import os from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path from traitlets import Unicode, Enum, Integer, Bool, HasTraits, Dict, TraitError from traitlets.config.loader import JSONFileConfigLoader, ConfigFileNotFound from .merging.notebooks import ( cli_conflict_strategies, cli_conflict_strategies_input, cli_conflict_strategies_output) class NbdimeConfigurable(HasTraits): def configured_traits(self, cls): traits = cls.class_own_traits(config=True) c = {} for name, _ in traits.items(): c[name] = getattr(self, name) return c _config_cache = {} def config_instance(cls): if cls in _config_cache: return _config_cache[cls] instance = _config_cache[cls] = cls() return instance def _load_config_files(basefilename, path=None): """Load config files (json) by filename and path. yield each config object in turn. """ if not isinstance(path, list): path = [path] for path in path[::-1]: # path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards: loader = JSONFileConfigLoader(basefilename+'.json', path=path) config = None try: config = loader.load_config() except ConfigFileNotFound: pass if config: yield config def recursive_update(target, new, include_none): """Recursively update one dictionary using another. None values will delete their keys. """ for k, v in new.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): if k not in target: target[k] = {} recursive_update(target[k], v, include_none) if not include_none and not target[k]: # Prune empty subdicts del target[k] elif not include_none and v is None: target.pop(k, None) else: target[k] = v def build_config(entrypoint, include_none=False): if entrypoint not in entrypoint_configurables: raise ValueError('Config for entrypoint name %r is not defined! Accepted values are %r.' % ( entrypoint, list(entrypoint_configurables.keys()) )) # Get config from disk: disk_config = {} path = jupyter_config_path() path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) for c in _load_config_files('nbdime_config', path=path): recursive_update(disk_config, c, include_none) config = {} configurable = entrypoint_configurables[entrypoint] for c in reversed(configurable.mro()): if issubclass(c, NbdimeConfigurable): recursive_update(config, config_instance(c).configured_traits(c), include_none) if (c.__name__ in disk_config): recursive_update(config, disk_config[c.__name__], include_none) return config def get_defaults_for_argparse(entrypoint): return build_config(entrypoint) class Global(NbdimeConfigurable): log_level = Enum( ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'), 'INFO', help="Set the log level by name.", ).tag(config=True) class Web(NbdimeConfigurable): port = Integer( 0, help="specify the port you want the server to run on. Default is 0 (random).", ).tag(config=True) ip = Unicode( '', help="specify the interface to listen to for the web server. " "NOTE: Setting this to anything other than " "might comprimise the security of your computer. Use with care!", ).tag(config=True) base_url = Unicode( '/', help="The base URL prefix under which to run the web app", ).tag(config=True) browser = Unicode( None, allow_none=True, help="specify the browser to use, to override the system default.", ).tag(config=True) persist = Bool( False, help="prevent server shutting down on remote close request " "(when these would normally be supported).", ).tag(config=True) workdirectory = Unicode( default_value=os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir), help="specify the working directory you want " "the server to run from. Default is the " "actual cwd at program start.", ).tag(config=True) class WebTool(Web): pass class IgnoreConfig(Dict): def validate_elements(self, obj, value): value = super(IgnoreConfig, self).validate_elements(obj, value) for k, v in value.items(): if not k.startswith('/'): raise TraitError('ignore config paths need to start with `/`') if not (v in (True, False) or (isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set)) and all(isinstance(i, str) for i in v) )): raise TraitError('ignore config value needs to be True, False or a list of strings') return self.klass(value) class _Ignorables(NbdimeConfigurable): sources = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore sources.", ).tag(config=True) outputs = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore outputs.", ).tag(config=True) metadata = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore metadata.", ).tag(config=True) id = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore identifiers.", ).tag(config=True) attachments = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore attachments.", ).tag(config=True) details = Bool( None, allow_none=True, help="process/ignore details not covered by other options.", ).tag(config=True) Ignore = IgnoreConfig( default_value={}, help="a custom ignore config" ).tag(config=True) class Show(_Ignorables): pass class _Diffing(_Ignorables): color_words = Bool( False, help=("whether to pass the --color-words flag to any internal calls " "to git diff"), ).tag(config=True) class Diff(_Diffing): pass class Merge(_Diffing): merge_strategy = Enum( cli_conflict_strategies, 'inline', help="Specify the merge strategy to use.", ).tag(config=True) input_strategy = Enum( cli_conflict_strategies_input, None, allow_none=True, help="Specify the merge strategy to use for inputs " "(overrides 'merge-strategy' for inputs).", ).tag(config=True) output_strategy = Enum( cli_conflict_strategies_output, None, allow_none=True, help="Specify the merge strategy to use for outputs " "(overrides 'merge-strategy' for outputs).", ).tag(config=True) ignore_transients = Bool( True, help="Disallow deletion of transient data such as outputs and " "execution counts in order to resolve conflicts.", ).tag(config=True) class GitDiff(Diff): use_filter = Bool( False, help="if enabled, will apply any configured git filter to the remote file " "prior to diffing." ) class GitMerge(Merge): pass class NbDiff(GitDiff): pass class NbDiffWeb(Web, GitDiff): pass class NbMerge(Merge): pass class NbMergeWeb(Web, Merge): show_base = Bool( True, help="Whether to show the base version (4-panels) or not (3-panels).", ).tag(config=True) class NbShow(Show): pass class Server(Web): port = Integer( 8888, help="specify the port you want the server to run on. Default is 8888.", ).tag(config=True) class NbDiffDriver(GitDiff): pass class NbDiffTool(GitDiff, WebTool): pass class NbMergeDriver(GitMerge): pass class NbMergeTool(GitMerge, WebTool): pass class Extension(GitDiff): pass entrypoint_configurables = { 'nbdiff': NbDiff, 'nbdiff-web': NbDiffWeb, 'nbmerge': NbMerge, 'nbmerge-web': NbMergeWeb, 'nbshow': NbShow, 'server': Server, 'extension': Extension, 'git-nbdiffdriver': NbDiffDriver, 'git-nbdifftool': NbDiffTool, 'git-nbmergedriver': NbMergeDriver, 'git-nbmergetool': NbMergeTool, } class Namespace(object): def __init__(self, adict): self.__dict__.update(adict)