# Copyright (c) 2010-2023 openpyxl from collections import defaultdict from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Typed, Integer, NoneSet, Set, Bool, String, Bool, Sequence, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import ExtensionList, Relation from openpyxl.descriptors.sequence import NestedSequence from openpyxl.xml.constants import SHEET_MAIN_NS from openpyxl.xml.functions import tostring from openpyxl.packaging.relationship import ( RelationshipList, Relationship, get_rels_path ) from .fields import Index from openpyxl.worksheet.filters import ( AutoFilter, ) class HierarchyUsage(Serialisable): tagname = "hierarchyUsage" hierarchyUsage = Integer() def __init__(self, hierarchyUsage=None, ): self.hierarchyUsage = hierarchyUsage class ColHierarchiesUsage(Serialisable): tagname = "colHierarchiesUsage" colHierarchyUsage = Sequence(expected_type=HierarchyUsage, ) __elements__ = ('colHierarchyUsage',) __attrs__ = ('count', ) def __init__(self, count=None, colHierarchyUsage=(), ): self.colHierarchyUsage = colHierarchyUsage @property def count(self): return len(self.colHierarchyUsage) class RowHierarchiesUsage(Serialisable): tagname = "rowHierarchiesUsage" rowHierarchyUsage = Sequence(expected_type=HierarchyUsage, ) __elements__ = ('rowHierarchyUsage',) __attrs__ = ('count', ) def __init__(self, count=None, rowHierarchyUsage=(), ): self.rowHierarchyUsage = rowHierarchyUsage @property def count(self): return len(self.rowHierarchyUsage) class PivotFilter(Serialisable): tagname = "filter" fld = Integer() mpFld = Integer(allow_none=True) type = Set(values=(['unknown', 'count', 'percent', 'sum', 'captionEqual', 'captionNotEqual', 'captionBeginsWith', 'captionNotBeginsWith', 'captionEndsWith', 'captionNotEndsWith', 'captionContains', 'captionNotContains', 'captionGreaterThan', 'captionGreaterThanOrEqual', 'captionLessThan', 'captionLessThanOrEqual', 'captionBetween', 'captionNotBetween', 'valueEqual', 'valueNotEqual', 'valueGreaterThan', 'valueGreaterThanOrEqual', 'valueLessThan', 'valueLessThanOrEqual', 'valueBetween', 'valueNotBetween', 'dateEqual', 'dateNotEqual', 'dateOlderThan', 'dateOlderThanOrEqual', 'dateNewerThan', 'dateNewerThanOrEqual', 'dateBetween', 'dateNotBetween', 'tomorrow', 'today', 'yesterday', 'nextWeek', 'thisWeek', 'lastWeek', 'nextMonth', 'thisMonth', 'lastMonth', 'nextQuarter', 'thisQuarter', 'lastQuarter', 'nextYear', 'thisYear', 'lastYear', 'yearToDate', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5', 'M6', 'M7', 'M8', 'M9', 'M10', 'M11', 'M12'])) evalOrder = Integer(allow_none=True) id = Integer() iMeasureHier = Integer(allow_none=True) iMeasureFld = Integer(allow_none=True) name = String(allow_none=True) description = String(allow_none=True) stringValue1 = String(allow_none=True) stringValue2 = String(allow_none=True) autoFilter = Typed(expected_type=AutoFilter, ) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('autoFilter',) def __init__(self, fld=None, mpFld=None, type=None, evalOrder=None, id=None, iMeasureHier=None, iMeasureFld=None, name=None, description=None, stringValue1=None, stringValue2=None, autoFilter=None, extLst=None, ): self.fld = fld self.mpFld = mpFld self.type = type self.evalOrder = evalOrder self.id = id self.iMeasureHier = iMeasureHier self.iMeasureFld = iMeasureFld self.name = name self.description = description self.stringValue1 = stringValue1 self.stringValue2 = stringValue2 self.autoFilter = autoFilter class PivotFilters(Serialisable): count = Integer() filter = Typed(expected_type=PivotFilter, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('filter',) def __init__(self, count=None, filter=None, ): self.filter = filter class PivotTableStyle(Serialisable): tagname = "pivotTableStyleInfo" name = String(allow_none=True) showRowHeaders = Bool() showColHeaders = Bool() showRowStripes = Bool() showColStripes = Bool() showLastColumn = Bool() def __init__(self, name=None, showRowHeaders=None, showColHeaders=None, showRowStripes=None, showColStripes=None, showLastColumn=None, ): self.name = name self.showRowHeaders = showRowHeaders self.showColHeaders = showColHeaders self.showRowStripes = showRowStripes self.showColStripes = showColStripes self.showLastColumn = showLastColumn class MemberList(Serialisable): tagname = "members" level = Integer(allow_none=True) member = NestedSequence(expected_type=String, attribute="name") __elements__ = ('member',) def __init__(self, count=None, level=None, member=(), ): self.level = level self.member = member @property def count(self): return len(self.member) class MemberProperty(Serialisable): tagname = "mps" name = String(allow_none=True) showCell = Bool(allow_none=True) showTip = Bool(allow_none=True) showAsCaption = Bool(allow_none=True) nameLen = Integer(allow_none=True) pPos = Integer(allow_none=True) pLen = Integer(allow_none=True) level = Integer(allow_none=True) field = Integer() def __init__(self, name=None, showCell=None, showTip=None, showAsCaption=None, nameLen=None, pPos=None, pLen=None, level=None, field=None, ): self.name = name self.showCell = showCell self.showTip = showTip self.showAsCaption = showAsCaption self.nameLen = nameLen self.pPos = pPos self.pLen = pLen self.level = level self.field = field class PivotHierarchy(Serialisable): tagname = "pivotHierarchy" outline = Bool() multipleItemSelectionAllowed = Bool() subtotalTop = Bool() showInFieldList = Bool() dragToRow = Bool() dragToCol = Bool() dragToPage = Bool() dragToData = Bool() dragOff = Bool() includeNewItemsInFilter = Bool() caption = String(allow_none=True) mps = NestedSequence(expected_type=MemberProperty, count=True) members = Typed(expected_type=MemberList, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('mps', 'members',) def __init__(self, outline=None, multipleItemSelectionAllowed=None, subtotalTop=None, showInFieldList=None, dragToRow=None, dragToCol=None, dragToPage=None, dragToData=None, dragOff=None, includeNewItemsInFilter=None, caption=None, mps=(), members=None, extLst=None, ): self.outline = outline self.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = multipleItemSelectionAllowed self.subtotalTop = subtotalTop self.showInFieldList = showInFieldList self.dragToRow = dragToRow self.dragToCol = dragToCol self.dragToPage = dragToPage self.dragToData = dragToData self.dragOff = dragOff self.includeNewItemsInFilter = includeNewItemsInFilter self.caption = caption self.mps = mps self.members = members self.extLst = extLst class Reference(Serialisable): tagname = "reference" field = Integer(allow_none=True) selected = Bool(allow_none=True) byPosition = Bool(allow_none=True) relative = Bool(allow_none=True) defaultSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) sumSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) countASubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) avgSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) maxSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) minSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) productSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) countSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) stdDevSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) stdDevPSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) varSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) varPSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) x = Sequence(expected_type=Index) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('x',) def __init__(self, field=None, count=None, selected=None, byPosition=None, relative=None, defaultSubtotal=None, sumSubtotal=None, countASubtotal=None, avgSubtotal=None, maxSubtotal=None, minSubtotal=None, productSubtotal=None, countSubtotal=None, stdDevSubtotal=None, stdDevPSubtotal=None, varSubtotal=None, varPSubtotal=None, x=(), extLst=None, ): self.field = field self.selected = selected self.byPosition = byPosition self.relative = relative self.defaultSubtotal = defaultSubtotal self.sumSubtotal = sumSubtotal self.countASubtotal = countASubtotal self.avgSubtotal = avgSubtotal self.maxSubtotal = maxSubtotal self.minSubtotal = minSubtotal self.productSubtotal = productSubtotal self.countSubtotal = countSubtotal self.stdDevSubtotal = stdDevSubtotal self.stdDevPSubtotal = stdDevPSubtotal self.varSubtotal = varSubtotal self.varPSubtotal = varPSubtotal self.x = x @property def count(self): return len(self.field) class PivotArea(Serialisable): tagname = "pivotArea" references = NestedSequence(expected_type=Reference, count=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) field = Integer(allow_none=True) type = NoneSet(values=(['normal', 'data', 'all', 'origin', 'button', 'topEnd', 'topRight'])) dataOnly = Bool(allow_none=True) labelOnly = Bool(allow_none=True) grandRow = Bool(allow_none=True) grandCol = Bool(allow_none=True) cacheIndex = Bool(allow_none=True) outline = Bool(allow_none=True) offset = String(allow_none=True) collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals = Bool(allow_none=True) axis = NoneSet(values=(['axisRow', 'axisCol', 'axisPage', 'axisValues'])) fieldPosition = Integer(allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('references',) def __init__(self, references=(), extLst=None, field=None, type="normal", dataOnly=True, labelOnly=None, grandRow=None, grandCol=None, cacheIndex=None, outline=True, offset=None, collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals=None, axis=None, fieldPosition=None, ): self.references = references self.extLst = extLst self.field = field self.type = type self.dataOnly = dataOnly self.labelOnly = labelOnly self.grandRow = grandRow self.grandCol = grandCol self.cacheIndex = cacheIndex self.outline = outline self.offset = offset self.collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals = collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals self.axis = axis self.fieldPosition = fieldPosition class ChartFormat(Serialisable): tagname = "chartFormat" chart = Integer() format = Integer() series = Bool() pivotArea = Typed(expected_type=PivotArea, ) __elements__ = ('pivotArea',) def __init__(self, chart=None, format=None, series=None, pivotArea=None, ): self.chart = chart self.format = format self.series = series self.pivotArea = pivotArea class ConditionalFormat(Serialisable): tagname = "conditionalFormat" scope = Set(values=(['selection', 'data', 'field'])) type = NoneSet(values=(['all', 'row', 'column'])) priority = Integer() pivotAreas = NestedSequence(expected_type=PivotArea) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('pivotAreas',) def __init__(self, scope="selection", type=None, priority=None, pivotAreas=(), extLst=None, ): self.scope = scope self.type = type self.priority = priority self.pivotAreas = pivotAreas self.extLst = extLst class ConditionalFormatList(Serialisable): tagname = "conditionalFormats" conditionalFormat = Sequence(expected_type=ConditionalFormat) __attrs__ = ("count",) def __init__(self, conditionalFormat=(), count=None): self.conditionalFormat = conditionalFormat def by_priority(self): """ Return a dictionary of format objects keyed by (field id and format property). This can be used to map the formats to field but also to dedupe to match worksheet definitions which are grouped by cell range """ fmts = {} for fmt in self.conditionalFormat: for area in fmt.pivotAreas: for ref in area.references: for field in ref.x: key = (field.v, fmt.priority) fmts[key] = fmt return fmts def _dedupe(self): """ Group formats by field index and priority. Sorted to match sorting and grouping for corresponding worksheet formats The implemtenters notes contain significant deviance from the OOXML specification, in particular how conditional formats in tables relate to those defined in corresponding worksheets and how to determine which format applies to which fields. There are some magical interdependencies: * Every pivot table fmt must have a worksheet cxf with the same priority. * In the reference part the field 4294967294 refers to a data field, the spec says -2 * Data fields are referenced by the 0-index reference.x.v value Things are made more complicated by the fact that field items behave diffently if the parent is a reference or shared item: "In Office if the parent is the reference element, then restrictions of this value are defined by reference@field. If the parent is the tables element, then this value specifies the index into the table tag position in @url." Yeah, right! """ fmts = self.by_priority() # sort by priority in order, keeping the highest numerical priority, least when # actually applied # this is not documented but it's what Excel is happy with fmts = {field:fmt for (field, priority), fmt in sorted(fmts.items(), reverse=True)} #fmts = {field:fmt for (field, priority), fmt in fmts.items()} if fmts: self.conditionalFormat = list(fmts.values()) @property def count(self): return len(self.conditionalFormat) def to_tree(self, tagname=None): self._dedupe() return super().to_tree(tagname) class Format(Serialisable): tagname = "format" action = NoneSet(values=(['blank', 'formatting', 'drill', 'formula'])) dxfId = Integer(allow_none=True) pivotArea = Typed(expected_type=PivotArea, ) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('pivotArea',) def __init__(self, action="formatting", dxfId=None, pivotArea=None, extLst=None, ): self.action = action self.dxfId = dxfId self.pivotArea = pivotArea self.extLst = extLst class DataField(Serialisable): tagname = "dataField" name = String(allow_none=True) fld = Integer() subtotal = Set(values=(['average', 'count', 'countNums', 'max', 'min', 'product', 'stdDev', 'stdDevp', 'sum', 'var', 'varp'])) showDataAs = Set(values=(['normal', 'difference', 'percent', 'percentDiff', 'runTotal', 'percentOfRow', 'percentOfCol', 'percentOfTotal', 'index'])) baseField = Integer() baseItem = Integer() numFmtId = Integer(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = () def __init__(self, name=None, fld=None, subtotal="sum", showDataAs="normal", baseField=-1, baseItem=1048832, numFmtId=None, extLst=None, ): self.name = name self.fld = fld self.subtotal = subtotal self.showDataAs = showDataAs self.baseField = baseField self.baseItem = baseItem self.numFmtId = numFmtId self.extLst = extLst class PageField(Serialisable): tagname = "pageField" fld = Integer() item = Integer(allow_none=True) hier = Integer(allow_none=True) name = String(allow_none=True) cap = String(allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) __elements__ = () def __init__(self, fld=None, item=None, hier=None, name=None, cap=None, extLst=None, ): self.fld = fld self.item = item self.hier = hier self.name = name self.cap = cap self.extLst = extLst class RowColItem(Serialisable): tagname = "i" t = Set(values=(['data', 'default', 'sum', 'countA', 'avg', 'max', 'min', 'product', 'count', 'stdDev', 'stdDevP', 'var', 'varP', 'grand', 'blank'])) r = Integer() i = Integer() x = Sequence(expected_type=Index, attribute="v") __elements__ = ('x',) def __init__(self, t="data", r=0, i=0, x=(), ): self.t = t self.r = r self.i = i self.x = x class RowColField(Serialisable): tagname = "field" x = Integer() def __init__(self, x=None, ): self.x = x class AutoSortScope(Serialisable): pivotArea = Typed(expected_type=PivotArea, ) __elements__ = ('pivotArea',) def __init__(self, pivotArea=None, ): self.pivotArea = pivotArea class FieldItem(Serialisable): tagname = "item" n = String(allow_none=True) t = Set(values=(['data', 'default', 'sum', 'countA', 'avg', 'max', 'min', 'product', 'count', 'stdDev', 'stdDevP', 'var', 'varP', 'grand', 'blank'])) h = Bool(allow_none=True) s = Bool(allow_none=True) sd = Bool(allow_none=True) f = Bool(allow_none=True) m = Bool(allow_none=True) c = Bool(allow_none=True) x = Integer(allow_none=True) d = Bool(allow_none=True) e = Bool(allow_none=True) def __init__(self, n=None, t="data", h=None, s=None, sd=True, f=None, m=None, c=None, x=None, d=None, e=None, ): self.n = n self.t = t self.h = h self.s = s self.sd = sd self.f = f self.m = m self.c = c self.x = x self.d = d self.e = e class PivotField(Serialisable): tagname = "pivotField" items = NestedSequence(expected_type=FieldItem, count=True) autoSortScope = Typed(expected_type=AutoSortScope, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) name = String(allow_none=True) axis = NoneSet(values=(['axisRow', 'axisCol', 'axisPage', 'axisValues'])) dataField = Bool(allow_none=True) subtotalCaption = String(allow_none=True) showDropDowns = Bool(allow_none=True) hiddenLevel = Bool(allow_none=True) uniqueMemberProperty = String(allow_none=True) compact = Bool(allow_none=True) allDrilled = Bool(allow_none=True) numFmtId = Integer(allow_none=True) outline = Bool(allow_none=True) subtotalTop = Bool(allow_none=True) dragToRow = Bool(allow_none=True) dragToCol = Bool(allow_none=True) multipleItemSelectionAllowed = Bool(allow_none=True) dragToPage = Bool(allow_none=True) dragToData = Bool(allow_none=True) dragOff = Bool(allow_none=True) showAll = Bool(allow_none=True) insertBlankRow = Bool(allow_none=True) serverField = Bool(allow_none=True) insertPageBreak = Bool(allow_none=True) autoShow = Bool(allow_none=True) topAutoShow = Bool(allow_none=True) hideNewItems = Bool(allow_none=True) measureFilter = Bool(allow_none=True) includeNewItemsInFilter = Bool(allow_none=True) itemPageCount = Integer(allow_none=True) sortType = Set(values=(['manual', 'ascending', 'descending'])) dataSourceSort = Bool(allow_none=True) nonAutoSortDefault = Bool(allow_none=True) rankBy = Integer(allow_none=True) defaultSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) sumSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) countASubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) avgSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) maxSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) minSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) productSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) countSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) stdDevSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) stdDevPSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) varSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) varPSubtotal = Bool(allow_none=True) showPropCell = Bool(allow_none=True) showPropTip = Bool(allow_none=True) showPropAsCaption = Bool(allow_none=True) defaultAttributeDrillState = Bool(allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('items', 'autoSortScope',) def __init__(self, items=(), autoSortScope=None, name=None, axis=None, dataField=None, subtotalCaption=None, showDropDowns=True, hiddenLevel=None, uniqueMemberProperty=None, compact=True, allDrilled=None, numFmtId=None, outline=True, subtotalTop=True, dragToRow=True, dragToCol=True, multipleItemSelectionAllowed=None, dragToPage=True, dragToData=True, dragOff=True, showAll=True, insertBlankRow=None, serverField=None, insertPageBreak=None, autoShow=None, topAutoShow=True, hideNewItems=None, measureFilter=None, includeNewItemsInFilter=None, itemPageCount=10, sortType="manual", dataSourceSort=None, nonAutoSortDefault=None, rankBy=None, defaultSubtotal=True, sumSubtotal=None, countASubtotal=None, avgSubtotal=None, maxSubtotal=None, minSubtotal=None, productSubtotal=None, countSubtotal=None, stdDevSubtotal=None, stdDevPSubtotal=None, varSubtotal=None, varPSubtotal=None, showPropCell=None, showPropTip=None, showPropAsCaption=None, defaultAttributeDrillState=None, extLst=None, ): self.items = items self.autoSortScope = autoSortScope self.name = name self.axis = axis self.dataField = dataField self.subtotalCaption = subtotalCaption self.showDropDowns = showDropDowns self.hiddenLevel = hiddenLevel self.uniqueMemberProperty = uniqueMemberProperty self.compact = compact self.allDrilled = allDrilled self.numFmtId = numFmtId self.outline = outline self.subtotalTop = subtotalTop self.dragToRow = dragToRow self.dragToCol = dragToCol self.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = multipleItemSelectionAllowed self.dragToPage = dragToPage self.dragToData = dragToData self.dragOff = dragOff self.showAll = showAll self.insertBlankRow = insertBlankRow self.serverField = serverField self.insertPageBreak = insertPageBreak self.autoShow = autoShow self.topAutoShow = topAutoShow self.hideNewItems = hideNewItems self.measureFilter = measureFilter self.includeNewItemsInFilter = includeNewItemsInFilter self.itemPageCount = itemPageCount self.sortType = sortType self.dataSourceSort = dataSourceSort self.nonAutoSortDefault = nonAutoSortDefault self.rankBy = rankBy self.defaultSubtotal = defaultSubtotal self.sumSubtotal = sumSubtotal self.countASubtotal = countASubtotal self.avgSubtotal = avgSubtotal self.maxSubtotal = maxSubtotal self.minSubtotal = minSubtotal self.productSubtotal = productSubtotal self.countSubtotal = countSubtotal self.stdDevSubtotal = stdDevSubtotal self.stdDevPSubtotal = stdDevPSubtotal self.varSubtotal = varSubtotal self.varPSubtotal = varPSubtotal self.showPropCell = showPropCell self.showPropTip = showPropTip self.showPropAsCaption = showPropAsCaption self.defaultAttributeDrillState = defaultAttributeDrillState class Location(Serialisable): tagname = "location" ref = String() firstHeaderRow = Integer() firstDataRow = Integer() firstDataCol = Integer() rowPageCount = Integer(allow_none=True) colPageCount = Integer(allow_none=True) def __init__(self, ref=None, firstHeaderRow=None, firstDataRow=None, firstDataCol=None, rowPageCount=None, colPageCount=None, ): self.ref = ref self.firstHeaderRow = firstHeaderRow self.firstDataRow = firstDataRow self.firstDataCol = firstDataCol self.rowPageCount = rowPageCount self.colPageCount = colPageCount class TableDefinition(Serialisable): mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotTable+xml" rel_type = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotTable" _id = 1 _path = "/xl/pivotTables/pivotTable{0}.xml" tagname = "pivotTableDefinition" cache = None name = String() cacheId = Integer() dataOnRows = Bool() dataPosition = Integer(allow_none=True) dataCaption = String() grandTotalCaption = String(allow_none=True) errorCaption = String(allow_none=True) showError = Bool() missingCaption = String(allow_none=True) showMissing = Bool() pageStyle = String(allow_none=True) pivotTableStyle = String(allow_none=True) vacatedStyle = String(allow_none=True) tag = String(allow_none=True) updatedVersion = Integer() minRefreshableVersion = Integer() asteriskTotals = Bool() showItems = Bool() editData = Bool() disableFieldList = Bool() showCalcMbrs = Bool() visualTotals = Bool() showMultipleLabel = Bool() showDataDropDown = Bool() showDrill = Bool() printDrill = Bool() showMemberPropertyTips = Bool() showDataTips = Bool() enableWizard = Bool() enableDrill = Bool() enableFieldProperties = Bool() preserveFormatting = Bool() useAutoFormatting = Bool() pageWrap = Integer() pageOverThenDown = Bool() subtotalHiddenItems = Bool() rowGrandTotals = Bool() colGrandTotals = Bool() fieldPrintTitles = Bool() itemPrintTitles = Bool() mergeItem = Bool() showDropZones = Bool() createdVersion = Integer() indent = Integer() showEmptyRow = Bool() showEmptyCol = Bool() showHeaders = Bool() compact = Bool() outline = Bool() outlineData = Bool() compactData = Bool() published = Bool() gridDropZones = Bool() immersive = Bool() multipleFieldFilters = Bool() chartFormat = Integer() rowHeaderCaption = String(allow_none=True) colHeaderCaption = String(allow_none=True) fieldListSortAscending = Bool() mdxSubqueries = Bool() customListSort = Bool(allow_none=True) autoFormatId = Integer(allow_none=True) applyNumberFormats = Bool() applyBorderFormats = Bool() applyFontFormats = Bool() applyPatternFormats = Bool() applyAlignmentFormats = Bool() applyWidthHeightFormats = Bool() location = Typed(expected_type=Location, ) pivotFields = NestedSequence(expected_type=PivotField, count=True) rowFields = NestedSequence(expected_type=RowColField, count=True) rowItems = NestedSequence(expected_type=RowColItem, count=True) colFields = NestedSequence(expected_type=RowColField, count=True) colItems = NestedSequence(expected_type=RowColItem, count=True) pageFields = NestedSequence(expected_type=PageField, count=True) dataFields = NestedSequence(expected_type=DataField, count=True) formats = NestedSequence(expected_type=Format, count=True) conditionalFormats = Typed(expected_type=ConditionalFormatList, allow_none=True) chartFormats = NestedSequence(expected_type=ChartFormat, count=True) pivotHierarchies = NestedSequence(expected_type=PivotHierarchy, count=True) pivotTableStyleInfo = Typed(expected_type=PivotTableStyle, allow_none=True) filters = NestedSequence(expected_type=PivotFilter, count=True) rowHierarchiesUsage = Typed(expected_type=RowHierarchiesUsage, allow_none=True) colHierarchiesUsage = Typed(expected_type=ColHierarchiesUsage, allow_none=True) extLst = Typed(expected_type=ExtensionList, allow_none=True) id = Relation() __elements__ = ('location', 'pivotFields', 'rowFields', 'rowItems', 'colFields', 'colItems', 'pageFields', 'dataFields', 'formats', 'conditionalFormats', 'chartFormats', 'pivotHierarchies', 'pivotTableStyleInfo', 'filters', 'rowHierarchiesUsage', 'colHierarchiesUsage',) def __init__(self, name=None, cacheId=None, dataOnRows=False, dataPosition=None, dataCaption=None, grandTotalCaption=None, errorCaption=None, showError=False, missingCaption=None, showMissing=True, pageStyle=None, pivotTableStyle=None, vacatedStyle=None, tag=None, updatedVersion=0, minRefreshableVersion=0, asteriskTotals=False, showItems=True, editData=False, disableFieldList=False, showCalcMbrs=True, visualTotals=True, showMultipleLabel=True, showDataDropDown=True, showDrill=True, printDrill=False, showMemberPropertyTips=True, showDataTips=True, enableWizard=True, enableDrill=True, enableFieldProperties=True, preserveFormatting=True, useAutoFormatting=False, pageWrap=0, pageOverThenDown=False, subtotalHiddenItems=False, rowGrandTotals=True, colGrandTotals=True, fieldPrintTitles=False, itemPrintTitles=False, mergeItem=False, showDropZones=True, createdVersion=0, indent=1, showEmptyRow=False, showEmptyCol=False, showHeaders=True, compact=True, outline=False, outlineData=False, compactData=True, published=False, gridDropZones=False, immersive=True, multipleFieldFilters=None, chartFormat=0, rowHeaderCaption=None, colHeaderCaption=None, fieldListSortAscending=None, mdxSubqueries=None, customListSort=None, autoFormatId=None, applyNumberFormats=False, applyBorderFormats=False, applyFontFormats=False, applyPatternFormats=False, applyAlignmentFormats=False, applyWidthHeightFormats=False, location=None, pivotFields=(), rowFields=(), rowItems=(), colFields=(), colItems=(), pageFields=(), dataFields=(), formats=(), conditionalFormats=None, chartFormats=(), pivotHierarchies=(), pivotTableStyleInfo=None, filters=(), rowHierarchiesUsage=None, colHierarchiesUsage=None, extLst=None, id=None, ): self.name = name self.cacheId = cacheId self.dataOnRows = dataOnRows self.dataPosition = dataPosition self.dataCaption = dataCaption self.grandTotalCaption = grandTotalCaption self.errorCaption = errorCaption self.showError = showError self.missingCaption = missingCaption self.showMissing = showMissing self.pageStyle = pageStyle self.pivotTableStyle = pivotTableStyle self.vacatedStyle = vacatedStyle self.tag = tag self.updatedVersion = updatedVersion self.minRefreshableVersion = minRefreshableVersion self.asteriskTotals = asteriskTotals self.showItems = showItems self.editData = editData self.disableFieldList = disableFieldList self.showCalcMbrs = showCalcMbrs self.visualTotals = visualTotals self.showMultipleLabel = showMultipleLabel self.showDataDropDown = showDataDropDown self.showDrill = showDrill self.printDrill = printDrill self.showMemberPropertyTips = showMemberPropertyTips self.showDataTips = showDataTips self.enableWizard = enableWizard self.enableDrill = enableDrill self.enableFieldProperties = enableFieldProperties self.preserveFormatting = preserveFormatting self.useAutoFormatting = useAutoFormatting self.pageWrap = pageWrap self.pageOverThenDown = pageOverThenDown self.subtotalHiddenItems = subtotalHiddenItems self.rowGrandTotals = rowGrandTotals self.colGrandTotals = colGrandTotals self.fieldPrintTitles = fieldPrintTitles self.itemPrintTitles = itemPrintTitles self.mergeItem = mergeItem self.showDropZones = showDropZones self.createdVersion = createdVersion self.indent = indent self.showEmptyRow = showEmptyRow self.showEmptyCol = showEmptyCol self.showHeaders = showHeaders self.compact = compact self.outline = outline self.outlineData = outlineData self.compactData = compactData self.published = published self.gridDropZones = gridDropZones self.immersive = immersive self.multipleFieldFilters = multipleFieldFilters self.chartFormat = chartFormat self.rowHeaderCaption = rowHeaderCaption self.colHeaderCaption = colHeaderCaption self.fieldListSortAscending = fieldListSortAscending self.mdxSubqueries = mdxSubqueries self.customListSort = customListSort self.autoFormatId = autoFormatId self.applyNumberFormats = applyNumberFormats self.applyBorderFormats = applyBorderFormats self.applyFontFormats = applyFontFormats self.applyPatternFormats = applyPatternFormats self.applyAlignmentFormats = applyAlignmentFormats self.applyWidthHeightFormats = applyWidthHeightFormats self.location = location self.pivotFields = pivotFields self.rowFields = rowFields self.rowItems = rowItems self.colFields = colFields self.colItems = colItems self.pageFields = pageFields self.dataFields = dataFields self.formats = formats self.conditionalFormats = conditionalFormats self.conditionalFormats = None self.chartFormats = chartFormats self.pivotHierarchies = pivotHierarchies self.pivotTableStyleInfo = pivotTableStyleInfo self.filters = filters self.rowHierarchiesUsage = rowHierarchiesUsage self.colHierarchiesUsage = colHierarchiesUsage self.extLst = extLst self.id = id def to_tree(self): tree = super(TableDefinition, self).to_tree() tree.set("xmlns", SHEET_MAIN_NS) return tree @property def path(self): return self._path.format(self._id) def _write(self, archive, manifest): """ Add to zipfile and update manifest """ self._write_rels(archive, manifest) xml = tostring(self.to_tree()) archive.writestr(self.path[1:], xml) manifest.append(self) def _write_rels(self, archive, manifest): """ Write the relevant child objects and add links """ if self.cache is None: return rels = RelationshipList() r = Relationship(Type=self.cache.rel_type, Target=self.cache.path) rels.append(r) self.id = r.id if self.cache.path[1:] not in archive.namelist(): self.cache._write(archive, manifest) path = get_rels_path(self.path) xml = tostring(rels.to_tree()) archive.writestr(path[1:], xml) def formatted_fields(self): """Map fields to associated conditional formats by priority""" if not self.conditionalFormats: return {} fields = defaultdict(list) for idx, prio in self.conditionalFormats.by_priority(): name = self.dataFields[idx].name fields[name].append(prio) return fields @property def summary(self): """ Provide a simplified summary of the table """ return f"{self.name} {dict(self.location)}"