// Copyright (c) 2000,2001 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Kernel_d/include/CGAL/Kernel_d/Line_d.h $ // $Id: Line_d.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_LINE_D_H #define CGAL_LINE_D_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, Line_d&); template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Line_d&); /*{\Manpage {Line_d}{R}{Lines in d-space}{l}}*/ template class Line_d : public Handle_for< Pair_d > { typedef Pair_d Pair; typedef Handle_for Base; typedef Line_d Self; using Base::ptr; /*{\Mdefinition An instance of data type |Line_d| is an oriented line in $d$-dimensional Euclidian space.}*/ public: typedef CGAL::Dynamic_dimension_tag Ambient_dimension; typedef CGAL::Dimension_tag<1> Feature_dimension; /*{\Mtypes 5}*/ typedef p_R R; /*{\Mtypemember the representation type.}*/ typedef typename p_R::RT RT; /*{\Mtypemember the ring type.}*/ typedef typename p_R::FT FT; /*{\Mtypemember the field type.}*/ typedef typename p_R::LA LA; /*{\Mtypemember the linear algebra layer.}*/ typedef typename Vector_d::Base_vector Base_vector; friend class Ray_d; friend class Segment_d; private: Line_d(const Base& b) : Base(b) {} public: /*{\Mcreation 3}*/ Line_d() : Base( Pair() ) {} /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| and initializes it to some line in $d$ - dimensional space }*/ Line_d(const Point_d& p, const Point_d& q) /*{\Mcreate introduces a line through |p| and |q| and oriented from |p| to |q|. \precond $p$ and $q$ are distinct and have the same dimension.}*/ : Base( Pair(p,q) ) { CGAL_assertion_msg(!ptr()->is_degenerate(), "Line_d::constructor: the two points must be different." ); CGAL_assertion_msg((p.dimension()==q.dimension()), "Line_d::constructor: the two points must have the same dimension." ); } Line_d(const Point_d& p, const Direction_d& dir) /*{\Mcreate introduces a line through |p| with direction |dir|. \precond |p| and |dir| have the same dimension, |dir| is not trivial. }*/ : Base( Pair(p,p+dir.vector()) ) { CGAL_assertion_msg((p.dimension()==dir.dimension()), "Line_d::constructor: the p and dir must have the same dimension." ); CGAL_assertion_msg(!dir.is_degenerate(), "Line_d::constructor: dir must be non-degenerate." ); } Line_d(const Segment_d& s) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| and initializes it to the line through |s.source()| and |s.target()| with direction from |s.source()| to |s.target()|. \precond $s$ is not degenerate. }*/ : Base( s ) { CGAL_assertion_msg((!s.is_degenerate()), "Line_d::constructor: segment is trivial."); } Line_d(const Ray_d& r) : Base(r) {} /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| and initializes it to the line through |r.point(1)| and |r.point(2)|. }*/ /*{\Moperations 3 3}*/ int dimension() const { return (ptr()->_p[0].dimension()); } /*{\Mop returns the dimension of the underlying space.}*/ Point_d point(int i) const /*{\Mop returns an arbitrary point on |l|. It holds that |point(i) == point(j)|, iff |i==j|. Furthermore, |l| is directed from |point(i)| to |point(j)|, for all |i < j|.}*/ { return (ptr()->_p[i%2]); } Line_d opposite() const /*{\Mop returns the line |(point(2),point(1))|. }*/ { return Line_d(point(1),point(0)); } Direction_d direction() const /*{\Mop returns the direction of |\Mvar|. }*/ { return ptr()->direction(); } Line_d transform(const Aff_transformation_d & t) const /*{\Mop returns $t(l)$. }*/ { return Line_d(point(0).transform(t),point(1).transform(t)); } Line_d operator+(const Vector_d& v) const /*{\Mbinop returns |\Mvar+v|, i.e., |\Mvar| translated by vector $v$.}*/ { return Line_d(point(0)+v,point(1)+v); } Point_d projection(const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mop returns the point of intersection of |\Mvar| with the hyperplane that is orthogonal to |\Mvar| through |p|. }*/ { Vector_d v = direction().vector(); Point_d q = point(0); FT lambda = ((p-q) * v) / (v*v); Point_d res = q + lambda * v; return res; } bool has_on(const Point_d& p) const /*{\Mopl returns true if $p$ lies on |\Mvar| and false otherwise. }*/ { typename R::Position_on_line_d pos; FT dummy; return pos(p,point(0),point(1),dummy); } bool operator==(const Line_d& l1) const { if ( this->identical(l1) ) return true; if ( dimension() != l1.dimension() ) return false; return has_on(l1.point(0)) && direction() == l1.direction(); } bool operator!=(const Line_d& l1) const { return !operator==(l1); } friend std::istream& operator>> <> (std::istream&, Line_d&); friend std::ostream& operator<< <> (std::ostream&, const Line_d&); }; // end of class /*{\Mtext \headerline{Non-Member Functions} }*/ template bool weak_equality(const Line_d& l1, const Line_d& l2) /*{\Mfunc Test for equality as unoriented lines.}*/ { if (l1.identical(l2)) return true; if (l1.dimension()!=l2.dimension()) return false; return (l1.has_on(l2.point(0)) && l1.has_on(l2.point(1))); } template bool parallel(const Line_d& l1, const Line_d& l2) /*{\Mfunc returns true if |l1| and |l2| are parallel as unoriented lines and false otherwise. }*/ { return (l1.direction() == l2.direction() || l1.direction() == -l2.direction()); } template std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& I, Line_d& l) { l.copy_on_write(); l.ptr()->read(I); CGAL_assertion_msg(l.point(0)!=l.point(1), "Line_d::operator>>: trivial line."); CGAL_assertion_msg(l.point(0).dimension()==l.point(1).dimension(), "Line_d::operator>>: dimensions disagree."); return I; } template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& O, const Line_d& l) { l.ptr()->print(O,"Line_d"); return O; } /*{\Mimplementation Lines are implemented by a pair of points as an item type. All operations like creation, initialization, tests, direction calculation, input and output on a line $l$ take time $O(|l.dimension()|)$. |dimension()|, coordinate and point access, and identity test take constant time. The operations for intersection calculation also take time $O(|l.dimension()|)$. The space requirement is $O(|l.dimension()|)$.}*/ } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_LINE_D_H //----------------------- end of file ----------------------------------