import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, minimum_filter, convolve from ..transform import integral_image from .corner import structure_tensor from ..morphology import octagon, star from .censure_cy import _censure_dob_loop from ..feature.util import (FeatureDetector, _prepare_grayscale_input_2D, _mask_border_keypoints) from .._shared.utils import check_nD # The paper(Reference [1]) mentions the sizes of the Octagon shaped filter # kernel for the first seven scales only. The sizes of the later scales # have been extrapolated based on the following statement in the paper. # "These octagons scale linearly and were experimentally chosen to correspond # to the seven DOBs described in the previous section." OCTAGON_OUTER_SHAPE = [(5, 2), (5, 3), (7, 3), (9, 4), (9, 7), (13, 7), (15, 10), (15, 11), (15, 12), (17, 13), (17, 14)] OCTAGON_INNER_SHAPE = [(3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (7, 5), (7, 6), (9, 6), (9, 7)] # The sizes for the STAR shaped filter kernel for different scales have been # taken from the OpenCV implementation. STAR_SHAPE = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 32, 45, 46, 64, 90, 128] STAR_FILTER_SHAPE = [(1, 0), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3), (7, 4), (8, 5), (9, 6), (11, 8), (13, 10), (14, 11), (15, 12), (16, 14)] def _filter_image(image, min_scale, max_scale, mode): response = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1], max_scale - min_scale + 1), dtype=np.float64) if mode == 'dob': # make response[:, :, i] contiguous memory block item_size = response.itemsize response.strides = (item_size * response.shape[1], item_size, item_size * response.shape[0] * response.shape[1]) integral_img = integral_image(image) for i in range(max_scale - min_scale + 1): n = min_scale + i # Constant multipliers for the outer region and the inner region # of the bi-level filters with the constraint of keeping the # DC bias 0. inner_weight = (1.0 / (2 * n + 1) ** 2) outer_weight = (1.0 / (12 * n ** 2 + 4 * n)) _censure_dob_loop(n, integral_img, response[:, :, i], inner_weight, outer_weight) # NOTE : For the Octagon shaped filter, we implemented and evaluated the # slanted integral image based image filtering but the performance was # more or less equal to image filtering using # scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(). Hence we have decided to use the # later for a much cleaner implementation. elif mode == 'octagon': # TODO : Decide the shapes of Octagon filters for scales > 7 for i in range(max_scale - min_scale + 1): mo, no = OCTAGON_OUTER_SHAPE[min_scale + i - 1] mi, ni = OCTAGON_INNER_SHAPE[min_scale + i - 1] response[:, :, i] = convolve(image, _octagon_kernel(mo, no, mi, ni)) elif mode == 'star': for i in range(max_scale - min_scale + 1): m = STAR_SHAPE[STAR_FILTER_SHAPE[min_scale + i - 1][0]] n = STAR_SHAPE[STAR_FILTER_SHAPE[min_scale + i - 1][1]] response[:, :, i] = convolve(image, _star_kernel(m, n)) return response def _octagon_kernel(mo, no, mi, ni): outer = (mo + 2 * no) ** 2 - 2 * no * (no + 1) inner = (mi + 2 * ni) ** 2 - 2 * ni * (ni + 1) outer_weight = 1.0 / (outer - inner) inner_weight = 1.0 / inner c = ((mo + 2 * no) - (mi + 2 * ni)) // 2 outer_oct = octagon(mo, no) inner_oct = np.zeros((mo + 2 * no, mo + 2 * no)) inner_oct[c: -c, c: -c] = octagon(mi, ni) bfilter = (outer_weight * outer_oct - (outer_weight + inner_weight) * inner_oct) return bfilter def _star_kernel(m, n): c = m + m // 2 - n - n // 2 outer_star = star(m) inner_star = np.zeros_like(outer_star) inner_star[c: -c, c: -c] = star(n) outer_weight = 1.0 / (np.sum(outer_star - inner_star)) inner_weight = 1.0 / np.sum(inner_star) bfilter = (outer_weight * outer_star - (outer_weight + inner_weight) * inner_star) return bfilter def _suppress_lines(feature_mask, image, sigma, line_threshold): Arr, Arc, Acc = structure_tensor(image, sigma, order='rc') feature_mask[(Arr + Acc) ** 2 > line_threshold * (Arr * Acc - Arc ** 2)] = False class CENSURE(FeatureDetector): """CENSURE keypoint detector. min_scale : int, optional Minimum scale to extract keypoints from. max_scale : int, optional Maximum scale to extract keypoints from. The keypoints will be extracted from all the scales except the first and the last i.e. from the scales in the range [min_scale + 1, max_scale - 1]. The filter sizes for different scales is such that the two adjacent scales comprise of an octave. mode : {'DoB', 'Octagon', 'STAR'}, optional Type of bi-level filter used to get the scales of the input image. Possible values are 'DoB', 'Octagon' and 'STAR'. The three modes represent the shape of the bi-level filters i.e. box(square), octagon and star respectively. For instance, a bi-level octagon filter consists of a smaller inner octagon and a larger outer octagon with the filter weights being uniformly negative in both the inner octagon while uniformly positive in the difference region. Use STAR and Octagon for better features and DoB for better performance. non_max_threshold : float, optional Threshold value used to suppress maximas and minimas with a weak magnitude response obtained after Non-Maximal Suppression. line_threshold : float, optional Threshold for rejecting interest points which have ratio of principal curvatures greater than this value. Attributes ---------- keypoints : (N, 2) array Keypoint coordinates as ``(row, col)``. scales : (N, ) array Corresponding scales. References ---------- .. [1] Motilal Agrawal, Kurt Konolige and Morten Rufus Blas "CENSURE: Center Surround Extremas for Realtime Feature Detection and Matching", :DOI:`10.1007/978-3-540-88693-8_8` .. [2] Adam Schmidt, Marek Kraft, Michal Fularz and Zuzanna Domagala "Comparative Assessment of Point Feature Detectors and Descriptors in the Context of Robot Navigation" :DOI:`` Examples -------- >>> from import astronaut >>> from skimage.color import rgb2gray >>> from skimage.feature import CENSURE >>> img = rgb2gray(astronaut()[100:300, 100:300]) >>> censure = CENSURE() >>> censure.detect(img) >>> censure.keypoints array([[ 4, 148], [ 12, 73], [ 21, 176], [ 91, 22], [ 93, 56], [ 94, 22], [ 95, 54], [100, 51], [103, 51], [106, 67], [108, 15], [117, 20], [122, 60], [125, 37], [129, 37], [133, 76], [145, 44], [146, 94], [150, 114], [153, 33], [154, 156], [155, 151], [184, 63]]) >>> censure.scales array([2, 6, 6, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2]) """ def __init__(self, min_scale=1, max_scale=7, mode='DoB', non_max_threshold=0.15, line_threshold=10): mode = mode.lower() if mode not in ('dob', 'octagon', 'star'): raise ValueError("`mode` must be one of 'DoB', 'Octagon', 'STAR'.") if min_scale < 1 or max_scale < 1 or max_scale - min_scale < 2: raise ValueError('The scales must be >= 1 and the number of ' 'scales should be >= 3.') self.min_scale = min_scale self.max_scale = max_scale self.mode = mode self.non_max_threshold = non_max_threshold self.line_threshold = line_threshold self.keypoints = None self.scales = None def detect(self, image): """Detect CENSURE keypoints along with the corresponding scale. Parameters ---------- image : 2D ndarray Input image. """ # (1) First we generate the required scales on the input grayscale # image using a bi-level filter and stack them up in `filter_response`. # (2) We then perform Non-Maximal suppression in 3 x 3 x 3 window on # the filter_response to suppress points that are neither minima or # maxima in 3 x 3 x 3 neighborhood. We obtain a boolean ndarray # `feature_mask` containing all the minimas and maximas in # `filter_response` as True. # (3) Then we suppress all the points in the `feature_mask` for which # the corresponding point in the image at a particular scale has the # ratio of principal curvatures greater than `line_threshold`. # (4) Finally, we remove the border keypoints and return the keypoints # along with its corresponding scale. check_nD(image, 2) num_scales = self.max_scale - self.min_scale image = np.ascontiguousarray(_prepare_grayscale_input_2D(image)) # Generating all the scales filter_response = _filter_image(image, self.min_scale, self.max_scale, self.mode) # Suppressing points that are neither minima or maxima in their # 3 x 3 x 3 neighborhood to zero minimas = minimum_filter(filter_response, (3, 3, 3)) == filter_response maximas = maximum_filter(filter_response, (3, 3, 3)) == filter_response feature_mask = minimas | maximas feature_mask[filter_response < self.non_max_threshold] = False for i in range(1, num_scales): # sigma = (window_size - 1) / 6.0, so the window covers > 99% of # the kernel's distribution # window_size = 7 + 2 * (min_scale - 1 + i) # Hence sigma = 1 + (min_scale - 1 + i)/ 3.0 _suppress_lines(feature_mask[:, :, i], image, (1 + (self.min_scale + i - 1) / 3.0), self.line_threshold) rows, cols, scales = np.nonzero(feature_mask[..., 1:num_scales]) keypoints = np.column_stack([rows, cols]) scales = scales + self.min_scale + 1 if self.mode == 'dob': self.keypoints = keypoints self.scales = scales return cumulative_mask = np.zeros(keypoints.shape[0], dtype=bool) if self.mode == 'octagon': for i in range(self.min_scale + 1, self.max_scale): c = (OCTAGON_OUTER_SHAPE[i - 1][0] - 1) // 2 \ + OCTAGON_OUTER_SHAPE[i - 1][1] cumulative_mask |= ( _mask_border_keypoints(image.shape, keypoints, c) & (scales == i)) elif self.mode == 'star': for i in range(self.min_scale + 1, self.max_scale): c = STAR_SHAPE[STAR_FILTER_SHAPE[i - 1][0]] \ + STAR_SHAPE[STAR_FILTER_SHAPE[i - 1][0]] // 2 cumulative_mask |= ( _mask_border_keypoints(image.shape, keypoints, c) & (scales == i)) self.keypoints = keypoints[cumulative_mask] self.scales = scales[cumulative_mask]