from statsmodels.compat.pandas import PD_LT_2, Appender, is_numeric_dtype
from statsmodels.compat.scipy import SP_LT_19

from typing import Union
from import Sequence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

if PD_LT_2:
    from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_categorical_dtype
    # After pandas 2 is the minium, use the isinstance check
    def is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
        return isinstance(dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype)

from scipy import stats

from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import jarque_bera
from import cache_readonly
from import Docstring, Parameter
from import (

PERCENTILES = (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99)
QUANTILES = np.array(PERCENTILES) / 100.0

def pd_ptp(df):
    return df.max() - df.min()

def nancount(x, axis=0):
    return (1 - np.isnan(x)).sum(axis=axis)

def nanptp(arr, axis=0):
    return np.nanmax(arr, axis=axis) - np.nanmin(arr, axis=axis)

def nanuss(arr, axis=0):
    return np.nansum(arr ** 2, axis=axis)

def nanpercentile(arr, axis=0):
    return np.nanpercentile(arr, PERCENTILES, axis=axis)

def nankurtosis(arr, axis=0):
    return stats.kurtosis(arr, axis=axis, nan_policy="omit")

def nanskewness(arr, axis=0):
    return stats.skew(arr, axis=axis, nan_policy="omit")

    "obs": nancount,
    "mean": np.nanmean,
    "std": np.nanstd,
    "max": np.nanmax,
    "min": np.nanmin,
    "ptp": nanptp,
    "var": np.nanvar,
    "skew": nanskewness,
    "uss": nanuss,
    "kurtosis": nankurtosis,
    "percentiles": nanpercentile,

def _kurtosis(a):
    wrapper for scipy.stats.kurtosis that returns nan instead of raising Error

    missing options
        res = stats.kurtosis(a)
    except ValueError:
        res = np.nan
    return res

def _skew(a):
    wrapper for scipy.stats.skew that returns nan instead of raising Error

    missing options
        res = stats.skew(a)
    except ValueError:
        res = np.nan
    return res

def sign_test(samp, mu0=0):
    Signs test

    samp : array_like
        1d array. The sample for which you want to perform the sign test.
    mu0 : float
        See Notes for the definition of the sign test. mu0 is 0 by
        default, but it is common to set it to the median.


    The signs test returns

    M = (N(+) - N(-))/2

    where N(+) is the number of values above `mu0`, N(-) is the number of
    values below.  Values equal to `mu0` are discarded.

    The p-value for M is calculated using the binomial distribution
    and can be interpreted the same as for a t-test. The test-statistic
    is distributed Binom(min(N(+), N(-)), n_trials, .5) where n_trials
    equals N(+) + N(-).

    See Also
    samp = np.asarray(samp)
    pos = np.sum(samp > mu0)
    neg = np.sum(samp < mu0)
    M = (pos - neg) / 2.0
        p = stats.binomtest(min(pos, neg), pos + neg, 0.5).pvalue
    except AttributeError:
        # Remove after min SciPy >= 1.7
        p = stats.binom_test(min(pos, neg), pos + neg, 0.5)
    return M, p

CATEGORICAL_STATISTICS = ("nobs", "missing", "distinct", "top", "freq")
_additional = [
    stat for stat in CATEGORICAL_STATISTICS if stat not in NUMERIC_STATISTICS

class Description:
    Extended descriptive statistics for data

    data : array_like
        Data to describe. Must be convertible to a pandas DataFrame.
    stats : Sequence[str], optional
        Statistics to include. If not provided the full set of statistics is
        computed. This list may evolve across versions to reflect best
        practices. Supported options are:
        "nobs", "missing", "mean", "std_err", "ci", "ci", "std", "iqr",
        "iqr_normal", "mad", "mad_normal", "coef_var", "range", "max",
        "min", "skew", "kurtosis", "jarque_bera", "mode", "freq",
        "median", "percentiles", "distinct", "top", and "freq". See Notes for
    numeric : bool, default True
        Whether to include numeric columns in the descriptive statistics.
    categorical : bool, default True
        Whether to include categorical columns in the descriptive statistics.
    alpha : float, default 0.05
        A number between 0 and 1 representing the size used to compute the
        confidence interval, which has coverage 1 - alpha.
    use_t : bool, default False
        Use the Student's t distribution to construct confidence intervals.
    percentiles : sequence[float]
        A distinct sequence of floating point values all between 0 and 100.
        The default percentiles are 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 99.
    ntop : int, default 5
        The number of top categorical labels to report. Default is

        The list of supported statistics for numeric data
        The list of supported statistics for categorical data
        The default list of statistics

    See Also
        Basic descriptive statistics
        A simplified version that returns a DataFrame

    The selectable statistics include:

    * "nobs" - Number of observations
    * "missing" - Number of missing observations
    * "mean" - Mean
    * "std_err" - Standard Error of the mean assuming no correlation
    * "ci" - Confidence interval with coverage (1 - alpha) using the normal or
      t. This option creates two entries in any tables: lower_ci and upper_ci.
    * "std" - Standard Deviation
    * "iqr" - Interquartile range
    * "iqr_normal" - Interquartile range relative to a Normal
    * "mad" - Mean absolute deviation
    * "mad_normal" - Mean absolute deviation relative to a Normal
    * "coef_var" - Coefficient of variation
    * "range" - Range between the maximum and the minimum
    * "max" - The maximum
    * "min" - The minimum
    * "skew" - The skewness defined as the standardized 3rd central moment
    * "kurtosis" - The kurtosis defined as the standardized 4th central moment
    * "jarque_bera" - The Jarque-Bera test statistic for normality based on
      the skewness and kurtosis. This option creates two entries, jarque_bera
      and jarque_beta_pval.
    * "mode" - The mode of the data. This option creates two entries in all tables,
      mode and mode_freq which is the empirical frequency of the modal value.
    * "median" - The median of the data.
    * "percentiles" - The percentiles. Values included depend on the input value of
    * "distinct" - The number of distinct categories in a categorical.
    * "top" - The mode common categories. Labeled top_n for n in 1, 2, ..., ``ntop``.
    * "freq" - The frequency of the common categories. Labeled freq_n for n in 1,
      2, ..., ``ntop``.

    _int_fmt = ["nobs", "missing", "distinct"]
    numeric_statistics = NUMERIC_STATISTICS
    categorical_statistics = CATEGORICAL_STATISTICS
    default_statistics = DEFAULT_STATISTICS

    def __init__(
        data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
        stats: Sequence[str] = None,
        numeric: bool = True,
        categorical: bool = True,
        alpha: float = 0.05,
        use_t: bool = False,
        percentiles: Sequence[Union[int, float]] = PERCENTILES,
        ntop: bool = 5,
        data_arr = data
        if not isinstance(data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
            data_arr = array_like(data, "data", maxdim=2)
        if data_arr.ndim == 1:
            data = pd.Series(data)
        numeric = bool_like(numeric, "numeric")
        categorical = bool_like(categorical, "categorical")
        include = []
        col_types = ""
        if numeric:
            col_types = "numeric"
        if categorical:
            col_types += "and " if col_types != "" else ""
            col_types += "categorical"
        if not numeric and not categorical:
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one of numeric and categorical must be True"
        self._data = pd.DataFrame(data).select_dtypes(include)
        if self._data.shape[1] == 0:

            raise ValueError(
                f"Selecting {col_types} results in an empty DataFrame"
        self._is_numeric = [is_numeric_dtype(dt) for dt in self._data.dtypes]
        self._is_cat_like = [
            is_categorical_dtype(dt) for dt in self._data.dtypes

        if stats is not None:
            undef = [stat for stat in stats if stat not in DEFAULT_STATISTICS]
            if undef:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{', '.join(undef)} are not known statistics"
        self._stats = (
            list(DEFAULT_STATISTICS) if stats is None else list(stats)
        self._ntop = int_like(ntop, "ntop")
        self._compute_top = "top" in self._stats
        self._compute_freq = "freq" in self._stats
        if self._compute_top and self._ntop <= 0 < sum(self._is_cat_like):
            raise ValueError("top must be a non-negative integer")

        # Expand special stats
        replacements = {
            "mode": ["mode", "mode_freq"],
            "ci": ["upper_ci", "lower_ci"],
            "jarque_bera": ["jarque_bera", "jarque_bera_pval"],
            "top": [f"top_{i}" for i in range(1, self._ntop + 1)],
            "freq": [f"freq_{i}" for i in range(1, self._ntop + 1)],

        for key in replacements:
            if key in self._stats:
                idx = self._stats.index(key)
                self._stats = (
                    + replacements[key]
                    + self._stats[idx + 1 :]

        self._percentiles = array_like(
            percentiles, "percentiles", maxdim=1, dtype="d"
        self._percentiles = np.sort(self._percentiles)
        if np.unique(self._percentiles).shape[0] != self._percentiles.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("percentiles must be distinct")
        if np.any(self._percentiles >= 100) or np.any(self._percentiles <= 0):
            raise ValueError("percentiles must be strictly between 0 and 100")
        self._alpha = float_like(alpha, "alpha")
        if not 0 < alpha < 1:
            raise ValueError("alpha must be strictly between 0 and 1")
        self._use_t = bool_like(use_t, "use_t")

    def _reorder(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return df.loc[[s for s in self._stats if s in df.index]]

    def frame(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Descriptive statistics for both numeric and categorical data

            The statistics
        numeric = self.numeric
        categorical = self.categorical
        if categorical.shape[1] == 0:
            return numeric
        elif numeric.shape[1] == 0:
            return categorical
        df = pd.concat([numeric, categorical], axis=1)
        return self._reorder(df[self._data.columns])

    def numeric(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Descriptive statistics for numeric data

            The statistics of the numeric columns
        df: pd.DataFrame = self._data.loc[:, self._is_numeric]
        cols = df.columns
        _, k = df.shape
        std = df.std()
        count = df.count()
        mean = df.mean()
        mad = (df - mean).abs().mean()
        std_err = std.copy()
        std_err.loc[count > 0] /= count.loc[count > 0] ** 0.5
        if self._use_t:
            q = stats.t(count - 1).ppf(1.0 - self._alpha / 2)
            q = stats.norm.ppf(1.0 - self._alpha / 2)

        def _mode(ser):
            dtype = ser.dtype if isinstance(ser.dtype, np.dtype) else ser.dtype.numpy_dtype
            ser_no_missing = ser.dropna().to_numpy(dtype=dtype)
            kwargs = {} if SP_LT_19 else {"keepdims": True}
            mode_res = stats.mode(ser_no_missing, **kwargs)
            # Changes in SciPy 1.10
            if np.isscalar(mode_res[0]):
                return float(mode_res[0]), mode_res[1]
            if mode_res[0].shape[0] > 0:
                return [float(val) for val in mode_res]
            return np.nan, np.nan

        mode_values = df.apply(_mode).T
        if mode_values.size > 0:
            if isinstance(mode_values, pd.DataFrame):
                # pandas 1.0 or later
                mode = np.asarray(mode_values[0], dtype=float)
                mode_counts = np.asarray(mode_values[1], dtype=np.int64)
                # pandas before 1.0 returns a Series of 2-elem list
                mode = []
                mode_counts = []
                for idx in mode_values.index:
                    val = mode_values.loc[idx]
                mode = np.atleast_1d(mode)
                mode_counts = np.atleast_1d(mode_counts)
            mode = mode_counts = np.empty(0)
        loc = count > 0
        mode_freq = np.full(mode.shape[0], np.nan)
        mode_freq[loc] = mode_counts[loc] / count.loc[loc]
        # TODO: Workaround for pandas AbstractMethodError in extension
        #  types. Remove when quantile is supported for these
        _df = df
            from pandas.api.types import is_extension_array_dtype
            _df = df.copy()
            for col in df:
                if is_extension_array_dtype(df[col].dtype):
                    if _df[col].isnull().any():
                        _df[col] = _df[col].fillna(np.nan)
        except ImportError:

        if df.shape[1] > 0:
            iqr = _df.quantile(0.75) - _df.quantile(0.25)
            iqr = mean

        def _safe_jarque_bera(c):
            a = np.asarray(c)
            if a.shape[0] < 2:
                return (np.nan,) * 4
            return jarque_bera(a)

        jb = df.apply(
            lambda x: list(_safe_jarque_bera(x.dropna())), result_type="expand"
        nan_mean = mean.copy()
        nan_mean.loc[nan_mean == 0] = np.nan
        coef_var = std / nan_mean

        results = {
            "nobs": pd.Series(
                np.ones(k, dtype=np.int64) * df.shape[0], index=cols
            "missing": df.shape[0] - count,
            "mean": mean,
            "std_err": std_err,
            "upper_ci": mean + q * std_err,
            "lower_ci": mean - q * std_err,
            "std": std,
            "iqr": iqr,
            "mad": mad,
            "coef_var": coef_var,
            "range": pd_ptp(df),
            "max": df.max(),
            "min": df.min(),
            "skew": jb[2],
            "kurtosis": jb[3],
            "iqr_normal": iqr / np.diff(stats.norm.ppf([0.25, 0.75])),
            "mad_normal": mad / np.sqrt(2 / np.pi),
            "jarque_bera": jb[0],
            "jarque_bera_pval": jb[1],
            "mode": pd.Series(mode, index=cols),
            "mode_freq": pd.Series(mode_freq, index=cols),
            "median": df.median(),
        final = {k: v for k, v in results.items() if k in self._stats}
        results_df = pd.DataFrame(
            list(final.values()), columns=cols, index=list(final.keys())
        if "percentiles" not in self._stats:
            return results_df
        # Pandas before 1.0 cannot handle empty DF
        if df.shape[1] > 0:
            # TODO: Remove when extension types support quantile
            perc = _df.quantile(self._percentiles / 100).astype(float)
            perc = pd.DataFrame(index=self._percentiles / 100, dtype=float)
        if np.all(np.floor(100 * perc.index) == (100 * perc.index)):
            perc.index = [f"{int(100 * idx)}%" for idx in perc.index]
            dupe = True
            scale = 100
            index = perc.index
            while dupe:
                scale *= 10
                idx = np.floor(scale * perc.index)
                if np.all(np.diff(idx) > 0):
                    dupe = False
            index = np.floor(scale * index) / (scale / 100)
            fmt = f"0.{len(str(scale//100))-1}f"
            output = f"{{0:{fmt}}}%"
            perc.index = [output.format(val) for val in index]

        # Add in the names of the percentiles to the output
        self._stats = self._stats + perc.index.tolist()

        return self._reorder(pd.concat([results_df, perc], axis=0))

    def categorical(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Descriptive statistics for categorical data

            The statistics of the categorical columns

        df = self._data.loc[:, [col for col in self._is_cat_like]]
        k = df.shape[1]
        cols = df.columns
        vc = {col: df[col].value_counts(normalize=True) for col in df}
        distinct = pd.Series(
            {col: vc[col].shape[0] for col in vc}, dtype=np.int64
        top = {}
        freq = {}
        for col in vc:
            single = vc[col]
            if single.shape[0] >= self._ntop:
                top[col] = single.index[: self._ntop]
                freq[col] = np.asarray(single.iloc[:5])
                val = list(single.index)
                val += [None] * (self._ntop - len(val))
                top[col] = val
                freq_val = list(single)
                freq_val += [np.nan] * (self._ntop - len(freq_val))
                freq[col] = np.asarray(freq_val)
        index = [f"top_{i}" for i in range(1, self._ntop + 1)]
        top_df = pd.DataFrame(top, dtype="object", index=index, columns=cols)
        index = [f"freq_{i}" for i in range(1, self._ntop + 1)]
        freq_df = pd.DataFrame(freq, dtype="object", index=index, columns=cols)

        results = {
            "nobs": pd.Series(
                np.ones(k, dtype=np.int64) * df.shape[0], index=cols
            "missing": df.shape[0] - df.count(),
            "distinct": distinct,
        final = {k: v for k, v in results.items() if k in self._stats}
        results_df = pd.DataFrame(
        if self._compute_top:
            results_df = pd.concat([results_df, top_df], axis=0)
        if self._compute_freq:
            results_df = pd.concat([results_df, freq_df], axis=0)

        return self._reorder(results_df)

    def summary(self) -> SimpleTable:
        Summary table of the descriptive statistics

            A table instance supporting export to text, csv and LaTeX
        df = self.frame.astype(object)
        if df.isnull().any().any():
            df = df.fillna("")
        cols = [str(col) for col in df.columns]
        stubs = [str(idx) for idx in df.index]
        data = []
        for _, row in df.iterrows():
            data.append([v for v in row])

        def _formatter(v):
            if isinstance(v, str):
                return v
            elif v // 1 == v:
                return str(int(v))
            return f"{v:0.4g}"

        return SimpleTable(
            title="Descriptive Statistics",
            txt_fmt={"data_fmts": {0: "%s", 1: _formatter}},
            datatypes=[1] * len(data),

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.summary().as_text())

ds = Docstring(Description.__doc__)
    "Returns", Parameter(None, "DataFrame", ["Descriptive statistics"])
ds.replace_block("Attributes", [])
    "See Also",
            [("pandas.DataFrame.describe", None)],
            ["Basic descriptive statistics"],
            [("Description", None)],
            ["Descriptive statistics class with additional output options"],

def describe(
    data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
    stats: Sequence[str] = None,
    numeric: bool = True,
    categorical: bool = True,
    alpha: float = 0.05,
    use_t: bool = False,
    percentiles: Sequence[Union[int, float]] = PERCENTILES,
    ntop: bool = 5,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return Description(

class Describe:

    def __init__(self, dataset):
        raise NotImplementedError("Describe has been removed")