import numpy as np from scipy.special import (ellipkinc as ellip_F, ellipeinc as ellip_E) def ellipsoid(a, b, c, spacing=(1., 1., 1.), levelset=False): """ Generates ellipsoid with semimajor axes aligned with grid dimensions on grid with specified `spacing`. Parameters ---------- a : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with x-axis. b : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with y-axis. c : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with z-axis. spacing : tuple of floats, length 3 Spacing in (x, y, z) spatial dimensions. levelset : bool If True, returns the level set for this ellipsoid (signed level set about zero, with positive denoting interior) as np.float64. False returns a binarized version of said level set. Returns ------- ellip : (N, M, P) array Ellipsoid centered in a correctly sized array for given `spacing`. Boolean dtype unless `levelset=True`, in which case a float array is returned with the level set above 0.0 representing the ellipsoid. """ if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (c <= 0): raise ValueError('Parameters a, b, and c must all be > 0') offset = np.r_[1, 1, 1] * np.r_[spacing] # Calculate limits, and ensure output volume is odd & symmetric low = np.ceil(- np.r_[a, b, c] - offset) high = np.floor(np.r_[a, b, c] + offset + 1) for dim in range(3): if (high[dim] - low[dim]) % 2 == 0: low[dim] -= 1 num = np.arange(low[dim], high[dim], spacing[dim]) if 0 not in num: low[dim] -= np.max(num[num < 0]) # Generate (anisotropic) spatial grid x, y, z = np.mgrid[low[0]:high[0]:spacing[0], low[1]:high[1]:spacing[1], low[2]:high[2]:spacing[2]] if not levelset: arr = ((x / float(a)) ** 2 + (y / float(b)) ** 2 + (z / float(c)) ** 2) <= 1 else: arr = ((x / float(a)) ** 2 + (y / float(b)) ** 2 + (z / float(c)) ** 2) - 1 return arr def ellipsoid_stats(a, b, c): """ Calculates analytical surface area and volume for ellipsoid with semimajor axes aligned with grid dimensions of specified `spacing`. Parameters ---------- a : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with x-axis. b : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with y-axis. c : float Length of semimajor axis aligned with z-axis. Returns ------- vol : float Calculated volume of ellipsoid. surf : float Calculated surface area of ellipsoid. """ if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (c <= 0): raise ValueError('Parameters a, b, and c must all be > 0') # Calculate volume & surface area # Surface calculation requires a >= b >= c and a != c. abc = [a, b, c] abc.sort(reverse=True) a = abc[0] b = abc[1] c = abc[2] # Volume vol = 4 / 3. * np.pi * a * b * c # Analytical ellipsoid surface area phi = np.arcsin((1. - (c ** 2 / (a ** 2.))) ** 0.5) d = float((a ** 2 - c ** 2) ** 0.5) m = (a ** 2 * (b ** 2 - c ** 2) / float(b ** 2 * (a ** 2 - c ** 2))) F = ellip_F(phi, m) E = ellip_E(phi, m) surf = 2 * np.pi * (c ** 2 + b * c ** 2 / d * F + b * d * E) return vol, surf