""" Information Theoretic and Entropy Measures References ---------- Golan, As. 2008. "Information and Entropy Econometrics -- A Review and Synthesis." Foundations And Trends in Econometrics 2(1-2), 1-145. Golan, A., Judge, G., and Miller, D. 1996. Maximum Entropy Econometrics. Wiley & Sons, Chichester. """ #For MillerMadow correction #Miller, G. 1955. Note on the bias of information estimates. Info. Theory # Psychol. Prob. Methods II-B:95-100. #For ChaoShen method #Chao, A., and T.-J. Shen. 2003. Nonparametric estimation of Shannon's index of diversity when #there are unseen species in sample. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 10:429-443. #Good, I. J. 1953. The population frequencies of species and the estimation of population parameters. #Biometrika 40:237-264. #Horvitz, D.G., and D. J. Thompson. 1952. A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finute universe. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 47:663-685. #For NSB method #Nemenman, I., F. Shafee, and W. Bialek. 2002. Entropy and inference, revisited. In: Dietterich, T., #S. Becker, Z. Gharamani, eds. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14: 471-478. #Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press. #For shrinkage method #Dougherty, J., Kohavi, R., and Sahami, M. (1995). Supervised and unsupervised discretization of #continuous features. In International Conference on Machine Learning. #Yang, Y. and Webb, G. I. (2003). Discretization for naive-bayes learning: managing discretization #bias and variance. Technical Report 2003/131 School of Computer Science and Software Engineer- #ing, Monash University. from statsmodels.compat.python import lzip, lmap from scipy import stats import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from scipy.special import logsumexp as sp_logsumexp #TODO: change these to use maxentutils so that over/underflow is handled #with the logsumexp. def logsumexp(a, axis=None): """ Compute the log of the sum of exponentials log(e^{a_1}+...e^{a_n}) of a Avoids numerical overflow. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The vector to exponentiate and sum axis : int, optional The axis along which to apply the operation. Defaults is None. Returns ------- sum(log(exp(a))) Notes ----- This function was taken from the mailing list http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2009-October/022931.html This should be superceded by the ufunc when it is finished. """ if axis is None: # Use the scipy.maxentropy version. return sp_logsumexp(a) a = np.asarray(a) shp = list(a.shape) shp[axis] = 1 a_max = a.max(axis=axis) s = np.log(np.exp(a - a_max.reshape(shp)).sum(axis=axis)) lse = a_max + s return lse def _isproperdist(X): """ Checks to see if `X` is a proper probability distribution """ X = np.asarray(X) if not np.allclose(np.sum(X), 1) or not np.all(X>=0) or not np.all(X<=1): return False else: return True def discretize(X, method="ef", nbins=None): """ Discretize `X` Parameters ---------- bins : int, optional Number of bins. Default is floor(sqrt(N)) method : str "ef" is equal-frequency binning "ew" is equal-width binning Examples -------- """ nobs = len(X) if nbins is None: nbins = np.floor(np.sqrt(nobs)) if method == "ef": discrete = np.ceil(nbins * stats.rankdata(X)/nobs) if method == "ew": width = np.max(X) - np.min(X) width = np.floor(width/nbins) svec, ivec = stats.fastsort(X) discrete = np.zeros(nobs) binnum = 1 base = svec[0] discrete[ivec[0]] = binnum for i in range(1,nobs): if svec[i] < base + width: discrete[ivec[i]] = binnum else: base = svec[i] binnum += 1 discrete[ivec[i]] = binnum return discrete #TODO: looks okay but needs more robust tests for corner cases def logbasechange(a,b): """ There is a one-to-one transformation of the entropy value from a log base b to a log base a : H_{b}(X)=log_{b}(a)[H_{a}(X)] Returns ------- log_{b}(a) """ return np.log(b)/np.log(a) def natstobits(X): """ Converts from nats to bits """ return logbasechange(np.e, 2) * X def bitstonats(X): """ Converts from bits to nats """ return logbasechange(2, np.e) * X #TODO: make this entropy, and then have different measures as #a method def shannonentropy(px, logbase=2): """ This is Shannon's entropy Parameters ---------- logbase, int or np.e The base of the log px : 1d or 2d array_like Can be a discrete probability distribution, a 2d joint distribution, or a sequence of probabilities. Returns ----- For log base 2 (bits) given a discrete distribution H(p) = sum(px * log2(1/px) = -sum(pk*log2(px)) = E[log2(1/p(X))] For log base 2 (bits) given a joint distribution H(px,py) = -sum_{k,j}*w_{kj}log2(w_{kj}) Notes ----- shannonentropy(0) is defined as 0 """ #TODO: have not defined the px,py case? px = np.asarray(px) if not np.all(px <= 1) or not np.all(px >= 0): raise ValueError("px does not define proper distribution") entropy = -np.sum(np.nan_to_num(px*np.log2(px))) if logbase != 2: return logbasechange(2,logbase) * entropy else: return entropy # Shannon's information content def shannoninfo(px, logbase=2): """ Shannon's information Parameters ---------- px : float or array_like `px` is a discrete probability distribution Returns ------- For logbase = 2 np.log2(px) """ px = np.asarray(px) if not np.all(px <= 1) or not np.all(px >= 0): raise ValueError("px does not define proper distribution") if logbase != 2: return - logbasechange(2,logbase) * np.log2(px) else: return - np.log2(px) def condentropy(px, py, pxpy=None, logbase=2): """ Return the conditional entropy of X given Y. Parameters ---------- px : array_like py : array_like pxpy : array_like, optional If pxpy is None, the distributions are assumed to be independent and conendtropy(px,py) = shannonentropy(px) logbase : int or np.e Returns ------- sum_{kj}log(q_{j}/w_{kj} where q_{j} = Y[j] and w_kj = X[k,j] """ if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py): raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution") if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy): raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion") if pxpy is None: pxpy = np.outer(py,px) condent = np.sum(pxpy * np.nan_to_num(np.log2(py/pxpy))) if logbase == 2: return condent else: return logbasechange(2, logbase) * condent def mutualinfo(px,py,pxpy, logbase=2): """ Returns the mutual information between X and Y. Parameters ---------- px : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable X py : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y pxpy : 2d array_like The joint probability distribution of random variables X and Y. Note that if X and Y are independent then the mutual information is zero. logbase : int or np.e, optional Default is 2 (bits) Returns ------- shannonentropy(px) - condentropy(px,py,pxpy) """ if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py): raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution") if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy): raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion") if pxpy is None: pxpy = np.outer(py,px) return shannonentropy(px, logbase=logbase) - condentropy(px,py,pxpy, logbase=logbase) def corrent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=2): """ An information theoretic correlation measure. Reflects linear and nonlinear correlation between two random variables X and Y, characterized by the discrete probability distributions px and py respectively. Parameters ---------- px : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable X py : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y pxpy : 2d array_like, optional Joint probability distribution of X and Y. If pxpy is None, X and Y are assumed to be independent. logbase : int or np.e, optional Default is 2 (bits) Returns ------- mutualinfo(px,py,pxpy,logbase=logbase)/shannonentropy(py,logbase=logbase) Notes ----- This is also equivalent to corrent(px,py,pxpy) = 1 - condent(px,py,pxpy)/shannonentropy(py) """ if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py): raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution") if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy): raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion") if pxpy is None: pxpy = np.outer(py,px) return mutualinfo(px,py,pxpy,logbase=logbase)/shannonentropy(py, logbase=logbase) def covent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=2): """ An information theoretic covariance measure. Reflects linear and nonlinear correlation between two random variables X and Y, characterized by the discrete probability distributions px and py respectively. Parameters ---------- px : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable X py : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y pxpy : 2d array_like, optional Joint probability distribution of X and Y. If pxpy is None, X and Y are assumed to be independent. logbase : int or np.e, optional Default is 2 (bits) Returns ------- condent(px,py,pxpy,logbase=logbase) + condent(py,px,pxpy, logbase=logbase) Notes ----- This is also equivalent to covent(px,py,pxpy) = condent(px,py,pxpy) + condent(py,px,pxpy) """ if not _isproperdist(px) or not _isproperdist(py): raise ValueError("px or py is not a proper probability distribution") if pxpy is not None and not _isproperdist(pxpy): raise ValueError("pxpy is not a proper joint distribtion") if pxpy is None: pxpy = np.outer(py,px) # FIXME: these should be `condentropy`, not `condent` return (condent(px, py, pxpy, logbase=logbase) # noqa:F821 See GH#5756 + condent(py, px, pxpy, logbase=logbase)) # noqa:F821 See GH#5756 #### Generalized Entropies #### def renyientropy(px,alpha=1,logbase=2,measure='R'): """ Renyi's generalized entropy Parameters ---------- px : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable X. Note that px is assumed to be a proper probability distribution. logbase : int or np.e, optional Default is 2 (bits) alpha : float or inf The order of the entropy. The default is 1, which in the limit is just Shannon's entropy. 2 is Renyi (Collision) entropy. If the string "inf" or numpy.inf is specified the min-entropy is returned. measure : str, optional The type of entropy measure desired. 'R' returns Renyi entropy measure. 'T' returns the Tsallis entropy measure. Returns ------- 1/(1-alpha)*log(sum(px**alpha)) In the limit as alpha -> 1, Shannon's entropy is returned. In the limit as alpha -> inf, min-entropy is returned. """ #TODO:finish returns #TODO:add checks for measure if not _isproperdist(px): raise ValueError("px is not a proper probability distribution") alpha = float(alpha) if alpha == 1: genent = shannonentropy(px) if logbase != 2: return logbasechange(2, logbase) * genent return genent elif 'inf' in str(alpha).lower() or alpha == np.inf: return -np.log(np.max(px)) # gets here if alpha != (1 or inf) px = px**alpha genent = np.log(px.sum()) if logbase == 2: return 1/(1-alpha) * genent else: return 1/(1-alpha) * logbasechange(2, logbase) * genent #TODO: before completing this, need to rethink the organization of # (relative) entropy measures, ie., all put into one function # and have kwdargs, etc.? def gencrossentropy(px,py,pxpy,alpha=1,logbase=2, measure='T'): """ Generalized cross-entropy measures. Parameters ---------- px : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable X py : array_like Discrete probability distribution of random variable Y pxpy : 2d array_like, optional Joint probability distribution of X and Y. If pxpy is None, X and Y are assumed to be independent. logbase : int or np.e, optional Default is 2 (bits) measure : str, optional The measure is the type of generalized cross-entropy desired. 'T' is the cross-entropy version of the Tsallis measure. 'CR' is Cressie-Read measure. """ if __name__ == "__main__": print("From Golan (2008) \"Information and Entropy Econometrics -- A Review \ and Synthesis") print("Table 3.1") # Examples from Golan (2008) X = [.2,.2,.2,.2,.2] Y = [.322,.072,.511,.091,.004] for i in X: print(shannoninfo(i)) for i in Y: print(shannoninfo(i)) print(shannonentropy(X)) print(shannonentropy(Y)) p = [1e-5,1e-4,.001,.01,.1,.15,.2,.25,.3,.35,.4,.45,.5] plt.subplot(111) plt.ylabel("Information") plt.xlabel("Probability") x = np.linspace(0,1,100001) plt.plot(x, shannoninfo(x)) # plt.show() plt.subplot(111) plt.ylabel("Entropy") plt.xlabel("Probability") x = np.linspace(0,1,101) plt.plot(x, lmap(shannonentropy, lzip(x,1-x))) # plt.show() # define a joint probability distribution # from Golan (2008) table 3.3 w = np.array([[0,0,1./3],[1/9.,1/9.,1/9.],[1/18.,1/9.,1/6.]]) # table 3.4 px = w.sum(0) py = w.sum(1) H_X = shannonentropy(px) H_Y = shannonentropy(py) H_XY = shannonentropy(w) H_XgivenY = condentropy(px,py,w) H_YgivenX = condentropy(py,px,w) # note that cross-entropy is not a distance measure as the following shows D_YX = logbasechange(2,np.e)*stats.entropy(px, py) D_XY = logbasechange(2,np.e)*stats.entropy(py, px) I_XY = mutualinfo(px,py,w) print("Table 3.3") print(H_X,H_Y, H_XY, H_XgivenY, H_YgivenX, D_YX, D_XY, I_XY) print("discretize functions") X=np.array([21.2,44.5,31.0,19.5,40.6,38.7,11.1,15.8,31.9,25.8,20.2,14.2, 24.0,21.0,11.3,18.0,16.3,22.2,7.8,27.8,16.3,35.1,14.9,17.1,28.2,16.4, 16.5,46.0,9.5,18.8,32.1,26.1,16.1,7.3,21.4,20.0,29.3,14.9,8.3,22.5, 12.8,26.9,25.5,22.9,11.2,20.7,26.2,9.3,10.8,15.6]) discX = discretize(X) #CF: R's infotheo #TODO: compare to pyentropy quantize? print print("Example in section 3.6 of Golan, using table 3.3") print("Bounding errors using Fano's inequality") print("H(P_{e}) + P_{e}log(K-1) >= H(X|Y)") print("or, a weaker inequality") print("P_{e} >= [H(X|Y) - 1]/log(K)") print("P(x) = %s" % px) print("X = 3 has the highest probability, so this is the estimate Xhat") pe = 1 - px[2] print("The probability of error Pe is 1 - p(X=3) = %0.4g" % pe) H_pe = shannonentropy([pe,1-pe]) print("H(Pe) = %0.4g and K=3" % H_pe) print("H(Pe) + Pe*log(K-1) = %0.4g >= H(X|Y) = %0.4g" % \ (H_pe+pe*np.log2(2), H_XgivenY)) print("or using the weaker inequality") print("Pe = {:0.4g} >= [H(X) - 1]/log(K) = {:0.4g}".format(pe, (H_X - 1)/np.log2(3))) print("Consider now, table 3.5, where there is additional information") print("The conditional probabilities of P(X|Y=y) are ") w2 = np.array([[0.,0.,1.],[1/3.,1/3.,1/3.],[1/6.,1/3.,1/2.]]) print(w2) # not a proper distribution? print("The probability of error given this information is") print("Pe = [H(X|Y) -1]/log(K) = %0.4g" % ((np.mean([0,shannonentropy(w2[1]),shannonentropy(w2[2])])-1)/np.log2(3))) print("such that more information lowers the error") ### Stochastic processes markovchain = np.array([[.553,.284,.163],[.465,.312,.223],[.420,.322,.258]])