from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import logging from collections import defaultdict, deque from import Container from functools import partial from math import log2 from time import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, TypedDict, cast from tlz import topk import dask from dask.typing import Key from dask.utils import parse_timedelta from distributed.compatibility import PeriodicCallback from distributed.core import CommClosedError from distributed.diagnostics.plugin import SchedulerPlugin from distributed.utils import log_errors, recursive_to_dict if TYPE_CHECKING: # Recursive imports from distributed.scheduler import ( Scheduler, SchedulerState, TaskState, TaskStateState, WorkerState, ) # Stealing requires multiple network bounces and if successful also task # submission which may include code serialization. Therefore, be very # conservative in the latency estimation to suppress too aggressive stealing # of small tasks LATENCY = 0.1 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG_PDB = dask.config.get("distributed.admin.pdb-on-err") _WORKER_STATE_CONFIRM = { "ready", "constrained", "waiting", } _WORKER_STATE_REJECT = { "memory", "executing", "long-running", "cancelled", "resumed", } _WORKER_STATE_UNDEFINED = { "released", None, } class InFlightInfo(TypedDict): victim: WorkerState thief: WorkerState victim_duration: float thief_duration: float stimulus_id: str class WorkStealing(SchedulerPlugin): scheduler: Scheduler # {worker: ({ task states for level 0}, ..., {task states for level 14})} stealable: dict[str, tuple[set[TaskState], ...]] # { task state: (worker, level) } key_stealable: dict[TaskState, tuple[str, int]] # (multiplier for level 0, ... multiplier for level 14) cost_multipliers: ClassVar[tuple[float, ...]] = (1.0,) + tuple( 1 + 2 ** (i - 6) for i in range(1, 15) ) _callback_time: float count: int # { task state: } in_flight: dict[TaskState, InFlightInfo] # { worker state: occupancy } in_flight_occupancy: defaultdict[WorkerState, float] in_flight_tasks: defaultdict[WorkerState, int] metrics: dict[str, dict[int, float]] _in_flight_event: asyncio.Event _request_counter: int def __init__(self, scheduler: Scheduler): self.scheduler = scheduler self.stealable = {} self.key_stealable = {} for worker in scheduler.workers: self.add_worker(worker=worker) self._callback_time = cast( float, parse_timedelta( dask.config.get(""), default="ms", ), ) # `callback_time` is in milliseconds self.scheduler.add_plugin(self) maxlen = dask.config.get("distributed.admin.low-level-log-length")["stealing"] = deque(maxlen=maxlen) self.count = 0 self.in_flight = {} self.in_flight_occupancy = defaultdict(int) self.in_flight_tasks = defaultdict(int) self._in_flight_event = asyncio.Event() self.metrics = { "request_count_total": defaultdict(int), "request_cost_total": defaultdict(int), } self._request_counter = 0 self.scheduler.stream_handlers["steal-response"] = self.move_task_confirm async def start(self, scheduler: Any = None) -> None: """Start the background coroutine to balance the tasks on the cluster. Idempotent. The scheduler argument is ignored. It is merely required to satisfy the plugin interface. Since this class is simultaneously an extension, the scheduler instance is already registered during initialization """ if "stealing" in self.scheduler.periodic_callbacks: return pc = PeriodicCallback( callback=self.balance, callback_time=self._callback_time * 1000 ) pc.start() self.scheduler.periodic_callbacks["stealing"] = pc self._in_flight_event.set() async def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the background task balancing tasks on the cluster. This will block until all currently running stealing requests are finished. Idempotent """ pc = self.scheduler.periodic_callbacks.pop("stealing", None) if pc: pc.stop() await self._in_flight_event.wait() def _to_dict_no_nest(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict: """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes. Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips. See also -------- Client.dump_cluster_state distributed.utils.recursive_to_dict """ return recursive_to_dict(self, exclude=exclude, members=True) def log(self, msg: Any) -> None: return self.scheduler.log_event("stealing", msg) def add_worker(self, scheduler: Any = None, worker: Any = None) -> None: self.stealable[worker] = tuple(set() for _ in range(15)) def remove_worker(self, scheduler: Scheduler, worker: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: del self.stealable[worker] def teardown(self) -> None: pcs = self.scheduler.periodic_callbacks if "stealing" in pcs: pcs["stealing"].stop() del pcs["stealing"] def transition( self, key: Key, start: TaskStateState, finish: TaskStateState, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if finish == "processing": ts = self.scheduler.tasks[key] self.put_key_in_stealable(ts) elif start == "processing": ts = self.scheduler.tasks[key] self.remove_key_from_stealable(ts) self._remove_from_in_flight(ts) def _add_to_in_flight(self, ts: TaskState, info: InFlightInfo) -> None: self.in_flight[ts] = info self._in_flight_event.clear() thief = info["thief"] victim = info["victim"] self.in_flight_occupancy[victim] -= info["victim_duration"] self.in_flight_occupancy[thief] += info["thief_duration"] self.in_flight_tasks[victim] -= 1 self.in_flight_tasks[thief] += 1 def _remove_from_in_flight(self, ts: TaskState) -> InFlightInfo | None: info = self.in_flight.pop(ts, None) if info: thief = info["thief"] victim = info["victim"] self.in_flight_occupancy[thief] -= info["thief_duration"] self.in_flight_occupancy[victim] += info["victim_duration"] self.in_flight_tasks[victim] += 1 self.in_flight_tasks[thief] -= 1 if not self.in_flight: self.in_flight_occupancy.clear() self._in_flight_event.set() return info def recalculate_cost(self, ts: TaskState) -> None: if ts not in self.in_flight: self.remove_key_from_stealable(ts) self.put_key_in_stealable(ts) def put_key_in_stealable(self, ts: TaskState) -> None: cost_multiplier, level = self.steal_time_ratio(ts) if cost_multiplier is not None: assert level is not None assert ts.processing_on ws = ts.processing_on worker = ws.address self.stealable[worker][level].add(ts) self.key_stealable[ts] = (worker, level) def remove_key_from_stealable(self, ts: TaskState) -> None: result = self.key_stealable.pop(ts, None) if result is None: return worker, level = result try: self.stealable[worker][level].remove(ts) except KeyError: pass def steal_time_ratio(self, ts: TaskState) -> tuple[float, int] | tuple[None, None]: """The compute to communication time ratio of a key Returns ------- cost_multiplier: The increased cost from moving this task as a factor. For example a result of zero implies a task without dependencies. level: The location within a stealable list to place this value """ split = if split in fast_tasks: return None, None if not ts.dependencies: # no dependencies fast path return 0, 0 compute_time = self.scheduler.get_task_duration(ts) if not compute_time: # occupancy/ws.processing[ts] is only allowed to be zero for # long running tasks which cannot be stolen assert ts.processing_on assert ts in ts.processing_on.long_running return None, None nbytes = ts.get_nbytes_deps() transfer_time = nbytes / self.scheduler.bandwidth + LATENCY cost_multiplier = transfer_time / compute_time level = int(round(log2(cost_multiplier) + 6)) if level < 1: level = 1 elif level >= len(self.cost_multipliers): return None, None return cost_multiplier, level def move_task_request( self, ts: TaskState, victim: WorkerState, thief: WorkerState ) -> str: try: if ts in self.in_flight: return "in-flight" # Stimulus IDs are used to verify the response, see # `move_task_confirm`. Therefore, this must be truly unique. stimulus_id = f"steal-{self._request_counter}" self._request_counter += 1 key = ts.key self.remove_key_from_stealable(ts) logger.debug( "Request move %s, %s: %2f -> %s: %2f", key, victim, victim.occupancy, thief, thief.occupancy, ) # TODO: occupancy no longer concats linearly so we can't easily # assume that the network cost would go down by that much victim_duration = self.scheduler.get_task_duration( ts ) + self.scheduler.get_comm_cost(ts, victim) thief_duration = self.scheduler.get_task_duration( ts ) + self.scheduler.get_comm_cost(ts, thief) self.scheduler.stream_comms[victim.address].send( {"op": "steal-request", "key": key, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id} ) info: InFlightInfo = { "victim": victim, # guaranteed to be processing_on "thief": thief, "victim_duration": victim_duration, "thief_duration": thief_duration, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } self._add_to_in_flight(ts, info) return stimulus_id except CommClosedError:"Worker comm %r closed while stealing: %r", victim, ts) return "comm-closed" except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(e) if LOG_PDB: import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise async def move_task_confirm( self, *, key: str, state: str, stimulus_id: str, worker: str | None = None ) -> None: try: ts = self.scheduler.tasks[key] except KeyError: logger.debug("Key released between request and confirm: %s", key) return try: if self.in_flight[ts]["stimulus_id"] != stimulus_id: self.log(("stale-response", key, state, worker, stimulus_id)) return except KeyError: self.log(("already-aborted", key, state, worker, stimulus_id)) return info = self._remove_from_in_flight(ts) assert info thief = info["thief"] victim = info["victim"] logger.debug("Confirm move %s, %s -> %s. State: %s", key, victim, thief, state) if self.scheduler.validate: assert ts.processing_on == victim try: _log_msg = [key, state, victim.address, thief.address, stimulus_id] if ( state in _WORKER_STATE_UNDEFINED # If our steal information is somehow stale we need to reschedule or state in _WORKER_STATE_CONFIRM and thief != self.scheduler.workers.get(thief.address) ): self.log( ( "reschedule", thief.address not in self.scheduler.workers, *_log_msg, ) ) self.scheduler._reschedule(key, stimulus_id=stimulus_id) # Victim had already started execution elif state in _WORKER_STATE_REJECT: self.log(("already-computing", *_log_msg)) # Victim was waiting, has given up task, enact steal elif state in _WORKER_STATE_CONFIRM: self.remove_key_from_stealable(ts) ts.processing_on = thief victim.remove_from_processing(ts) thief.add_to_processing(ts) self.put_key_in_stealable(ts) self.scheduler.send_task_to_worker(thief.address, ts) self.log(("confirm", *_log_msg)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected task state: {state}") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(e) if LOG_PDB: import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise finally: self.scheduler.check_idle_saturated(thief) self.scheduler.check_idle_saturated(victim) @log_errors def balance(self) -> None: s = self.scheduler log = [] start = time() i = 0 # Paused and closing workers must never become thieves potential_thieves = set(s.idle.values()) if not potential_thieves or len(potential_thieves) == len(s.workers): return victim: WorkerState | None potential_victims: set[WorkerState] | list[WorkerState] = s.saturated if not potential_victims: potential_victims = topk( 10, s.workers.values(), key=self._combined_occupancy ) potential_victims = [ ws for ws in potential_victims if self._combined_occupancy(ws) > 0.2 and self._combined_nprocessing(ws) > ws.nthreads and ws not in potential_thieves ] if not potential_victims: return if len(potential_victims) < 20: potential_victims = sorted( potential_victims, key=self._combined_occupancy, reverse=True ) assert potential_victims assert potential_thieves for level, _ in enumerate(self.cost_multipliers): if not potential_thieves: break for victim in list(potential_victims): stealable = self.stealable[victim.address][level] if not stealable or not potential_thieves: continue for ts in list(stealable): if not potential_thieves: break if ( ts not in self.key_stealable or ts.processing_on is not victim or ts not in victim.processing ): # FIXME: Instead of discarding here, clean up stealable properly stealable.discard(ts) continue i += 1 if not (thief := _get_thief(s, ts, potential_thieves)): continue occ_thief = self._combined_occupancy(thief) occ_victim = self._combined_occupancy(victim) comm_cost_thief = self.scheduler.get_comm_cost(ts, thief) comm_cost_victim = self.scheduler.get_comm_cost(ts, victim) compute = self.scheduler.get_task_duration(ts) if ( occ_thief + comm_cost_thief + compute <= occ_victim - (comm_cost_victim + compute) / 2 ): self.move_task_request(ts, victim, thief) cost = compute + comm_cost_victim log.append( ( start, level, ts.key, cost, victim.address, occ_victim, thief.address, occ_thief, ) ) self.metrics["request_count_total"][level] += 1 self.metrics["request_cost_total"][level] += cost occ_thief = self._combined_occupancy(thief) nproc_thief = self._combined_nprocessing(thief) if not self.scheduler.is_unoccupied( thief, occ_thief, nproc_thief ): potential_thieves.discard(thief) # FIXME: move_task_request already implements some logic # for removing ts from stealable. If we made sure to # properly clean up, we would not need this stealable.discard(ts) self.scheduler.check_idle_saturated( victim, occ=self._combined_occupancy(victim) ) if log: self.log(("request", log)) self.count += 1 stop = time() if s.digests: s.digests["steal-duration"].add(stop - start) def _combined_occupancy(self, ws: WorkerState) -> float: return ws.occupancy + self.in_flight_occupancy[ws] def _combined_nprocessing(self, ws: WorkerState) -> int: return len(ws.processing) + self.in_flight_tasks[ws] def restart(self, scheduler: Any) -> None: for stealable in self.stealable.values(): for s in stealable: s.clear() self.key_stealable.clear() def story(self, *keys_or_ts: str | TaskState) -> list: keys = {key.key if not isinstance(key, str) else key for key in keys_or_ts} out = [] for _, L in self.scheduler.get_events(topic="stealing"): if L[0] == "request": L = L[1] else: L = [L] for t in L: if any(x in keys for x in t): out.append(t) return out def _get_thief( scheduler: SchedulerState, ts: TaskState, potential_thieves: set[WorkerState] ) -> WorkerState | None: valid_workers = scheduler.valid_workers(ts) if valid_workers is not None: valid_thieves = potential_thieves & valid_workers if valid_thieves: potential_thieves = valid_thieves elif not ts.loose_restrictions: return None return min(potential_thieves, key=partial(scheduler.worker_objective, ts)) fast_tasks = { k for k, v in dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.default-task-durations").items() if parse_timedelta(v) <= 0.001 }