from __future__ import annotations from itertools import chain from numbers import Number import bokeh from import without_property_validation from import curdoc from packaging.version import Version from tlz.curried import first try: import numpy as np except ImportError: np = None # type: ignore BOKEH_VERSION = Version(bokeh.__version__) PROFILING = False if BOKEH_VERSION.major < 3: _DATATABLE_STYLESHEETS_KWARGS = {} else: _DATATABLE_STYLESHEETS_KWARGS = { "stylesheets": [ """ .bk-data-table { z-index: 0; } """ ] } def transpose(lod): return {k: [d[k] for d in lod] for k in lod[0]} @without_property_validation def update(source, data): """Update source with data This checks a few things first 1. If the data is the same, then don't update 2. If numpy is available and the data is numeric, then convert to numpy arrays 3. If profiling then perform the update in another callback """ if not np or not any( isinstance(v, np.ndarray) for v in chain(, data.values()) ): if == data: return if np and len(data[first(data)]) > 10: d = {} for k, v in data.items(): if type(v) is not np.ndarray and isinstance(v[0], Number): d[k] = np.array(v) if d[k].dtype == np.int32: # avoid int32 (Windows default) d[k] = d[k].astype("int64") else: d[k] = v else: d = data if PROFILING: curdoc().add_next_tick_callback(lambda: else: