# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # cython: language_level = 3 from cython cimport binding from pyarrow.lib import frombytes, tobytes from pyarrow.includes.libarrow_fs cimport * from pyarrow._fs cimport FileSystem cdef class AzureFileSystem(FileSystem): """ Azure Blob Storage backed FileSystem implementation This implementation supports flat namespace and hierarchical namespace (HNS) a.k.a. Data Lake Gen2 storage accounts. HNS will be automatically detected and HNS specific features will be used when they provide a performance advantage. Azurite emulator is also supported. Note: `/` is the only supported delimiter. The storage account is considered the root of the filesystem. When enabled, containers will be created or deleted during relevant directory operations. Obviously, this also requires authentication with the additional permissions. By default `DefaultAzureCredential `__ is used for authentication. This means it will try several types of authentication and go with the first one that works. If any authentication parameters are provided when initialising the FileSystem, they will be used instead of the default credential. Parameters ---------- account_name : str Azure Blob Storage account name. This is the globally unique identifier for the storage account. account_key : str, default None Account key of the storage account. Pass None to use default credential. blob_storage_authority : str, default None hostname[:port] of the Blob Service. Defaults to `.blob.core.windows.net`. Useful for connecting to a local emulator, like Azurite. dfs_storage_authority : str, default None hostname[:port] of the Data Lake Gen 2 Service. Defaults to `.dfs.core.windows.net`. Useful for connecting to a local emulator, like Azurite. blob_storage_scheme : str, default None Either `http` or `https`. Defaults to `https`. Useful for connecting to a local emulator, like Azurite. dfs_storage_scheme : str, default None Either `http` or `https`. Defaults to `https`. Useful for connecting to a local emulator, like Azurite. Examples -------- >>> from pyarrow import fs >>> azure_fs = fs.AzureFileSystem(account_name='myaccount') >>> azurite_fs = fs.AzureFileSystem( ... account_name='devstoreaccount1', ... account_key='Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==', ... blob_storage_authority='', ... dfs_storage_authority='', ... blob_storage_scheme='http', ... dfs_storage_scheme='http', ... ) For usage of the methods see examples for :func:`~pyarrow.fs.LocalFileSystem`. """ cdef: CAzureFileSystem* azurefs c_string account_key def __init__(self, account_name, *, account_key=None, blob_storage_authority=None, dfs_storage_authority=None, blob_storage_scheme=None, dfs_storage_scheme=None): cdef: CAzureOptions options shared_ptr[CAzureFileSystem] wrapped options.account_name = tobytes(account_name) if blob_storage_authority: options.blob_storage_authority = tobytes(blob_storage_authority) if dfs_storage_authority: options.dfs_storage_authority = tobytes(dfs_storage_authority) if blob_storage_scheme: options.blob_storage_scheme = tobytes(blob_storage_scheme) if dfs_storage_scheme: options.dfs_storage_scheme = tobytes(dfs_storage_scheme) if account_key: options.ConfigureAccountKeyCredential(tobytes(account_key)) self.account_key = tobytes(account_key) else: options.ConfigureDefaultCredential() with nogil: wrapped = GetResultValue(CAzureFileSystem.Make(options)) self.init( wrapped) cdef init(self, const shared_ptr[CFileSystem]& wrapped): FileSystem.init(self, wrapped) self.azurefs = wrapped.get() @staticmethod @binding(True) # Required for cython < 3 def _reconstruct(kwargs): # __reduce__ doesn't allow passing named arguments directly to the # reconstructor, hence this wrapper. return AzureFileSystem(**kwargs) def __reduce__(self): cdef CAzureOptions opts = self.azurefs.options() return ( AzureFileSystem._reconstruct, (dict( account_name=frombytes(opts.account_name), account_key=frombytes(self.account_key), blob_storage_authority=frombytes(opts.blob_storage_authority), dfs_storage_authority=frombytes(opts.dfs_storage_authority), blob_storage_scheme=frombytes(opts.blob_storage_scheme), dfs_storage_scheme=frombytes(opts.dfs_storage_scheme) ),))