[metadata] license_files = LICENSE.txt [tool:pytest] minversion = 6 testpaths = statsmodels xfail_strict = true addopts = --strict filterwarnings = ignore:pandas.core.common.is_categorical_dtype:DeprecationWarning:patsy ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:patsy ignore:Using a non-tuple sequence:FutureWarning:mkl_fft ignore:Using a non-tuple:FutureWarning:scipy.signal ignore:Using a non-tuple:FutureWarning:scipy.stats.stats ignore:the matrix subclass is not the recommended:PendingDeprecationWarning: ignore:Method .ptp is deprecated:FutureWarning:numpy.core.fromnumeric ignore::DeprecationWarning:nbconvert.exporters.exporter_locator ignore:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:jinja2.utils ignore:Converting `np.integer`:DeprecationWarning:scipy.stats.morestats ignore:\nstatsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMA:FutureWarning ignore:The --strict option is deprecated:pytest.PytestDeprecationWarning: error:genfromdta:FutureWarning error:StataReader:FutureWarning error:Care should be used:UserWarning error::statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions.HypothesisTestWarning error::statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions.SpecificationWarning error:load will return datasets:FutureWarning error:the 'lags' keyword is deprecated:FutureWarning error:nobs is deprecated in favor of lags:DeprecationWarning error:The default pvalmethod will change:FutureWarning error:Using an implicitly registered:FutureWarning error:An unsupported index:statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions.ValueWarning error:No supported index is:statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions.ValueWarning error:Anscombe residuals:FutureWarning error:Calling Family:DeprecationWarning error:SIR.fit_regularized did not:UserWarning error:the 'sigma' keyword:FutureWarning error:tight_layout:UserWarning error:statsmodels.tsa.AR has been deprecated:FutureWarning error:Using deprecated variance components:UserWarning error:recarray support has been deprecated:FutureWarning error:The value returned will change to a:FutureWarning error:The default value of lags:FutureWarning error:non-integer arg n is deprecated:DeprecationWarning error:The default number of lags:FutureWarning: error:fft=True will become the default:FutureWarning error:The parameter names will change:FutureWarning error:Only PeriodIndexes, DatetimeIndexes:UserWarning error:the 'unbiased'' keyword is deprecated:FutureWarning error:unbiased is deprecated in factor of adjusted:FutureWarning error:categorical is deprecated:FutureWarning error:After 0.13 initialization:FutureWarning error:The bic value:FutureWarning error:Setting initial values:FutureWarning error:Setting use_boxcox:FutureWarning error:``Describe`` has been deprecated:DeprecationWarning error:Promotion of numbers and bools to strings:FutureWarning error:old_names will be removed after the 0.14 release:FutureWarning error:Dropping of nuisance columns in:: error:The `inplace` parameter in pandas:: error:The default method:FutureWarning: error:trend 'nc' has been renamed to 'n':FutureWarning: error:Keyword arguments have been passed:FutureWarning: error:The behavior of wald_test:FutureWarning error:cols is deprecated and will be removed after:FutureWarning error:Passing None to catch any warning has been deprecated:: error:pandas.Int64Index is deprecated:: error:divide by zero encountered in _binom_pdf:RuntimeWarning error:verbose is deprecated:FutureWarning error:linear keyword is deprecated:DeprecationWarning: error:The identity link alias is deprecated:FutureWarning: error:The log link alias is deprecated:FutureWarning: error:The probit link alias is deprecated:FutureWarning: error:Parsing dates in:UserWarning error:A value is trying to be set on a copy:: error:Conversion of an array with ndim:DeprecationWarning: error:Series.__getitem__ treating keys:FutureWarning: error:'Y' is deprecated, please use 'YE' instead:FutureWarning error:'A' is deprecated, please use 'YE' instead:FutureWarning error:'H' is deprecated and will:FutureWarning error:'M' is deprecated, please use:FutureWarning error:'Q' is deprecated, please use 'QE' instead:FutureWarning error:'Q-DEC' is deprecated, please use 'QE-DEC' instead:FutureWarning error:'Q-JAN' is deprecated, please use 'QE-JAN' instead:FutureWarning error:'BQ-MAR' is deprecated, please use 'BQE-MAR' instead:FutureWarning error:'AS-MAR' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version:FutureWarning error:Downcasting object dtype arrays on:FutureWarning error:The previous implementation of stack is deprecated:FutureWarning error:Series.__setitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated:FutureWarning error:The provided callable:FutureWarning error:divide by zero encountered in log1p:RuntimeWarning markers = example: mark a test that runs example code matplotlib: mark a test that requires matplotlib slow: mark a test as slow smoke: mark a test as a smoketest low_precision: mark a test as low precision todo: mark a test as incomplete junit_family = xunit2 [flake8] exclude = .git,build,docs,archive ignore = W503, W504, E741, E203 select = E101, E124, F811, F812, F822, F823, E129, E131, E125, E111, E114, E117, E227, E228, E211, E112, E113, E223, E224, E242, E304, F831, E306, W, E70, E71, E721, E74, F4, F6, F7, F81, F82, F9, E27, E4, E9, [coverage:run] source = statsmodels branch = True plugins = Cython.Coverage omit = */print_version.py */compat/* */results/gee_generate_tests.py */tests/results/* */tests/*_simulation_check.py */tests/_* */tests/e* */tests/c* */tests/d* */tests/g* */tests/m* */tests/p* */tests/r* */tests/s* */_version.py [coverage:report] show_missing = True ignore_errors = False exclude_lines = pragma: no cover def __repr__ if self\.debug if pdf_output: raise AssertionError raise NotImplementedError except NotImplementedError except ImportError except (HTTPError, URLError, SSLError, timeout) except IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS pass if 0: if __name__ == .__main__.: [coverage:html] directory = coverage_html_report [isort] sections = FUTURE,COMPAT,STDLIB,THIRDPARTY,FIRSTPARTY,LOCALFOLDER known_first_party = statsmodels known_third_party = Cython,numpy,matplotlib,pandas,patsy,pytest,cvxopt,cython multi_line_output = 3 include_trailing_comma = True use_parentheses = True line_length = 79 known_compat = statsmodels.compat.*,setuptools,setuptools.* force_grid_wrap = 0 combine_as_imports = True force_sort_within_sections = True force_to_top = True [egg_info] tag_build = tag_date = 0