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heldMEMLOCKMSGQUEUEmax bytes in POSIX mqueuesNICENOFILEmax number of open filesNPROCmax number of processesRSSmax resident set sizeRTPRIOmax real-time priorityRTTIMEtimeout for real-time tasksmicrosecsSIGPENDINGmax number of pending signalsSTACKmax stack sizeShow or change the resource limits of a process. -p, --pid process id -o, --output define which output columns to use --noheadings don't print headings --raw use the raw output format --verbose verbose output -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit -c, --core maximum size of core files created -d, --data maximum size of a process's data segment -e, --nice maximum nice priority allowed to raise -f, --fsize maximum size of files written by the process -i, --sigpending maximum number of pending signals -l, --memlock maximum size a process may lock into memory -m, --rss maximum resident set size -n, --nofile maximum number of open files -q, --msgqueue maximum bytes in POSIX message queues -r, --rtprio maximum real-time scheduling priority -s, --stack maximum stack size -t, --cpu maximum amount of CPU time in seconds -u, --nproc maximum number of user processes -v, --as size of virtual memory -x, --locks maximum number of file locks -y, --rttime CPU time in microseconds a process scheduled under real-time scheduling Available columns (for --output): option --pid may be specified only once+c::d::e::f::i::l::m::n::q::r::s::t::u::v::x::y::p:o:vVhoptions --pid and COMMAND are mutually exclusivethe soft limit %s cannot exceed the hard limitfailed to set the %s resource limitfailed to get the %s resource limitfailed to initialize output tablecolumns[num] < (int) ARRAY_SIZE(infos)failed to initialize output columnfailed to initialize output linemax locked-in-memory address spacemax nice prio allowed to raise{bV=$ hO6< F No2 2 [o j``tBp~yP P ` ` .\O\O pOpOx \\t`^`^ j jj jj jj j m mo o0p pr r t t t4t