#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import base64 import io import json import logging import os import sys from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment import nbformat from jupyter_server.base.handlers import JupyterHandler, APIHandler from jupyter_server.utils import url_path_join from jupyter_server.log import log_request import requests from tornado import ioloop, web, escape, netutil, httpserver from .. import __file__ as nbdime_root from ..args import ConfigBackedParser, add_generic_args, add_web_args from ..diffing.notebooks import diff_notebooks from ..log import logger from ..merging.notebooks import decide_notebook_merge from ..nbmergeapp import _build_arg_parser as build_merge_parser from ..utils import EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE, is_in_repo # TODO: See /notebook/services/contents/handlers.py for possibly useful utilities: #contents_manager #ContentsHandler # Separate logger for server entrypoint (?) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) static_path = os.path.join(here, 'static') template_path = os.path.join(here, 'templates') class NbdimeHandler(JupyterHandler): def initialize(self, **params): self.params = params def base_args(self): fn = self.params.get('outputfilename', None) base = { 'closable': self.params.get('closable', False), 'savable': fn is not None, 'baseUrl': self.nbdime_base_url, 'hideUnchanged': self.params.get('hide_unchanged', True), 'collapseIdentical': self.params.get('identical_lines_margin', 2), } if fn: # For reference, e.g. if user wants to download file base['outputfilename'] = fn return base def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): # Write error message for HTTPErrors if serve_traceback is off: exc_info = kwargs.get('exc_info', None) if exc_info and not self.settings.get('serve_traceback'): (etype, value, traceback) = exc_info if etype == web.HTTPError: self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') return self.finish(str(value)) return super(NbdimeHandler, self).write_error(status_code, **kwargs) def read_notebook(self, arg, fail_on_empty=True): # Currently assuming arg is a filename relative to # where the server was started from, later we may # want to accept urls or full notebooks as well. if not isinstance(arg, str): raise web.HTTPError(400, 'Expecting a filename or a URL.') try: # Check that file exists if arg == EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE: path = arg else: path = os.path.join(self.curdir, arg) if not os.path.exists(path): if '://' not in arg: raise ValueError('Supplied argument cannot be read: %r' % arg) # Assume file is URI r = requests.get(arg) r.raise_for_status() # Let nbformat do the reading and validation if path == EXPLICIT_MISSING_FILE: nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() elif os.path.exists(path): try: nb = nbformat.read(path, as_version=4) except nbformat.reader.NotJSONError: if fail_on_empty: raise # Handle empty notebook file if isinstance(path, str): with io.open(path, encoding='utf-8') as fo: if len(fo.read(10)) != 0: raise nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() else: nb = nbformat.reads(r.text, as_version=4) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: self.log.exception(e) raise web.HTTPError(422, 'Invalid notebook: %s, received http error: %s' % (arg, str(e))) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) raise web.HTTPError(422, 'Invalid notebook: %s' % arg) return nb def get_notebook_argument(self, argname): # Assuming a request on the form "{'argname':arg}" body = json.loads(escape.to_unicode(self.request.body)) arg = body[argname] return self.read_notebook(arg) @property def nbdime_base_url(self): relative = self.params.get('nbdime_relative_base_url', None) if relative is None: return self.base_url return url_path_join(self.base_url, relative) @property def curdir(self): return self.params.get('cwd', os.curdir) # Polyfill in until we can rely on Notebook 5.0 being present @property def mathjax_config(self): try: return super(NbdimeHandler, self).mathjax_config except AttributeError: return 'TeX-AMS_HTML-full,Safe' class MainHandler(NbdimeHandler): def get(self): args = self.base_args() args['base'] = self.get_argument('base', '') args['local'] = self.get_argument('local', '') args['remote'] = self.get_argument('remote', '') self.write(self.render_template('compare.html', config_data=args, )) class MainDiffHandler(NbdimeHandler): def get(self): args = self.base_args() args['base'] = self.get_argument('base', '') args['remote'] = self.get_argument('remote', '') self.write(self.render_template('diff.html', config_data=args, )) class MainDifftoolHandler(NbdimeHandler): def get(self): args = self.base_args() if 'difftool_args' in self.params: base = self.params['difftool_args']['base'] remote = self.params['difftool_args']['remote'] if isinstance(base, str): args['base'] = base else: args['base'] = base.name if isinstance(remote, str): args['remote'] = remote else: args['remote'] = remote.name else: args['base'] = self.get_argument('base', '') args['remote'] = self.get_argument('remote', '') self.write(self.render_template('difftool.html', config_data=args, )) class MainMergeHandler(NbdimeHandler): def get(self): args = self.base_args() args['base'] = self.get_argument('base', '') args['local'] = self.get_argument('local', '') args['remote'] = self.get_argument('remote', '') args['showBase'] = self.params.get('show_base', True) self.write(self.render_template('merge.html', config_data=args, )) class MainMergetoolHandler(NbdimeHandler): def get(self): args = self.base_args() if 'mergetool_args' in self.params: args['base'] = self.params['mergetool_args']['base'] args['local'] = self.params['mergetool_args']['local'] args['remote'] = self.params['mergetool_args']['remote'] args['showBase'] = self.params.get('show_base', True) else: args['base'] = self.get_argument('base', '') args['local'] = self.get_argument('local', '') args['remote'] = self.get_argument('remote', '') args['showBase'] = self.params.get('show_base', True) self.write(self.render_template('mergetool.html', config_data=args, )) class ApiDiffHandler(NbdimeHandler, APIHandler): def post(self): base_nb = self.get_notebook_argument('base') remote_nb = self.get_notebook_argument('remote') try: thediff = diff_notebooks(base_nb, remote_nb) except Exception: logger.exception('Error diffing documents:') raise web.HTTPError(500, 'Error while attempting to diff documents') data = { 'base': base_nb, 'diff': thediff, } self.finish(data) def get_notebook_argument(self, argname): if 'difftool_args' in self.params: arg = self.params['difftool_args'][argname] if not isinstance(arg, str): # Assume arg is file-like arg.seek(0) return nbformat.read(arg, as_version=4) return self.read_notebook(arg) return super(ApiDiffHandler, self).get_notebook_argument(argname) class ApiMergeHandler(NbdimeHandler, APIHandler): def post(self): base_nb = self.get_notebook_argument('base') local_nb = self.get_notebook_argument('local') remote_nb = self.get_notebook_argument('remote') merge_args = self.settings.get('merge_args') if merge_args is None: merge_args = build_merge_parser().parse_args(['', '', '']) merge_args.merge_strategy = 'mergetool' self.settings['merge_args'] = merge_args try: decisions = decide_notebook_merge(base_nb, local_nb, remote_nb, args=merge_args) except Exception: logger.exception('Error merging documents:') raise web.HTTPError(500, 'Error while attempting to merge documents') data = { 'base': base_nb, 'merge_decisions': decisions } self.finish(data) def get_notebook_argument(self, argname): if 'mergetool_args' in self.params: arg = self.params['mergetool_args'][argname] return self.read_notebook(arg, fail_on_empty=False) return super(ApiMergeHandler, self).get_notebook_argument(argname) class ApiMergeStoreHandler(NbdimeHandler, APIHandler): def post(self): # I don't think we want to accept arbitrary filenames # to write to from the http request, only allowing # this operation if the server was run with an output # filename as a commandline argument: fn = self.params.get('outputfilename', None) if not fn: raise web.HTTPError(400, 'Server does not accept storing merge result.') path = os.path.join(self.curdir, fn) logger.info('Saving merge result in %s', path) body = json.loads(escape.to_unicode(self.request.body)) merged = body['merged'] merged_nb = nbformat.from_dict(merged) # Somehow store unsolved conflicts? # conflicts = body['conflicts'] with io.open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: nbformat.write(merged_nb, f) self.finish() class ApiCloseHandler(NbdimeHandler, APIHandler): def post(self): # Only allow closing, if started as tool if self.params.get('closable', False) is not True: raise web.HTTPError( 400, 'This server cannot be closed remotely.') # Fail if no exit code is supplied: fallback = int(self.request.headers.get('exit_code', 1)) try: self.application.exit_code = self.get_argument('exitCode') except web.MissingArgumentError: try: self.application.exit_code = json.loads(self.request.body).get('exitCode', fallback) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.application.exit_code = fallback if isinstance(self.application.exit_code, str): self.application.exit_code = int(self.application.exit_code, 10) _logger.info('Closing server on remote request (%d)', self.application.exit_code) self.finish() ioloop.IOLoop.current().stop() def asyncio_patch(): """set default asyncio policy to be compatible with tornado Tornado 6 (at least) is not compatible with the default asyncio implementation on Windows Pick the older SelectorEventLoopPolicy on Windows if the known-incompatible default policy is in use. do this as early as possible to make it a low priority and overrideable ref: https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/issues/2608 FIXME: if/when tornado supports the defaults in asyncio, remove and bump tornado requirement for py38 """ if sys.platform.startswith("win") and sys.version_info >= (3, 8): import asyncio try: from asyncio import ( WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy, WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy, ) except ImportError: pass # not affected else: if type(asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()) is WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy: # WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy is not compatible with tornado 6 # fallback to the pre-3.8 default of Selector asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) def make_app(**params): base_url = params.pop('base_url', '/') handlers = [ (r'/', MainHandler, params), (r'/diff', MainDiffHandler, params), (r'/difftool', MainDifftoolHandler, params), (r'/merge', MainMergeHandler, params), (r'/mergetool', MainMergetoolHandler, params), (r'/api/diff', ApiDiffHandler, params), (r'/api/merge', ApiMergeHandler, params), (r'/api/store', ApiMergeStoreHandler, params), (r'/api/closetool', ApiCloseHandler, params), # Static handler will be added automatically ] if base_url != '/': prefix = base_url.rstrip('/') handlers = [ (prefix + path, cls, params) for (path, cls, params) in handlers ] else: prefix = '' env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader([template_path]), autoescape=False) settings = { 'log_function': log_request, 'static_path': static_path, 'static_url_prefix': prefix + '/static/', 'template_path': [template_path], 'base_url': base_url, 'jinja2_env': env, 'local_hostnames': ['localhost', ''], 'cookie_secret': base64.encodebytes(os.urandom(32)), # Needed even for an unsecured server. } try: from jupyter_server.auth import IdentityProvider settings['identity_provider'] = IdentityProvider() except ImportError: pass if is_in_repo(nbdime_root): # don't cache when working from repo settings.update({ # 'autoreload': True, 'compiled_template_cache': False, 'static_hash_cache': False, # 'serve_traceback': True, }) app = web.Application(handlers, **settings) app.exit_code = 0 return app def init_app(on_port=None, closable=False, **params): asyncio_patch() _logger.debug('Using params: %s', params) params.update({'closable': closable}) port = params.pop('port', 0) ip = params.pop('ip', '') app = make_app(**params) if ip not in {'', 'localhost', '::1'}: # enable remote access when listening on a public ip app.settings['allow_remote_access'] = True if port != 0: server = app.listen(port, address=ip) _logger.info('Listening on %s, port %d', ip, port) else: sockets = netutil.bind_sockets(0, ip) server = httpserver.HTTPServer(app) server.add_sockets(sockets) for s in sockets: _logger.info('Listening on %s, port %d', *s.getsockname()[:2]) port = s.getsockname()[1] if on_port is not None: on_port(port) return app, server def main_server(on_port=None, closable=False, **params): app, server = init_app(on_port, closable, **params) io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # workaround for tornado on Windows: # add no-op to wake every 5s # to handle signals that may be ignored by the inner loop pc = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(lambda : None, 5000) pc.start() io_loop.start() # Clean up after server: server.stop() return app.exit_code def _build_arg_parser(): """ Creates an argument parser that lets the user specify a port and displays a help message. """ description = 'Web interface for Nbdime.' parser = ConfigBackedParser(description=description) add_generic_args(parser) add_web_args(parser) return parser def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] arguments = _build_arg_parser().parse_args(args) return main_server(port=arguments.port, ip=arguments.ip, cwd=arguments.workdirectory, base_url=arguments.base_url, ) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())