from cpython.dict cimport (PyDict_Check, PyDict_CheckExact, PyDict_GetItem, PyDict_New, PyDict_Next, PyDict_SetItem, PyDict_Update, PyDict_DelItem) from cpython.list cimport PyList_Append, PyList_New from cpython.object cimport PyObject_SetItem from cpython.ref cimport PyObject, Py_DECREF, Py_INCREF, Py_XDECREF # Locally defined bindings that differ from `cython.cpython` bindings from cytoolz.cpython cimport PyDict_Next_Compat, PtrIter_Next from copy import copy from import Mapping __all__ = ['merge', 'merge_with', 'valmap', 'keymap', 'itemmap', 'valfilter', 'keyfilter', 'itemfilter', 'assoc', 'dissoc', 'assoc_in', 'get_in', 'update_in'] cdef class _iter_mapping: """ Keep a handle on the current item to prevent memory clean up too early""" def __cinit__(self, object it): = it self.cur = None def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self.cur = next( return self.cur cdef int PyMapping_Next(object p, Py_ssize_t *ppos, PyObject* *pkey, PyObject* *pval) except -1: """Mimic "PyDict_Next" interface, but for any mapping""" cdef PyObject *obj obj = PtrIter_Next(p) if obj is NULL: return 0 pkey[0] = <PyObject*>(<object>obj)[0] pval[0] = <PyObject*>(<object>obj)[1] Py_XDECREF(obj) # removing this results in memory leak return 1 cdef f_map_next get_map_iter(object d, PyObject* *ptr) except NULL: """Return function pointer to perform iteration over object returned in ptr. The returned function signature matches "PyDict_Next". If ``d`` is a dict, then the returned function *is* PyDict_Next, so iteration wil be very fast. The object returned through ``ptr`` needs to have its reference count reduced by one once the caller "owns" the object. This function lets us control exactly how iteration should be performed over a given mapping. The current rules are: 1) If ``d`` is exactly a dict, use PyDict_Next 2) If ``d`` is subtype of dict, use PyMapping_Next. This lets the user control the order iteration, such as for ordereddict. 3) If using PyMapping_Next, iterate using ``iteritems`` if possible, otherwise iterate using ``items``. """ cdef object val cdef f_map_next rv if PyDict_CheckExact(d): val = d rv = &PyDict_Next_Compat else: val = _iter_mapping(iter(d.items())) rv = &PyMapping_Next Py_INCREF(val) ptr[0] = <PyObject*>val return rv cdef get_factory(name, kwargs): factory = kwargs.pop('factory', dict) if kwargs: raise TypeError("{0}() got an unexpected keyword argument " "'{1}'".format(name, kwargs.popitem()[0])) return factory cdef object c_merge(object dicts, object factory=dict): cdef object rv rv = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(rv): for d in dicts: PyDict_Update(rv, d) else: for d in dicts: rv.update(d) return rv def merge(*dicts, **kwargs): """ Merge a collection of dictionaries >>> merge({1: 'one'}, {2: 'two'}) {1: 'one', 2: 'two'} Later dictionaries have precedence >>> merge({1: 2, 3: 4}, {3: 3, 4: 4}) {1: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4} See Also: merge_with """ if len(dicts) == 1 and not isinstance(dicts[0], Mapping): dicts = dicts[0] factory = get_factory('merge', kwargs) return c_merge(dicts, factory) cdef object c_merge_with(object func, object dicts, object factory=dict): cdef: dict result object rv, d list seq f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos result = PyDict_New() rv = factory() for d in dicts: f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) pos = 0 while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): obj = PyDict_GetItem(result, <object>pkey) if obj is NULL: seq = PyList_New(0) PyList_Append(seq, <object>pval) PyDict_SetItem(result, <object>pkey, seq) else: PyList_Append(<object>obj, <object>pval) f = get_map_iter(result, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) pos = 0 while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): PyObject_SetItem(rv, <object>pkey, func(<object>pval)) return rv def merge_with(func, *dicts, **kwargs): """ Merge dictionaries and apply function to combined values A key may occur in more than one dict, and all values mapped from the key will be passed to the function as a list, such as func([val1, val2, ...]). >>> merge_with(sum, {1: 1, 2: 2}, {1: 10, 2: 20}) {1: 11, 2: 22} >>> merge_with(first, {1: 1, 2: 2}, {2: 20, 3: 30}) # doctest: +SKIP {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 30} See Also: merge """ if len(dicts) == 1 and not isinstance(dicts[0], Mapping): dicts = dicts[0] factory = get_factory('merge_with', kwargs) return c_merge_with(func, dicts, factory) cpdef object valmap(object func, object d, object factory=dict): """ Apply function to values of dictionary >>> bills = {"Alice": [20, 15, 30], "Bob": [10, 35]} >>> valmap(sum, bills) # doctest: +SKIP {'Alice': 65, 'Bob': 45} See Also: keymap itemmap """ cdef: object rv f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): rv[<object>pkey] = func(<object>pval) return rv cpdef object keymap(object func, object d, object factory=dict): """ Apply function to keys of dictionary >>> bills = {"Alice": [20, 15, 30], "Bob": [10, 35]} >>> keymap(str.lower, bills) # doctest: +SKIP {'alice': [20, 15, 30], 'bob': [10, 35]} See Also: valmap itemmap """ cdef: object rv f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): rv[func(<object>pkey)] = <object>pval return rv cpdef object itemmap(object func, object d, object factory=dict): """ Apply function to items of dictionary >>> accountids = {"Alice": 10, "Bob": 20} >>> itemmap(reversed, accountids) # doctest: +SKIP {10: "Alice", 20: "Bob"} See Also: keymap valmap """ cdef: object rv, k, v f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): k, v = func((<object>pkey, <object>pval)) rv[k] = v return rv cpdef object valfilter(object predicate, object d, object factory=dict): """ Filter items in dictionary by value >>> iseven = lambda x: x % 2 == 0 >>> d = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5} >>> valfilter(iseven, d) {1: 2, 3: 4} See Also: keyfilter itemfilter valmap """ cdef: object rv f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): if predicate(<object>pval): rv[<object>pkey] = <object>pval return rv cpdef object keyfilter(object predicate, object d, object factory=dict): """ Filter items in dictionary by key >>> iseven = lambda x: x % 2 == 0 >>> d = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5} >>> keyfilter(iseven, d) {2: 3, 4: 5} See Also: valfilter itemfilter keymap """ cdef: object rv f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): if predicate(<object>pkey): rv[<object>pkey] = <object>pval return rv cpdef object itemfilter(object predicate, object d, object factory=dict): """ Filter items in dictionary by item >>> def isvalid(item): ... k, v = item ... return k % 2 == 0 and v < 4 >>> d = {1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5} >>> itemfilter(isvalid, d) {2: 3} See Also: keyfilter valfilter itemmap """ cdef: object rv, k, v f_map_next f PyObject *obj PyObject *pkey PyObject *pval Py_ssize_t pos = 0 rv = factory() f = get_map_iter(d, &obj) d = <object>obj Py_DECREF(d) while f(d, &pos, &pkey, &pval): k = <object>pkey v = <object>pval if predicate((k, v)): rv[k] = v return rv cpdef object assoc(object d, object key, object value, object factory=dict): """ Return a new dict with new key value pair New dict has d[key] set to value. Does not modify the initial dictionary. >>> assoc({'x': 1}, 'x', 2) {'x': 2} >>> assoc({'x': 1}, 'y', 3) # doctest: +SKIP {'x': 1, 'y': 3} """ cdef object rv rv = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(rv): PyDict_Update(rv, d) else: rv.update(d) rv[key] = value return rv cpdef object assoc_in(object d, object keys, object value, object factory=dict): """ Return a new dict with new, potentially nested, key value pair >>> purchase = {'name': 'Alice', ... 'order': {'items': ['Apple', 'Orange'], ... 'costs': [0.50, 1.25]}, ... 'credit card': '5555-1234-1234-1234'} >>> assoc_in(purchase, ['order', 'costs'], [0.25, 1.00]) # doctest: +SKIP {'credit card': '5555-1234-1234-1234', 'name': 'Alice', 'order': {'costs': [0.25, 1.00], 'items': ['Apple', 'Orange']}} """ cdef object prevkey, key cdef object rv, inner, dtemp prevkey, keys = keys[0], keys[1:] rv = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(rv): PyDict_Update(rv, d) else: rv.update(d) inner = rv for key in keys: if prevkey in d: d = d[prevkey] dtemp = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(dtemp): PyDict_Update(dtemp, d) else: dtemp.update(d) else: d = factory() dtemp = d inner[prevkey] = dtemp prevkey = key inner = dtemp inner[prevkey] = value return rv cdef object c_dissoc(object d, object keys, object factory=dict): # implementation copied from toolz. Not benchmarked. cdef object rv rv = factory() if len(keys) < len(d) * 0.6: rv.update(d) for key in keys: if key in rv: del rv[key] else: remaining = set(d) remaining.difference_update(keys) for k in remaining: rv[k] = d[k] return rv def dissoc(d, *keys, **kwargs): """ Return a new dict with the given key(s) removed. New dict has d[key] deleted for each supplied key. Does not modify the initial dictionary. >>> dissoc({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, 'y') {'x': 1} >>> dissoc({'x': 1, 'y': 2}, 'y', 'x') {} >>> dissoc({'x': 1}, 'y') # Ignores missing keys {'x': 1} """ return c_dissoc(d, keys, get_factory('dissoc', kwargs)) cpdef object update_in(object d, object keys, object func, object default=None, object factory=dict): """ Update value in a (potentially) nested dictionary inputs: d - dictionary on which to operate keys - list or tuple giving the location of the value to be changed in d func - function to operate on that value If keys == [k0,..,kX] and d[k0]..[kX] == v, update_in returns a copy of the original dictionary with v replaced by func(v), but does not mutate the original dictionary. If k0 is not a key in d, update_in creates nested dictionaries to the depth specified by the keys, with the innermost value set to func(default). >>> inc = lambda x: x + 1 >>> update_in({'a': 0}, ['a'], inc) {'a': 1} >>> transaction = {'name': 'Alice', ... 'purchase': {'items': ['Apple', 'Orange'], ... 'costs': [0.50, 1.25]}, ... 'credit card': '5555-1234-1234-1234'} >>> update_in(transaction, ['purchase', 'costs'], sum) # doctest: +SKIP {'credit card': '5555-1234-1234-1234', 'name': 'Alice', 'purchase': {'costs': 1.75, 'items': ['Apple', 'Orange']}} >>> # updating a value when k0 is not in d >>> update_in({}, [1, 2, 3], str, default="bar") {1: {2: {3: 'bar'}}} >>> update_in({1: 'foo'}, [2, 3, 4], inc, 0) {1: 'foo', 2: {3: {4: 1}}} """ cdef object prevkey, key cdef object rv, inner, dtemp prevkey, keys = keys[0], keys[1:] rv = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(rv): PyDict_Update(rv, d) else: rv.update(d) inner = rv for key in keys: if prevkey in d: d = d[prevkey] dtemp = factory() if PyDict_CheckExact(dtemp): PyDict_Update(dtemp, d) else: dtemp.update(d) else: d = factory() dtemp = d inner[prevkey] = dtemp prevkey = key inner = dtemp if prevkey in d: key = func(d[prevkey]) else: key = func(default) inner[prevkey] = key return rv cdef tuple _get_in_exceptions = (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) cpdef object get_in(object keys, object coll, object default=None, object no_default=False): """ Returns coll[i0][i1]...[iX] where [i0, i1, ..., iX]==keys. If coll[i0][i1]...[iX] cannot be found, returns ``default``, unless ``no_default`` is specified, then it raises KeyError or IndexError. ``get_in`` is a generalization of ``operator.getitem`` for nested data structures such as dictionaries and lists. >>> transaction = {'name': 'Alice', ... 'purchase': {'items': ['Apple', 'Orange'], ... 'costs': [0.50, 1.25]}, ... 'credit card': '5555-1234-1234-1234'} >>> get_in(['purchase', 'items', 0], transaction) 'Apple' >>> get_in(['name'], transaction) 'Alice' >>> get_in(['purchase', 'total'], transaction) >>> get_in(['purchase', 'items', 'apple'], transaction) >>> get_in(['purchase', 'items', 10], transaction) >>> get_in(['purchase', 'total'], transaction, 0) 0 >>> get_in(['y'], {}, no_default=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'y' See Also: itertoolz.get operator.getitem """ cdef object item try: for item in keys: coll = coll[item] return coll except _get_in_exceptions: if no_default: raise return default