# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import logging import os import shutil import json import glob import io import re from collections.abc import Sequence from subprocess import Popen, TimeoutExpired import sys from jsonschema import Draft4Validator as Validator from jsonschema import RefResolver from jsonschema.validators import extend from pytest import fixture, skip import nbformat from .utils import call, have_git, have_hg, wait_up, TEST_TOKEN from nbdime.diffing.notebooks import reset_notebook_differ def popen_wait(p, timeout): return p.wait(timeout) pjoin = os.path.join schema_dir = os.path.abspath(pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) def testspath(): return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) @fixture def slow(request): if request.config.getoption('--quick', default=False): skip('skipping slow test') @fixture(scope='session') def filespath(): return os.path.join(testspath(), "files") @fixture def tempfiles(tmpdir, filespath): """Fixture for copying test files into a temporary directory""" dest = tmpdir.join('testfiles') shutil.copytree(filespath, str(dest)) return str(dest) @fixture(scope='session') def needs_git(): if not have_git: skip("requires git") @fixture(scope='session') def needs_hg(): if not have_hg: skip("requires mercurial") @fixture(scope='session') def needs_symlink(tmpdir_factory): if not hasattr(os, 'symlink'): skip('requires symlink creation') tdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('check-symlinks') source = tdir.mkdir('source') try: with tdir.as_cwd(): os.symlink(str(source), 'link') except OSError: skip('requires symlink creation') @fixture def git_repo(tmpdir, request, filespath, needs_git, slow): repo = str(tmpdir.join('repo')) os.mkdir(repo) save_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo) request.addfinalizer(lambda: os.chdir(save_cwd)) call('git init -b master'.split()) # setup base branch src = filespath shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-base.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) call('git add *.ipynb') call('git commit -m "init base branch"') # create base alias for master call('git checkout -b base master') # setup local branch call('git checkout -b local master') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-local.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) call('git commit -am "create local branch"') # setup remote branch with conflict call('git checkout -b remote-conflict master') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--3.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) call('git commit -am "create remote with conflict"') # setup remote branch with no conflict call('git checkout -b remote-no-conflict master') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-remote.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) call('git commit -am "create remote with no conflict"') # start on local call('git checkout local') assert not os.path.exists('.gitattributes') return repo @fixture def git_repo2(tmpdir, request, filespath, needs_git, slow): repo = str(tmpdir.join('repo')) os.mkdir(repo) save_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo) request.addfinalizer(lambda: os.chdir(save_cwd)) call('git init -b master'.split()) # setup base branch src = filespath shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) os.mkdir('sub') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'foo--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'sub', 'subfile.ipynb')) call('git add --all') call('git commit -m "init base branch"') # create base alias for master call('git checkout -b base master') # setup local branch call('git checkout -b local master') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'foo--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'sub', 'subfile.ipynb')) call('git commit -am "create local branch"') # setup remote branch call('git checkout -b remote master') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'foo--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'sub', 'subfile.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'markdown-only--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'sub', 'added.ipynb')) call('git add --all') call('git commit -am "create remote branch"') # start on remote call('git checkout remote') call('git rm diff.ipynb') assert not os.path.exists('.gitattributes') return repo @fixture def hg_repo(tmpdir, request, filespath, needs_hg, slow): repo = str(tmpdir.join('repo')) os.mkdir(repo) save_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo) request.addfinalizer(lambda: os.chdir(save_cwd)) call('hg init'.split()) # setup base branch src = filespath call('hg bookmark base') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-base.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--1.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) call('hg add') call('hg commit -m "init base brach"') # setup local branch call('hg bookmark local') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-local.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'src-and-output--2.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'diff.ipynb')) call('hg commit -m "create local branch"') # setup remote branch with conflict call('hg update base') call('hg bookmark remote-conflict') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'inline-conflict--3.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-conflict.ipynb')) call('hg commit -m "create remote with conflict"') # setup remote branch with no conflict call('hg update base') call('hg bookmark remote-no-conflict') shutil.copy(pjoin(src, 'multilevel-test-remote.ipynb'), pjoin(repo, 'merge-no-conflict.ipynb')) call('hg commit -m "create remote with conflict"') # start on local call('hg update local') return repo @fixture def reset_log(): # clear root logger handlers before test and reset afterwards handlers = list(logging.getLogger().handlers) logging.getLogger().handlers[:] = [] yield logging.getLogger().handlers[:] = handlers @fixture def nbdime_base_url(): return '/this%20is/the%08base_url' @fixture def app(nbdime_base_url, filespath): """This is a fixture used by the pytest-tornado plugin. It is indirectly called by all tests that use the `gen_test` test mark. """ from nbdime.webapp.nbdimeserver import init_app return init_app( base_url=nbdime_base_url, port=0, cwd=filespath, )[0] @fixture def auth_header(): old = os.environ.get('JUPYTER_TOKEN') os.environ['JUPYTER_TOKEN'] = TEST_TOKEN try: yield { 'Authorization': 'token %s' % TEST_TOKEN } finally: if old: os.environ['JUPYTER_TOKEN'] = old else: del os.environ['JUPYTER_TOKEN'] @fixture def json_schema_diff(request): schema_path = os.path.join(schema_dir, 'diff_format.schema.json') with io.open(schema_path, encoding="utf8") as f: schema_json = json.load(f) return schema_json @fixture def diff_validator(request, json_schema_diff): return Validator(json_schema_diff) @fixture def json_schema_merge(request): schema_path = os.path.join(schema_dir, 'merge_format.schema.json') with io.open(schema_path, encoding="utf8") as f: schema_json = json.load(f) return schema_json def is_sequence(checker, instance): return isinstance(instance, Sequence) type_checker = Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine("array", is_sequence) CustomValidator = extend(Validator, type_checker=type_checker) @fixture def merge_validator(request, json_schema_merge): return CustomValidator( json_schema_merge, resolver=RefResolver( 'file://localhost/' + schema_dir.replace('\\', '/') + '/', json_schema_merge), ) @fixture(scope='session') def ioloop_patch(): from nbdime.webapp.nbdimeserver import asyncio_patch asyncio_patch() class NBTestDataBase(object): def __init__(self): self.filespath = os.path.join(testspath(), "files") self.cache = {} filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.filespath, "*.ipynb")) names = [os.path.basename(fn).replace(".ipynb", "") for fn in filenames] self.names = list(sorted(names)) # Build groups on the form {basename: [list of names 'basename--subname']}, r = re.compile("^(.*)--(.*)$") matches = [r.match(name) for name in self.names] basenames = set(m.groups()[0] for m in matches if m) self.groups = {basename: [name for name in self.names if name.startswith(basename)] for basename in basenames} def __len__(self): return len(self.names) def __iter__(self): return self.keys() def __hasitem__(self, name): return name in self.names def keys(self): return iter(self.names) def values(self): return (self[name] for name in self.names) def items(self): return ((name, self[name]) for name in self.names) def __getitem__(self, name): if isinstance(name, int): name = self.names[name] # Cache file reads nbs = self.cache.get(name) if nbs is None: fn = os.path.join(self.filespath, name + ".ipynb") with io.open(fn, encoding="utf8") as f: nbs = f.read() self.cache[name] = nbs # But return a new notebook copy every time return nbformat.reads(nbs, as_version=4) _db = NBTestDataBase() def _any_nb_name(): return _db.names def _any_nb_pair_names(): pairs = [] names = _db.names for i in range(len(names)): for j in range(i, len(names)): pairs.append((names[i], names[j])) return pairs def _matching_nb_pair_names(): pairs = [] for basename, names in sorted(_db.groups.items()): for i in range(len(names)): for j in range(i, len(names)): pairs.append((names[i], names[j])) return pairs def _matching_nb_triplet_names(): triplets = [] for basename, names in sorted(_db.groups.items()): if basename in _db.names: for i in range(len(names)): for j in range(i, len(names)): triplets.append((basename, names[i], names[j])) return triplets @fixture def db(): return _db @fixture(params=_any_nb_name()) def any_nb(request): return _db[request.param] @fixture(params=_any_nb_pair_names()) def any_nb_pair(request): a, b = request.param return _db[a], _db[b] @fixture(params=_matching_nb_pair_names()) def matching_nb_pairs(request): a, b = request.param return _db[a], _db[b] @fixture(params=_matching_nb_triplet_names()) def matching_nb_triplets(request): a, b, c = request.param print(a, b, c) return _db[a], _db[b], _db[c] _port = 62019 def make_unique_port(): global _port _port += 1 return _port @fixture() def unique_port(): return make_unique_port() @fixture() def reset_notebook_diff(): try: yield finally: # Reset differ (global variable) reset_notebook_differ() @fixture() def popen_with_terminator(request): def run_process(*args, **kwargs): process = Popen(*args, **kwargs) def _term(): try: process.terminate() except OSError: pass request.addfinalizer(_term) return process return run_process def create_server_extension_config(tmpdir_factory, cmd): appname = 'NotebookApp' if cmd == 'notebook' else 'ServerApp' filename = 'jupyter_notebook_config.json' if cmd == 'notebook' else 'jupyter_server_config.json' config_entry = 'nbserver_extensions' if cmd == 'notebook' else 'jpserver_extensions' path = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('server-extension-config') config = { appname: { config_entry: { "nbdime": True } } } config_str = json.dumps(config) if isinstance(config_str, bytes): config_str = str(config_str) path.join(filename).write_text(config_str, 'utf-8') return str(path) @fixture(scope='module', params=('jupyter_server', 'notebook')) def server_extension_app(tmpdir_factory, request): cmd = request.param def _get_version(pkg): v = None try: from importlib.metadata import version v = version('jupyter_server') except ImportError: import pkg_resources v = pkg_resources.get_distribution('jupyter_server').version from packaging import version return version.parse(v) if cmd == 'notebook': token_config_location = 'NotebookApp' if _get_version('notebook').major <= 6 and _get_version('jupyter_server').major >= 2: skip('Do not test with notebook<=6 + jupyter_server>=2') else: from packaging import version if _get_version('jupyter_server').major >= 2: token_config_location = 'IdentityProvider' else: token_config_location = 'ServerApp' def _kill_nb_app(): try: process.terminate() except OSError: # already dead pass popen_wait(process, 10) config_dir = create_server_extension_config(tmpdir_factory, cmd) env = os.environ.copy() env.update({'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': config_dir}) port = make_unique_port() root_dir = str(tmpdir_factory.getbasetemp()) os.chdir(root_dir) process = Popen([ sys.executable, '-m', cmd, '--port=%i' % port, '--ip=', '--log-level=DEBUG', '--LanguageServerManager.autodetect=False', #' adding this fixed the last failing Python test, that was working locally and simply timing out on CI because search for language servers was taking long time on slow CI file system. '--no-browser', '--%s.token=%s' % (token_config_location, TEST_TOKEN)], env=env) request.addfinalizer(_kill_nb_app) url = '' % port wait_up(url, check=lambda: process.poll() is None) return dict(process=process, port=port, path=root_dir)