// Copyright (c) 2017 GeometryFactory Sarl (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Classification/include/CGAL/Classification/Mesh_neighborhood.h $ // $Id: Mesh_neighborhood.h 0e934b1 2020-08-04T13:16:13+02:00 Simon Giraudot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Simon Giraudot #ifndef CGAL_CLASSIFICATION_MESH_NEIGHBORHOOD_H #define CGAL_CLASSIFICATION_MESH_NEIGHBORHOOD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Classification { /*! \ingroup PkgClassificationMesh \brief Class that generates models of `NeighborQuery` based on an input mesh. \tparam FaceListGraph model of `FaceListGraph`. */ template class Mesh_neighborhood { public: using face_descriptor = typename boost::graph_traits::face_descriptor; ///< private: using halfedge_descriptor = typename boost::graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor; using vertex_descriptor = typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor; const FaceListGraph& m_mesh; class Is_face_selected { public: using key_type = face_descriptor; using value_type = bool; using reference = bool; using category = boost::read_write_property_map_tag; using Set = typename std::unordered_set; private: Set* m_set; public: Is_face_selected(Set* set = nullptr) : m_set (set) { } inline friend value_type get (const Is_face_selected& pm, const key_type& k) { return (pm.m_set->find(k) != pm.m_set->end()); } inline friend void put (const Is_face_selected& pm, const key_type& k, const value_type&) { pm.m_set->insert(k); } }; public: /*! Functor that computes the 1-ring neighborhood of the face of an input mesh. \cgalModels CGAL::Classification::NeighborQuery \sa Mesh_neighborhood */ class One_ring_neighbor_query { public: using value_type = typename Mesh_neighborhood::face_descriptor; ///< private: const Mesh_neighborhood& neighborhood; public: /*! \brief constructs a 1-ring neighbor query object. \param neighborhood mesh neighborhood object. */ One_ring_neighbor_query (const Mesh_neighborhood& neighborhood) : neighborhood (neighborhood) { } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL template OutputIterator operator() (const value_type& query, OutputIterator output) const { neighborhood.one_ring_neighbors (query, output); return output; } /// \endcond }; /*! Functor that computes the N-ring neighborhood of the face of an input mesh. \cgalModels CGAL::Classification::NeighborQuery \sa Mesh_neighborhood */ class N_ring_neighbor_query { public: using value_type = typename Mesh_neighborhood::face_descriptor; ///< private: const Mesh_neighborhood& neighborhood; const std::size_t n; public: /*! \brief constructs a N-ring neighbor query object. \param neighborhood mesh neighborhood object. \param n size of neighborhood. */ N_ring_neighbor_query (const Mesh_neighborhood& neighborhood, const std::size_t n) : neighborhood (neighborhood), n(n) { } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL template OutputIterator operator() (const value_type& query, OutputIterator output) const { neighborhood.n_ring_neighbors (query, output, n); return output; } /// \endcond }; /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL friend class One_ring_neighbor_query; friend class N_ring_neighbor_query; /// \endcond /// \name Constructor /// @{ /*! \brief constructs a neighborhood object based on the input mesh. \param mesh input mesh. */ Mesh_neighborhood (const FaceListGraph& mesh) : m_mesh (mesh) { } /// @} /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL ~Mesh_neighborhood () { } /// \endcond /// \name Queries /// @{ /*! \brief returns a 1-ring neighbor query object. */ One_ring_neighbor_query one_ring_neighbor_query () const { return One_ring_neighbor_query (*this); } /*! \brief returns an N-ring neighbor query object. */ N_ring_neighbor_query n_ring_neighbor_query (const std::size_t n) const { return N_ring_neighbor_query (*this, n); } /// @} private: template void direct_neighbors (const face_descriptor& query, OutputIterator output) const { for(halfedge_descriptor hd : halfedges_around_face(halfedge(query, m_mesh), m_mesh)) *(output ++ ) = face(opposite(hd, m_mesh), m_mesh); } template void one_ring_neighbors (const face_descriptor& query, OutputIterator output) const { return n_ring_neighbors (query, output, 1); } template void n_ring_neighbors (const face_descriptor& query, OutputIterator output, const std::size_t n) const { *(output ++) = get(get(CGAL::face_index, m_mesh), query); std::array init = {{ query }}; typename Is_face_selected::Set done; done.insert(query); std::vector desc; CGAL::expand_face_selection (init, m_mesh, static_cast(n), Is_face_selected(&done), std::back_inserter (desc)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < desc.size(); ++ i) *(output ++) = get(get(CGAL::face_index, m_mesh), desc[i]); } }; } } #endif // CGAL_CLASSIFICATION_MESH_NEIGHBORHOOD_H