# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:15+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-05 22:35+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Liudmyla Dzhuma \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" "Language: uk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " "n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 5.2-dev\n" #: app/admin.py:52 msgid "Enter custom CSS" msgstr "Введіть свій CSS" #: app/admin.py:53 app/models/theme.py:38 msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: app/admin.py:56 msgid "HTML that will be displayed above site header" msgstr "HTML, який відображатиметься над заголовком сайту" #: app/admin.py:57 app/models/theme.py:39 msgid "HTML (before header)" msgstr "HTML (перед заголовком)" #: app/admin.py:60 msgid "HTML that will be displayed after site header" msgstr "HTML, який відображатиметься після заголовку сайту" #: app/admin.py:61 app/models/theme.py:40 msgid "HTML (after header)" msgstr "HTML (після заголовка)" #: app/admin.py:64 msgid "HTML that will be displayed after the body tag" msgstr "HTML, який відображатиметься після тегу body" #: app/admin.py:65 app/models/theme.py:41 msgid "HTML (after body)" msgstr "HTML (після тегу body)" #: app/admin.py:68 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "HTML that will be displayed in the footer. You can also use the special tags " "such as {ORGANIZATION} and {YEAR}." msgstr "" "HTML, який відображатиметься в нижньому колонтитулі. Ви також можете " "використовувати спеціальні теги, такі як {ORGANIZATION} і {YEAR}." #: app/admin.py:69 app/models/theme.py:42 msgid "HTML (footer)" msgstr "HTML (нижній колонтитул)" #: app/admin.py:100 app/models/project.py:25 msgid "Description" msgstr "Опис" #: app/admin.py:106 msgid "Version" msgstr "Версія" #: app/admin.py:112 msgid "Author" msgstr "Автор" #: app/admin.py:144 #, python-format msgid "Restart required. Please restart WebODM to enable %(plugin)s" msgstr "Потрібен перезапуск. Перезапустіть WebODM, щоб увімкнути %(plugin)s" #: app/admin.py:146 #, python-format msgid "Cannot enable plugin %(plugin)s: %(message)s" msgstr "Неможливо ввімкнути плагін %(plugin)s: %(message)s" #: app/admin.py:154 #, python-format msgid "Restart required. Please restart WebODM to fully disable %(plugin)s" msgstr "" "Потрібен перезапуск. Перезапустіть WebODM, щоб повністю вимкнути %(plugin)s" #: app/admin.py:156 #, python-format msgid "Cannot disable plugin %(plugin)s: %(message)s" msgstr "Неможливо вимкнути плагін %(plugin)s: %(message)s" #: app/admin.py:164 #, python-format msgid "Cannot delete plugin %(plugin)s: %(message)s" msgstr "Неможливо видалити плагін %(plugin)s: %(message)s" #: app/admin.py:208 msgid "Plugin added successfully" msgstr "Плагін успішно додано" #: app/admin.py:210 #, python-format msgid "Cannot load plugin: %(message)s" msgstr "Неможливо завантажити плагін: %(message)s" #: app/admin.py:216 msgid "You need to upload a zip file" msgstr "Вам потрібно завантажити файл zip" #: app/admin.py:230 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Відключити" #: app/admin.py:233 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Включити" #: app/admin.py:238 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Дії" #: app/api/formulas.py:12 app/api/formulas.py:16 msgid "" "Normalized Difference Vegetation Index shows the amount of green vegetation." msgstr "" "Нормалізований диференційний вегетаційний індекс (NDVI) показує кількість " "біомаси (зеленої рослинності)." #: app/api/formulas.py:20 msgid "" "Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is like NDVI, but uses Blue " "and Green bands instead of only Red to isolate plant health." msgstr "" "Покращений нормалізований диференційний вегетаційний індекс(ENDVI) схожий на " "NDVI, але використовує сині та зелені спектри замість лише червоних, щоб " "ізолювати стан рослин." #: app/api/formulas.py:24 msgid "" "Visible NDVI is an un-normalized index for RGB sensors using constants " "derived from citrus, grape, and sugarcane crop data." msgstr "" "Видимий NDVI — це ненормалізований індекс для датчиків RGB, який " "використовує константи, отримані з даних про врожай цитрусових, винограду та " "цукрової тростини." #: app/api/formulas.py:28 msgid "Visual Atmospheric Resistance Index shows the areas of vegetation." msgstr "" "Візуальний індекс опору атмосфери (VARI) показує ділянки під рослинністю." #: app/api/formulas.py:33 msgid "" "Excess Green Index (derived from only the RGB bands) emphasizes the " "greenness of leafy crops such as potatoes." msgstr "" "Індекс надмірної зеленості (EGI), отриманий лише на основі смуг RGB, " "підкреслює зеленість листяних культур, таких як картопля." #: app/api/formulas.py:37 msgid "" "Triangular Greenness Index (derived from only the RGB bands) performs " "similarly to EXG but with improvements over certain environments." msgstr "" "Триангульований індекс зеленості (TGI), отриманий лише з діапазонів RGB, " "працює подібно до EXG, але з покращеннями в певних середовищах." #: app/api/formulas.py:41 msgid "" "Burn Area Index hightlights burned land in the red to near-infrared spectrum." msgstr "" "Індекс вигорання (BAI) виділяє вигорілу землю в червоному та близькому " "інфрачервоному спектрі." #: app/api/formulas.py:45 msgid "Green Leaf Index shows greens leaves and stems." msgstr "Індекс зеленого листя (GLI) показує зелені листя та стебла." #: app/api/formulas.py:50 msgid "" "Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is similar to NDVI, but " "measures the green spectrum instead of red." msgstr "" "Зелений Нормалізований Диференційний Вегетаційний Індекс (GNDVI) схожий на " "NDVI, але вимірює зелений спектр замість червоного." #: app/api/formulas.py:54 msgid "" "Green Ratio Vegetation Index is sensitive to photosynthetic rates in forests." msgstr "" "Індекс Співвідношення Зеленої Рослинності (GRVI) чутливий до швидкості " "фотосинтезу в лісах." #: app/api/formulas.py:58 msgid "" "Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index is similar to NDVI but attempts to remove the " "effects of soil areas using an adjustment factor (0.5)." msgstr "" "Вегетаційний індекс з поправкою на ґрунт подібний до NDVI, але намагається " "усунути вплив площі ґрунту за допомогою поправочного коефіцієнту (0,5)." #: app/api/formulas.py:62 msgid "" "Modified Non-Linear Index improves the Non-Linear Index algorithm to account " "for soil areas." msgstr "" "Модифікований нелінійний індекс покращує алгоритм нелінійного індексу для " "врахування площ ґрунту." #: app/api/formulas.py:66 msgid "" "Modified Simple Ratio is an improvement of the Simple Ratio (SR) index to be " "more sensitive to vegetation." msgstr "" "Модифіковане просте відношення - це покращення індексу простого відношення " "(SR), щоб бути більш чутливим до рослинності." #: app/api/formulas.py:70 msgid "" "Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index uses the difference between near-IR " "and red, plus NDVI to show areas of healthy vegetation." msgstr "" "Перенормований різницевий вегетаційний індекс використовує різницю між " "ближнім інфрачервоним та червоним кольорами, а також NDVI, щоб показати " "ділянки здорової рослинності." #: app/api/formulas.py:74 msgid "" "Transformed Difference Vegetation Index highlights vegetation cover in urban " "environments." msgstr "" "Трансформований індекс різниці рослинності підкреслює рослинний покрив у " "міському середовищі." #: app/api/formulas.py:78 msgid "" "Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index is based on SAVI, but tends to work " "better in areas with little vegetation where soil is visible." msgstr "" "Оптимізований індекс рослинності з поправкою на ґрунт базується на індексі " "SAVI, але, як правило, краще працює на ділянках з невеликою кількістю " "рослинності, де видно ґрунт." #: app/api/formulas.py:82 msgid "Leaf Area Index estimates foliage areas and predicts crop yields." msgstr "Індекс площі листя оцінює площу листя та прогнозує врожайність культур." #: app/api/formulas.py:87 msgid "" "Enhanced Vegetation Index is useful in areas where NDVI might saturate, by " "using blue wavelengths to correct soil signals." msgstr "" "Розширений індекс рослинності корисний на ділянках, де NDVI може " "перенасичуватися, завдяки використанню синіх хвиль для корекції сигналів " "ґрунту." #: app/api/projects.py:67 msgid "Cannot duplicate project" msgstr "Неможливо дублювати проект" #: app/api/projects.py:134 msgid "Invalid user in permissions list" msgstr "Неправильний користувач у списку дозволів" #: app/api/projects.py:136 msgid "Invalid permissions" msgstr "Недійсні дозволи" #: app/api/tasks.py:183 msgid "You need to upload at least 2 images before commit" msgstr "" #: app/api/tasks.py:205 msgid "No files uploaded" msgstr "Файли не завантажено" #: app/api/tasks.py:234 msgid "Cannot duplicate task" msgstr "Неможливо дублювати завдання" #: app/api/tasks.py:251 msgid "Cannot create task, you need at least 2 images" msgstr "Неможливо створити завдання, потрібно принаймні 2 зображення" #: app/api/tasks.py:371 app/api/tasks.py:374 app/api/tasks.py:398 #: app/api/tasks.py:401 msgid "Asset does not exist" msgstr "Актив не існує" #: app/api/tasks.py:417 msgid "Imported Task" msgstr "Імпортоване завдання" #: app/api/tasks.py:420 msgid "Cannot create task, you need to upload 1 file" msgstr "Неможливо створити завдання, потрібно завантажити 1 файл" #: app/api/tasks.py:423 msgid "Cannot create task, either specify a URL or upload 1 file." msgstr "Неможливо створити завдання, або вкажіть URL, або завантажте 1 файл." #: app/api/tiler.py:311 msgid "Invalid boundaries parameter" msgstr "Недійсний параметр меж" #: app/api/tiler.py:347 app/api/tiler.py:410 msgid "Outside of bounds" msgstr "Поза межами" #: app/api/tiler.py:358 msgid "Invalid boundaries" msgstr "Недійсні межі" #: app/api/tiler.py:416 app/api/tiler.py:513 msgid "Not a valid color_map value" msgstr "Недійсне значення color_map" #: app/api/tiler.py:422 msgid "Invalid rescale value" msgstr "Неправильне значення масштабування" #: app/api/tiler.py:431 msgid "Invalid hillshade value" msgstr "Невірне значення тіні від пагорба" #: app/api/tiler.py:434 msgid "Cannot compute hillshade of non-elevation raster (multiple bands found)" msgstr "" "Не вдається обчислити тінь від пагорба для растра без висот (знайдено " "декілька смуг)" #: app/api/tiler.py:451 msgid "" "Cannot process tile: intensity image provided, but no RGB data was computed." msgstr "" "Неможливо обробити плитку: надано зображення інтенсивності, але не обчислено " "дані RGB." #: app/api/tiler.py:498 app/api/tiler.py:500 #, python-format msgid "Unsupported format: %(value)s" msgstr "Непідтримуваний формат: %(value)s" #: app/api/tiler.py:519 #, python-format msgid "Invalid EPSG code: %(value)s" msgstr "Невірний код EPSG: %(value)s" #: app/api/tiler.py:522 msgid "Both formula and bands parameters are required" msgstr "Потрібні як параметри формули, так і діапазонів" #: app/api/tiler.py:542 #, python-format msgid "Invalid rescale value: %(value)s" msgstr "Неправильне значення масштабування: %(value)s" #: app/api/tiler.py:550 #, python-format msgid "Invalid hillshade value: %(value)s" msgstr "Невірне значення тіні від пагорба: %(value)s" #: app/models/image_upload.py:10 msgid "Task this image belongs to" msgstr "" #: app/models/image_upload.py:10 app/models/task.py:270 msgid "Task" msgstr "Завдання" #: app/models/image_upload.py:11 msgid "File uploaded by a user" msgstr "" #: app/models/image_upload.py:11 msgid "Image" msgstr "" #: app/models/image_upload.py:20 msgid "Image Upload" msgstr "" #: app/models/image_upload.py:21 msgid "Image Uploads" msgstr "" #: app/models/plugin.py:5 msgid "Plugin name" msgstr "Назва плагіна" #: app/models/plugin.py:5 app/models/preset.py:10 app/models/project.py:24 #: app/models/task.py:230 app/models/theme.py:16 msgid "Name" msgstr "Назва" #: app/models/plugin.py:6 msgid "Whether this plugin is turned on." msgstr "Чи цей плагін увімкнений." #: app/models/plugin.py:6 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Увімкнено" #: app/models/plugin.py:20 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "" #: app/models/plugin.py:21 app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:98 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Плагіни" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:7 msgid "Setting key" msgstr "Ключ налаштування" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:7 msgid "Key" msgstr "Ключ" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:8 msgid "The user this setting belongs to. If NULL, the setting is global." msgstr "" "Користувач, якому належить це налаштування. Якщо NULL, параметр є глобальним." #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:8 app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:23 msgid "User" msgstr "Користувач" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:9 msgid "Integer value" msgstr "Ціле число" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:10 msgid "Float value" msgstr "Плаваюче значення" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:11 msgid "Bool value" msgstr "Логічне значення" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:12 msgid "String value" msgstr "Рядкове значення" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:13 msgid "JSON value" msgstr "Значення JSON" #: app/models/plugin_datum.py:19 app/models/plugin_datum.py:20 msgid "Plugin Datum" msgstr "Вихідний код плагіна" #: app/models/preset.py:9 msgid "The person who owns this preset" msgstr "Особа, яка володіє цим preset" #: app/models/preset.py:9 app/models/project.py:23 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Власник" #: app/models/preset.py:10 msgid "A label used to describe the preset" msgstr "Мітка, яка використовується для опису preset" #: app/models/preset.py:11 msgid "Options that define this preset (same format as in a Task's options)." msgstr "" "Параметри, які визначають цей preset (той самий формат, що й у параметрах " "завдання)." #: app/models/preset.py:11 app/models/task.py:236 msgid "Options" msgstr "Налаштування" #: app/models/preset.py:13 app/models/project.py:26 app/models/task.py:245 msgid "Creation date" msgstr "Дата створення" #: app/models/preset.py:13 app/models/project.py:26 app/models/task.py:245 msgid "Created at" msgstr "Створено в" #: app/models/preset.py:14 msgid "" "Whether this preset is available to every user in the system or just to its " "owner." msgstr "" "Чи доступний цей preset кожному користувачеві системи чи лише її власнику." #: app/models/preset.py:14 msgid "System" msgstr "Система" #: app/models/preset.py:20 #, fuzzy msgid "Preset" msgstr "'Preset'" #: app/models/preset.py:21 #, fuzzy msgid "Presets" msgstr "'Presets'" #: app/models/project.py:23 msgid "The person who created the project" msgstr "Особа, яка створила проєкт" #: app/models/project.py:24 msgid "A label used to describe the project" msgstr "Мітка, яка використовується для опису проєкту" #: app/models/project.py:25 msgid "More in-depth description of the project" msgstr "Більш детальний опис проєкту" #: app/models/project.py:27 msgid "" "Whether this project has been marked for deletion. Projects that have " "running tasks need to wait for tasks to be properly cleaned up before they " "can be deleted." msgstr "" "Чи позначено цей проєкт для видалення. Проєкти, які мають запущені завдання, " "повинні дочекатися належного очищення завдань, перш ніж їх можна буде " "видалити." #: app/models/project.py:27 msgid "Deleting" msgstr "Видалення" #: app/models/project.py:61 app/models/task.py:412 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Copy of %(task)s" msgstr "Копія %(task)s" #: app/models/project.py:84 app/models/task.py:229 msgid "Project" msgstr "Проєкт" #: app/models/project.py:85 msgid "Projects" msgstr "Проєкти" #: app/models/setting.py:20 msgid "The name of your application" msgstr "Назва вашого додатку" #: app/models/setting.py:20 msgid "App name" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:21 msgid "A 512x512 logo of your application (.png or .jpeg)" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:21 msgid "App logo" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:31 msgid "The name of your organization" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:31 msgid "Organization name" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:32 msgid "The website URL of your organization" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:32 msgid "Organization website" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:33 app/models/theme.py:48 app/models/theme.py:49 #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:95 msgid "Theme" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:34 msgid "Active theme" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:73 app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:101 msgid "Application" msgstr "" #: app/models/setting.py:76 app/models/setting.py:77 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:226 msgid "Id" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:228 msgid "Identifier of the task (as returned by NodeODM API)" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:228 msgid "UUID" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:229 msgid "Project that this task belongs to" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:230 msgid "A label for the task" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:231 msgid "" "Number of milliseconds that elapsed since the beginning of this task (-1 " "indicates that no information is available)" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:231 msgid "Processing Time" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:232 msgid "" "Processing node assigned to this task (or null if this task has not been " "associated yet)" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:232 app/views/app.py:115 nodeodm/models.py:34 msgid "Processing Node" msgstr "Вузол обробки" #: app/models/task.py:233 msgid "" "A flag indicating whether this task should be automatically assigned a " "processing node" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:233 msgid "Auto Processing Node" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:234 msgid "Current status of the task" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:234 msgid "Status" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:235 msgid "The last processing error received" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:235 msgid "Last Error" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:236 msgid "Options that are being used to process this task" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:237 msgid "List of available assets to download" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:237 msgid "Available Assets" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:238 msgid "Console output of the processing node" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:238 msgid "Console Output" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:240 msgid "Extent of the orthophoto" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:240 msgid "Orthophoto Extent" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:241 msgid "DSM Extent" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:242 msgid "DTM Extent" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:246 msgid "" "A requested action to be performed on the task. The selected action will be " "performed by the worker at the next iteration." msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:246 msgid "Pending Action" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:248 msgid "A flag indicating whether this task is available to the public" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:248 msgid "Public" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:249 msgid "" "When set to a value different than -1, indicates that the images for this " "task have been / will be resized to the size specified here before " "processing." msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:249 msgid "Resize To" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:252 msgid "" "Value between 0 and 1 indicating the upload progress of this task's files to " "the processing node" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:253 msgid "Upload Progress" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:256 msgid "" "Value between 0 and 1 indicating the resize progress of this task's images" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:257 msgid "Resize Progress" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:260 msgid "" "Value between 0 and 1 indicating the running progress (estimated) of this " "task" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:261 msgid "Running Progress" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:263 msgid "URL this task is imported from (only for imported tasks)" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:263 msgid "Import URL" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:264 msgid "Number of images associated with this task" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:264 msgid "Images Count" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:265 msgid "" "A flag indicating whether this task is currently waiting for information or " "files to be uploaded before being considered for processing." msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:265 msgid "Partial" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:266 msgid "" "Serialized potree scene information used to save/load measurements and " "camera view angle" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:266 msgid "Potree Scene" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:267 msgid "EPSG code of the dataset (if georeferenced)" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:271 msgid "Tasks" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:280 msgid "unnamed" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:491 msgid "Importing assets..." msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:543 app/models/task.py:811 msgid "Invalid zip file" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:637 #, python-format msgid "Connection error: %(error)s" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:717 msgid "Cannot restart a task that has no processing node" msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:872 #, python-format msgid "Unsupported SRS %(code)s. Please make sure you picked a supported SRS." msgstr "" #: app/models/task.py:884 msgid "Done!" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:16 msgid "Name of theme" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:19 msgid "Most text, icons, and borders." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:19 msgid "Primary" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:20 msgid "The main background color, and text color of some buttons." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:20 msgid "Secondary" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:21 msgid "Navigation links." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:21 msgid "Tertiary" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:23 msgid "Primary button color." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:23 msgid "Button Primary" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:24 msgid "Default button color." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:24 msgid "Button Default" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:25 msgid "Delete button color." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:25 msgid "Button Danger" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:27 msgid "Background color of the site's header." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:27 msgid "Header Background" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:28 msgid "Text and icons in the site's header." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:28 msgid "Header Primary" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:30 msgid "The color of most borders." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:30 msgid "Border" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:31 msgid "The background color of panels and some borders." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:31 msgid "Highlight" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:33 msgid "The border color of warning dialogs." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:33 msgid "Dialog Warning" msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:35 msgid "The background color of failed notifications." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:35 msgid "Failed" msgstr "Не вдалося" #: app/models/theme.py:36 msgid "The background color of success notifications." msgstr "" #: app/models/theme.py:36 msgid "Success" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/404.html:6 msgid "404 Page Not Found" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/404.html:7 msgid "Are you sure the address is correct?" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/500.html:5 msgid "500 Internal Server Error" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/500.html:6 msgid "Something happened. The server logs contain more information." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/about.html:94 #, python-format msgid "" "This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it " "under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the " "Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your " "option) any later version. See %(link_start)sthe GNU Affero General Public " "License%(link_end)s for more details." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/404.html:4 app/templates/app/admin/404.html:8 msgid "Page not found" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/404.html:10 msgid "We're sorry, but the requested page could not be found." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/500.html:6 app/templates/app/admin/app_index.html:9 #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:13 #: app/templates/app/admin/base.html:19 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:18 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list.html:31 #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:13 #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:13 #: app/templates/app/admin/invalid_setup.html:6 #: app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:6 msgid "Home" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/500.html:7 msgid "Server error" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/500.html:11 msgid "Server error (500)" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/500.html:14 msgid "Server Error (500)" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/500.html:15 msgid "" "There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via " "email and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/actions.html:4 msgid "Run the selected action" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/actions.html:4 msgid "Go" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/actions.html:10 msgid "Click here to select the objects across all pages" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/actions.html:10 #, python-format msgid "Select all %(total_count)s %(module_name)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/actions.html:12 msgid "Clear selection" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:6 msgid "" "First, enter a username and password. Then, you'll be able to edit more user " "options." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/add_form.html:8 msgid "Enter a username and password." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:17 #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:54 msgid "Change password" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:27 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:47 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list.html:58 #: app/templates/app/admin/login.html:21 msgid "Please correct the error below." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:27 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:47 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list.html:58 #: app/templates/app/admin/login.html:21 msgid "Please correct the errors below." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/auth/user/change_password.html:31 #, python-format msgid "Enter a new password for the user %(username)s." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/base_site.html:3 msgid "Django site admin" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/base_site.html:6 msgid "Django administration" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:21 #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list.html:49 #, python-format msgid "Add %(name)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:33 #: app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:10 msgid "History" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_form.html:35 #: app/templates/app/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html:14 #: app/templates/app/admin/edit_inline/tabular.html:36 msgid "View on site" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list.html:69 msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list_plugin.html:24 msgid "Load Plugin (.zip)" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list_plugin.html:28 msgid "Manage Plugins" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list_results.html:17 msgid "Remove from sorting" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list_results.html:18 #, python-format msgid "Sorting priority: %(priority_number)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/change_list_results.html:19 msgid "Toggle sorting" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:17 #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:23 #: app/templates/app/admin/submit_line.html:6 #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:54 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Видалити" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:23 #, python-format msgid "" "Deleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would result in deleting " "related objects, but your account doesn't have permission to delete the " "following types of objects:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:30 #, python-format msgid "" "Deleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would require deleting the " "following protected related objects:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:37 #, python-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete the %(object_name)s \"%(escaped_object)s\"? " "All of the following related items will be deleted:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:39 #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:38 msgid "Objects" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:46 #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:49 msgid "Yes, I'm sure" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_confirmation.html:47 #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:50 msgid "No, take me back" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:16 msgid "Delete multiple objects" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:22 #, python-format msgid "" "Deleting the selected %(objects_name)s would result in deleting related " "objects, but your account doesn't have permission to delete the following " "types of objects:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:29 #, python-format msgid "" "Deleting the selected %(objects_name)s would require deleting the following " "protected related objects:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html:36 #, python-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete the selected %(objects_name)s? All of the " "following objects and their related items will be deleted:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/edit_inline/stacked.html:12 #: app/templates/app/admin/edit_inline/tabular.html:34 #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:37 #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:9 msgid "Change" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/edit_inline/tabular.html:20 msgid "Delete?" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/filter.html:2 #, python-format msgid " By %(filter_title)s " msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/includes/object_delete_summary.html:2 msgid "Summary" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:20 #, python-format msgid "Models in the %(name)s application" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:31 #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:16 msgid "Add" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:47 msgid "You don't have permission to edit anything." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:55 msgid "Recent actions" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:56 msgid "My actions" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:60 msgid "None available" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/index.html:74 msgid "Unknown content" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/invalid_setup.html:12 msgid "" "Something's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the appropriate " "database tables have been created, and make sure the database is readable by " "the appropriate user." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/login.html:37 #, python-format msgid "" "You are authenticated as %(username)s, but are not authorized to access this " "page. Would you like to login to a different account?" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/login.html:57 msgid "Forgotten your password or username?" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/login.html:61 msgid "Log in" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:22 msgid "Date/time" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:24 msgid "Action" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/object_history.html:38 msgid "" "This object doesn't have a change history. It probably wasn't added via this " "admin site." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/pagination.html:10 #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:9 msgid "Show all" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/pagination.html:11 #: app/templates/app/admin/submit_line.html:3 msgid "Save" msgstr "Зберегти" #: app/templates/app/admin/popup_response.html:3 msgid "Popup closing..." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:8 #, python-format msgid "Change selected %(model)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:15 #, python-format msgid "Add another %(model)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/related_widget_wrapper.html:22 #, python-format msgid "Delete selected %(model)s" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:7 msgid "Search" msgstr "Пошук" #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:9 #, python-format msgid "%(counter)s result" msgid_plural "%(counter)s results" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: app/templates/app/admin/search_form.html:9 #, python-format msgid "%(full_result_count)s total" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/submit_line.html:8 msgid "Save as new" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/submit_line.html:9 msgid "Save and add another" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/admin/submit_line.html:10 msgid "Save and continue editing" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:15 app/templates/app/dashboard.html:27 #: app/templates/app/welcome.html:227 msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:16 msgid "Add a Processing Node" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:19 #, python-format msgid "" "To get started, \"%(add_processing_node)s\". A processing node is a computer " "running an instance of %(nodeodm_link)s or some other software implementing " "this %(api_link)s." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:28 msgid "Select Images and GCP" msgstr "Виберіть Знімки та GCP (Контрольні точки)" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:30 #, python-format msgid "" "To create a map, press the \"%(upload_images)s\" button, or drag and drop " "some images into a project." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:34 msgid "You need at least 5 images" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:35 #, python-format msgid "Images must overlap by 65%% or more" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:36 #, python-format msgid "For great 3D, images must overlap by 83%%" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dashboard.html:37 #, python-format msgid "" "A %(link_start)sGCP File%(link_end)s is optional, but can increase " "georeferencing accuracy" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:6 app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:110 #: app/views/dev.py:78 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:9 msgid "Close" msgstr "Закрити" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:14 msgid "Current Locale:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:15 msgid "" "To change locale, modify your browser's locale settings, then refresh the " "page, or use the set locale button below." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:18 msgid "Translation Files (.zip):" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:22 msgid "Download and Replace Translation Files" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:27 msgid "Set locale:" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:29 msgid "Apply" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/dev_tools.html:33 msgid "Executing… do not refresh the page! This could take a while." msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:15 #, python-format msgid "Hello, %(user)s!" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:19 msgid "Logout" msgstr "Вийти з системи" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:33 app/views/app.py:46 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Панель управління" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:59 nodeodm/models.py:35 msgid "Processing Nodes" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:69 msgid "Add New" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:79 msgid "Administration" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:84 msgid "Accounts" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:87 msgid "Groups" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:92 msgid "Brand" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/logged_in_base.html:114 app/views/app.py:105 msgid "About" msgstr "Детальніше про програму" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:11 nodeodm/models.py:21 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:15 nodeodm/models.py:22 msgid "Port" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:19 nodeodm/models.py:23 msgid "API Version" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:23 nodeodm/models.py:31 msgid "Engine" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:27 nodeodm/models.py:29 msgid "Engine Version" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:31 nodeodm/models.py:25 msgid "Queue Count" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:35 msgid "Max Images Limit" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:39 nodeodm/models.py:30 msgid "Label" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:43 nodeodm/models.py:24 msgid "Last Refreshed" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:44 msgctxt "5 minutes ago" msgid "ago" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:47 msgid "Options (JSON)" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/processing_node.html:53 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Редагувати" #: app/templates/app/welcome.html:224 msgid "Uh oh! Could you please check the errors below?" msgstr "" #: app/templates/app/welcome.html:237 msgid "Create Account" msgstr "" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:4 msgid "Upload and tile ODM assets with Cesium ion." msgstr "" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:5 msgid "Detect changes between two different tasks in the same project." msgstr "Виявити зміни між двома різними завданнями в одному проекті." #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:6 msgid "Import images from external sources directly" msgstr "Безпосередній імпорт зображень із зовнішніх джерел" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:7 msgid "Compute, preview and export contours from DEMs" msgstr "" "Обчислення, попередній перегляд та экспорт контурів з матриць висот (DEM)" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:8 msgid "Display program version, memory and disk space usage statistics" msgstr "" "Показати версію програми, статистику використання пам'яті та дискового " "простору" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:9 msgid "Calculate and draw an elevation map based on a task's DEMs" msgstr "Розрахувати та побудувати карту рельєфу на основі DEM завдання" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:10 msgid "Add a fullscreen button to the 2D map view" msgstr "Додати повноекранну кнопку до 2D мапи" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:11 msgid "Sync accounts from webodm.net" msgstr "Синхронізуйте акаунти з webodm.net" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:12 msgid "Compute volume, area and length measurements on Leaflet" msgstr "Обчислюйте об'єм, площу та довжину на Leaflet" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:13 msgid "A plugin to upload orthophotos to OpenAerialMap" msgstr "Плагін для завантаження ортофото до OpenAerialMap" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:14 msgid "" "A plugin to add a button for quickly opening OpenStreetMap's iD editor and " "setup a TMS basemap." msgstr "" "Плагін для додавання кнопки швидкого відкриття редактора OpenStreetMap iD та " "налаштування базової карти TMS." #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:15 #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:16 msgid "A plugin to create GCP files from images" msgstr "Плагін для створення GCP-файлів із знімків" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:17 msgid "Create short links when sharing task URLs" msgstr "" #: app/translations/plugin_manifest_autogenerated.py:18 msgid "Create editable short links when sharing task URLs" msgstr "" #: app/views/app.py:44 msgid "First Project" msgstr "" #: app/views/app.py:54 app/views/public.py:27 msgid "Map" msgstr "" #: app/views/app.py:82 msgid "3D Model Display" msgstr "" #: app/views/app.py:149 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "" #: app/views/dev.py:59 msgid "Cannot find locale/ folder in .zip archive" msgstr "" #: app/views/dev.py:71 msgid "Translation files reloaded!" msgstr "" #: app/views/dev.py:75 msgid "Invalid action" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/cesiumion/api_views.py:159 msgid "No matching enum type." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/contours/api.py:16 msgid "No DSM layer is available." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/contours/api.py:18 msgid "No DTM layer is available." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/contours/api.py:60 msgid "Could not generate contour file. This might be a bug." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/plugin.py:36 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:6 msgid "Diagnostic Information" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:10 msgid "Storage Space" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:14 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:40 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:45 msgctxt "Megabytes of storage space" msgid "Free" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:15 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:39 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:45 msgctxt "Megabytes of storage space" msgid "Used" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:16 msgctxt "Megabytes of storage space" msgid "Total" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:20 msgctxt "Computer memory (RAM)" msgid "Memory" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:24 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:75 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:80 msgctxt "Megabytes of memory space" msgid "Free" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:25 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:74 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:80 msgctxt "Megabytes of memory space" msgid "Used" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:26 msgctxt "Megabytes of memory space" msgid "Total" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:33 msgid "Note!" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:33 #, python-format msgid "" "These values might be relative to the virtualization environment in which " "the application is running, not necessarily the values of the your machine. " "See instructions for %(win_link)s and %(mac_link)s for changing these values " "in a Docker setup." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:47 #: coreplugins/diagnostic/templates/diagnostic.html:82 msgid "Disk Space" msgstr "" #: coreplugins/editshortlinks/api.py:59 msgid "" "Short URLs can only include letters, numbers, underscore and dash characters " "(A-Z, 0-9, _, -)." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/editshortlinks/api.py:63 msgid "This short URL is already taken." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/lightning/plugin.py:25 coreplugins/lightning/plugin.py:39 msgid "Lightning Network" msgstr "Мережа Lightning" #: coreplugins/measure/api.py:27 msgid "" "No surface model available. From the Dashboard, select this task, press " "Edit, from the options make sure to check \"dsm\", then press Restart --> " "From DEM." msgstr "" #: coreplugins/posm-gcpi/plugin.py:8 msgid "GCP Interface" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/apps.py:8 msgid "Node Management" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:21 msgid "" "Hostname or IP address where the node is located (can be an internal " "hostname as well). If you are using Docker, this is never or " "localhost. Find the IP address of your host machine by running ifconfig on " "Linux or by checking your network settings." msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:22 msgid "Port that connects to the node's API" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:23 msgid "API version used by the node" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:24 msgid "When was the information about this node last retrieved?" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:25 msgid "" "Number of tasks currently being processed by this node (as reported by the " "node itself)" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:26 msgid "Available Options" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:26 msgid "Description of the options that can be used for processing" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:27 msgid "Token" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:27 msgid "" "Token to use for authentication. If the node doesn't have authentication, " "you can leave this field blank." msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:28 msgid "Max Images" msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:28 msgid "Maximum number of images accepted by this node." msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:29 msgid "Engine version used by the node." msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:30 msgid "" "Optional label for this node. When set, this label will be shown instead of " "the hostname:port name." msgstr "" #: nodeodm/models.py:31 msgid "Engine used by the node." msgstr ""