,,,... Different psnr for successive layers (-q 30,40,50). Increasing PSNR values required, except 0 which can be used for the last layer to indicate it is lossless. It corresponds to the number of DWT decompositions +1. -TargetBitDepth Number of bits per component to use from input image if all bits are unwanted. (Currently only implemented for TIF.) -b , Code-block size. The dimension must respect the constraint defined in the JPEG-2000 standard (no dimension smaller than 4 or greater than 1024, no code-block with more than 4096 coefficients). The maximum value authorized is 64x64. -c [,],[,],... Precinct size. Values specified must be power of 2. Multiple records may be supplied, in which case the first record refers to the highest resolution level and subsequent records to lower resolution levels. The last specified record is halved successively for each remaining lower resolution levels. Default: 2^15x2^15 at each resolution. -t , Default: the dimension of the whole image, thus only one tile. -p Subsampling bigger than 2 can produce error -POC //... Progression order change. The syntax of a progression order change is the following: T=,,,,, Example: -POC T1=0,0,1,5,3,CPRL/T1=5,0,1,6,3,CPRL Write SOP marker before each packet. Write EPH marker after each header packet. Write PLT marker in tile-part header. Write TLM marker in main header. [1=BYPASS(LAZY) 2=RESET 4=RESTART(TERMALL) 8=VSC 16=ERTERM(SEGTERM) 32=SEGMARK(SEGSYM)] Indicate multiple modes by adding their values. Example: RESTART(4) + RESET(2) + SEGMARK(32) => -M 38 Divide packets of every tile into tile-parts. Division is made by grouping Resolutions (R), Layers (L) -ROI c=,U= Quantization indices upshifted for a component. Warning: This option does not implement the usual ROI (Region of Interest). It should be understood as a 'Component of Interest'. It offers the possibility to upshift the value of a component during quantization step. The value after c= is the component number [0, 1, 2, ...] and the value after U= is the value of upshifting. U must be in the range [0, 37]. -d Offset of the origin of the image. -T Offset of the origin of the tiles. Use the irreversible DWT 9-7. Explicitly specifies if a Multiple Component Transform has to be used. 0: no MCT ; 1: RGB->YCC conversion ; 2: custom MCT. If custom MCT, "-m" option has to be used (see hereunder). By default, RGB->YCC conversion is used if there are 3 components or more, Use array-based MCT, values are coma separated, line by line No specific separators between lines, no space allowed between values. If this option is used, it automatically sets "-mct" option to 2. Digital Cinema 2K profile compliant codestream. Need to specify the frames per second for a 2K resolution. Only 24 or 48 fps are currently allowed. Digital Cinema 4K profile compliant codestream. Frames per second not required. Default value is 24fps. -IMF [,mainlevel=X][,sublevel=Y][,framerate=FPS] Interoperable Master Format compliant codestream. =2K, 4K, 8K, 2K_R, 4K_R or 8K_R. framerate > 0 may be specified to enhance checks and set maximum bit rate when Y > 0. Number of guard bits in [0,7] range. Usually 1 or 2 (default value). Write jpip codestream index box in JP2 output file. Currently supports only RPCL order. Add in the comment marker segment. -threads Number of threads to use for encoding or ALL_CPUS for all available cores. [ERROR] Unknown input file format: %s Known file formats are *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *png, *.bmp, *.tif(f), *.raw, *.yuv or *.tga Unknown output format image %s [only *.j2k, *.j2c or *.jp2]!! Unknown output format image [only j2k, j2c, jp2]!! Error: invalid raw or yuv image parameters Please use the Format option -F: If subsampling is omitted, 1x1 is assumed for all components Example: -i image.raw -o image.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u@1x1:2x2:2x2 for raw or yuv 512x512 size with 4:2:0 subsampling Target bitdepth must be at least 1 bit. Error: could not parse precinct dimension: '%s' %x Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -c [128,128],[128,128] !! Size of code_block error (option -b) !! Restriction : * width*height<=4096 * 4<=width,height<= 1024 [WARNING] Index file generation is currently broken. '-x' option ignored. Unrecognized progression order [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !! '-s' sub-sampling argument error ! [-s dx,dy] -d 'coordonnate of the reference grid' argument error !! [-d x0,y0] ROI error !! [-ROI c='compno',U='shift'] -T 'tile offset' argument error !! [-T X0,Y0]Incorrect value!! must be 24 or 48 CINEMA 2K profile activated Other options specified could be overridden CINEMA 4K profile activated Other options specified could be overridden Wrong value for -IMF. Should be [,mainlevel=X][,sublevel=Y][,framerate=FPS] where is one of 2K/4K/8K/2K_R/4K_R/8K_R. IMF profile activated Other options specified could be overridden Setting max codestream size to %d bytes. MCT incorrect value!! Current accepted values are 0, 1 or 2. [WARNING] An invalid option has been ignored [ERROR] options -ImgDir and -i cannot be used together !! [ERROR] When -ImgDir is used, -OutFor must be used !! Only one format allowed! Valid formats are j2k and jp2!! [ERROR] options -ImgDir and -o cannot be used together !! Specify OutputFormat using -OutFor !! [ERROR] Required parameters are missing Example: %s -i image.pgm -o image.j2k [ERROR] invalid raw or yuv image parameters -F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned) Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u [ERROR] options -r -q and -f cannot be used together !! [ERROR] Tile offset dimension is unnappropriate --> TX0(%d)<=IMG_X0(%d) TYO(%d)<=IMG_Y0(%d) Unrecognized progression order in option -P (POC n %d) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !! Unable to load raw or yuv file Unable to load file: got no image RGB->YCC conversion cannot be used: Input image has less than 3 components Custom MCT has been set but no array-based MCT Warning: MSamples/sec is %f, whereas limit is %d. failed to encode image: opj_setup_encoder failed to encode image: opj_encoder_set_extra_options failed to set number of threads failed to encode image: opj_start_compress failed to encode image: opj_encode failed to encode image: opj_end_compress v-iw#0#vnc>@(жvq$+f&l ư>d?.A@@ @ 2A` %Ki:o:r:q:n:b:c:t:p:s:SEM:x:R:d:T:If:P:C:F:u:JY:X: Error: fread return a number of element different from the expected. Error: invalid raw image parameters for raw 512x512 image with 4:2:0 subsampling Failed to open %s for reading !! Failed to allocate image components parameters !! Error reading raw file. End of file probably reached. OpenJPEG cannot encode raw components with bit depth higher than 16 bits. Warning. End of raw file not reached... processing anyway imagetoraw_common: All components shall have the same subsampling, same bit depth, same sign. Failed to open %s for writing !! Raw image characteristics: %d components Component %u characteristics: %dx%dx%d %s failed to write 1 byte for %s failed to write 2 byte for %s More than 16 bits per component not handled yet Sorry, compressed tga files are not currently supported. File contains a palette - not yet supported.ERROR -> failed to open %s for writing Unable to create a tga file with such J2K image charateristics. write_tgaheader: write ERROR Failed to open %s for reading ! PG%31[ ]%c%c%31[ +-]%d%31[ ]%d%31[ ]%dERROR: Failed to read the right number of element from the fscanf() function! Bad pgx header, please check input file failed to write %d bytes for %s pnmtoimage:Failed to open %s for reading! WARNING: fgets return a NULL valueread_pnm_header:PNM:magic P missing read_pnm_header:magic format %d invalid read_pnm_header:unknown P7 TUPLTYPE %s read_pnm_header:unknown P7 idf %s read_pnm_header:P7 without ENDHDR pnmtoimage:Image %dx%d too big! /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/openjpeg_1709159029429/work/src/bin/jp2/convert.c%s:%d:imagetopnm precision %d is larger than 16 : refused. imagetopnm: planes[%d] == NULL. P7 # OpenJPEG-%s WIDTH %d HEIGHT %d DEPTH %u MAXVAL %d TUPLTYPE %s ENDHDR WARNING -> [PGM file] Only the first component is written to the file rbunsigned Aborting wbError: invalid precision: %d tga_readheader: memory out File too short ERROR -> Impossible happen.imagetopgx: memory out _%u.pgxPG ML %c %d %d %d Out of memoryENDHDRWIDTHHEIGHTDEPTHMAXVALTUPLTYPEBLACKANDWHITEGRAYSCALEGRAYSCALE_ALPHARGB_ALPHAMissing data. Quitting. P6 # OpenJPEG-%s %d %d %d imagetopnm: memory out _%u.pgmP5 #OpenJPEG-%s %d %d %d Error, not a BMP file! Error, invalid biBitCount %d Unsupported BMP compression BM%c%c%c%cError, unknown BMP header size %d Error, invalid red mask value %d Error, invalid green mask value %d Error, invalid blue mask value %d Error, can't read BMP header warning, image's actual size does not match advertized one Other system than 24 bits/pixels or 8 bits (no RLE coding) is not yet implemented [%d] imagetobmp: Unsupported precision: %d BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 0 from %d bits to 8 bits BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 1 from %d bits to 8 bits BMP CONVERSION: Truncating component 2 from %d bits to 8 bits imagetobmp: only first component of %d is used. %s: illegal option -- %c Invalid option %s %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option does not require an argument. Ignoring %s %s: option requires an argument %s: option requires an argument imagetotif: CMYK images shall be composed of at least 4 planes. imagetotif: planes[%d] == NULL. imagetotif: All components shall have the same subsampling, same bit depth. imagetotif: Bits=%d, Only 1 to 16 bits implemented imagetotif:failed to open %s for writing tiftoimage:Failed to open %s for reading tiftoimage: Bad value for samples per pixel == %d. Aborting. tiftoimage: Bad values for Bits == %d. Max. 16 Bits are allowed here. Aborting. tiftoimage: Bad color format %d. Only RGB(A) and GRAY(A) has been implemented Aborting. tiftoimage: Bad values for width(%u) and/or height(%u) Aborting. WARNING: Input image bitdepth is %d bits TIF conversion has automatically rescaled to 12-bits to comply with cinema profiles. tiftoimage: Bad value for image->x1(%d) vs. image->x0(%d) Aborting. tiftoimage: Bad value for image->y1(%d) vs. image->y0(%d) Aborting. tiftoimage: Bad value for ssize(%ld) vs. strip_size(%ld). Aborting. Buffer overflow Invalid TIFF strip size `IqIOI>-ؚǚ UgfgDgţ֣"3pngtoimage: colortype %d is not supported pngtoimage: bit depth %d is not supported pngtoimage: %s is no valid PNG file imagetopng: planes[%d] == NULL. imagetopng: All components shall have the same subsampling, same bit depth, same sign. imagetopng: can not create %s wrong bit_depth %d Can't allocate memory for PNG row Can't allocate memory for interleaved 32s row pngtoimage: memory out pngtoimage: can not open %s 1.6.43Invalid PNG row size ?;lL(8xH<HhhH\pXh8@8p H,Xh|(8h`  8!"(8*xx0?4 ?H @` A C XF8 [ _ a` c Xf (i0 jl xm 8n hq (sd xv Xw y {((}h h4|X(`ȣ((xzRx $x FJ w?;*3$"Dp\p4bBFA F ABF AFB(AHD  FAF wGi A <A 4YKx E FBXla(BIB B(A0A8GY 8C0A(B BBBA MLLLIYAxd8H,h_@@DT_GA   ABE AABDA 4(TBJH G  AABC ,PEHA  ABJ 0[A AE Y 8<G A V G \8t$p AW= AJ   W8 EGE  ABE A AEA  ($AMJ0d AAB (P$AMJ0 AAG L| BBB B(A0A8D 8D0A(B BBBI $CAAD wDALBBA A(D0n (A ABBB D (F ABBA LDPBBA A(D0V (D ABBG T (D DBBH L9BBB B(D0K8G 8D0A(B BBBA h !8BFB B(K0D8GXMAFAFY 8D0A(B BBBB Lx'gBBB B(K0D8G 8D0A(B BBBH 66 D6BEB B(A0A8 0A(B BBBA D<h7BEE E(A0D8 0A(B BBBA D9BEE E(A0D8 0A(B BBBA HX 0 @o G ' oooo(o8&0`VwiVyrVzyVu|VSVEVOVPVRVJVYVZVAVBVDVXVGGCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)GCC: (conda-forge gcc 12.3.0-5) 12.3.0X'Y6YGYUYbeq}HzPZPkwkplYX YBYH+xY7V`lqm8nH`no_pp@p@sT@ t1 C UWgP y`0  Cp 6ChHdR`\iu%t`0W@(p0M `   0w$D1>KpXe r`&6T08 3H?Xi #6I[nD$0'lH*=QR@]xPH/BUn`( - ? 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