// Copyright (c) 2005-2008 ASCLEPIOS Project, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the ImageIO Library, and as been adapted for CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/CGAL_ImageIO/include/CGAL/ImageIO/recbuffer_impl.h $ // $Id: recbuffer_impl.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // // // Author(s) : ASCLEPIOS Project (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis), Laurent Rineau /************************************************************************* * recbuffer.c - tools for recursive filtering of 3D and 2D image buffers * * $Id: recbuffer_impl.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot * * Copyright©INRIA 1999 * * DESCRIPTION: * * recursive filtering of a buffer (a [1,2,3]D array) * according that the filtering is separable * * * * AUTHOR: * Gregoire Malandain (greg@sophia.inria.fr) * * CREATION DATE: * June, 9 1998 * * Copyright Gregoire Malandain, INRIA * * ADDITIONS, CHANGES * * * Jul 6 1999 (Gregoire Malandain) * a bug in RecursiveFilterOnBuffer (*&%^@$^ cut and paste) * */ #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY inline int& get_static_verbose_recbuffer() { static int _VERBOSE_ = 0; return _VERBOSE_; } #else // CGAL_HEADER_ONLY static int _VERBOSE_ = 0; inline int& get_static_verbose_recbuffer() { return _VERBOSE_; } #endif // CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define EXIT_ON_FAILURE 0 #define EXIT_ON_SUCCESS 1 /* * * Gradient modulus * * */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int GradientModulus( void *bufferIn, bufferType typeIn, void *bufferOut, bufferType typeOut, int *bufferDims, int *borderLengths, float *filterCoefs, recursiveFilterType filterType ) { const char *proc = "GradientModulus"; float *auxBuf = nullptr; float *tmpBuf = nullptr, *grdBuf = nullptr; int sizeAuxBuf = 0; derivativeOrder derivatives[3]; int i; sizeAuxBuf = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1] * bufferDims[2]; if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT || bufferIn == bufferOut ) sizeAuxBuf *= 2; /* allocation des buffers de calcul */ auxBuf = (float*)malloc( sizeAuxBuf * sizeof(float) ); if ( auxBuf == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } tmpBuf = auxBuf; if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT || bufferIn == bufferOut ) { grdBuf = tmpBuf; grdBuf += bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1] * bufferDims[2]; } else { grdBuf = (float*)bufferOut; } /* cas 2D */ if ( bufferDims[2] == 1 ) { derivatives[0] = DERIVATIVE_1; derivatives[1] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[2] = NODERIVATIVE; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, (void*)grdBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute X derivative (2D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } derivatives[0] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[1] = DERIVATIVE_1; derivatives[2] = NODERIVATIVE; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute Y derivative (2D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } sizeAuxBuf = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1] * bufferDims[2]; for ( i = 0; i < sizeAuxBuf; i++ ) grdBuf[i] = (float)sqrt( grdBuf[i]*grdBuf[i] + tmpBuf[i]*tmpBuf[i] ); } else { derivatives[0] = NODERIVATIVE; derivatives[1] = NODERIVATIVE; derivatives[2] = DERIVATIVE_0; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute Z smoothing (3D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } derivatives[0] = DERIVATIVE_1; derivatives[1] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[2] = NODERIVATIVE; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, (void*)grdBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute X derivative (3D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } derivatives[0] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[1] = DERIVATIVE_1; derivatives[2] = NODERIVATIVE; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute Y derivative (3D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } sizeAuxBuf = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1] * bufferDims[2]; for ( i = 0; i < sizeAuxBuf; i++ ) grdBuf[i] = grdBuf[i]*grdBuf[i] + tmpBuf[i]*tmpBuf[i]; derivatives[0] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[1] = DERIVATIVE_0; derivatives[2] = DERIVATIVE_1; if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, (void*)tmpBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, derivatives, filterCoefs, filterType ) != EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to compute Z derivative (3D)\n", proc ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( i = 0; i < sizeAuxBuf; i++ ) grdBuf[i] = (float)sqrt( grdBuf[i] + tmpBuf[i]*tmpBuf[i] ); } if ( grdBuf != bufferOut ) ConvertBuffer( grdBuf, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferOut, typeOut, bufferDims[0]*bufferDims[1]*bufferDims[2] ); free( auxBuf ); return( EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ); } /* * * Laplacian * * */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int Laplacian_2D ( void *bufferIn, bufferType typeIn, void *bufferOut, bufferType typeOut, int *bufferDims, int *borderLengths, float *filterCoefs, recursiveFilterType filterType ) { const char *proc = "Laplacian_2D"; float *theXX = nullptr; float *theYY = nullptr; derivativeOrder XXderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_2, SMOOTHING, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder YYderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_2, NODERIVATIVE }; int sliceDims[3]; int z, i, dimxXdimy; void *sliceOut = nullptr; /* * We check the buffers' dimensions. */ if ( (bufferDims[0] <= 0) || (bufferDims[1] <= 0) || (bufferDims[2] <= 0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: improper buffer's dimension.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * test of the coefficients */ if ( (filterCoefs[0] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[1] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[2] < 0.0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: negative coefficient's value.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * */ dimxXdimy = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[0] = bufferDims[0]; sliceDims[1] = bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[2] = 1; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theXX = (float*)malloc( dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } else { theXX = (float*)malloc( 2 * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } if ( theXX == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to allocate auxiliary buffer.\n" ); } return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT ) { theYY = theXX; theYY += dimxXdimy; } for ( z=0; z 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theYY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, YYderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( i=0; i 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: such output type not handled.\n", proc ); free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } ConvertBuffer( theYY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceOut, typeOut, dimxXdimy ); } } return( EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int Laplacian ( void *bufferIn, bufferType typeIn, void *bufferOut, bufferType typeOut, int *bufferDims, int *borderLengths, float *filterCoefs, recursiveFilterType filterType ) { const char *proc = "Laplacian"; float *theSL = nullptr; float *theZZ = nullptr; float *theZ0 = nullptr; derivativeOrder XXderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_2, SMOOTHING, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder YYderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_2, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder Zsmooth[3] = { NODERIVATIVE, NODERIVATIVE, SMOOTHING }; derivativeOrder ZZderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_2 }; int sliceDims[3]; int z, i, j, dimxXdimy; /* * We check the buffers' dimensions. */ if ( bufferDims[2] == 1 ) { return( Laplacian_2D ( bufferIn, typeIn, bufferOut, typeOut, bufferDims, borderLengths, filterCoefs, filterType ) ); } if ( (bufferDims[0] <= 0) || (bufferDims[1] <= 0) || (bufferDims[2] <= 0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: improper buffer's dimension.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * test of the coefficients */ if ( (filterCoefs[0] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[1] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[2] < 0.0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: negative coefficient's value.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * */ dimxXdimy = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[0] = bufferDims[0]; sliceDims[1] = bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[2] = 1; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theSL = (float*)malloc( (1+bufferDims[2]) * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } else { theSL = (float*)malloc( (1+2*bufferDims[2]) * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } if ( theSL == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to allocate auxiliary buffer.\n" ); } return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } theZ0 = theSL; theZ0 += dimxXdimy; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theZZ = (float*) bufferOut; } else { theZZ = theZ0; theZZ += dimxXdimy * bufferDims[2]; } /* * * 3D filtering / filtering along Z * */ if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZ0, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, Zsmooth, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^0 derivative.\n" ); } free( theSL ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZZ, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, ZZderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theSL ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( z=0; z 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theSL ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( j=z*dimxXdimy, i=0; i 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theSL ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( j=z*dimxXdimy, i=0; i 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: improper buffer's dimension.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * test of the coefficients */ if ( (filterCoefs[0] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[1] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[2] < 0.0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: negative coefficient's value.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * */ dimxXdimy = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[0] = bufferDims[0]; sliceDims[1] = bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[2] = 1; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theXX = (float*)malloc( 4 * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } else { theXX = (float*)malloc( 5 * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } if ( theXX == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to allocate auxiliary buffer.\n" ); } return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } theX = theY = theYY = theXX; theYY += dimxXdimy; theX += 2*dimxXdimy; theY += 3*dimxXdimy; if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT ) { theXY = theXX; theXY += 4*dimxXdimy; } for ( z=0; z 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^0 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( sliceIn, typeIn, theY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, Xsmooth, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^0 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( sliceIn, typeIn, theXY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, XYderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^1Y^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theX, CGAL_FLOAT, theXX, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, XXderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theY, CGAL_FLOAT, theYY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, YYderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theX, CGAL_FLOAT, theX, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, Xderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theY, CGAL_FLOAT, theY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, Yderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( i=0; i 1e-10 ) theXY[i] = (float)(theXY[i] / g); } if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT ) { switch ( typeOut ) { case CGAL_UCHAR : sliceOut = (((u8*)bufferOut) + z * dimxXdimy); break; case CGAL_SCHAR : sliceOut = (((s8*)bufferOut) + z * dimxXdimy); break; case CGAL_SSHORT : sliceOut = (((s16*)bufferOut) + z * dimxXdimy); break; case CGAL_DOUBLE : sliceOut = (((r64*)bufferOut) + z * dimxXdimy); break; default : if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: such output type not handled.\n", proc ); free( theXX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } ConvertBuffer( theXY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceOut, typeOut, dimxXdimy ); } } return( EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int GradientHessianGradient ( void *bufferIn, bufferType typeIn, void *bufferOut, bufferType typeOut, int *bufferDims, int *borderLengths, float *filterCoefs, recursiveFilterType filterType ) { const char *proc = "GradientHessianGradient"; float *theZZ = nullptr; float *theZ = nullptr; float *theZ1 = nullptr; float *theZ0 = nullptr; float *theXZ = nullptr; float *theYZ = nullptr; float *theXX = nullptr; float *theYY = nullptr; float *theXY = nullptr; float *theX = nullptr; float *theY = nullptr; derivativeOrder ZZderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_2 }; derivativeOrder Zderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_1 }; derivativeOrder Z1deriv[3] = { NODERIVATIVE, NODERIVATIVE, DERIVATIVE_1 }; derivativeOrder Z0deriv[3] = { NODERIVATIVE, NODERIVATIVE, SMOOTHING }; derivativeOrder XZderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_1, SMOOTHING, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder YZderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_1, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder XXderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_2, SMOOTHING, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder YYderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_2, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder XYderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_1, DERIVATIVE_1, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder Xderiv[3] = { DERIVATIVE_1, SMOOTHING, NODERIVATIVE }; derivativeOrder Yderiv[3] = { SMOOTHING, DERIVATIVE_1, NODERIVATIVE }; int sliceDims[3]; int z, i, j, dimxXdimy; double gx, gy, gz, g; /* * We check the buffers' dimensions. */ if ( bufferDims[2] == 1 ) { return( GradientHessianGradient_2D ( bufferIn, typeIn, bufferOut, typeOut, bufferDims, borderLengths, filterCoefs, filterType ) ); } if ( (bufferDims[0] <= 0) || (bufferDims[1] <= 0) || (bufferDims[2] <= 0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: improper buffer's dimension.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * test of the coefficients */ if ( (filterCoefs[0] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[1] < 0.0) || (filterCoefs[2] < 0.0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: negative coefficient's value.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * */ dimxXdimy = bufferDims[0] * bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[0] = bufferDims[0]; sliceDims[1] = bufferDims[1]; sliceDims[2] = 1; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theX = (float*)malloc( (7+3*bufferDims[2]) * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } else { theX = (float*)malloc( (7+4*bufferDims[2]) * dimxXdimy * sizeof( float ) ); } if ( theX == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to allocate auxiliary buffer.\n" ); } return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * BUFFERS * * slices : theX theY theXY theYY theXX theYZ theXZ * * volumes : theZ0 theZ1 theZ theZZ * */ theY = theXX = theXY = theYY = theYZ = theXZ = theX; theZ0 = theZ1 = theZ = theX; theY += dimxXdimy; theXY += 2*dimxXdimy; theYY += 3*dimxXdimy; theXX += 4*dimxXdimy; theYZ += 5*dimxXdimy; theXZ += 6*dimxXdimy; theZ0 += 7*dimxXdimy; theZ1 += 7*dimxXdimy + bufferDims[2]*dimxXdimy; theZ += 7*dimxXdimy + 2*bufferDims[2]*dimxXdimy; if ( typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT ) { theZZ = (float*)bufferOut; } else { theZZ = theX; theZZ += 7*dimxXdimy + 3*bufferDims[2]*dimxXdimy; } /* * * 3D filtering / filtering along Z * */ if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZ0, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, Z0deriv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^0 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZ1, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, Z1deriv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZ, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, Zderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^1 derivative (edge).\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, theZZ, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferDims, borderLengths, ZZderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Z^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * theZ0 : smoothed along Z * theZ1 : first derivative along Z * theZ : first derivative along Z, smoothed along X and Y * theZZ : second derivative along Z, smoothed along X and Y */ for ( z=0; z 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^1Z^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ1+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theYZ, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, YZderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^1Z^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ0+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theXX, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, XXderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ0+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theYY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, YYderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^2 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ0+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theXY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, XYderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^1Y^1 derivative.\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ0+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theX, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, Xderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute X^1 derivative (edge).\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } if ( RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( theZ0+z*dimxXdimy, CGAL_FLOAT, theY, CGAL_FLOAT, sliceDims, borderLengths, Yderiv, filterCoefs, filterType ) == 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s:", proc ); fprintf( stderr, " unable to compute Y^1 derivative (edge).\n" ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } for ( j=z*dimxXdimy, i=0; i 1e-10 ) theZZ[j] = (float)(theZZ[j] / g); } } if ( typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT ) { ConvertBuffer( theZZ, CGAL_FLOAT, bufferOut, typeOut, bufferDims[2]*dimxXdimy ); } free( theX ); return( EXIT_ON_SUCCESS ); } /* * * * * */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION int RecursiveFilterOnBuffer( void *bufferIn, bufferType typeIn, void *bufferOut, bufferType typeOut, int *bufferDims, int *borderLengths, derivativeOrder *derivatives, float *filterCoefs, recursiveFilterType filterType ) { const char *proc = "RecursiveFilterOnBuffer"; int dimx, dimxXdimy; int dimy, dimz; int x, y, z; /* *obviously, we need to perform the computation * with float or double values. For this reason, * we allocate an auxiliary buffer if the output buffer * is not of type float or double. */ void *bufferToBeProcessed = (void*)nullptr; bufferType typeToBeProcessed = TYPE_UNKNOWN; void *bufferResult = (void*)nullptr; bufferType typeResult = TYPE_UNKNOWN; /* * lines' lengths */ int lengthX = 0; int lengthY = 0; int lengthZ = 0; int maxLengthline = 0; int borderXlength = 0; int borderYlength = 0; int borderZlength = 0; /* * 1D arrays for computations. */ double *theLine = (double*)nullptr; double *resLine = (double*)nullptr; double *tmpLine = (double*)nullptr; /* * pointers for computations; */ r32 *r32firstPoint = (r32*)nullptr; r64 *r64firstPoint = (r64*)nullptr; r32 *r32_pt = (r32*)nullptr; r64 *r64_pt = (r64*)nullptr; double *dbl_pt1 = (double*)nullptr; double *dbl_pt2 = (double*)nullptr; double dbl_first = 0.0; double dbl_last = 0.0; int offsetLastPoint = 0; int offsetNextFirstPoint = 0; r32 *r32firstPointResult = (r32*)nullptr; r64 *r64firstPointResult = (r64*)nullptr; double *theLinePlusBorder = (double*)nullptr; double *resLinePlusBorder = (double*)nullptr; RFcoefficientType *RFC = nullptr; /* * We check the buffers' dimensions. */ dimx = bufferDims[0]; dimy = bufferDims[1]; dimz = bufferDims[2]; dimxXdimy = dimx * dimy; if ( (dimx <= 0) || (dimy <= 0) || (dimz <= 0) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: improper buffer's dimension.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * We check the pointers. */ if ( (bufferIn == (void*)nullptr) || (bufferOut == (void*)nullptr) ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: nullptr pointer on buffer.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * May we use the buffer bufferOut as the bufferResult? * If its type is CGAL_FLOAT or CGAL_DOUBLE, then yes. * If not, we have to allocate an auxiliary buffer. */ if ( (typeOut == CGAL_FLOAT) || (typeOut == CGAL_DOUBLE) ) { bufferResult = bufferOut; typeResult = typeOut; } else { bufferResult = (void*)malloc( (dimx*dimy*dimz) * sizeof(r32) ); if ( bufferResult == (void*)nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: unable to allocate auxiliary buffer.\n", proc ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } typeResult = CGAL_FLOAT; } /* * May we consider the buffer bufferIn as the bufferToBeProcessed? * If its type is CGAL_FLOAT or CGAL_DOUBLE, then yes. * If not, we convert it into the buffer bufferResult, and this * last buffer is the bufferToBeProcessed. */ if ( (typeIn == CGAL_FLOAT) || (typeIn == CGAL_DOUBLE) ) { bufferToBeProcessed = bufferIn; typeToBeProcessed = typeIn; } else { ConvertBuffer( bufferIn, typeIn, bufferResult, typeResult, (dimx*dimy*dimz) ); bufferToBeProcessed = bufferResult; typeToBeProcessed = typeResult; } /* * Estimation of the lines' length along each direction. */ if ( borderLengths != nullptr ) { borderXlength = borderLengths[0]; borderYlength = borderLengths[1]; borderZlength = borderLengths[2]; if ( borderXlength < 0 ) borderXlength = 0; if ( borderYlength < 0 ) borderYlength = 0; if ( borderZlength < 0 ) borderZlength = 0; } /* * Tue Jul 6 19:15:15 MET DST 1999 (gregoire Malandain) * changes 3 x dimx -> dimx, dimy, dimz */ lengthX = dimx + 2 * borderXlength; lengthY = dimy + 2 * borderYlength; lengthZ = dimz + 2 * borderZlength; maxLengthline = lengthX; if ( maxLengthline < lengthY ) maxLengthline = lengthY; if ( maxLengthline < lengthZ ) maxLengthline = lengthZ; if ( maxLengthline <= 0 ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Error in %s: unable to deal with dimensions = 0.\n", proc ); if ( (typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT) && (typeOut != CGAL_DOUBLE) ) free( bufferResult ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } /* * Allocations of work arrays. * We will use them to process each line. */ theLine = (double*)malloc( 3 * maxLengthline * sizeof(double) ); if ( theLine == (double*)nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ > 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " Fatal error in %s: unable to allocate auxiliary work arrays.\n", proc ); if ( (typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT) && (typeOut != CGAL_DOUBLE) ) free( bufferResult ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } resLine = theLine + maxLengthline; tmpLine = resLine + maxLengthline; /* * From now, * typeToBeProcessed is either CGAL_FLOAT or CGAL_DOUBLE * so is typeResult. */ /* * Processing along X. */ if ( dimx > 4 ) if (derivatives[0] != NODERIVATIVE) if (filterCoefs[0] > 0.0) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: processing along X.\n", proc ); RFC = InitRecursiveCoefficients( (double)filterCoefs[0], filterType, derivatives[0] ); if ( RFC == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: unable to allocate coefficients\n", proc ); if ( (typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT) && (typeOut != CGAL_DOUBLE) ) free( bufferResult ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } r64firstPoint = (r64*)bufferToBeProcessed; r32firstPoint = (r32*)bufferToBeProcessed; r64firstPointResult = (r64*)bufferResult; r32firstPointResult = (r32*)bufferResult; offsetLastPoint = borderXlength + dimx - 1; theLinePlusBorder = theLine + borderXlength; resLinePlusBorder = resLine + borderXlength; /* * There are dimz*dimy X lines to be processed. */ for ( z=0; z 0 ) { dbl_pt1 = theLine + borderXlength; dbl_first = *dbl_pt1; dbl_pt2 = theLine + offsetLastPoint; dbl_last = *dbl_pt2; for ( x=0; x 4 ) if (derivatives[1] != NODERIVATIVE) if (filterCoefs[1] > 0.0) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: processing along Y.\n", proc ); RFC = InitRecursiveCoefficients( (double)filterCoefs[1], filterType, derivatives[1] ); if ( RFC == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: unable to allocate coefficients\n", proc ); if ( (typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT) && (typeOut != CGAL_DOUBLE) ) free( bufferResult ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } r64firstPoint = (r64*)bufferToBeProcessed; r32firstPoint = (r32*)bufferToBeProcessed; r64firstPointResult = (r64*)bufferResult; r32firstPointResult = (r32*)bufferResult; offsetLastPoint = borderYlength + dimy - 1; offsetNextFirstPoint = dimx * dimy - dimx; theLinePlusBorder = theLine + borderYlength; resLinePlusBorder = resLine + borderYlength; /* * There are dimz*dimx Y lines to be processed. */ for ( z=0; z 0 ) { dbl_pt1 = theLine + borderYlength; dbl_first = *dbl_pt1; dbl_pt2 = theLine + offsetLastPoint; dbl_last = *dbl_pt2; for ( y=0; y 4 ) if (derivatives[2] != NODERIVATIVE) if (filterCoefs[2] > 0.0) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: processing along Z.\n", proc ); RFC = InitRecursiveCoefficients( (double)filterCoefs[2], filterType, derivatives[2] ); if ( RFC == nullptr ) { if ( _VERBOSE_ != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, " %s: unable to allocate coefficients\n", proc ); if ( (typeOut != CGAL_FLOAT) && (typeOut != CGAL_DOUBLE) ) free( bufferResult ); return( EXIT_ON_FAILURE ); } r64firstPoint = (r64*)bufferToBeProcessed; r32firstPoint = (r32*)bufferToBeProcessed; offsetLastPoint = borderZlength + dimz - 1; r64firstPointResult = (r64*)bufferResult; r32firstPointResult = (r32*)bufferResult; offsetLastPoint = borderZlength + dimz - 1; theLinePlusBorder = theLine + borderYlength; resLinePlusBorder = resLine + borderYlength; /* * There are dimy*dimx Z lines to be processed. */ for ( y=0; y 0 ) { dbl_pt1 = theLine + borderZlength; dbl_first = *dbl_pt1; dbl_pt2 = theLine + offsetLastPoint; dbl_last = *dbl_pt2; for ( z=0; z