// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 ASCLEPIOS Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the ImageIO Library, and as been adapted for CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/CGAL_ImageIO/include/CGAL/ImageIO/gis_impl.h $ // $Id: gis_impl.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // // Author(s) : ASCLEPIOS Project (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Laurent Rineau #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define _LGTH_STRING_ 1024 CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION PTRIMAGE_FORMAT createGisFormat() { PTRIMAGE_FORMAT f=(PTRIMAGE_FORMAT) ImageIO_alloc(sizeof(IMAGE_FORMAT)); f->testImageFormat=&testGisHeader; f->readImageHeader=&readGisHeader; f->writeImage=&writeGis; strcpy(f->fileExtension,".dim,.dim.gz,.ima,.ima.gz"); strcpy(f->realName,"Gis"); return f; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int writeGis( char *name, _image* im) { char *outputName; std::size_t length, extLength=0; int res; std::size_t done; length=strlen(name); outputName= (char *)ImageIO_alloc(length+8); if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".dim", 4 ) == 0 ) { extLength = 4; } else if ( strncmp( name+length-4, ".ima", 4 ) == 0 ) { extLength = 4; } else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".ima.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) { extLength = 7; } else if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".dim.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) { extLength = 7; } strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength ); if ( strncmp( name+length-7, ".dim.gz", 7 ) == 0 ) strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".dim.gz" ); else strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".dim" ); _openWriteImage(im, outputName); if( !im->fd ) { fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return ImageIO_OPENING; } if ( !writeGisHeader(im) ) { fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to write header of \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); ImageIO_close( im ); im->fd = nullptr; im->openMode = OM_CLOSE; return -1; } ImageIO_close(im); strncpy( outputName, name, length-extLength ); if ( strncmp( name+length-3, ".gz", 3 ) == 0 ) { strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".ima.gz" ); } else { strcpy( outputName+length-extLength, ".ima" ); } _openWriteImage(im, outputName); if( !im->fd ) { fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: error: unable to open file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return ImageIO_OPENING; } if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) { std::size_t i, j, n, size; char *str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 ); size = im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim; n = ( im->xdim < 16 ) ? im->xdim : 16; i = 0; switch( im->wordKind ) { default : fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such word kind not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return( -3 ); case WK_FIXED : switch ( im->wdim ) { default : fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such word dim not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return( -3 ); case 1 : switch ( im->sign ) { default : fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such sign not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return( -3 ); case SGN_UNSIGNED : { unsigned char *theBuf = ( unsigned char * )im->data; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jdata; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jsign ) */ break; case 2 : switch ( im->sign ) { default : fprintf(stderr, "writeGis: such sign not handled in ascii mode for file \'%s\'\n", outputName); if ( outputName != nullptr ) ImageIO_free( outputName ); return( -3 ); case SGN_UNSIGNED : { unsigned short int *theBuf = ( unsigned short int * )im->data; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jdata; do { memset( str, 0, _LGTH_STRING_ ); for ( j=0; jsign ) */ break; } /* end of switch ( im->wdim ) */ } /* end of switch( im->wordKind ) */ ImageIO_free( str ); if (outputName != nullptr) ImageIO_free(outputName); return static_cast(res); } else { bool ret = _writeInrimageData(im); if (outputName != nullptr) ImageIO_free(outputName); return (ret ? 1 : -1); } } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int testGisHeader(char *,const char *name) { if (( !strncmp(name+strlen(name)-4, ".dim", 4)) || ( !strncmp(name+strlen(name)-4, ".ima", 4)) || ( !strncmp(name+strlen(name)-7, ".ima.gz", 7)) || ( !strncmp(name+strlen(name)-7, ".dim.gz", 7)) ) return 0; else return -1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int readGisHeader( const char* name,_image* im) { char *s, *str = nullptr; int status; int n=0, nusermax = 20; str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 ); if ( !fgetns(str, _LGTH_STRING_, im) ) { ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } std::istringstream iss; iss.str(str); iss >> im->xdim >> im->ydim >> im->zdim >> im->vdim; status = (int)iss.str().length(); switch ( status ) { case 2 : im->zdim = 1; CGAL_FALLTHROUGH; case 3 : im->vdim = 1; CGAL_FALLTHROUGH; case 4 : break; default : fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unable to read dimensions in '%s'\n", name ); ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } if ( im->vdim > 1 ) { im->vectMode = VM_INTERLACED; } else { im->vectMode = VM_SCALAR; } #define ADD_USER_STRING { \ if ( n == 0 ) { \ im->user = (char**)ImageIO_alloc( nusermax * sizeof( char*) ); \ for ( n=0; nuser[n] = nullptr; \ n = 0; \ } \ im->user[n] = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( 1+strlen( s ) ); \ strcpy( im->user[n++], s ); \ } while( fgetns( str, _LGTH_STRING_, im ) != 0 ) { s = str; do { while ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++; if ( !strncmp( s, "-dx ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vx) ); if ( status != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dx in '%s'\n", s-4 ); *s = '\0'; } else { while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dy ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vy) ); if ( status != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dy in '%s'\n", s-4 ); *s = '\0'; } else { while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dz ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; status = sscanf( s, "%lf", &(im->vz) ); if ( status != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error while reading -dz in '%s'\n", s-4 ); *s = '\0'; } else { while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-dt ", 4 ) ) { ADD_USER_STRING s += 4; while ( *s == '.' || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') ) s++; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-type ", 6 ) ) { s += 6; if ( !strncmp( s, "U8", 2 ) ) { im->wdim = 1; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; s += 2; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "S8", 2 ) ) { im->wdim = 1; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_SIGNED; s += 2; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "U16", 3 ) ) { im->wdim = 2; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "S16", 3 ) ) { im->wdim = 2; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_SIGNED; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "U32", 3 ) ) { im->wdim = 4; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_UNSIGNED; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "S32", 3 ) ) { im->wdim = 4; im->wordKind = WK_FIXED; im->sign = SGN_SIGNED; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "FLOAT", 5 ) ) { im->wdim = sizeof( float ); im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT; im->sign = SGN_UNKNOWN; s += 5; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "DOUBLE", 6 ) ) { im->wdim = sizeof( double ); im->wordKind = WK_FLOAT; im->sign = SGN_UNKNOWN; s += 6; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown type '%s'\n", s-6 ); *s = '\0'; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-bo ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; if ( !strncmp( s, "ABCD", 4 ) ) { im->endianness = END_BIG; s += 4; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "SUN", 3 ) ) { im->endianness = END_BIG; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "DCBA", 4 ) ) { im->endianness = END_LITTLE; s += 4; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "ALPHA", 5 ) ) { im->endianness = END_LITTLE; s += 5; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown byte order '%s'\n", s-4 ); *s = '\0'; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-ar ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; if ( !strncmp( s, "SUN", 3 ) ) { im->endianness = END_BIG; s += 3; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "ALPHA", 5 ) ) { im->endianness = END_LITTLE; s += 5; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown architecture '%s'\n", s-4 ); *s = '\0'; } } else if ( !strncmp( s, "-om ", 4 ) ) { s += 4; if ( !strncmp( s, "binar", 5 ) ) { im->dataMode = DM_BINARY; s += 5; } else if ( !strncmp( s, "ascii", 5 ) ) { im->dataMode = DM_ASCII; s += 5; } else { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown data type '%s'\n", s-4 ); ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } } else { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: unknown indentifier '%s'\n", s ); ADD_USER_STRING *s = '\0'; } } while( *s != '\0' && *s != '\n' ); } ImageIO_free( str ); if ( im->endianness == END_UNKNOWN ) { im->endianness = _getEndianness(); } /* header is read. close header file and open data file. */ if( name != nullptr ) { std::size_t length = strlen(name) ; char* data_filename = (char *) ImageIO_alloc(length+4) ; if( strcmp( name+length-4, ".dim" ) ) { fprintf (stderr, "readGisHeader: error: file header extension must be .dim\n"); ImageIO_free( data_filename ); return -1; } ImageIO_close(im); /* open data file */ strcpy(data_filename,name); strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "ima.gz"); _openReadImage(im,data_filename); if(!im->fd) { strcpy(data_filename,name); strcpy(data_filename+length-3, "ima"); _openReadImage(im,data_filename); if(!im->fd) { fprintf(stderr, "readGisHeader: error: unable to open data file \'%s\'\n", data_filename); ImageIO_free( data_filename ); return -1; } } ImageIO_free( data_filename ); /* read data if ascii only U8 and S8 */ if ( im->dataMode == DM_ASCII ) { std::size_t size = std::size_t(im->xdim) * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim * im->wdim; unsigned int n; char *tmp; int ret, iv=0; if ( im->wdim != 1 || im->wordKind != WK_FIXED ) { fprintf(stderr, "readGisHeader: error: unable to read such ascii type\n" ); return -1; } n = 0 ; if ( size <= 0 ) return -1; if(!im->data) { im->data = ( void*) ImageIO_alloc(size); if(!im->data) return -1; } n = 0; str = (char*)ImageIO_alloc( _LGTH_STRING_+1 ); while( fgetns( str, _LGTH_STRING_, im ) != 0 && n < im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim ) { tmp = str; while ( *tmp != '\n' && *tmp != '\0' && *tmp != EOF && n < im->xdim * im->ydim * im->zdim * im->vdim ) { /* skip trailing whitespace */ while ( *tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\t' ) tmp++; if ( *tmp == '\0' || *tmp == '\n' || *tmp == EOF ) continue; /* read a number */ switch ( im->wordKind ) { case WK_FIXED : ret = sscanf( tmp, "%d", &iv ); break; default : ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = nullptr; ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } if ( ret != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "readGisHeader: error in reading ascii data\n" ); ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = nullptr; ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign == SGN_UNSIGNED && im->wdim == 1 ) { unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < 0 ) *buf = (unsigned char)0; else if ( iv > 255 ) *buf = (unsigned char)255; else *buf = (unsigned char)iv; n ++; } else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign == SGN_SIGNED && im->wdim == 1 ) { char *buf = (char *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < -128 ) *buf = (char)-128; else if ( iv > 127 ) *buf = (char)127; else *buf = (char)iv; n ++; } else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign == SGN_UNSIGNED && im->wdim == 2 ) { unsigned short int *buf = (unsigned short int *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < 0 ) *buf = (unsigned short int)0; else if ( iv > 65535 ) *buf = (unsigned short int)65535; else *buf = (unsigned short int)iv; n ++; } else if ( im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign == SGN_SIGNED && im->wdim == 2 ) { short int *buf = (short int *)im->data; buf += n; if ( iv < -32768 ) *buf = (short int)-32768; else if ( iv > 32767 ) *buf = (short int)32767; else *buf = (short int)iv; n ++; } else { ImageIO_free( im->data ); im->data = nullptr; ImageIO_free( str ); return -1; } /* skip a number */ while ( (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') || *tmp == '.' || *tmp == '-' ) tmp++; } } ImageIO_free( str ); ImageIO_close(im); } } /* check header validity */ if ( im->xdim > 0 && im->ydim > 0 && im->zdim > 0 && im->vdim > 0 && im->vx > 0.0 && im->vy > 0.0 && im->vz > 0.0 && ( im->wordKind == WK_FLOAT || (im->wordKind == WK_FIXED && im->sign != SGN_UNKNOWN) ) && im->endianness != END_UNKNOWN ) { return 0; } return -1; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION bool writeGisHeader( const _image* inr ) { const char *proc = "writeGisHeader"; std::ostringstream oss; if ( inr->vectMode == VM_NON_INTERLACED ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: can not write non interlaced data\n", proc ); return false; } /* dimensions */ oss << " " << inr->xdim << " " << inr->ydim; if ( inr->vdim > 1 ) { oss << " " << inr->zdim << " " << inr->vdim; } else if ( inr->zdim > 1 ) { oss << " " << inr->zdim; } oss << "\n"; /* type */ oss << "-type "; switch ( inr->wordKind ) { case WK_FIXED : switch( inr->sign ) { case SGN_UNSIGNED : oss << "U" << 8*inr->wdim; break; case SGN_SIGNED : oss << "S" << 8*inr->wdim; break; default : fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown wordSign\n", proc ); return false; } break; case WK_FLOAT : if ( inr->wdim == sizeof( float ) ) { oss << "FLOAT"; } else if ( inr->wdim == sizeof( double ) ) { oss << "DOUBLE"; } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown WK_FLOAT word dim\n", proc ); return false; } break; default : fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown wordKind for image\n", proc ); return false; } oss << "\n"; oss << "-dx "<< inr->vx <<"\n"; oss << "-dy "<< inr->vy <<"\n"; if ( inr->zdim > 1 ) oss << "-dz " << inr->vz << "\n"; if ( inr->wdim > 1 ) { oss << "-bo "; switch ( _getEndianness() ) { default : case END_LITTLE : oss << "DCBA"; break; case END_BIG : oss << "ABCD"; break; } oss << "\n"; } switch ( inr->dataMode ) { default : case DM_BINARY : oss << "-om binar\n"; break; case DM_ASCII : oss << "-om ascii\n"; } if( ImageIO_write( inr, oss.str().data(), oss.str().length()) == 0) { return false; } return true; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int writeGisData( const _image*) { return -1; }