// Copyright (c) 2015 Geometry Factory // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Stream_support/include/CGAL/IO/PLY.h $ // $Id: PLY.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Simon Giraudot #ifndef CGAL_IO_PLY_H #define CGAL_IO_PLY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY(STD_TYPE, T_TYPE, TYPE) \ if (type == STD_TYPE || type == T_TYPE) \ m_elements.back().add_property (new PLY_read_typed_number< TYPE > (name, format)) #define TRY_TO_GENERATE_SIZED_LIST_PROPERTY(STD_SIZE_TYPE, T_SIZE_TYPE, SIZE_TYPE, STD_INDEX_TYPE, T_INDEX_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE) \ if ((size_type == STD_SIZE_TYPE || size_type == T_SIZE_TYPE) && \ (index_type == STD_INDEX_TYPE || index_type == T_INDEX_TYPE)) \ m_elements.back().add_property (new PLY_read_typed_list_with_typed_size< SIZE_TYPE , INDEX_TYPE > (name, format)) #define TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY(STD_INDEX_TYPE, T_INDEX_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE) \ TRY_TO_GENERATE_SIZED_LIST_PROPERTY("uchar", "uint8", boost::uint8_t, STD_INDEX_TYPE, T_INDEX_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE); \ else TRY_TO_GENERATE_SIZED_LIST_PROPERTY("ushort", "uint16", boost::uint16_t, STD_INDEX_TYPE, T_INDEX_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE); \ else TRY_TO_GENERATE_SIZED_LIST_PROPERTY("uint", "uint32", boost::uint32_t, STD_INDEX_TYPE, T_INDEX_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE) /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL namespace CGAL { // PLY types: // name type number of bytes // --------------------------------------- // char character 1 // uchar unsigned character 1 // short short integer 2 // ushort unsigned short integer 2 // int integer 4 // uint unsigned integer 4 // float single-precision float 4 // double double-precision float 8 template struct PLY_property { typedef T type; const char* name; PLY_property (const char* name) : name (name) { } }; // Use a double property for all kernels... template struct Convert_FT { typedef double type; }; // ...except if kernel uses type float template <> struct Convert_FT { typedef float type; }; template struct Get_FT_from_map { typedef typename Convert_FT ::value_type>::Kernel::FT>::type type; }; template std::tuple::Kernel::Construct_point_3, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type> > make_ply_point_reader(PointMap point_map) { return std::make_tuple (point_map, typename Kernel_traits::Kernel::Construct_point_3(), PLY_property::type>("x"), PLY_property::type>("y"), PLY_property::type>("z")); } template std::tuple::Kernel::Construct_vector_3, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type> > make_ply_normal_reader(VectorMap normal_map) { return std::make_tuple (normal_map, typename Kernel_traits::Kernel::Construct_vector_3(), PLY_property::type>("nx"), PLY_property::type>("ny"), PLY_property::type>("nz")); } template std::tuple::type>, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type> > make_ply_point_writer(PointMap point_map) { return std::make_tuple (point_map, PLY_property::type>("x"), PLY_property::type>("y"), PLY_property::type>("z")); } template std::tuple::type>, PLY_property::type>, PLY_property::type> > make_ply_normal_writer(VectorMap normal_map) { return std::make_tuple (normal_map, PLY_property::type>("nx"), PLY_property::type>("ny"), PLY_property::type>("nz")); } namespace internal { namespace PLY { class PLY_read_number { protected: std::string m_name; std::size_t m_format; public: PLY_read_number (std::string name, std::size_t format) : m_name (name), m_format (format) { } virtual ~PLY_read_number() { } const std::string& name () const { return m_name; } virtual void get (std::istream& stream) const = 0; // The two following functions prevent the stream to only extract // ONE character (= what the types char imply) by requiring // explicitely an integer object when reading the stream void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, char& c) const { short s; stream >> s; c = static_cast(s); } void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, signed char& c) const { short s; stream >> s; c = static_cast(s); } void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, unsigned char& c) const { unsigned short s; stream >> s; c = static_cast(s); } void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, float& t) const { stream >> iformat(t); } void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, double& t) const { stream >> iformat(t); } // Default template when Type is not a char type template void read_ascii (std::istream& stream, Type& t) const { stream >> t; } template Type read (std::istream& stream) const { if (m_format == 0) // Ascii { Type t; read_ascii (stream, t); return t; } else // Binary (2 = little endian) { union { char uChar[sizeof (Type)]; Type type; } buffer; std::size_t size = sizeof (Type); stream.read(buffer.uChar, size); if (m_format == 2) // Big endian { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size / 2; ++ i) { unsigned char tmp = buffer.uChar[i]; buffer.uChar[i] = buffer.uChar[size - 1 - i]; buffer.uChar[size - 1 - i] = tmp; } } return buffer.type; } return Type(); } }; template class PLY_read_typed_number : public PLY_read_number { mutable Type m_buffer; public: PLY_read_typed_number (std::string name, std::size_t format) : PLY_read_number (name, format) { } void get (std::istream& stream) const { m_buffer = (this->read (stream)); } const Type& buffer() const { return m_buffer; } }; template class PLY_read_typed_list : public PLY_read_number { protected: mutable std::vector m_buffer; public: PLY_read_typed_list (std::string name, std::size_t format) : PLY_read_number (name, format) { } virtual void get (std::istream& stream) const = 0; const std::vector& buffer() const { return m_buffer; } }; template class PLY_read_typed_list_with_typed_size : public PLY_read_typed_list { public: PLY_read_typed_list_with_typed_size (std::string name, std::size_t format) : PLY_read_typed_list (name, format) { } void get (std::istream& stream) const { std::size_t size = static_cast(this->template read(stream)); this->m_buffer.resize (size); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++ i) this->m_buffer[i] = this->template read (stream); } }; class PLY_element { std::string m_name; std::size_t m_number; std::vector m_properties; public: PLY_element (const std::string& name, std::size_t number) : m_name (name), m_number (number) { } PLY_element (const PLY_element& other) : m_name (other.m_name), m_number (other.m_number), m_properties (other.m_properties) { const_cast(other).m_properties.clear(); } PLY_element& operator= (const PLY_element& other) { m_name = other.m_name; m_number = other.m_number; m_properties = other.m_properties; const_cast(other).m_properties.clear(); return *this; } ~PLY_element() { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_properties.size(); ++ i) delete m_properties[i]; } const std::string& name() const { return m_name; } std::size_t number_of_items() const { return m_number; } std::size_t number_of_properties() const { return m_properties.size(); } PLY_read_number* property (std::size_t idx) { return m_properties[idx]; } void add_property (PLY_read_number* read_number) { m_properties.push_back (read_number); } template bool has_property (const char* tag) { return has_property (tag, Type()); } template bool has_property (const char* tag, const std::vector&) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties(); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) return (dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]) != nullptr); return false; } template bool has_property (const char* tag, Type) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties(); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) return (dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]) != nullptr); return false; } bool has_property (const char* tag, double) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties(); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) return (dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]) != nullptr || dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]) != nullptr); return false; } template void assign (Type& t, const char* tag) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties (); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) { PLY_read_typed_number* property = dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]); CGAL_assertion (property != nullptr); t = property->buffer(); return; } t = {}; } template void assign (std::vector& t, const char* tag) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties (); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) { PLY_read_typed_list* property = dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]); CGAL_assertion (property != nullptr); t = property->buffer(); return; } t = {}; } void assign (double& t, const char* tag) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < number_of_properties (); ++ i) if (m_properties[i]->name () == tag) { PLY_read_typed_number* property_double = dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]); if (property_double == nullptr) { PLY_read_typed_number* property_float = dynamic_cast*>(m_properties[i]); CGAL_assertion (property_float != nullptr); t = property_float->buffer(); } else t = property_double->buffer(); return; } t = {}; } }; class PLY_reader { std::vector m_elements; std::string m_comments; public: PLY_reader () { } std::size_t number_of_elements() const { return m_elements.size(); } PLY_element& element (std::size_t idx) { return m_elements[idx]; } const std::string& comments() const { return m_comments; } template bool init (Stream& stream) { std::size_t lineNumber = 0; // current line number enum Format { ASCII = 0, BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1, BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN = 2}; Format format = ASCII; std::string line; std::istringstream iss; while (getline (stream,line)) { iss.clear(); iss.str (line); ++ lineNumber; // Reads file signature on first line if (lineNumber == 1) { std::string signature; if (!(iss >> signature) || (signature != "ply")) { // if wrong file format std::cerr << "Error: incorrect file format line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } } // Reads format on 2nd line else if (lineNumber == 2) { std::string tag, format_string, version; if ( !(iss >> tag >> format_string >> version) ) { std::cerr << "Error line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } if (format_string == "ascii") format = ASCII; else if (format_string == "binary_little_endian") format = BINARY_LITTLE_ENDIAN; else if (format_string == "binary_big_endian") format = BINARY_BIG_ENDIAN; else { std::cerr << "Error: unknown file format \"" << format_string << "\" line " << lineNumber << std::endl; return false; } } // Comments and vertex properties else { std::string keyword; if (!(iss >> keyword)) { std::cerr << "Error line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } if (keyword == "property") { std::string type, name; if (!(iss >> type >> name)) { std::cerr << "Error line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } if (type == "list") // Special case { std::string size_type = name; std::string index_type; name.clear(); if (!(iss >> index_type >> name)) { std::cerr << "Error line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("char", "int8", boost::int8_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("uchar", "uint8", boost::uint8_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("short", "int16", boost::int16_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("ushort", "uint16", boost::uint16_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("int", "int32", boost::int32_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("uint", "uint32", boost::uint32_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("float", "float32", float); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_LIST_PROPERTY ("double", "float64", double); } else { TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("char", "int8", boost::int8_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("uchar", "uint8", boost::uint8_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("short", "int16", boost::int16_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("ushort", "uint16", boost::uint16_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("int", "int32", boost::int32_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("uint", "uint32", boost::uint32_t); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("float", "float32", float); else TRY_TO_GENERATE_PROPERTY ("double", "float64", double); } continue; } else if (keyword == "comment") { std::string str = iss.str(); if (str.size() > 8) { std::copy (str.begin() + 8, str.end(), std::back_inserter (m_comments)); m_comments += "\n"; } } else if (keyword == "element") { std::string type; std::size_t number; if (!(iss >> type >> number)) { std::cerr << "Error line " << lineNumber << " of file" << std::endl; return false; } m_elements.push_back (PLY_element(type, number)); } // When end_header is reached, stop loop and begin reading points else if (keyword == "end_header") break; } } return true; } ~PLY_reader () { } }; template void get_value(Reader& r, T& v, PLY_property& wrapper) { return r.assign(v, wrapper.name); } template struct Filler { template static void fill(Reader& r, Value_tuple& values, PLY_property_tuple wrappers) { get_value(r, std::get(values), std::get(wrappers)); Filler::fill(r, values, wrappers); } }; template struct seq { }; template struct gens : gens { }; template struct gens<0, S...> { typedef seq type; }; template ValueType call_functor(Functor f, Tuple t, seq) { return f(std::get(t) ...); } template ValueType call_functor(Functor f, std::tuple& t) { return call_functor(f, t, typename gens::type()); } template<> struct Filler<0> { template static void fill(Reader& r, Value_tuple& values, PLY_property_tuple wrappers) { get_value(r, std::get<0>(values), std::get<2>(wrappers)); } }; template void process_properties (PLY_element& element, OutputValueType& new_element, std::tuple...>&& current) { typedef typename PropertyMap::value_type PmapValueType; std::tuple values; Filler::fill(element, values, current); PmapValueType new_value = call_functor(std::get<1>(current), values); put (std::get<0>(current), new_element, new_value); } template void process_properties (PLY_element& element, OutputValueType& new_element, std::tuple...>&& current, NextPropertyBinder&& next, PropertyMapBinders&& ... properties) { typedef typename PropertyMap::value_type PmapValueType; std::tuple values; Filler::fill(element, values, current); PmapValueType new_value = call_functor(std::get<1>(current), values); put (std::get<0>(current), new_element, new_value); process_properties (element, new_element, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } template void process_properties (PLY_element& element, OutputValueType& new_element, std::pair >&& current) { T new_value = T(); element.assign (new_value, current.second.name); put (current.first, new_element, new_value); } template void process_properties (PLY_element& element, OutputValueType& new_element, std::pair >&& current, NextPropertyBinder&& next, PropertyMapBinders&& ... properties) { T new_value = T(); element.assign (new_value, current.second.name); put (current.first, new_element, new_value); process_properties (element, new_element, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } template inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { CGAL_assertion_msg (false, "Unknown PLY type"); stream << "undefined_type"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "char"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "char"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "uchar"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "short"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "ushort"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "int"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "uint"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "float"; } template <> inline void property_header_type (std::ostream& stream) { stream << "double"; } template void property_header (std::ostream& stream, const PLY_property& prop) { stream << "property "; property_header_type(stream); stream << " " << prop.name << std::endl; } template void property_header (std::ostream& stream, const PLY_property >& prop) { stream << "property list uchar "; property_header_type(stream); stream << " " << prop.name << std::endl; } template struct Properties_header { template static void write(std::ostream& stream, PLY_property_tuple& wrappers) { Properties_header::write(stream, wrappers); property_header (stream, std::get(wrappers)); } }; template <> struct Properties_header<0> { template static void write(std::ostream& stream, PLY_property_tuple& wrappers) { property_header (stream, std::get<1>(wrappers)); } }; template void output_property_header (std::ostream& stream, std::tuple... >&& current) { Properties_header::write(stream, current); } template void output_property_header (std::ostream& stream, std::pair >&& current) { property_header (stream, current.second); } template void output_property_header (std::ostream& stream, std::pair >&& current, NextPropertyHandler&& next, PropertyHandler&& ... properties) { property_header (stream, current.second); output_property_header (stream, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } template void output_property_header (std::ostream& stream, std::tuple... >&& current, NextPropertyHandler&& next, PropertyHandler&& ... properties) { Properties_header::write(stream, current); output_property_header (stream, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } template void property_write (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, PropertyMap map) { stream << CGAL::oformat(get (map, *it)); } template inline T no_char_character (const T& t) { return t; } inline int no_char_character (const char& t) { return int(t); } inline int no_char_character (const signed char& t) { return int(t); } inline int no_char_character (const unsigned char& t) { return int(t); } template void simple_property_write (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::pair > map) { if (CGAL::get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << no_char_character(get (map.first, *it)); else { typename PropertyMap::value_type value = get(map.first, *it); stream.write (reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); } } template void simple_property_write (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::pair > > map) { const typename PropertyMap::reference value = get(map.first, *it); if (CGAL::get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) { stream << value.size(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++ i) stream << " " << no_char_character(value[i]); } else { unsigned char size = static_cast(value.size()); stream.write (reinterpret_cast(&size), sizeof(size)); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++ i) { T t = T(value[i]); stream.write (reinterpret_cast(&t), sizeof(t)); } } } template void output_properties (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::tuple... >&& current) { property_write (stream, it, std::get<0>(current)); if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << std::endl; } template void output_properties (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::pair >&& current) { simple_property_write (stream, it, std::forward > >(current)); if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << std::endl; } template void output_properties (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::pair >&& current, NextPropertyHandler&& next, PropertyHandler&& ... properties) { simple_property_write (stream, it, current); if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << " "; output_properties (stream, it, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } template void output_properties (std::ostream& stream, ForwardIterator it, std::tuple... >&& current, NextPropertyHandler&& next, PropertyHandler&& ... properties) { property_write (stream, it, std::get<0>(current)); if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << " "; output_properties (stream, it, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } // Printer classes used by Point_set_3 and Surface_mesh (translate a // property map to a PLY property) template class Abstract_property_printer { public: virtual ~Abstract_property_printer() { } virtual void print (std::ostream& stream, const Index& index) = 0; }; template class Property_printer : public Abstract_property_printer { PropertyMap m_pmap; public: Property_printer (const PropertyMap& pmap) : m_pmap (pmap) { } virtual void print(std::ostream& stream, const Index& index) { stream << get(m_pmap, index); } }; template class Simple_property_printer : public Abstract_property_printer { PropertyMap m_pmap; public: Simple_property_printer (const PropertyMap& pmap) : m_pmap (pmap) { } virtual void print(std::ostream& stream, const Index& index) { if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << get(m_pmap, index); else { Type t = Type(get (m_pmap, index)); stream.write (reinterpret_cast(&t), sizeof(t)); } } }; template class Char_property_printer : public Abstract_property_printer { typedef typename PropertyMap::value_type Type; PropertyMap m_pmap; public: Char_property_printer (const PropertyMap& pmap) : m_pmap (pmap) { } virtual void print(std::ostream& stream, const Index& index) { if (get_mode(stream) == IO::ASCII) stream << int(get(m_pmap, index)); else { Type t = get (m_pmap, index); stream.write (reinterpret_cast(&t), sizeof(t)); } } }; } // namespace PLY } // namespace internal } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_IO_PLY_H