# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. include(CheckCCompilerFlag) include(CheckIncludeFile) if (MSVC) set(AWS_AVX2_FLAG "/arch:AVX2") set(AWS_AVX512_FLAG "/arch:AVX512") set(AWS_AVX512vL_FLAG "") set(AWS_CLMUL_FLAG "") set(AWS_SSE4_2_FLAG "") set(AWS_ARMv8_1_FLAG "/arch:arm8.1") set(WERROR_FLAG "") else() set(AWS_AVX2_FLAG "-mavx -mavx2") set(AWS_AVX512_FLAG "-mavx512f -mvpclmulqdq") set(AWS_AVX512vL_FLAG "-mavx512vl") set(AWS_CLMUL_FLAG "-mpclmul") set(AWS_SSE4_2_FLAG "-msse4.2") set(AWS_ARMv8_1_FLAG "-march=armv8-a+crc+crypto -mtune=neoverse-v1") set(WERROR_FLAG "-Werror") endif() if (USE_CPU_EXTENSIONS) set(AVX_CFLAGS ${AWS_SSE4_2_FLAG}) check_c_compiler_flag(${AWS_AVX2_FLAG} HAVE_M_AVX2_FLAG) if (HAVE_M_AVX2_FLAG) set(AVX_CFLAGS "${AWS_AVX2_FLAG} ${AVX_CFLAGS}") endif() check_c_compiler_flag("${AWS_AVX512_FLAG} ${AWS_CLMUL_FLAG}" HAVE_M_AVX512_FLAG) if (HAVE_M_AVX512_FLAG) set(AVX_CFLAGS "${AWS_AVX512_FLAG} ${AWS_CLMUL_FLAG} ${AVX_CFLAGS}") endif() set(old_flags "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS} ${AVX_CFLAGS} ${WERROR_FLAG}") check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include #include int main() { __m256i vec; memset(&vec, 0, sizeof(vec)); _mm256_shuffle_epi8(vec, vec); _mm256_set_epi32(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(vec, vec); return 0; }" AWS_HAVE_AVX2_INTRINSICS) check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main() { __m512 a = _mm512_setzero_ps(); return 0; }" AWS_HAVE_AVX512_INTRINSICS) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include int main() { __m256i vec; memset(&vec, 0, sizeof(vec)); return (int)_mm256_extract_epi64(vec, 2); }" AWS_HAVE_MM256_EXTRACT_EPI64) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include int main() { __m128i a = _mm_setzero_si128(); __m128i b = _mm_setzero_si128(); __m128i result = _mm_clmulepi64_si128(a, b, 0x00); (void)result; return 0; }" AWS_HAVE_CLMUL) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${old_flags} ${AWS_ARMv8_1_FLAG} ${WERROR_FLAG}") check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main() { int crc = __crc32d(0, 1); return 0; }" AWS_HAVE_ARM32_CRC) check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main() { _Atomic int var = 0; atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&var, 1, memory_order_relaxed); return 0; }" AWS_HAVE_ARMv8_1) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${old_flags}") endif() # USE_CPU_EXTENSIONS # The part where the definition is added to the compiler flags has been moved to config.h.in # see git history for more details. # Adds AVX flags, if any, that are supported. These files will be built with # available avx intrinsics enabled. # Usage: simd_add_source_avx(target file1.c file2.c ...) function(simd_add_source_avx target) foreach(file ${ARGN}) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${file}) set_source_files_properties(${file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS " ${AVX_CFLAGS}") endforeach() endfunction(simd_add_source_avx) # The part where the definition is added to the compiler flags has been moved to config.h.in # see git history for more details. # Adds compiler flags to the source and adds the source to target. # Unfortunately the flags have to be passed as strings. Predefined flags are # at the top of this file. # Usage: simd_append_source_and_features(target file1.c ${AWS_AVX512_FLAG} ${AWS_AVX2_FLAG} ...) function(simd_append_source_and_features target file) set(CC_FLAGS "") foreach(flag ${ARGN}) set(CC_FLAGS "${CC_FLAGS} ${flag}") endforeach() target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${file}) set_source_files_properties(${file} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS " ${CC_FLAGS}") endfunction(simd_append_source_and_features)