# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import argparse import json import logging import os import sys from ._version import __version__ from .config import ( get_defaults_for_argparse, build_config, entrypoint_configurables, Namespace ) from .diffing.notebooks import set_notebook_diff_targets, set_notebook_diff_ignores from .gitfiles import is_gitref from .ignorables import diff_ignorables from .log import init_logging, set_nbdime_log_level class ConfigBackedParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): entrypoint = self.prog.split(' ')[0] try: defs = get_defaults_for_argparse(entrypoint) ignore = defs.pop('Ignore', None) self.set_defaults(**defs) if ignore: set_notebook_diff_ignores(ignore) except ValueError: pass return super(ConfigBackedParser, self).parse_known_args(args=args, namespace=namespace) class LogLevelAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None, **kwargs): # __call__ is not called if option not given: level = getattr(logging, default or 'INFO') init_logging(level=level) set_nbdime_log_level(level) super(LogLevelAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, default=default, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) level = getattr(logging, values) set_nbdime_log_level(level, True) class SkipAction(argparse.Action): """Action of an argument that will not be stored""" def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs): super(SkipAction, self).__init__([], argparse.SUPPRESS, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, opttion_string=None): pass class PathType(object): """Argparse type for arguments that should be paths No-op on Python 3, but casts Python 2 bytes to text using sys.getfilesystemencoding() """ def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bytes): return value # py2: decode bytes to text encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8' if encoding.lower() == 'ascii': # ignore ascii and use utf-8 # if it really is ascii, this will still be correct, # but it never should actually be ascii encoding = 'utf-8' return value.decode(encoding) Path = PathType() def modify_config_for_print(config): output = {} ns = None for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): output[k] = modify_config_for_print(v) if not output[k]: output[k] = '{}' elif k in diff_ignorables and v is None: if ns is None: ns = Namespace(config) for k2 in diff_ignorables: setattr(ns, k2, config.get(k2, None)) process_exclusive_ignorables(ns, diff_ignorables) output[k] = ''.format( json.dumps(getattr(ns, k, v))) else: output[k] = json.dumps(v) return output class ConfigHelpAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, help=None): super(ConfigHelpAction, self).__init__( option_strings, dest, nargs=0, help=help) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from .prettyprint import pretty_print_dict, PrettyPrintConfig header = entrypoint_configurables[parser.prog].__name__ config = build_config(parser.prog, True) pretty_print_dict( { header: modify_config_for_print(config), }, config=PrettyPrintConfig(out=sys.stderr) ) sys.exit(1) class IgnorableAction(argparse.Action): """Adds the supplied positive options and negative/ignore version as well""" def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None, required=False, help=None): opts = [] for opt in option_strings: if len(opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-': if not opt[1].islower(): raise ValueError('Single character flags should be lower-case for IgnorableAction') opts.append(opt) opts.append(opt.upper()) elif opt[:2] == '--': opts.append(opt) opts.append('--ignore-' + opt[2:]) else: ValueError('Could not turn option "%s" into an IgnoreAction option.') # Put positives first, negatives last: opts = opts[0::2] + opts[1::2] super(IgnorableAction, self).__init__( opts, dest, nargs=0, const=None, default=default, required=required, help=help) def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): if len(option_string) == 2: setattr(ns, self.dest, option_string[1].islower()) else: setattr(ns, self.dest, option_string[2 : 2 + len('ignore')] != 'ignore') def process_exclusive_ignorables(ns, arg_names, default=True): """Parse a set of ignorables. It checks that all specified options are either all positive or all negative. It then returns a namespace with the parsed options. Returns whether any values were specified or not. """ # `toggle` tracks whether: # - True: One or more positive options were defined # - False: One or more negative options were defined # - None: No options were defined toggle = getattr(ns, arg_names[0]) for name in arg_names[1:]: opt = getattr(ns, name) if toggle is None: toggle = opt elif toggle != opt and opt is not None: message = 'Arguments must either all be negative or all positive: %r' % (arg_names,) raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, message) if toggle is not None: # One or more options were defined, set default to the opposite default = not toggle # Set all unset options to the default for name in arg_names: if getattr(ns, name) is None: setattr(ns, name, default) return toggle is not None def add_generic_args(parser): """Adds a set of arguments common to all nbdime commands. """ parser.add_argument( '--version', action="version", version="%(prog)s " + __version__) parser.add_argument( '--config', help="list the valid config keys and their current effective values", action=ConfigHelpAction, ) parser.add_argument( '--log-level', default='INFO', choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'), help="set the log level by name.", action=LogLevelAction, ) def add_git_config_subcommand(subparsers, enable, disable, subparser_help, enable_help, disable_help): # Add subparser config = subparsers.add_parser('config', description=subparser_help) # Option for git scope (global/system): scope = config.add_mutually_exclusive_group() scope.add_argument('--global', action='store_const', dest='scope', const='global', help="configure your global git config instead of the current repo" ) scope.add_argument('--system', action='store_const', dest='scope', const='system', help="configure your system git config instead of the current repo" ) # Add enable/disable flags enable_disable = config.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) enable_disable.add_argument('--enable', action='store_const', dest='config_func', const=enable, help=enable_help ) enable_disable.add_argument('--disable', action='store_const', dest='config_func', const=disable, help=disable_help ) return config def add_web_args(parser, default_port=8888): """Adds a set of arguments common to all commands that show a web gui. """ port_help = ( "specify the port you want the server to run on. Default is %d%s." % ( default_port, " (random)" if default_port == 0 else "" )) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', default=default_port, type=int, help=port_help) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--browser', default=None, type=str, help="specify the browser to use, to override the system default.") parser.add_argument( '--persist', action="store_true", default=False, help="prevent server shutting down on remote close request (when these" " would normally be supported)." ) parser.add_argument( '--ip', default='', help="specify the interface to listen to for the web server. " "NOTE: Setting this to anything other than " "might comprimise the security of your computer. Use with care!") cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) parser.add_argument( '-w', '--workdirectory', default=cwd, help="specify the working directory you want " "the server to run from. Default is the " "actual cwd at program start.") parser.add_argument( '--base-url', default='/', help="The base URL prefix under which to run the web app") parser.add_argument( '--show-unchanged', dest='hide_unchanged', action="store_false", default=True, help="show unchanged cells by default" ) parser.add_argument( '--identical-lines-margin', dest='identical_lines_margin', default=2, type=int, help="Margin for collapsing identical lines in editor; set to -1 to deactivate.", ) def add_diff_args(parser): """Adds a set of arguments for commands that perform diffs. Note: Merge applications also performs diff operations to compute the merge, so these arguments should also be included there. """ # TODO: Define sensible strategy variables and implement #parser.add_argument('-X', '--diff-strategy', # default="default", choices=("foo", "bar"), # help="specify the diff strategy to use.") # Things we can choose to diff or not ignorables = parser.add_argument_group( title='ignorables', description='Set which parts of the notebook (not) to process.') ignorables.add_argument( '-s', '--sources', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore sources.") ignorables.add_argument( '-o', '--outputs', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore outputs.") ignorables.add_argument( '-a', '--attachments', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore attachments.") ignorables.add_argument( '-m', '--metadata', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore metadata.") ignorables.add_argument( '-i', '--id', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore identifiers.") ignorables.add_argument( '-d', '--details', action=IgnorableAction, help="process/ignore details not covered by other options.") def add_diff_cli_args(parser): """Adds a set of arguments for CLI diff commands (i.e. not web). """ parser.add_argument( '--color-words', action='store_true', default=False, help=("whether to pass the --color-words flag to any internal calls " "to git diff") ) def add_filter_args(diff_parser): """Adds configuration for git commands where filter use is flagged""" # Ideally, we would want to apply the filter only if we knew # the file was not from a blob. However, this is not possible: # If remote file path is equal to repo file path, it implies # that the hex of remote equals the hex of the file on disk. # Two possible cases can cause this: # 1) Diffing against working dir (or stage when entire file is staged) # 2) Diffing against a blob (clean) that happens to have the same hex as # the (smudged) file in working tree. # Condition 1 should have filter applied, 2 should not. # We can learn something by comparing the remote hash to the hash of the # file in HEAD. # - If they are equal, we know that is cannot come from a diff # agains working tree (git would not see it as changed), # so it must be from a blob (clean). No filter. # - If they differ, consider the setup: # git co A; git co B -- file.path; git reset A # + remote could be from a working-tree diff: git diff (smudged, apply filter). # + remote could be from a blob: git diff A B (clean, no filter). # # These are undistinguishable to us. Therefore, we will always # apply the filter to the remote file if flag use_filter is set. diff_parser.add_argument( '--use-filter', action='store_true', default=False, help='apply any configured git filters on remote') def add_git_diff_driver_args(diff_parser): """Adds a set of 7 stanard git diff driver arguments: path old-file old-hex old-mode new-file new-hex new-mode [ rename-to rename-metadata ] Note: Only path, base and remote are added to parsed namespace """ add_filter_args(diff_parser) diff_parser.add_argument('path', type=Path) diff_parser.add_argument('base', type=Path, nargs='?', default=None) diff_parser.add_argument('base_sha1', nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) diff_parser.add_argument('base_mode', nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) diff_parser.add_argument('remote', type=Path, nargs='?', default=None) diff_parser.add_argument('remote_sha1', nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) diff_parser.add_argument('remote_mode', nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) diff_parser.add_argument('rename_to', type=Path, nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) diff_parser.add_argument('rename_metadata', type=Path, nargs='?', default=None, action=SkipAction) def process_diff_flags(args): any_flags_given = process_exclusive_ignorables(args, diff_ignorables) if any_flags_given: # Note: This will blow away any options set via config (for these fields) set_notebook_diff_targets( args.sources, args.outputs, args.attachments, args.metadata, args.id, args.details) def resolve_diff_args(args): """Resolve ambiguity of path vs base/remote for git: Cases: - No args: Use defaults - One arg: Either base or path, check with is_gitref. - Two args or more: Check if first two are base/remote by is_gitref """ base = args.base remote = args.remote paths = getattr(args, 'paths', None) if not paths: paths = None if remote is None and paths is None: # One arg only: if not is_gitref(base): paths = base base = 'HEAD' # Two or more args: elif paths is None: # Two exactly # - Two files (not git-mode, do nothing) # - Base gitref one file (remote=None, path = file) # - Base gitref remote gitref (do nothing) if is_gitref(base) and not is_gitref(remote): paths = remote remote = None elif base and remote: # Three or more if not is_gitref(base): paths = [base, remote] + paths base = remote = None elif is_gitref(base) and not is_gitref(remote): paths = [remote] + paths remote = None return base, remote, paths def add_merge_args(parser): """Adds a set of arguments for commands that perform merges. """ from .merging.notebooks import cli_conflict_strategies, cli_conflict_strategies_input, cli_conflict_strategies_output parser.add_argument( '--merge-strategy', default="inline", choices=cli_conflict_strategies, help="the merge strategy to use.") parser.add_argument( '--input-strategy', default=None, choices=cli_conflict_strategies_input, help="the merge strategy to use for inputs " "(overrides 'merge-strategy' for inputs).") parser.add_argument( '--output-strategy', default=None, choices=cli_conflict_strategies_output, help="the merge strategy to use for outputs " "(overrides 'merge-strategy' for outputs).") parser.add_argument( '--no-ignore-transients', dest='ignore_transients', action="store_false", default=True, help="disallow deletion of transient data such as outputs and " "execution counts in order to resolve conflicts.") filename_help = { "notebook": "The notebook filename.", "base": "The base notebook filename.", "local": "The local modified notebook filename.", "remote": "The remote modified notebook filename.", "merged": "The merge result notebook filename.", "patch": "The patch filename, output from nbdiff.", } def add_filename_args(parser, names): """Add the base, local, remote, and merged positional arguments. Helps getting consistent doc strings. """ for name in names: parser.add_argument(name, type=Path, help=filename_help[name]) def add_prettyprint_args(parser): """Adds optional arguments for controlling pretty print behavior. """ parser.add_argument( '--no-color', dest='use_color', action="store_false", default=True, help=("prevent use of ANSI color code escapes for text output") ) parser.add_argument( '--no-git', dest='use_git', action="store_false", default=True, help=("prevent use of git for formatting diff/merge text output") ) parser.add_argument( '--no-use-diff', dest='use_diff', action="store_false", default=True, help=("prevent use of diff/diff3 for formatting diff/merge text output") ) def prettyprint_config_from_args(arguments, **kwargs): from .prettyprint import PrettyPrintConfig return PrettyPrintConfig( include=arguments, color_words=getattr(arguments, 'color_words', False), use_color=getattr(arguments, 'use_color', True), use_git=getattr(arguments, 'use_git', True), use_diff=getattr(arguments, 'use_diff', True), **kwargs ) def args_for_server(arguments): """Translate standard arguments into kwargs for running webapp.nbdimeserver.main""" # Map format: ='' kmap = dict(ip='ip', port='port', workdirectory='cwd', base_url='base_url', hide_unchanged='hide_unchanged', identical_lines_margin='identical_lines_margin', ) ret = {kmap[k]: v for k, v in vars(arguments).items() if k in kmap} if 'persist' in arguments: ret['closable'] = not arguments.persist return ret def args_for_browse(arguments): """Translate standard arguments into kwargs for webapp.webutil.browse()""" # Map format: ='' kmap = dict(ip='ip', browser='browsername', base_url='base_url', ) return {kmap[k]: v for k, v in vars(arguments).items() if k in kmap}