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default| set foreground color --background default| set background color --ulcolor [bright] set underlined text color --hbcolor [bright] set bold text color : black blue cyan green grey magenta red white yellow --bold [on|off] bold --half-bright [on|off] dim --blink [on|off] blink --underline [on|off] underline --reverse [on|off] swap foreground and background colors --clear [all|rest] clear screen and set cursor position --tabs [...] set these tab stop positions, or show them --clrtabs [...] clear these tab stop positions, or all --regtabs [1-160] set a regular tab stop interval --blank [0-60|force|poke] set time of inactivity before screen blanks --dump [] write vcsa console dump to file --append [] append vcsa console dump to file --file name of the dump file --msg [on|off] send kernel messages to console --msglevel 0-8 kernel console log level --powersave [on|vsync|hsync|powerdown|off] set vesa powersaving features --powerdown [0-60] set vesa powerdown interval in minutes --blength [0-2000] duration of the bell in milliseconds --bfreq bell frequency in Hertz --version show version information and exit --help display this help and exit argument error: bright %s is not supported%s: these options are mutually exclusive:terminfo database cannot be foundcan not open dump file %s for output Usage: %s [options] Options: For more details see %s. setterm(1)cannot allocate stringduplicate use of an optionblackargument error%s: %scannot allocate %zu bytestoo many tabsforcepokewrite error[?7h[?7l[?8h[?8l[?1h[?1l[?5h[?5lsmulrmulclearterm/usr/share/localeutil-linuxoffresetallvsynchsyncpowerdown%s from %s util-linux 2.29.2TERM$TERM is not defined.%s: unknown terminal typeterminal is hardcopyconrs1is2cnormcivis--repeat--appcursorkeyssgr0[3%c%s[4%c%s--ulcolor[1;%d][2;%d]bolddimblinkrev--store[8]cols %-10d T[%dGH--clrtabs[%dG--regtabs [%dCH--blank[9;%d]cannot force blankcannot force unblankcannot get blank status%d cannot (un)set powersave mode[14;%d]/dev/vcsa%d/dev/vcsacannot 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